Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on Jun 24, 2019 at 6:23 PM, finished with 316 posts and 135 votes.
Additionally, I just want to point out that I don't that progressing merely exceptionally well cultivation wise is an option for us. I think because we're tied to the hip to Renxiang, and well...

"You will achieve a rank above Five Hundred Twenty Five by the end of your stay," Cai Shenhua replied, the light radiating from her gaze intensifying. "I would place your sights higher, but there is no purpose in demanding impossibilities of you," Ling Qi shuddered at the woman's tone. It was playful, yet there was an edge of cruelty to it, made all the worse for the lack of any malice. "Not yet."

Not. Yet.

Shenhua will demand the impossible of Renxiang. While we won't be expected to do as well as her, we'll need to keep up.

While she is in most ways past human, Shenhua is still a Mother, and had the most explosive cultivation ascension in history What mother has ever looked at their child and thought "I hope they do worse than me"?

We need to be ready to do better than the strictest Count would ever demand of their heir, and then be ready for more.

After all, once Renxiang has accomplished the impossible, Shenhua will demand that she go Beyond the Impossible.
Who's got time for safe, after all...
But would trying to game your soul lead to a power increase over just following the normal method? If you got two incompatible insights to go together would it be better than getting two insights that are compatible? Trying to game your soul sounds like doing something incredibly dangerous with no real benefit just to see if you can.
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But would trying to game your soul lead to a power increase over just following the normal method? If you got two incompatible insights to go together would it be better than getting two insights that are compatible? Trying to game your soul sounds like doing something incredibly dangerous with no real benefit just to see if you can.

No real benefit?

Advanced Insights are built from regular Insights.

If could build an Advanced Insight from two Insights most Cultivators would find incompatible we could produce the most valuable commodity in a society of Immortals.


How many Frozen Moon Wraiths do you suppose there have been over the millenia, over the expanse of the Empire.

How many Weilu do you suppose had Meridian spreads and Insights close to ours?

Additionally, the broader our Domain is the wider the spread of Arts we can take without nerfing our Domain XP.

Don't get me wrong, I see what you're both saying.

I'd want to do it with an Elder Tutoring action, after we unlock those.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on Jun 24, 2019 at 6:23 PM, finished with 316 posts and 135 votes.
So, now that we're locked up.

Is the wild theorycrafting about "Stillness would normally mean SNR is now incompatible, but the other stuff pulls it up that we can draw from the other aspects for insights now?" true?
Aww shucks. I really liked how Each scar is merely another ring in the making, from past pain arises new strength complimented the whole some ends are merely beginnings insight. It would have tied in so well, each scar not being an end, but the start of new growth.
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No real benefit?

Advanced Insights are built from regular Insights.

If could build an Advanced Insight from two Insights most Cultivators would find incompatible we could produce the most valuable commodity in a society of Immortals.


How many Frozen Moon Wraiths do you suppose there have been over the millenia, over the expanse of the Empire.

How many Weilu do you suppose had Meridian spreads and Insights close to ours?

Additionally, the broader our Domain is the wider the spread of Arts we can take without nerfing our Domain XP.

Don't get me wrong, I see what you're both saying.

I'd want to do it with an Elder Tutoring action, after we unlock those.
Novelty is not a strength. It is not something that we can turn into progress. One of your main arguments for this is that we need to impress Shenhua. Shenhua has put us on a time limit. If we want to impress Shenhua we need to meet the deadlines. Novelty works against us in this case. The well paved road is faster than making your own road.

At some point we will have to make our own road as all cultivators do. I do not see a reason why we have to start that road early. You claim that it would increase our power. I don't believe your claim. All you have pointed to is that your method would give Ling Qi more arts to choose from and it would be novel. Having more choices doesn't mean that those extra choices will be better for Ling Qi. In fact it might weaken Ling Qi to have insights that don't work well together. This cultivation system puts a heavy focus on specializing. To reach the heights of the Empire you need to focus your Way down. Otherwise there would be no need to discard things while advancing on your path to the top.

I also debate your idea that it would be novel. Do you think that over the thousands of years that the Empire has existed using the imperial method that no one has tried to do this before? If it was extremely beneficially the imperial method would have changed to include this method of gaming the soul. The key problem I see with your idea is that you are trying to abuse the voting structure and quest format. But those systems are only the way through which we see the world Yrs has made. The world he has made doesn't seem to work in a way that makes your idea even feasible.
Sir Luo," she greeted simply. "Can I help you with something?"

"You have better senses than you have been given credit for," he said casually. He glanced passed her, toward her companions. "But perhaps that is a more recent development?

I'm possibly reading too much into this, and the fact that we needed Sixiang to alert us, but could this be a reflection of our perception skill? Our advanced skill is "intensive focus". This striked me as something excellent for, for example, probing weaknesses on defenses, but not really what you want you want for, say, "constant vigilance". (also very consistent with Ling Qi's general attitude and tendancy not to pay attention to things)

A possible illustration of pros and cons in skill specialisation? Or am I just reading too much into this?
If I remember correctly, it gets spelled out pretty explicitly that our perception art is good at reading inanimate objects and really bad at reading anything living or moving under its own power (something about tree leaves and birds if I'm not mistaken).
[X][SCS] There is no peace in emptiness, no content in stillness. Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end.
[X][TRF] Branches and trunks bend and sway, but the roots must remain unyielding. Retreat only so far and then no more.
[X][CDE] Do not slot Curious Diviners Eye
[X][SCS] There is no peace in emptiness, no content in stillness. Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end.
[X][TRF] Branches and trunks bend and sway, but the roots must remain unyielding. Retreat only so far and then no more.
[X][CDE] Do not slot Curious Diviners Eye
Sorry dude. you're a bit late--vote's closed

I'm possibly reading too much into this, and the fact that we needed Sixiang to alert us, but could this be a reflection of our perception skill? Our advanced skill is "intensive focus". This striked me as something excellent for, for example, probing weaknesses on defenses, but not really what you want you want for, say, "constant vigilance". (also very consistent with Ling Qi's general attitude and tendancy not to pay attention to things)

A possible illustration of pros and cons in skill specialisation? Or am I just reading too much into this?
One possibility is that this counts as social perception so Sixiang is A rank rather than C rank.
Sure but that's just repeating the same erroneous AM arguments of how we need that to know ourselves and how we couldn't possibly do that without slotting AM. We should not need to internalise the principle of "suffering builds character" as part of our fundamental life philosophy in order to learn from our mistakes.
It's a bit late for this, but by the same logic there's no need to vote for the TRF2 insight, as Ling Qi would be capable of drawing lines in the sand/refusing to compromise on core ideals without that insight.
It feels typical that I only thought of this after the vote closed, but I think Jiao's words are extra relevant here, at least with regards to SCS.
Like, the mindset espoused by the winning insight isn't a bad one for Ling Qi when taken in a vacuum. For someone in her position, the idea that she should never settle for less and always strive for more feels like it'll be needed if we're to reach the necessary heights.
What I disagree with is that that same insight can be applied to 'Home', that nebulous concept that makes up Ling Qi's domain. Like, what kind of lesson is 'no content in stillness' to apply to a home?
I don't think it's the end of the world or anything, but I do feel that at some point we'll need another insight to at least balance this one out.

Edit: On further reflection I think I dismissed the idea that this insight could be positive for us out of hand. It is possible I'm just misunderstanding how broadly our Domain/Way is meant to apply, in which case merely limiting the application of this insight would be enough to satisfy me.
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It feels typical that I only thought of this after the vote closed, but I think Jiao's words are extra relevant here, at least with regards to SCS.
Like, the mindset espoused by the winning insight isn't a bad one for Ling Qi when taken in a vacuum. For someone in her position, the idea that she should never settle for less and always strive for more feels like it'll be needed if we're to reach the necessary heights.
What I disagree with is that that same insight can be applied to 'Home', that nebulous concept that makes up Ling Qi's domain. Like, what kind of lesson is 'no content in stillness' to apply to a home?
I don't think it's the end of the world or anything, but I do feel that at some point we'll need another insight to at least balance this one out.

I made a post about this earlier, but there are major advantages to focusing on action and growth over stillness in Ling Qi's home. Stillness can lead to an unwillingness to change or to address problems head on. Many relationships in the real world flounder due to these issues. This is all the more significant in a world of cultivators, where change is a constant element of life. Ling Qi may have difficulty being carefree at home due to SCS1, but in exchange, her home will become a place where issues are addressed, relationships are developed, and people grow as individuals.
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I made a post about this earlier, but there are major advantages to focusing on change and growth over stillness in Ling Qi's home. Stillness can lead to an unwillingness to change or to address problems head on. Many relationships in the real world flounder due to these issues. This is all the more significant in a world of cultivators, where change is a constant element of life. Ling Qi may have difficulty being carefree at home due to SCS1, but in exchange, her home will become a place where issues are addressed, relationships are developed, and people grow as individuals.
I suppose it could work combined with her advanced insight? I had been worried it'd exaggerate her tendency to be pushy with her friends and family if she feels something's wrong, but then if she's taking their thoughts and feelings into account as well it shouldn't be too bad.