Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Keep in mind that Stillness exists.
Ling Qi's SCS insight frames it almost musically when combined with her FSS insight.

Change, motion, noise is life.
Darkness, stillness, silence is an Ending. A necessary thing to create a new start. The pauses between notes to better define the notes.

If you don't grow, improve or revisit yourself you're not truly alive, just existing. Like, Yrs had clarified that this insight means that SNR will be oriented towards martial insights, likely because by her philosophy you stop for a purpose, and for her that purpose is war.
Obviously I need a new arts reference guide. What's SNR? Or HDW?

Now on to the meat of the post:

It's a tragedy, nay, a travesty. Ling Qi is unloved.

Like, see here, these are personal relationships:
Bai Meizhen: Rank 4
Bian Ya: Rank 1
Cai Renxiang: Rank 3
Gan Guangli: Rank 1
Gu Xiulan: Rank 4
Han Jian: Rank 2
Hanyi: Rank 2
Ji Rong: Rank -1
Li Suyin: Rank 4
Liao Zhu: Rank 1
Ling Qingge: Rank 4
Ruan Shen: Rank 1
Sima Jiao & Xin: Rank 1
Sixiang: Rank 2
Shen Hu: Rank 1
Su Ling: Rank 2
Sun Liling: Rank -2
Xuan Shi: Rank 2
Yan Renshu: Rank -3
Zhengui: Rank 4

Let's point them out: Her little brother? Rank 4. Her Mother? Rank 4. Sixiang? Rank 2. Hell, her little sister isn't even on the list. None of her family loves(Rank 6) her!
More seriously why is the Emerald Seas Nobility sitting at Rank -2? Is it the Cai? The Commoner origin? Employing ex comfort women and being the child of one? Why do they hate her so much? Ling Qi did actual, personal damage to Sun Liling and was responsible or contributed to multiple defeats, and she's at -2. What did Ling Qi do that stuck in the Noble craw that much, that the Emerald Seas Nobility, as a whole, dislikes her?
Obviously I need a new arts reference guide. What's SNR? Or HDW?

Starless Night's Reflection
In the Thousand Lakes, the infinite depth of the night sky is reflected from one thousand mirrors, displaying infinite emptiness extending beyond the heavens and into the depths of the earth. In meditating upon this conceptual void, the user seeks to become such a mirror, combining the formlessness and absorption of darkness with the rippling serenity and infinite depth of the lakes. Enemies striking the user and their allies find their weapons and techniques sinking into the shadows, to vanish, doing no more harm than they would if they slashed the waters of mighty Lake Hei, or aimed their malice at the starless sky.

Harmony of the Dancing Wind 4

Potency: Green 2
Potency Growth: Green 3(5)
Max Level 5
Needed Meridians: Head(5)
Current Meridians: Head(Wind), Heart (Music, Wind)
Keywords: Connections, Empathy, Presence, Perceptiveness, Manipulation, Music, Wind, Yang
Experience: 400

There lies a beauty in patterns, of spirits and men alike. This melody exults in the complex dance of winds which brings us weather and the seasons, and in doing, teaches the musician to see and pluck at the lesser patterns and connections in the world around. The harmony reveals the web which connects all things, if the players eyes are but sharp enough to see.
More seriously why is the Emerald Seas Nobility sitting at Rank -2? Is it the Cai? The Commoner origin? Employing ex comfort women and being the child of one? Why do they hate her so much? Ling Qi did actual, personal damage to Sun Liling and was responsible or contributed to multiple defeats, and she's at -2. What did Ling Qi do that stuck in the Noble craw that much, that the Emerald Seas Nobility, as a whole, dislikes her?

Well, you see, Ling Qi did a terrible thing. She did not know her place! She's a random commoner born cultivator, and she's done well and been elevated to the nobility as is right and proper. But! Instead of being content with that, she greedily wormed her way by CRX's side and took a valuable retainer slot, a position which should have gone to someone more deserving from a clan with a history of diligent work and service to the empire, like mine, the noble [insert clan of speaker here].
More seriously why is the Emerald Seas Nobility sitting at Rank -2? Is it the Cai? The Commoner origin? Employing ex comfort women and being the child of one? Why do they hate her so much? Ling Qi did actual, personal damage to Sun Liling and was responsible or contributed to multiple defeats, and she's at -2. What did Ling Qi do that stuck in the Noble craw that much, that the Emerald Seas Nobility, as a whole, dislikes her?
There are a variety of reasons why the Emerald Sea nobility would dislike Ling Qi, the combination of which likely leads to the -2 relationship score overall.

First off, Ling Qi is a commoner by birth. Typically, nobles don't like commoners entering their peerage in a meaningful way, and I imagine it is much the same in ToD. While there are many reasons for the dislike of commoners entering the peerage, it likely has to do with in-group/out-group thinking where someone outside of the group suddenly comes into the group with all the privileges and respect that includes. People who like the group as it is, won't like new blood coming in and messing with the pre-established system.

This is only compounded by how fast Ling Qi has risen through the cultivation realms and who she has attached herself to. She is not a mere baron who is unimportant and not worth particular concern. She is a personal retainer of the Heir of the Cai clan, and it seems to be fast friends with the niece of the Bai Clan's heir apparent. Ling Qi is strong, has risen quickly, and is attached to some very powerful and important people. She can't, like most commoner barons, be safely ignored.

Then there is the whole mess with Zeqing's death. The narrative that has sprouted around our involvement in creating the huge death storm ahead of schedule is that Ling Qi is impulsive and not careful with what she does and how she acts. These are not good qualities to have in someone who can bend the fabric of reality with a whim. Additionally, it is simply a well-developed reason to not like her outside of her rank, rate of ascension, and connections (all of which might be taken for jealousy). This means that people are going to grasp this rumor and reason and spread it because it is a safer reason to dislike Ling Qi than the others.

As for beating Sun Liling? That is likely a score against Ling Qi in all honesty. While it is probably fine, in the noble's mind, for Cai to use a commoner for the dirty work in the sect, like sneaking and spying and stealing, actually defeating another noble, a princess at that, is going to make them particularly uncomfortable. It's the same in-group/out-group thing. While Sun Liling isn't an Emerald Seas noble, she is a noble. Of good rank and standing. Even successfully evading her is a mark against the quality of regular nobles.

And these are all personal reasons for why the Emerald Sea nobility might not like Ling Qi. Add to that the way she's managed her household, by hiring the lowest possible class of people, in the noble's mind, and you have a recipe for the more traditional nobles not liking Ling Qi at all. Additionally, Ling Qi took the place of Cai Renxiang's retainer which would have gone to another member of the peerage. Which means that one of them could have gotten it and influence Cai Renxiang. So missed opportunity also plays a part.

Lots of minor reasons really, but they do tend to add up.
I'm pretty sure the reason they don't like Ling Qi is that it is the duty of Cultivators to protect the commoners, so when this piece of clothing so blatantly possesses an innocent commoner they don't look at it kindly :p
Ah, so that is why Sun Liling was ambushing Ling Qi. It wasn't to make an example of her but was to save her from the clutches of the Cai dress!
Yeah, Sun Liling is oberservant. I don't think Meizhen even realised what it meant that the only time Ling Qi has taken off that robe in the past year is when using the white room.
Turn 5: Arc 2-1 Leadership
Ling Qi stood at attention in line with the rest of her 'classmates' in the scouting division as they waited for their respective tutors to return from conferring with the other officers for this exercise. On the plateau below where they stood, the disciples of the other divisions milled and formed up. This exercise was a whole operation, a full scale patrol passing through forts at the edge of the Sect's control.

She was able to look over them, even standing straight and looking ahead. All it took to see around her was humming under her breath and allowing Sixiang to carry the melody on the wind. There were many familiar faces down there. Cai Renxiang was there, standing at perfect attention, immaculate in every way as always. While Ling Qi could see the furtive looks shot Cai Renxiang's way, she was unsurprised. The Duchess would obviously not exempt her daughter from military exercises.

Less welcome, she saw Ji Rong off to one side, golden coils looped around his neck like a scarf. His spirit was smaller than she had expected, and barely second realm at that. It surprised her that the taciturn boy would bother with something so much weaker than him, rare or no. It made her wonder at the veracity of the rumor Xiulan had passed along. She supposed that it didn't matter though. Shen Hu slouched sleepily in the line to his right, and the older boys eyes flicked in her direction as her awareness passed over him.

There was Xiulan, standing proudly with her arms crossed under her chest among the archers and other ranged combatants, in another new gown, a yellow piece that left her shoulders scandalously bare. Though she was too far away to sense her, Ling Qi knew that Li Suyin was back among the auxiliaries and medics as well. So was Yan Renshu for that matter, she had felt the boy's slimy qi passing her by earlier in the morning.

More amusing, was Kang Zihao's presence, right out front in the forming vanguard, his sour expression told her everything she needed to know about what he thought of being here. Even as she watched a nervous twitch went up his spine as someone walked behind him. It seemed that last year had done its damage to the boys nerves.

However, before Ling Qi could ponder the others further, she felt the pressure of powerful and familiar qi approaching. A moment later, their commanding officer and mentors landed lightly in front of them, descending from the command tents above. Guan Zhi was the first, rising smoothly from her landing crouch to glance across the assembled line, seeking imperfections in their attention. She looked much the same as she had on the first day of training, with a countenance as stone faced as that of her older relative. Liao Zhu and the other mentors landed a moment later with barely a thump or a rustle of cloth.

"Our orders have been finalized," the athletic girl began, folding her arms behind her back in a familiar lecturing pose. "You have all been judged at least adequate in drills and training, some more than others…"

Ling Qi restrained the urge to squirm as the young woman's gaze fell on her. She had been so close to reaching her evacuation point with her mock unit in the last drill. She had left the pass behind them filled with mist, phantoms, ash and Zhengui, stymying their pursuers… or so she thought. It would be hard to forget the sight of Guan Zhi silhouetted against the evening sun, Zhengui's bulk lifted over her head in the instant before her not so little brother had been hurled at her like a screaming meteor and collapsed the passage they were going to use to escape.

"I chipped my fangs," Zhen sulked in her head.

"Cheating lady," Gui grumped.

"I think you might be rubbing off on me, I like her," Sixiang chuckled.

It was only later, that she had found that the exercise was meant to test their reactions in a seemingly futile situation… She took some pride in that she had been the only one to make their instructor escalate at all. Still, she couldn't say whether the near invisible upward quirk of Guan Zhi's lips in the moment where their eyes met was just imagination or not.

"This operation is more than just watching for barbarian hunters straying into our territory," Guan Zhi continued as if the second long exchange had not happened. "Patrols such as these are a regular requirement at the edge of civilized lands. It is a cultivators duty to track, monitor and if necessary deal with the spirits of the land in territory they control. As the scouting division, in addition to checking for barbarian sign, it will be your duty to update maps of spirit territory as well as altered terrain within your assigned area, and pass that information back to the main group so that it may be dealt with as necessary."

In the lull of silence that followed her words, Liao Zhu spoke up. "Of course it is also the duty of our division to smooth out troubles before the main force arrives when are able. Whether a problem is one that you can deal with, or one which requires the main force is a matter of personal judgement. However, there are dangers to the latitude which our division is given."

Guan Zhi nodded sharply. "You will be expected to have completed your surveys and reports at the assigned times in the patrol schedule. Wasting time seeking glory with challenges that are beyond you will be a black mark on your record. This is not a trial hunt seeking treasures. You are here to better the land and the sect, not to seek personal power. Your mentors will be watching, but they will not interfere in your choices. Now go, and familiarize yourselves with your assignments."

Ling Qi clapped her firsts together and bowed her head in time with the others, then it was time to split up. As she joined Liao Zhu and began moving toward the tents where she would pick up her subordinates for the task, she glanced at her mentor. "How much help are you actually allowed to give?" She asked quietly.

"I can answer questions regarding procedures, and share information regarding the previous state of the assigned area," he said, clearly smirking behind his toothy mask. "Alas, I may not use my superior abilities to aid your survey efforts, nor share my wisdom in the best path forward."

"Good to know," Ling Qi replied, breathing out as she leafed through the maps and documents he had handed her, scanning words and lines of ink, committing them to memory so that she wouldn't have to consult them later. Moons above, it was just sinking in that she was going to be responsible for other people here.

"I will interfere if a fatality seems likely," Laio Zhu said, with much less of his usual bombast. "However this will reflect very poorly on your assessment, unless the circumstance is truly unusual."

"What even counts as unusual anymore?" Ling Qi laughed, feeling a bit better from his assurance anyway.

He tapped a finger against the teeth of his mask thoughtfully. "Hmm… a sudden attack by tribal war party? A rampaging fourth grade beast, hungry for the rare flesh of a xuan wu? Perhaps an ogre king descending from the high peaks to seeking to charm a faerie bride with his superlative musculature?"

"...That's not funny," Ling Qi said blandly, giving her mentor a flat look.

"Zhengui is not edible," her little brother grumbled.

"I dunno, you were pretty snack-like still last year," Hanyi teased. Ling Qi was pretty sure she wasn't serious.

"Ah but you asked junior sister," he said airily. "But rest well, your Senior Brother shall ward off such threats with his peerless charm and skill. So keep your mind upon more grounded threats."

Ling Qi huffed, turning her eyes back to the map for a moment, eyeing the area marked in red. She sent the whole stack to her ring then as they passed the outer ring of tents. She needed to pick up her subordinates. There were three people who had been assigned to her, and as they stood at attention in front of her, Ling Qi felt more awkward than she had in a long time. She had read swiftly through their dossiers on the way over, but it had not quite prepared her for the reality of the situation.

"Ma'am," their voices echoed out simultaneously, three backs straightening and three gazes snapping forward as she approached. The first of them, Mo Lian was the youngest, twenty five years old and mid second realm in both forms of cultivation, he was almost as tall as her, with dark hair and eyes, as well as small, well cared for beard and mustache. According to the dossier, he was a cultivator of water and earth arts, who specialized in personal concealment and short range sensory arts.

Chun Yan, the second was also in the mid second realm, but she was nearly fifty years old, though she looked younger than Ling Qi's mother. With her short hair pulled back and severe features, Ling Qi might have thought the woman a rather feminine man if her senses were less sharp. She specialized in wind arts, and dabbled with heavenly ones, her skills lay in her mobility and offensive arts

Chang He, was the oldest, as well as the strongest, being nearly seventy years old, he was at the peak of the second realm, and despite his age, Ling Qi thought there might be decent odds that he could make the next step at some point, going by the feel of his aura. Unlike the younger Mo Lian, he was clean shaven, with a dark complexion similar to hers. Grey hair marked his temples and speckled the hair pulled back into a soldier's topknot, and his weathered face showed his age more than one would expect for a cultivator in their first century. His specialties were in earth and wood arts, with a lean toward defensive and social arts.

They were all dressed in the same argent sect uniforms, armor of boiled leather over padded cloth, with shimmering gray cloaks over their shoulders, that seemed to blur and blend with the background at the edges. The cloaks, along with their boots, enhanced for sturdiness, comfort and silence, made up the allocation of non armament talismans for normal soldiers of their division. In addition to their personal specialization, they all had a solid grounding in arts and skills useful for scouting and wilderness survival.

Ling Qi tried to keep her thoughts on such materially important matters, instead of how weird it felt to be commanding three people, the youngest of which was a decade her elder, and the oldest of which could easily be her grandfather. The same had probably been true for the Cai troops but… those were Cai Renxiang's troops, not hers. She supposed these people were ultimately the Sect's though. It would be better if she continued to see this as a training exercise.

"...Be at ease," She said with only slight hesitation. She could feel Liao Zhu smirking at her back, and hear Sixiang snickering in her head. She ignored them as best she could. It was time to decide on how to split up the first days workload, they had quite a lot of ground to cover, but at the same time, the area she had been assigned was noted to be fairly dangerous as border regions went, with a heavy spirit presence.

To that end, Ling Qi decided….

[] To split everyone up for preliminary scouting, they could get a rough overview on the first day and then she could make individual assignments later. This would be the fastest method, but was more risky as well.
[] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
[] To have her subordinates scout as a group while she split off to surveil the more notably dangerous regions on her own. Somewhat risky due to potential ecology changes, but balances speed and comprehensiveness.

Alrighty ladies and gents, this little adventure is probably going to be a bit longer and more involved than some of the others we've had. Choose well! Some choices may have non-obvious effects.
Ling Qi restrained the urge to squirm as the young woman's gaze fell on her. She had been so close to reaching her evacuation point with her mock unit in the last drill. She had left the pass behind them filled with mist, phantoms, ash and Zhengui, stymying their pursuers… or so she thought. It would be hard to forget the sight of Guan Zhi silhouetted against the evening sun, Zhengui's bulk lifted over her head in the instant before her not so little brother had been hurled at her like a screaming meteor and collapsed the passage they were going to use to escape.

"I chipped my fangs," Zhen sulked in her head.

"Cheating lady," Gui grumped.

"I think you might be rubbing off on me, I like her," Sixiang chuckled.
This is hilarious! Like to Guan Zhi see Ling Qi drop Zhengui like a meteor during the tournament, and resolve herself to finding a way to experience what using an Xuan wu in such a manner felt like? :rofl:
Personally, I'm leaning towards

[] To have her subordinates scout as a group while she split off to surveil the more notably dangerous regions on her own. Somewhat risky due to potential ecology changes, but balances speed and comprehensiveness.

Totally splitting up seems very unwise, but the three yellows together seem like they cover pretty most everything, they should be fine without Ling Qi. And of course Ling Qi with her spirits is pretty badass.
Hrm, the third option sounds like it could cause issues to me. Much more chance to be "Wasting time seeking glory with challenges that are beyond you will be a black mark on your record. This is not a trial hunt seeking treasures."

Also with our low war skill learning our troops in order to lean on them for knowledge is probably the smart move.

have to say I loved everything in this update and am sad we didn't train CDE since its a surveying mission

My natural inclination in this case is "We don't know our unit, and we don't know the terrain terribly well. This is not the time to be splitting up."

Stick together, find out what our tools are--and more importantly, get access to the wisdom of our seniors. While their cultivation is lower, their experience is not to be discounted either.

Splitting up is a privilege available only to those who are fully aware of themselves. We are not. As things stand, we know neither the terrain or ourselves--and that means we're nearly guaranteed defeat.

Know yourselves, know your foe, and you can win. Sticking together gives us a chance to establish knowing ourselves.
We can choose to split up later if required, but right now we really need to know what this guys can do in a more specific sense.

[] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.

Even simple things like how slow is 'slow them down' are valuable information for when Ling Qi has to order them to do something. And given that we were assigned the lot of them, I have no doubt we're expected to use them and will be graded on how we do so.
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This is also an assessment of our capability as an officer, so its best to take the first day easy and just get everyone in the Unit to know each other. Then we can have a better grasps of how to deploy our group in the future.
I think the team should stick together for now. We may have a dossier on them but a dossier doesn't cover everything. This sounds like a pretty long scouting test so making the group knows what it can do will be helpful for later tests.
Yeah, I think it's definitely best to take things safe for the first day. We're inexperienced, don't really know our squad or how to work with them, and don't know the land. Get a handle on everything first, then if we need to take more risks we can do them in an informed fashion later on.

Remember that this is, ultimately, a standard regular exercise for the Sect. There isn't actually a rush. Yes, we have a schedule, but things going bad will cost far more time than anything else.

[] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
[] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
The minions are old. Bet they did such scouting missions before. Let's make use of that experience.
"I think you might be rubbing off on me, I like her," Sixiang chuckled.
As in LQ's things for muscles/strength?

It was only later, that she had found that the exercise was meant to test their reactions in a seemingly futile situation… She took some pride in that she had been the only one to make their instructor escalate at all. Still, she couldn't say whether the near invisible upward quirk of Guan Zhi's lips in the moment where their eyes met was just imagination or not.
Great to see that even in the Inner Sect Ling Qi's exfiltration talents stand above the norm! Also, Guan Zhi's pretty awesome.

Perhaps an ogre king descending from the high peaks to seeking to charm a faerie bride with his superlative musculature?"
Cute that he knows her type so well. Really though, despite his start, Liao Zhu is doing a weirdly good job of crushing any possibility of being the recipient of a crush. He's too good at playing the fun loving older brother. Wonder how much of that's deliberate and how much is just him...
Agree with most people here.

We do not know our unit, we do not know the terrain.

Before we can thinking about splitting up we need to get to know them and get a feel for the land. Sticking together for the first day seems like the best way to go.
Yeah, I'm against splitting up here because LQ has a war skill of F, and so she really shouldn't be putting herself in situations where she as no one to double check her decisions right now. Taking advantage of her squad's experience is that way to go. This is also a great chance to build up a connection with the squad for domain purposes anyway.
I would think sticking together would be the best option. We don't know these people outside of a small blurb. We shouldn't sacrifice effectiveness for speed when we don't have a solid understanding on our team's limitations.
Ling Qi restrained the urge to squirm as the young woman's gaze fell on her. She had been so close to reaching her evacuation point with her mock unit in the last drill. She had left the pass behind them filled with mist, phantoms, ash and Zhengui, stymying their pursuers… or so she thought. It would be hard to forget the sight of Guan Zhi silhouetted against the evening sun, Zhengui's bulk lifted over her head in the instant before her not so little brother had been hurled at her like a screaming meteor and collapsed the passage they were going to use to escape.

"I chipped my fangs," Zhen sulked in her head.

"Cheating lady," Gui grumped.

"I think you might be rubbing off on me, I like her," Sixiang chuckled.

It was only later, that she had found that the exercise was meant to test their reactions in a seemingly futile situation… She took some pride in that she had been the only one to make their instructor escalate at all. Still, she couldn't say whether the near invisible upward quirk of Guan Zhi's lips in the moment where their eyes met was just imagination or not.
Remember when Ling Qi rolled a perfect Stealth Roll in the Trial Site while having to ferry civilians out of danger?
The feeling Jiao had back then must've been similar to what Guan Zhi felt when Qi almost made it out.
huh, @yrsillar wasnt there a vote after Turn 5: 1-3 that Ling Qi trains SCS before starting the exercise? is that still going to happen or do we have to assume that we cant use the SCS capstone?