Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Hmm, about what I expected, but better than I feared. We had the skills to pacify it, but we had no way to keep it docile.

Still, it evidently wasn't the worst choice we could have made, we just didn't have the tools to make it stick. So this was a decent outcome. Just surviving this event without embarassing ourselves was enough.
[] Spend time outside, the land around the Sect was beautiful, and some of it was even mostly tamed. You can easily keep her safe, and it will be good for her to run around more.

time for her to meet her own creature friend
Although considering how we like to stealth bow arts might make more sense. Hard to stealth well hitting someone with a sword.

Yeah but bad touch effects delivered in close quarters tend to be ridiculous, doubly so as our SCS (And probably Wind Thief) powers reward us for getting up close and personal but in secret.

Hell, CtE is a Bad Touch effect that just has a standard attack baked in if you're too spooked to be heroic.
[] Spend time outside, the land around the Sect was beautiful, and some of it was even mostly tamed. You can easily keep her safe, and it will be good for her to run around more.

So what we know about Biyu is that she's a wild child who loves running around and isn't much for study. I think she'd like exploring the outdoors a lot more.

What's that you say? It might be good for her to be forced to do book learning despite her wants? Well that is frankly her mother's business to handle. We're the big sister; we have the power to keep her safe outdoors where her mother can't. Meanwhile it's the mother's job to force book learning on the child for her own good.
Yeah but bad touch effects delivered in close quarters tend to be ridiculous, doubly so as our SCS (And probably Wind Thief) powers reward us for getting up close and personal but in secret.

Hell, CtE is a Bad Touch effect that just has a standard attack baked in if you're too spooked to be heroic.
True. Besides we have an go sword art on tap so it makes more sense to learn it then to go searching for something else. Of course Ephemeral Nights Memory will have to come first.
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Yeah, Liao Zhu had to step in, so we kinda failed? I wonder what we should have done, just be content with contenting it?
Yeah, Liao Zhu had to step in, so we kinda failed? I wonder what we should have done, just be content with contenting it?

I think it's pretty clear what we should have done, and a lot of people voted for it.

Liao Zhu glanced her way briefly. "I mentioned that my father is a physician, have I not? A good doctor must know when it is time to simply end the pain and allow nature to take its course."

Ling Qi nodded slowly. She could read between the lines. Whoever came here to deal with the problem was going to do so in a more permanent fashion. Having looked upon what was left of the creatures core, she could not imagine a better scenario.
So Ling Qi failed to keep the mountain pacified, and Hanyi has been given further motivation to improve her skills, but based upon the CP gain it isn't a serious one, or rather such a failure is viewed as a positive source of growth for cultivators.
now we should sell the information on this location of this ripe cultivation resource on the black market for tons of monies!

after we silence our minions and senpai :p
Yeah, Liao Zhu had to step in, so we kinda failed? I wonder what we should have done, just be content with contenting it?
Here was what Ling Qi thought last update:
Perhaps she could try to pacify the creature and lull it back into that state, so that perhaps a more experienced cultivator in the main group could purify the thing.
I thought it was pretty explicit that the pacify option was actually a "can't actually purify it without back up" vote.
Yeah, my impression is that Liao Zhu's statement was "You weren't wrong but you didn't have the tools to execute it correctly, but that's because you're young and this was something out of what is expected, so it's fine.", if we had a legitimate black mark, we wouldn't have gotten CP for our participation.

Like, pacifying it and calling for backup when you're fighting a literal god damn hill as effectively the only relevant combatant isn't the wrong choice. We just--as predicted--couldn't keep it pacified. But that's fine, because her method still worked, it failed because she didn't have precisely the right skillset to keep it down, and that isn't something she'd have been expected to have as even a talented Green Appraisal cultivator.
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Building on this last mission, Ling Qi will develop skill in rock.
So far derivative skill are always related to the arts we used to help train them. So it will likely be related to one of the music arts we are currently training.

Edit: We actually are not training any music arts this month. Still I expect it to be related on one of our music arts.
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She cultivated stellar qi, heavily changed and purified, but all the same, like called to like, however weakly.
So what I'm hearing is that EPC is a cultivation art that turns the cultivator into a magnet for trouble, and/or provides quality entertainment for the 8 Maidens of the Moon. The boons are just a means for them to stay alive, or better yet help them ascend to add more fuel to the chaotic entertainment that they love. :V

Although based upon how old even the youngest sister was implied to be it might be more along the lines of cultivators being stellar qi detectors to locate all the nasty stuff that is polluting the world now that the sky no longer causes sanity damage to humans from looking at it.
[X] Spend time outside, the land around the Sect was beautiful, and some of it was even mostly tamed. You can easily keep her safe, and it will be good for her to run around more.