Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Turn 5: Arc 3-3
Ling Qi took one last look around the small music hall, eyeing the handful of other disciples occupying seats within. Despite her best efforts word of the matter had gotten out. Not many had bothered to show up, and most were no doubt here out of idle curiosity, but she recognized a few disciples in the orbit of more important emerald seas nobles. She smiled thinly as she caught one such young man's eye, doing her best to channel Meizhen's imperious attitude. He looked away first.

What was done was done, there was no use worrying about it now, and she would not spend Hanyi's performance getting worked up about the rumor mill. Ling Qi took one last look down at the stage, where Hanyi faced a seated Yu Nuan with her hands on her hips and a defiant look on her face. Then, she leaned back, letting her eyes drift shut as Hanyi's voice rose in song.

A chill wind descended from the mountain. Swift and eager, newly born from the storm, the wind did play upon the valleys and foothills. There was so much to see, so much to do. All the land sparkled with snow and ice, a vast and wondrous playground. The winter wind laughed as it rattled window panes and sent bare branches waving to scratch at the eaves and make spooky sounds.

But winter was not forever, and when the warm winds came, the chill would retreat back to the mountain peaks, where winter held eternal court. Below, the land changed, it's sparkling blanket faded away and it became strange. Green, warm, vibrant, and alien. In her heart the chill wind wondered what it would be like to wander green fields.

Thoughtless and eager, when the warm winds came the next year, the chill wind lingered and did not heed the call to home. She blew threw the green fields, and in her wake there was frost and the green grass withered. The people cursed her and the warm winds drove her out. The chill wind fled and sought the comfort of the peaks, but she had wandered far, and her home was nowhere to be found.

Lost, the chill wind defied the warmer winds that chased her. She blew with all her strength, and scattered her foes. For a time, the little wind grew aimless and lost, and her heels were always dogged by the warm winds of spring. However, the little wind was strong, if she could not return home, then she would not be driven away. She had given up home, and that sacrifice would not be in vain. She sought the flowing rivers and the green fields that she had longed for. She sought the birds and the beasts who had always hidden away when winter's cloak had fallen upon the world.
Though she was oft spurned, the little wind blew on regardless, into hidden lairs and warm halls. She was here, she would not go, no matter how much the warm winds buffeted her for her defiance, no matter what curses were cast her way or how harshly the sun glared.

The cold wind had come and it was here to stay.

Ling Qi hummed to herself as the vision began to fade. Although she had helped Hanyi practice again and again. Her inexperience still showed, though she had felt the full force of the message, being so familiar with Hanyi, she could tell that others in the audience had found the expression muddled at points, the strong central theme had been conveyed, but the details were blurred. She was still proud of her junior sister, even as she met Yu Nuan's eyes down on the stage.

The other girl gave her a faint nod before turning her eyes back to Hanyi. Ling QI was glad to see that thoughtfulness had replaced the suspicion that she had seen in the girl last time. "I can tell you put a lot of passion into that," Yu Nuan said idly as the last notes faded.

"Obviously, are you still gonna say I'm bad?" Hanyi replied with a harrumph.

"Nah, but you still have a long way to go," Yu Nuan replied with a lopsided smirk.

"Hmph, quit stalling then if you think you're so good," Hanyi said, crossing her arms.

"Right, I won't insult you by playing around. Let me show you what defiance really sounds like." Ling Qi felt the change in the rooms atmosphere as Yu Nuan plucked a hard note on her lute. Sparks lept from her fingers and the torches lighting the hall flared. The temperature soared, and as Ling Qi opened her minds eye to the song, she burned.

In the ashes of broken dreams the lightning struck. From it was born an ember, nurtured on ruin and ash. The ember burned brightly and with great heat, and dreamed of the day when it would rejoin its father in the heavens. When the rains sought to drown it, the ember burned on, hissing and spitting defiance all the way. When the cold sought to sap its energy, it burned low and endured. When the ground shook and sought to bury it, the ember burned deep within the earth and sought the sky. However, eventually the day came wherein wicked creatures bound the ember, using it for warmth and craft.

Alone, the ember burned on, sometimes weak and sometimes strong, but never extinguished. Always it strained toward the sky, toward the heavens. Through bondage, through crushing, through drowning, and more the ember burned on. It's captors shepherded it, and in their arrogance fed it fuel to birth new embers. In time, all the land was aglow with the light of the ember and its many, many children.

And at last, the captors grew slothful and incautious. The embers roared their freedom and the captors burned. All the land was consumed in conflagration, and at last no force could extinguish them. Finally the flames reached the heavens and became the lightning, and the world was right once more.

Ling Qi blinked as the last notes faded and gave Yu Nuan a thoughtful look. That had been rather different from her last composition. She listened with half an ear to the other disciples under the sounds of scattered applause. It seemed that the consensus was that Yu Nuan's song was about the triumph of men over beasts and dragons and the rise of civilization and the empire. Ling Qi wasn't so sure.

"Not bad, gotta give the stodgy types an acceptable message to keep 'em happy I guess," Sixiang snickered.

Ling Qi leaped lightly down to the stage and landed beside Hanyi, who was pouting mightily at Yu Nuan as the other girl stood up, her lute still producing streamers of smoke. "What do you think Hanyi?" Ling Qi asked.

"...I lost," Hanyi grumbled. "I'm sorry Big Sister."

"You did really well, do not apologize," Ling Qi said quietly, ruffling Hanyi's hair.

"It was a good try for a runt," Sixiang teased.

"Listen to her, she's right," Yu Nuan grumbled. "Damn natural talents," she added under her breath. Ling Qi shot her a look. Yu Nuan's met it without contrition. "You're not half assing someone else's work. That's the biggest step."

"Tch, I'll be better than you in no time," Hanyi said arrogantly. "Just you watch."

Yu Nuan rolled her eyes in exasperation and Ling Qi chose not to comment. "In any case, thank you for helping my spirit with this challenge Miss Yu. I will help with your own issue when time allows," Ling Qi said formally.

Yu Nuan glanced toward the seats where a few watchers lingered. "I'll look forward to it," she said neutrally. "I need to be going though. I'll see you sometime soon then… Miss Ling," the formality sounded a little awkward on her lips, and Yu Nuan seemed aware of it, given the brief bow and somewhat hurried exit that followed.

Ling Qi rested a hand on Hanyi's shoulder as they made for the opposite exit at a more sedate pace. "Are you actually satisfied Hanyi?" She asked quietly.

"No, I lost," Hanyi said grumpily, looking up at Ling Qi as if sher thought her a bit dim for asking. "But… I did promise Momma, I gotta grow up, and I can't do that if I just run to Big Sister for help."
"You'll get better quickly if you try. You're just lacking in experience," Ling Qi said, feeling a bit relieved that this trouble had been smoothed over quickly.

"Yup! That's why I'm gonna run all over the Sect!" Hanyi chirped cheerfully. "There's so many spirits here. I need to pester 'em all!"

Ling Qi's eyes widened in alarm and she looked down to see Hanyi sticking out her tongue for a fraction of a second before the young spirit dissolved into a swirl of cold wind and snowflakes, vanishing from the entry of the music hall.

"You really shoulda seen this coming," Sixiang commented in amusement.

Ling Qi held in a groan as she blurred into shadow to chase down Hanyi. She really hoped the young spirit was just playing a joke.

Early Green(7)
Early Bronze (7)

Strength: F
Dexterity: C
Stamina: D

Intelligence: D
Wits: E
Resolve: C

Presence: B
Manipulation: C
Composure: C

Base Health: C20 (Stamina D, Qi B) LWM 10, FSC 10

Available Qi: B

Base Speed: C20 (Dex C, Athletics C), FSC 20

Base Initiative: D10 (Wits E, Manipulation C), FSS 10

Derived Attributes

Physical Defense
Avoid C15 (Dex C, Dodge C) FSC 15
Armor E5-E15 (Stamina E, Fortitude: F) Equip 10
Qualified Bonuses: TRF aura 10

Spiritual Defense
Avoid: D5 (Wits D, Fade E) FSC 15
Armor: C20 (Resolve C, Resilience C) Equip 10, LWM 10

Physical Offense
Hit: E10 (Dex C, Unarmed G), Equip 10
Penetration: G5 (Str F, Unarmed G)

Spiritual Offense
Hit: B20 (Manipulation C, Vocals B) LWM 10, FSS 15, Equip 10
Penetration: B20 (Presence B, Vocals B) FSS 20

Combat Perception: E10 (Wits E, Perceptiveness D)
Social Perception: E10(Wits D, Empathy E)

Dispel: - (Presence B+Tech Rank)
Resist: - (Composure C+Tech Rank)

Academics: F
Art: F
Athletics: C
Dance: E
Perceptiveness: D
Spirit Ken: E
Empathy: E
Music: C(Max)
-Vocals: B
Speech: F
Stealth: E

Dodge: C
Fortitude: F
Fade: E
Resilience: C
Unarmed: G

Lonely Winter Maiden
+10 to Spiritual Hit
+10 to Health
+10 to Spiritual Armor
+10 to Speech(conditional)

Enrapturing Silhouette: D
Using this technique Hanyi draws the attention of a target at Far range to herself. On success the target must move toward Hanyi at full base speed and cannot attack her until after her next action. The target receives a large penalty to their avoid while under this effect, which lasts for a Short time.

Mournful Lullaby: D
Usable only against those caught in the effects of Enrapturing Silhouette, this technique receives a significant bonus to hit against such targets. if successful, it extends the effect for an additional Short period, as well as extending the period in which they cannot attack Hanyi for another action. Targets of this effect receive small penalties to All Hit, Avoid, and Initiative, which stack with each application.

Snow Maiden's Embrace: C
With either full embrace or a clasping of hands, Hanyi draws a beguiled foe to their doom. As long as Hanyi maintains physical contact with the target, dealing D rank damage and E rank qi drain, and restoring a portion of that to Hanyi (E rank health restore, F rank qi restore), who can receive temporary qi or health exceeding her maximum by up to one letter grade.

Frozen Peak Serenade
+15 To Spiritual Hit
+20 to Spiritual Penetration
+10 to Initiative
+10 to Health
D rank damage reduction against Cold
E Rank damage reduction against Dark

Springs End Aria: D
Duration: Short
The first notes of the users song herald the end of warmth, draining the heat from the area and around them and crystalizing the moisture in the air into snow and ice. Enemies Close to the user find their qi growing sluggish, sapping their spiritual defenses and bolstering the singers own. Qi expended in failed assault of the singer drains away (F rank qi drain), flowing into the singularity of cold created by the singers voice. Those whose dantians have been fully drained find their flesh frosting over and their blood running cold as they are lulled into the final sleep.

Hoarfrost Caress: C
Duration: Immediate
Damage: C
The user's song rises into the howl of of a blizzard in the depths of winter as they focus the expression of their will upon a single enemy. The song tears and freezes the flesh of the singers enemy, and spreads through their blood and meridians, carrying the chill deeper still, like a frigid poison seeking the heart of its victims warmth.

Winter Eternal Cadenza: C
Duration: Immediate
Damage: D
The completing half of the Spring's End Aria, a song with it's roots in the bleak, frozen lands that lie beyond the Wall. Usable only while Spring's End Aria is active, this technique unleashes if only for a moment, the absolute cold of a winter without end. The singer's voice lashes all enemies within Close range, hungrily draining away their qi into the freezing emptiness within the singer. The flesh is not spared this assault, burning burning black and cracking under the frigid serenade. Those affected find their every action and reaction slowed and disrupted by trembling frozen limbs.

Echoes of Absolute Winter: B
Duration: Special
A technique used in tandem with Aria of Springs End, if activated at the same time, the Aria carries an echo of true winter, stilling the very air around the singer with its freezing chill. Attacks targeting the user, or which have an area of effect overlapping with Aria's have their penetration reduced by one rank as the cold devours the energy of the technique or attack. Similarly, Cold or Dark techniques used by the singer against those in range of Aria have their Hit or Penetration enhanced by one rank, as chosen by the user.

Fleeting Spring's Chill
+20 to Speed
+15 to Physical Avoid
+15 to Spiritual Avoid

Ephemeral Frost: D
Duration: Short
Like the frost of a chilly morning melting away before the sun, the user fades back from violence and attacks flitting away in a swirl of frost and snowflakes. Grants a bonus to physical avoid and a small bonus to physical armor, as well as a significant bonus to speed.

Mocking Winter Breeze: C
Duration: Immediate
Being struck with a decisive blow, the user's physical form shatters into a thousand crystals of ice and snow, only for them to reform unharmed within a Close distance. This technique negates the damage of a single technique of C rank or lower, and significantly reduces the damage of higher ranked techniques.

Flurry Gown: +10 Physical and Spiritual Armor. Provides an additional +10 to spiritual Hit of Cold Arts

+150 to Spiritual from Stealth
+50 from Secrets to Spiritual
+100 from Teaching and composing to physical

+200 successes to Spiritual
+100 to physical

Hanyi Bond Increased to 3

Month Vote Time!


Sect: 2 Green Stones 40 yellow
Liege: 3 Green Stones

Household Expenses Increase! (Pills/Medicines)
Cost defrayed by Cai contacts
+4 Red Stones per month
Household: 10 red stones
Spirits: 2 Green Stone -Paid by Cai

221 Red Stones
399 Yellow Stones
29 Green Stone
142 Sect Points
35 Contribution Points

How many stones will you use?
4 Free Green stones automatically used due to cultivation arts and sites
[] Additional Stones

How much will you invest in pills and medicine this month?
Low-5 dice for 5 red stones per action
[] Medium- 10 dice for 15 red stones per action Provided freely from Cai Renxiang
[] High- 20 dice for 25 (40-15) red stones per action
[] Very High- 30 dice for 60(75-15) red stones per action

What would you like to cultivate this month? (Select 1 subvote per category)
[] Physical Cultivation
[] Spiritual Cultivation
[] Meridian
-[] Head, Heart, Spine, Arm, Lung, Leg
[] Argent Genesis
[]Sable Crescent Step
[] Argent Current
[] Argent Storm
[] Curious Diviner's Eye
[] Unlearned Art (replace with desired art
[] Take Sect Jobs(Earns Sect Points 11-20 per AP, provides penalized exploration roll)
[] Perform Sect Duties (Earns Contribution Points 1-4 per AP, provides a penalized exploration roll)
[] Exploration Via New Moon Sect Map (MAX 2 AP)
[] Research Arts in Sect archive (Max 1 AP)
[] Research Formations in the Archive(Max 1 AP)
[/] Xiao Fen Tutoring (1AP, Locked)
[/] Household Time (1AP, locked)

[] Skill training

[] Skill plan 1
-Dex 3, Manip 3, Presence 1, Stamina 1(16 dice)
-Spirit Ken 3, Athletics 2, Dance 1, Empathy 2, Fade 2, fortitude 2, Speech 1, Perceptiveness 2, Stealth 3(18 dice)
-Woodwind 3(6 dice)
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"Yup! That's why I'm gonna run all over the Sect!" Hanyi chirped cheerfully. "There's so many spirits here. I need to pester 'em all!"

Ling Qi's eyes widened in alarm and she looked down to see Hanyi sticking out her tongue for a fraction of a second before the young spirit dissolved into a swirl of cold wind and snowflakes, vanishing from the entry of the music hall.

"You really shoulda seen this coming," Sixiang commented in amusement.

Ling Qi held in a groan as she blurred into shadow to chase down Hanyi. She really hoped the young spirit was just playing a joke.
Mistakes were made
Plans are fairly hashed out. Base cultivation + Obligations + Mastering EPC + Finally learning Argent Genesis (silverblood pill!) eats up almost all the available AP. We have 3 AP to play with.

I think the leading dueling plans (from the depths of the math cabal) are ENMx2 + Archive dive for our social art (with quick pickup of CDE+) vs HDWx2 + Archive Dive (to be fought over between social art vs non-ENM Fade/Stealth art).
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Plans are fairly hashed out. Base cultivation + Obligations + Mastering EPC + Finally learning Argent Genesis (silverblood pill!) eats up almost all the available AP. We have 3 AP to play with.

I think the leading dueling plans are ENMx2 + Archive dive for our social art (with quick pickup of CDE+) vs HDWx2 + Archive Dive (to be fought over between social art vs non-ENM Fade/Stealth art).
What about physical cultivation? We need to level up more in order to start LFWT.
[ ] Plan: Foundation? Established
-[ ] High Pills (425 RSS)
-[ ] Resources: 12 GSS, 8 YSS (4 free GSS, 8 from cash, 8 free YSS) , Silverblood Pill, EPC Drip on Spiritual Cultivation
-[ ] Spiritual Cultivation (4 AP)
-[ ] Physical Cultivation (4 AP)
-[ ] Eight Phase Ceremony (3 AP)
-[ ] Argent Genesis (4 AP)
-[ ] Ephemeral Night's Memory (2 AP)
-[ ] Archive Trip (-20 SP: Level Three)

[ ] Skill Plan: Honing our edge
-[ ] 4 Dex* (8/40) , 4 Presence (16/40), 4 Manipulation (24/40)
-[ ] 4 Fade (28/40), 4 Vanishing* (36/40), 1 Resilence (37/40), 3 Blades (40/40)
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"Yup! That's why I'm gonna run all over the Sect!" Hanyi chirped cheerfully. "There's so many spirits here. I need to pester 'em all!"

Ling Qi's eyes widened in alarm and she looked down to see Hanyi sticking out her tongue for a fraction of a second before the young spirit dissolved into a swirl of cold wind and snowflakes, vanishing from the entry of the music hall.

"You really shoulda seen this coming," Sixiang commented in amusement.

Ling Qi held in a groan as she blurred into shadow to chase down Hanyi. She really hoped the young spirit was just playing a joke.

Being a mom is tough.
Yrs says on discord that the first vote re Hanyi decides which art would get upgraded. Here, we chose the more 'offensive' option so her FSS got buffed. If we had chosen some of the more defensive options, the leg art may have been upgraded from its current base state. The second vote re Hanyi would choose what form the leg art would take. Since we chose exploration, it ended up being more like wind thief but pride would have been more about barging in and going I AM HERE while daring opponents to take shots.
I'm going to register my objections for even considering an archive binge when we are positively drowning in good arts to train. Archive arts are not going to be of the quality of our Cai arts, why are we spending time fishing for mediocre build patches when we aren't even training our core. This feels equally as counter-intuitive as dropping Physical did last turn, and that turned out pretty badly.
I'm going to register my objections for even considering an archive binge when we are positively drowning in good arts to train. Archive arts are not going to be of the quality of our Cai arts, why are we spending time fishing for mediocre build patches when we aren't even training our core. This feels equally as counter-intuitive as dropping Physical did last turn, and that turned out pretty badly.

It's the fact that literally every chance we've had to get a high powered social art has been rejected, yet the need for competent social skills is only intensifying.

That's why an Archive dive is happening this turn, to give us a patch for that hole, and this is honestly the only time we're really going to have a free AP for a good while.
I'm going to register my objections for even considering an archive binge when we are positively drowning in good arts to train. Archive arts are not going to be of the quality of our Cai arts, why are we spending time fishing for mediocre build patches when we aren't even training our core. This feels equally as counter-intuitive as dropping Physical did last turn, and that turned out pretty badly.

Opportunity Cost. 1 AP is never cheaper than it is now. As our cultivation goes up, we get faster at learning things. We have been hit repeatedly in the face that Ling Qi needs something to 1) Help her make up for her deficiencies in social and 2) She has deficiencies in social that could really benefit from an art boost for skill training.

With only 3 AP free, and the meridians we have, if we wanted one of our new arts we'd have to both open meridians for it and train it to maybe get the first level.

So the opportunity cost of an archive dive that we will be undertaking at some point will never be cheaper.
I'm going to register my objections for even considering an archive binge when we are positively drowning in good arts to train. Archive arts are not going to be of the quality of our Cai arts, why are we spending time fishing for mediocre build patches when we aren't even training our core. This feels equally as counter-intuitive as dropping Physical did last turn, and that turned out pretty badly.

We're pretty lacking on sources for a social art. We would presumably have to visit the Archive eventually. We need to pick up CDE+ at some point as well. This plan still allows us to reach the third level of ENM, so it's not that big of a sacrifice.
I'm going to register my objections for even considering an archive binge when we are positively drowning in good arts to train. Archive arts are not going to be of the quality of our Cai arts, why are we spending time fishing for mediocre build patches when we aren't even training our core. This feels equally as counter-intuitive as dropping Physical did last turn, and that turned out pretty badly.
No it didn't?

What turned out badly was neglecting stealth, not physical. We wouldnt have been able to level up Wind Thief last turn regardless.

Archive binges lets us go for patch arts because thats precisely what Ling Qi needs right now.

Those less potent individual techs that synergize with her higher quality arts to elevate Ling Qis build to far more terrifyingly effective heights.

HDW and CDE for example, covered a very crucial gap in perception, but thats reaching its limit very soon.

As such, nows an ideal time to pick out the Arts that would follow them up.
We wouldnt have been able to level up Wind Thief last turn regardless.
Not dropping physical had the chance for turn 6 physical rather than turn 7, thus Wind Thief a turn earlier.

IIRC physical was traded for meridian crunching?

E: Yes, 4x physical + 1x 2 meridian opening was traded for 5x scrunch in winning vs second place. To be fair, available actions for WT in turn 6 would be limited still due to AG and meridians.
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Not many had bothered to show up, and most were no doubt here out of idle curiosity, but she recognized a few disciples in the orbit of more important emerald seas nobles. She smiled thinly as she caught one such young man's eye, doing her best to channel Meizhen's imperious attitude. He looked away first.

Ling Qi is doing a great job of convincing everyone she thinks she's better than them, when in reality she doesn't think about them at all except as minor nuisances. She just doesn't care about them as peers and hasn't spent a moment wondering if she has the right to act like the ducals she imitates.
Not dropping physical had the chance for turn 6 physical rather than turn 7, thus Wind Thief a turn earlier.

IIRC physical was traded for meridian crunching?
He said neglecting physical screwed us over in the past tense.

The earliest we'd train Wind Thief is this turn under that scenario, and unless he already knows ahead of time that lacking Wind Thief denies Ling Qi opportunities that ENM cant assist with itself, its a false claim.

Little more than grousing.
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