Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Shen Hu slouched sleepily in the line to his right, and the older boys eyes flicked in her direction as her awareness passed over him.
Ugh, we're so busy all the time but we really should hang out with him again.
More amusing, was Kang Zihao's presence, right out front in the forming vanguard, his sour expression told her everything she needed to know about what he thought of being here. Even as she watched a nervous twitch went up his spine as someone walked behind him. It seemed that last year had done its damage to the boys nerves.
yoooo lol.
It would be hard to forget the sight of Guan Zhi silhouetted against the evening sun, Zhengui's bulk lifted over her head in the instant before her not so little brother had been hurled at her like a screaming meteor and collapsed the passage they were going to use to escape.
This mental image.

[] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
[] To have her subordinates scout as a group while she split off to surveil the more notably dangerous regions on her own. Somewhat risky due to potential ecology changes, but balances speed and comprehensiveness.

Leaning on these 2nd too I think. I think team cohesiveness and know how to order them around is most important to get out of the way first.
[] To have her subordinates scout as a group while she split off to surveil the more notably dangerous regions on her own. Somewhat risky due to potential ecology changes, but balances speed and comprehensiveness.

Feels like dismissing her subordinates as a burden and liability, which is no way to lead a unit
A leader needs to be with her troops to lead them, if LQ goes off on her own to scout ahead she wouldn't be learning about her units dynamics, their strengths and weaknesses, or how they operate
She'd just be off doing her own thing

You are here to better the land and the sect, not to seek personal power. Your mentors will be watching, but they will not interfere in your choices. Now go, and familiarize yourselves with your assignments."
work as a group here guys, not just an individual
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Alrighty ladies and gents, this little adventure is probably going to be a bit longer and more involved than some of the others we've had. Choose well! Some choices may have non-obvious effects.
For all that Liao Zhu was joking

"Hmm… a sudden attack by tribal war party? A rampaging fourth grade beast, hungry for the rare flesh of a xuan wu? Perhaps an ogre king descending from the high peaks to seeking to charm a faerie bride with his superlative musculature?"
These are just the dangerous absurdities. And Liao Zhu will be purely reactionary.

The Sect arent the only party that'll be paying attention to how she handles this
"Our orders have been finalized," the athletic girl began, folding her arms behind her back in a familiar lecturing pose. "You have all been judged at least adequate in drills and training, some more than others…"

Ling Qi restrained the urge to squirm as the young woman's gaze fell on her. She had been so close to reaching her evacuation point with her mock unit in the last drill. She had left the pass behind them filled with mist, phantoms, ash and Zhengui, stymying their pursuers… or so she thought. It would be hard to forget the sight of Guan Zhi silhouetted against the evening sun, Zhengui's bulk lifted over her head in the instant before her not so little brother had been hurled at her like a screaming meteor and collapsed the passage they were going to use to escape.

Holy shit this girl yeeted our little brother at us.

[] To split everyone up for preliminary scouting, they could get a rough overview on the first day and then she could make individual assignments later. This would be the fastest method, but was more risky as well.
[] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
[] To have her subordinates scout as a group while she split off to surveil the more notably dangerous regions on her own. Somewhat risky due to potential ecology changes, but balances speed and comprehensiveness.

I'm against the riskier Split Up option on principle, otherwise I don't have much of an opinion honestly. I'll leave that to other people.
So how good are we at empowering our group? Can we buff them enough to be relevant at a our level fight?
Perhaps an ogre king descending from the high peaks to seeking to charm a faerie bride with his superlative musculature?"

He knows. And he's enjoying hmself immensely under that mask. Ling Qi must find a way to get back at him.Operation Playful Revenge is in motion, starting now.

Also, I am leaning toward this.

[] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
The minions are old. Bet they did such scouting missions before. Let's make use of that experience.

They are not allowed to spread and scatter until we know them wellenough to know they can handle it. Perhaps an overly cautious move, but we won't make a blunder like this, and we wil lget a feel of their strengths and weaknesses, and how they work as a team. After that ,we can give tailored orders to each of them, and send them t owhere they will be most useful. Plus, we may actually make some friends, and prove ourselves a reliable, nice leader.
Splitting seems like a bad idea.
1. We will not have access to the experience of our troops
2. We will not be there to aid our troops if something goes wrong
3. We will seem to be seeking glory instead of doing our job as an officer
no, take it slow, learn to know our troops, make a better plan of action afterwards.
It was only later, that she had found that the exercise was meant to test their reactions in a seemingly futile situation… She took some pride in that she had been the only one to make their instructor escalate at all. Still, she couldn't say whether the near invisible upward quirk of Guan Zhi's lips in the moment where their eyes met was just imagination or not.

It's so classically Ling Qi to get a challenge meant to be seemingly unmeetable and not even notice before the handlers decide that a late Green is the only thing that could feasibly make a difference. She just goes past it like it's trivial.
[] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.

Don't split the party.
Guess this being a learning exercise we'll learn how to lead best by sticking with the group, benefiting from their experience and gaining practice working alongside subordinates. I'm sure if they look to be too far behind what they need to get through, LQ can reevaluate the procedure.

Of course, no one was looking at anyone else right now, because she was pretty sure the fourth realm core disciple currently examining them would put anyone who showed such a lack of attention on the ground.

The young woman standing across from them with her arms folded behind her back had managed to remind Ling Qi of her first physical cultivation instructor before Ling Qi heard her name. Guan Zhi resembled her father in other ways as well, like that man, she was scandalously dressed, wearing only a tight, dark green cloth wrap that covered her chest and little else, and form fitting pants of a lighter shade tucked neatly into sturdy black boots that rose almost to her knees. Cloth bandages wrapped her forearms and handages. Her long hair was tied back in a single tightly braided tail.

Emphasis mine.

It was later revealed that Guan Zhi was not actually the daughter of Elder Zhou, but rather his niece.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.

It is not speed that matters in a standard patrol, but diligence and vigilance. The idea is to create not a speeding searchlight akin to those strange metal vehicles of our world screaming down streets, but an area lit as if by a lantern.
Moving quickly is for rapid-response teams, our job as the steady patrol is to check everything in our path.

That's my read on this situation at any rate.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.

Gotta get a feel for how our group operates before we can send them off on their own
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[] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.

I think we need the leadership training offered by this choice
So how good are we at empowering our group? Can we buff them enough to be relevant at a our level fight?
TRF and HDW have support aspects, mostly defensive. FVM and PLR are ally friendly and FVM's debuff in particular helps allies hit and avoid. That said we aren't really as good at support as a real commander, in particular we lack an AC-style buff to pile onto a single dangerous enemy. We are absolutely lethal in swinging a group vs group fight though.