Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
That's no guarantee Ling Qi was capable of it, of course. I can easily see a situation where both of the more proactive solutions were beyond Ling Qi's means and required Liao Zhu to step in, despite Ling Qi making a good showing.

Look at it this way. Suppose Ling Qi could have succeeded in either choice; trying to pacify the spirit or trying to put down the spirit. Based on the new information that it's hopelessly corrupted and will have to be put down by someone to end its pain, then Ending it would have been the right choice of the two.

So if in a world where either choice could have succeeded, Ending it would have been right, then in a world where either choice would fail than you might at least have failed trying to do the more correct of the two options.
Take little sister outside to play and have fun, or spend time home reading, possibly even allowing our servants to get more used to our presence.

I'm kinda leaning towards the stay at home option, we could use a break, and if we can get Biyu morei nterested in learning the read that's good as well.
Not forcing her to study, but showing her that there is something interesting there to learn through example, making her possibly want to study.
There's also the implication that containment was unlikely to succeed as well, since it apparently would try to follow us. Then again, that would've opened up the sneak/benny hill away from the hill scene.
If the derivative music skill is based on of our music arts then it should be one of these
There are many forgotten places in the world where human kind does not tread easily. This technique is a part of the chronicle of a long dead wanderer, composed into music and offered to the smiling moon. It speaks of mist covered valleys hidden deep in the mountains and the mischievous and hungry spirits that wait in the dark, and the loneliness of the wanderer's path.
Derivative skill : Laments
Music that is beautiful because it is sad.

Winter's Muse sings from its heart, the place of true cold, where even fire freezes and light dies. The truth of cold is the absolution of endings, and in this melody lies some small part of that truth. Its notes freeze blood and qi alike, its notes often the last thing its listeners hear in this world.
Derivative skill : Unsong
The skill that allows us to play with catlike tread. Allowing us to play music that people don't notice very useful when sneaking.

There lies a beauty in patterns, of spirits and men alike. This melody exults in the complex dance of winds which brings us weather and the seasons, and in doing, teaches the musician to see and pluck at the lesser patterns and connections in the world around. The harmony reveals the web which connects all things, if the players eyes are but sharp enough to see.
Derivative skill : Propaganda /or Meme
The skill to make music that promotes and propagates an idea.
Look at it this way. Suppose Ling Qi could have succeeded in either choice; trying to pacify the spirit or trying to put down the spirit. Based on the new information that it's hopelessly corrupted and will have to be put down by someone to end its pain, then Ending it would have been the right choice of the two.

So if in a world where either choice could have succeeded, Ending it would have been right, then in a world where either choice would fail than you might at least have failed trying to do the more correct of the two options.
That's a bit short sighted. If we continue Liao Zhu's physician analogy, one option is anesthetizing the patient and handing the final details over to more qualified professionals, the other option is beating the patient to death with our canister of ether. While it's generally true that its final fate is the same, Ling Qi's not at the level where she can offer a corrupted hill anything like a dignified End, not compared to the alternatives available to the main force and against a slumbering hill, anyway.
This is the first time we've a chance to influence who Biyu will grow up to become. She's currently more of a Tabula Rasa, she has a few character traits but most could fit in any sort of girl. This will be one of the first steps in helping to define her going forward.

Going outside would encourage Biyu's adventurous tendencies and maybe let her safely interact with spirits while teaching her to read might make her more serious and hard working. Neither excludes the other but they will direct her to one side in relation to Ling Qi.

Personally I think it would be more interesting if the younger Ling sister was a bit more grounded than the flighty Qi but only to an extent. Being from a family "specializing" in Music and Moon mysticism, having a appreciation for nature's beauty and life's excitement is probably more important than being raised admiring Ling Qi's work discipline.
[] Spend time outside, the land around the Sect was beautiful, and some of it was even mostly tamed. You can easily keep her safe, and it will be good for her to run around more.

Well Biyu did say she wanted to be more like her half sister, and well is quite energetic so a bad of fun outside might do her some good.
Look at it this way. Suppose Ling Qi could have succeeded in either choice; trying to pacify the spirit or trying to put down the spirit. Based on the new information that it's hopelessly corrupted and will have to be put down by someone to end its pain, then Ending it would have been the right choice of the two.

So if in a world where either choice could have succeeded, Ending it would have been right, then in a world where either choice would fail than you might at least have failed trying to do the more correct of the two options.

False dichotomy is false.
If the derivative music skill is based on of our music arts then it should be one of these

Derivative skill : Laments
Music that is beautiful because it is sad.

Derivative skill : Unsong
The skill that allows us to play with catlike tread. Allowing us to play music that people don't notice very useful when sneaking.

Derivative skill : Propaganda /or Meme
The skill to make music that promotes and propagates an idea.

I like all of these but HDW.

For that, I would either make it Ensemble, Conducting, or one of 4 skills based on the seasons.
On the note of the vote, I'm thinking indoors.

I WANT to take Biyu on camping trips, but at higher Social Link and/or Domain.

If we must sing of the End to protect her, we need to ensure her ear hear only a lullaby.

Incidentally, I'm sure LQ is right about being able to protect her, not fear mongering, it's just that I'm really cautious with our sister/heir.

If we let her get hurt, it will ruin LQ's relationship with her mom, set back her Clan's next Green by a few decades, and probably permanently taint her Way.
So what I'm hearing is that EPC is a cultivation art that turns the cultivator into a magnet for trouble, and/or provides quality entertainment for the 8 Maidens of the Moon

I think you presume too ill of the Moon.

I think we cultivate Stellar Qi because it is useful and because learning to strain the minute threads of it out of the night is good training.

But most off all, because the Moon remembers a time when the Sun was all that stood between man and the Stars, and knows that he might not always be there.

Because the Moon knows that there are terrible bright abominations arrayed against men, and man needs champions who know how to thrive under their Light.

Because the Moon is the one who won the Night for mortal men, and she remembers her duty.
False dichotomy is false.

Since yrs prescribes our voting options, it literally is a dichotomy. So not false at all. If you're going to try and use logical fallacies to dismiss and argument, make sure you understand the fallacy you're invoking.

I personally think that Biyu will have more fun seeing the sect, and it's be good to nurture that adventurous spirit in her, so I'm go
Since yrs prescribes our voting options, it literally is a dichotomy. So not false at all. If you're going to try and use logical fallacies to dismiss and argument, make sure you understand the fallacy you're invoking.

I personally think that Biyu will have more fun seeing the sect, and it's be good to nurture that adventurous spirit in her, so I'm go

I was referring to the

"Either could have succeeded"
"Either could have failed"

Hmm, about what I expected, but better than I feared. We had the skills to pacify it, but we had no way to keep it docile.

Still, it evidently wasn't the worst choice we could have made, we just didn't have the tools to make it stick. So this was a decent outcome. Just surviving this event without embarassing ourselves was enough.
Yeah, and it was educational too. Learning the bits about the stellar qi and Zeqing singing to the mountain was also cool.

Man, look at all that shiny spirit ken xp!
I think you presume too ill of the Moon.

I think we cultivate Stellar Qi because it is useful and because learning to strain the minute threads of it out of the night is good training.

But most off all, because the Moon remembers a time when the Sun was all that stood between man and the Stars, and knows that he might not always be there.

Because the Moon knows that there are terrible bright abominations arrayed against men, and man needs champions who know how to thrive under their Light.

Because the Moon is the one who won the Night for mortal men, and she remembers her duty.
The top part was mostly a joke hence the funny image, but the bottom part was semi serious speculation. Also the reason for using stellar qi is it being far more plentiful than regular qi as things that use it without the proper safeties end up like the hill we just dealt with.

Although do keep in mind that the moon is called mercurial in nature, and unlike the sun noted be helpful some of the time instead of all of the time, but Ling Qi should be fine.
I think it's pretty clear what we should have done, and a lot of people voted for it.

Well, I was actually one of them. But it's unclear, I think, from the quote you've used why Ling Qi would have faired better in killing that thing.

Like, pacifying it and calling for backup when you're fighting a literal god damn hill as effectively the only relevant combatant isn't the wrong choice. We just--as predicted--couldn't keep it pacified. But that's fine, because her method still worked, it failed because she didn't have precisely the right skillset to keep it down, and that isn't something she'd have been expected to have as even a talented Green Appraisal cultivator.

And this is kinda backwards, I think? A big part or being a scout is dealing with problems you are sure you can deal and map what you can't for others. So while it's fine that she didn't have needed skillset, it's not fine that she thought to try to pacify it in the first place.
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I mean, we *could* try to be Qingue all over again, but, well, at this point I'd hope we'd gotten the message about how Ling genetics work :p

Also taking her hunting outside is something only we can do for her.
[] Spend time outside, the land around the Sect was beautiful, and some of it was even mostly tamed. You can easily keep her safe, and it will be good for her to run around more.
[X] Spend time outside, the land around the Sect was beautiful, and some of it was even mostly tamed. You can easily keep her safe, and it will be good for her to run around more.

Moratorium's over.
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[X] Spend time indoors and in the garden, reading with her. Biyu would be old enough to start learning her letters soon, so why not encourage her?
[] Spend time outside, the land around the Sect was beautiful, and some of it was even mostly tamed. You can easily keep her safe, and it will be good for her to run around more.
