Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Invite Xuan Shi to help you with building his breakthough nest. Surely his knowledge will improve it
[X][M] Ask Cai Renxiang to put it up for auction

I hope the vote hasn't been called
I really enjoyed the last thread and hope to participate more in this one

I do have a question what Theme are we going for? Like it seems like all the high level cultivators are very focused in element and style I see wood moon ice wind and song how does all that come together or is the plan to discard some of these themes.
Cultivators seem to be basically baby gods figure out what section of reality to rule over so where are we heading?
Current consensus is straight Mountain/Earth Archery.
your generator had a little issue here
Ah, dammit. Should make sure % successes goes after multipliers.

Edit: well, here's some more that are hopefully better:
[1] "Adds 5 dice to Physical cultivation. Triggers 1 bonus Physical cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 2"
[1] "Adds a 0.05 multiplier to successes for Meridian cultivation. Adds 10 % of successes to Spiritual and Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 5 dice and a 0.25 multiplier to Lake and Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds 10 dice to Heaven and Physical cultivation. Adds 10 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation. Triggers 1 bonus Meridian cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 8"
[1] "Adds 45 % of successes from Water cultivation to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 5 dice and a 0.05 multiplier to Darkness and Physical cultivation. Adds 5 % of successes to Physical cultivation. Triggers 1 bonus Physical cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 6"
[1] "Adds 20 dice to Balanced and Meridian cultivation. Adds 15 % of successes to Spiritual and Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 10 dice to Music and Wind and Wood cultivation. Adds 15 % of successes to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 20 % of successes from Heaven cultivation to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 5 dice to Meridian cultivation. Adds 10 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds 10 % of successes from Sun cultivation to Spiritual and Physical cultivation. Triggers 2 bonus Meridian cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 2"
[1] "Adds 10 dice and a 0.05 multiplier to Traditional Element cultivation. Adds 5 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds 25 dice to Mountain and Sun and Wind cultivation. Adds 15 % of successes to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 10 % of successes from Lake cultivation to Spiritual and Physical cultivation. Triggers 1 bonus Meridian cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 2"
[1] "Adds 10 dice and a 0.05 multiplier to Earth and Spiritual cultivation. Adds 5 % of successes to Spiritual and Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 15 dice to Argent and Wood and Spiritual cultivation. Adds 10 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds a 0.05 multiplier to successes for Yin cultivation. Adds 10 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds 10 dice to Balanced and Meridian cultivation. Adds 5 % of successes to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 10 dice and a 0.05 multiplier to Spiritual and Physical cultivation. Triggers 1 bonus Spiritual cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 7"
[1] "Adds 5 dice and a 0.05 multiplier to Imperial Element cultivation. Adds 10 % of successes to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 35 % of successes from Wood cultivation to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 15 dice to Meridian cultivation."
[1] "Adds 20 dice to Sun cultivation."
[1] "Adds 15 dice to Physical and Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 5 dice to Combat Art and Physical cultivation. Adds 5 % of successes to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 25 dice and a 0.05 multiplier to Argent and Water cultivation. Adds 5 % of successes to Spiritual and Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 5 dice to Wind cultivation. Adds 10 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation. Triggers 2 bonus Meridian cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 7"
[1] "Adds 5 dice and a 0.1 multiplier to Lake and Wood and Metal cultivation."
[1] "Adds a 0.2 multiplier to successes for Earth and Wood and Wood cultivation. Adds 10 % of successes to Spiritual and Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 25 % of successes from Mountain cultivation to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 5 dice and a 0.15 multiplier to Physical and Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds a 0.15 multiplier to successes for Physical and Physical cultivation. Adds 15 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds 5 dice to Cultivation Art cultivation. Adds 10 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds 5 dice to Thunder and Earth and Meridian cultivation. Adds 10 % of successes to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 25 % of successes from Thunder cultivation to Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds 5 dice to Spiritual and Spiritual cultivation. Adds 10 % of successes to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 10 dice to Water cultivation. Adds 10 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds 5 dice to Earth and Thunder and Mountain cultivation. Triggers 1 bonus Meridian cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 3"
[1] "Adds 20 % of successes from Traditional Element cultivation to Spiritual and Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 5 dice and a 0.05 multiplier to Moon and Spiritual cultivation. Adds 5 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation."
Last edited:
[X] Invite Xuan Shi to help you with building his breakthough nest. Surely his knowledge will improve it
[X][M] Ask Cai Renxiang to put it up for auction

I hope the vote hasn't been called
I really enjoyed the last thread and hope to participate more in this one

I do have a question what Theme are we going for? Like it seems like all the high level cultivators are very focused in element and style I see wood moon ice wind and song how does all that come together or is the plan to discard some of these themes.
Cultivators seem to be basically baby gods figure out what section of reality to rule over so where are we heading?
The following passage set our starting point for our Domain. Elements are still being worked on; the next few arts we add/drop will do a lot to set that.

Softly, Lightly, without the slightest sound, Ling Qi stepped from the cliff and flew. The night wind made her gown and loose hair flutter as she soared over the misty lake, toward the welcome of the peak. It was the place where she belonged, she knew. While she could warm herself at the fireside for a time, hide in the darkness or soar in the sky, none of those were her place.

None of those were her home.

How long had it been since had a home, really?

She closed her eyes and let herself drift on the wind, the soft music from the peak washing over her. There was a reason she had kept her mother's flute, had held it so tightly, had protected it even when she had nothing else, when the hunger scratching at her belly had made her long to pawn it for a simple meal.

Music was home, safety, love, all the things she had given up for that wretched double edged freedom. It was the cornerstone of her best memories. Yet for all that attachment, she hadn't been able to afford it, not really.

Not in the city where the sound of a flute would draw the scavengers of the street. Not on the mountain where she had needed to scrabble so desperately for strength that it consumed everything else.

She felt arms close around her as she alit on the mountainside, warm and cold all at once. She leaned into the embrace and opened her eyes. Mother looked down at her fondly, stroking her hair with a soothing touch, as she had done, long, long ago. Ling Qi smiled, and they parted, though she still held the older womans hand. Warm, smooth scales nuzzled at her other hand, and she looked down to see Zhen and Gui at her side, the little brother she had raised from an egg. She patted his head and he let out a pleased hiss.

And in the corner of her vision stood a pale girl, at once close and distant, watching her with longing.

The mountain stretched overhead, the tune floating down from the peak of thing of welcome. What awaited her at the peak was beyond wretched double edged freedom, beyond power, or fleeting companionship. She would hold tightly to her friends, but in the end, such bonds changed. As she set one foot in front of the other, ascending the peak with only three at her side, Ling Qi came to understand that which she truly desired.

Home. A place that was hers, and people to inhabit it. Family. Her bonds were frayed, Mother flickered in her sight, features changing to one icy and imperious, and then to one of warm silver eyes. She did not dare invite the girl behind her closer, afraid of what it could mean. Only Zhengui stood solid and wholly real at her side.

She clung to her friends, gave gifts freely, but held them at a distance still. Desperate to convince them of her worth. She didn't share of herself, except in the smallest ways. Would they even speak again, when the year was up, or the one after that? When duty and responsibilities tugged them all apart? Could she hold them too her? Bind them, keep them?

She looked to her right, and saw Zeqing's face looking back. No, that wasn't right. Things changed, and that was fine. She would have a home one day, a place to return when the adventure ended. A place for the people who would stay with her always. A place distant friends could come to and visit, to give her new tales to spin into song.

Ling Qi smiled as she reached the peak, where eight maidens danced, sang and played, remote from the world below. She glanced to Zhengui, and the phantoms at her side. One day, she would have a family so lively.

She had but to build it.
For those who want to play with my random pill generator, here's the R script:
#control panel
Potency = 2 #AP required
n.pills = 40 #number of pills to generate

#return factor
m.ret = 1.2 #average return
sd.ret = 0.4 #random variance in effectiveness
#Effect base strength (per AP)
effects <- data.frame(effect=c("dice","multi","flow","roll"), str=c(7,0.1,0.1,1), p=c(0.8,0.4,0.7,0.35),unit=c(5,0.05,0.05,1))
for(p in 1:n.pills){
#select effects
sel <- rep(FALSE, nrow(effects))
while(length(sel[sel==TRUE])<1 & (TRUE %in% (c("multi","flow","roll") %in% effects[sel,"effects"]) == FALSE)){
  sel <- runif(nrow(effects)) < effects$p
sel.eff <- effects[sel,]

#allocate pill power across effects
r <- runif(nrow(sel.eff)); r <- r/sum(r)
sel.eff$bonus <- r*sel.eff$str*Potency*exp(rnorm(1, log(m.ret), log(sd.ret+1)))
sel.eff$bonus <- round(sel.eff$bonus/sel.eff$unit)*sel.eff$unit #rounding
sel.eff <- sel.eff[sel.eff$bonus>0,]
base <- c("Spiritual","Physical","Meridian")
elements <- c("Water","Wind","Heaven","Lake","Fire","Thunder","Earth","Mountain","Wood","Metal","Darkness","Moon","Music","Argent","Sun")
categories <- c("Yin","Yang","Balanced","Combat Art","Cultivation Art","Imperial Element","Traditional Element") <- list("base","element","category",
                     c("element","base"), c("element","element","base"),
options.flow <- c("Spiritual","Physical","Spiritual and Physical")
#work out what bonuses apply to
for(i in 1:nrow(sel.eff)){
    opt <- sample(,1)
    app <- NULL
    for(j in 1:length(opt[[1]])){
      ifelse(opt[[1]][j]=="base", app <- c(app, sample(base,1)),
             ifelse(opt[[1]][j]=="element", app <- c(app, sample(elements,1)),
                    ifelse(opt[[1]][j]=="category", app <- c(app, sample(categories,1)),"")))
  } else if(sel.eff$effect[i]=="flow"){
    app <- sample(options.flow,1)
  } else {
    app <- sample(base,1)
  sel.eff$app[i] <- paste(app, collapse=" and ")

if("multi" %in% sel.eff$effect==TRUE & "dice" %in% sel.eff$effect==TRUE){
  sel.eff$app[sel.eff$effect=="multi"] <- sel.eff$app[sel.eff$effect=="dice"]

for(i in 1:nrow(sel.eff)){
    sel.eff$line[i] <- paste("Adds", sel.eff$bonus[i],"dice to", sel.eff$app[i],"cultivation.")
  } else if(sel.eff$effect[i]=="multi"){
    sel.eff$line[i] <- paste("Adds a", sel.eff$bonus[i],"multiplier to successes for", sel.eff$app[i],"cultivation.")
  } else if(sel.eff$effect[i]=="flow"){
    if("multi" %in% sel.eff$effect==FALSE & "dice" %in% sel.eff$effect==FALSE){
      sel.eff$line[i] <- paste("Adds",sel.eff$bonus[i]*100,"% of successes from",sample(c(elements,categories),1),"cultivation to", sel.eff$app[i],"cultivation.")
    } else {
      sel.eff$line[i] <- paste("Adds",sel.eff$bonus[i]*100,"% of successes to", sel.eff$app[i],"cultivation.")
  } else {
    sel.eff$line[i] <- paste("Triggers", sel.eff$bonus[i],"bonus", sel.eff$app[i],"cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of", round(runif(1,1,10)))
if("multi" %in% sel.eff$effect==TRUE & "dice" %in% sel.eff$effect==TRUE){
  sel.eff$line[1] <- paste("Adds", sel.eff$bonus[sel.eff$effect=="dice"],"dice and a",sel.eff$bonus[sel.eff$effect=="multi"], "multiplier to", sel.eff$app[1],"cultivation.")
  sel.eff <- sel.eff[sel.eff$effect!="multi",]

print(paste(sel.eff$line, collapse=" "))

Yes, it's ugly as heck, but you can just copy-paste into an online R code runner (e.g. here) and run it and it will spit out pills fine without understanding it.

If you want to generate more pills then change n.pills up the top. If you want to generate stronger pills worth 4AP then change Potency to 4.
For those who want to play with my random pill generator, here's the R script:
#control panel
Potency = 2 #AP required
n.pills = 40 #number of pills to generate
#return factor
m.ret = 1.2 #average return
sd.ret = 0.4 #random variance in effectiveness
#Effect base strength (per AP)
effects <- data.frame(effect=c("dice","multi","flow","roll"), str=c(7,0.1,0.1,1), p=c(0.8,0.4,0.7,0.35),unit=c(5,0.05,0.05,1))
for(p in 1:n.pills){
#select effects
sel <- rep(FALSE, nrow(effects))
while(length(sel[sel==TRUE])<1 & (TRUE %in% (c("multi","flow","roll") %in% effects[sel,"effects"]) == FALSE)){
  sel <- runif(nrow(effects)) < effects$p
sel.eff <- effects[sel,]
#allocate pill power across effects
r <- runif(nrow(sel.eff)); r <- r/sum(r)
sel.eff$bonus <- r*sel.eff$str*Potency*exp(rnorm(1, log(m.ret), log(sd.ret+1)))
sel.eff$bonus <- round(sel.eff$bonus/sel.eff$unit)*sel.eff$unit #rounding
sel.eff <- sel.eff[sel.eff$bonus>0,]
base <- c("Spiritual","Physical","Meridian")
elements <- c("Water","Wind","Heaven","Lake","Fire","Thunder","Earth","Mountain","Wood","Metal","Darkness","Moon","Music","Argent","Sun")
categories <- c("Yin","Yang","Balanced","Combat Art","Cultivation Art","Imperial Element","Traditional Element") <- list("base","element","category",
                     c("element","base"), c("element","element","base"),
options.flow <- c("Spiritual","Physical","Spiritual and Physical")
#work out what bonuses apply to
for(i in 1:nrow(sel.eff)){
    opt <- sample(,1)
    app <- NULL
    for(j in 1:length(opt[[1]])){
      ifelse(opt[[1]][j]=="base", app <- c(app, sample(base,1)),
             ifelse(opt[[1]][j]=="element", app <- c(app, sample(elements,1)),
                    ifelse(opt[[1]][j]=="category", app <- c(app, sample(categories,1)),"")))
  } else if(sel.eff$effect[i]=="flow"){
    app <- sample(options.flow,1)
  } else {
    app <- sample(base,1)
  sel.eff$app[i] <- paste(app, collapse=" and ")
if("multi" %in% sel.eff$effect==TRUE & "dice" %in% sel.eff$effect==TRUE){
  sel.eff$app[sel.eff$effect=="multi"] <- sel.eff$app[sel.eff$effect=="dice"]
for(i in 1:nrow(sel.eff)){
    sel.eff$line[i] <- paste("Adds", sel.eff$bonus[i],"dice to", sel.eff$app[i],"cultivation.")
  } else if(sel.eff$effect[i]=="multi"){
    sel.eff$line[i] <- paste("Adds a", sel.eff$bonus[i],"multiplier to successes for", sel.eff$app[i],"cultivation.")
  } else if(sel.eff$effect[i]=="flow"){
    if("multi" %in% sel.eff$effect==FALSE & "dice" %in% sel.eff$effect==FALSE){
      sel.eff$line[i] <- paste("Adds",sel.eff$bonus[i]*100,"% of successes from",sample(c(elements,categories),1),"cultivation to", sel.eff$app[i],"cultivation.")
    } else {
      sel.eff$line[i] <- paste("Adds",sel.eff$bonus[i]*100,"% of successes to", sel.eff$app[i],"cultivation.")
  } else {
    sel.eff$line[i] <- paste("Triggers", sel.eff$bonus[i],"bonus", sel.eff$app[i],"cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of", round(runif(1,1,10)))
if("multi" %in% sel.eff$effect==TRUE & "dice" %in% sel.eff$effect==TRUE){
  sel.eff$line[1] <- paste("Adds", sel.eff$bonus[sel.eff$effect=="dice"],"dice and a",sel.eff$bonus[sel.eff$effect=="multi"], "multiplier to", sel.eff$app[1],"cultivation.")
  sel.eff <- sel.eff[sel.eff$effect!="multi",]
print(paste(sel.eff$line, collapse=" "))

Yes, it's ugly as heck, but you can just copy-paste into an online R code runner (e.g. here) and run it and it will spit out pills fine without understanding it.

If you want to generate more pills then change n.pills up the top. If you want to generate stronger pills worth 4AP then change Potency to 4.
here's a list for 20AP, which would make Ling Qi camping the market totally worth it! :rofl:
[1] "Adds 50 dice to Mountain and Heaven cultivation. Adds 50 % of successes to Physical cultivation. Triggers 10 bonus Physical cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 8"
[1] "Adds a 1.65 multiplier to successes for Thunder cultivation. Adds 90 % of successes to Spiritual and Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 100 dice and a 0.3 multiplier to Yang and Meridian cultivation. Adds 50 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds 65 dice to Darkness cultivation. Adds 85 % of successes to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 180 dice to Meridian cultivation."
[1] "Adds 230 % of successes from Combat Art cultivation to Spiritual and Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 45 dice to Darkness and Argent cultivation. Adds 35 % of successes to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 220 % of successes from Water cultivation to Spiritual and Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 20 dice and a 1.1 multiplier to Physical cultivation. Triggers 9 bonus Spiritual cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 6"
[1] "Adds 95 dice to Wood and Water and Lake cultivation. Adds 70 % of successes to Spiritual and Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 15 dice to Meridian and Meridian cultivation. Adds 285 % of successes to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 245 % of successes from Balanced cultivation to Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds 320 % of successes from Music cultivation to Spiritual and Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 20 dice to Traditional Element and Spiritual cultivation. Adds 205 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds 55 dice to Thunder and Meridian cultivation. Triggers 22 bonus Physical cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 10"
[1] "Adds 285 % of successes from Combat Art cultivation to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 15 dice and a 1.05 multiplier to Meridian cultivation. Adds 95 % of successes to Spiritual and Physical cultivation. Triggers 7 bonus Spiritual cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 8"
[1] "Adds 110 dice and a 1.8 multiplier to Cultivation Art cultivation."
[1] "Adds 30 dice and a 0.15 multiplier to Yin and Spiritual cultivation. Adds 70 % of successes to Spiritual and Physical cultivation."
[1] "Triggers 17 bonus Physical cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 7"
[1] "Adds 80 dice and a 0.75 multiplier to Fire cultivation. Adds 10 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds 50 dice and a 0.9 multiplier to Sun and Meridian cultivation."
[1] "Adds a 1 multiplier to successes for Balanced and Spiritual cultivation. Adds 90 % of successes to Physical cultivation. Triggers 10 bonus Meridian cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 9"
[1] "Adds 200 dice to Wind and Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds 95 dice to Traditional Element cultivation. Triggers 19 bonus Meridian cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 2"
[1] "Adds 195 dice to Moon and Earth and Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 55 dice and a 0.3 multiplier to Yin and Spiritual cultivation. Adds 30 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds 155 % of successes from Argent cultivation to Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds 85 dice and a 1 multiplier to Meridian and Spiritual cultivation. Adds 80 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation."
[1] "Adds 150 dice to Mountain and Metal and Lake cultivation."
[1] "Adds 110 dice to Physical and Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 30 dice and a 2.15 multiplier to Spiritual and Physical cultivation. Adds 115 % of successes to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds a 1.25 multiplier to successes for Combat Art and Spiritual cultivation. Adds 35 % of successes to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 145 dice to Heaven and Mountain cultivation."
[1] "Adds 80 % of successes from Balanced cultivation to Spiritual cultivation. Triggers 15 bonus Meridian cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 7"
[1] "Adds 110 dice to Lake and Sun and Meridian cultivation. Adds 10 % of successes to Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 55 dice and a 1.15 multiplier to Combat Art and Physical cultivation."
[1] "Adds 50 dice and a 0.6 multiplier to Meridian cultivation. Adds 60 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation. Triggers 6 bonus Physical cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 6"
[1] "Adds 25 dice and a 0.5 multiplier to Lake and Wind cultivation. Adds 70 % of successes to Spiritual cultivation. Triggers 12 bonus Spiritual cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 10"
[1] "Adds 95 % of successes from Argent cultivation to Spiritual cultivation."

[1] "Adds a 1 multiplier to successes for Balanced and Spiritual cultivation. Adds 90 % of successes to Physical cultivation. Triggers 10 bonus Meridian cultivation roll(s) with a bonus of 9"
I mean, look at this!
Last edited:
[X] Invite Xuan Shi to help you with building his breakthough nest. Surely his knowledge will improve it
[X][M] Ask Cai Renxiang to put it up for auction

I hope the vote hasn't been called
I really enjoyed the last thread and hope to participate more in this one

I do have a question what Theme are we going for? Like it seems like all the high level cultivators are very focused in element and style I see wood moon ice wind and song how does all that come together or is the plan to discard some of these themes.
Cultivators seem to be basically baby gods figure out what section of reality to rule over so where are we heading?
There isn't really a consensus, given the large player base, beyond a frankly faint boundary surrounding a connection between providing shelter for close family(home concepts), moon wraith-ness, and "problem solver". Going by elements ala water, fire, wind is likely too muddled to be really useful.

This is in part because we only have the faintest clue what's going on with Ling Qi's progression. We're hoping the elders will see to enlightening us about what's what this turn. If not there is some desire to purchase tutor time for the answers.
There isn't really a consensus, given the large player base, beyond a frankly faint boundary surrounding a connection between providing shelter for close family(home concepts), moon wraith-ness, and "problem solver". Going by elements ala water, fire, wind is likely too muddled to be really useful.

This is in part because we only have the faintest clue what's going on with Ling Qi's progression. We're hoping the elders will see to enlightening us about what's what this turn. If not there is some desire to purchase tutor time for the answers.
Well, broadly I'd say that the themes we're playing with are music/bard, support/FRIENDSHIP, sneaky stuff, field control, and possibly moon/fairy.

Elementally we've got darkness/moon/wind/wood/water as the main things.

How to refine, weight, and combine these things is a more complex question that, as you say, we are struggling with.
You guys realize that at least some of the higher level cultivators in charge of Sect education have intentionally left most of the stuff you want to know undefined, right? I mean, yes, I'm sure that most nobles know the basics to a degree that Ling Qi doesn't (noble friends have been a source of information after all), but they only know the basics and we've only ever had the most general ideas of what's coming next in cultivation anyway, even with teachers. Elder Su said that 'certain benefits' would be kept from us if Ling Qi broke into Yellow without AS5. She kept it as vague as possible, even though those benefits are tangible to us numerically. Jiao metaphorically hand-slapped Xin for revealing the concept of 'Way' to us and Zeqing kept the concept of Domain away from us until we were fully third realm, again deferring with generalities like how training FVM without being fully third realm would cause Ling Qi to lose out on some benefits, because the experience that our numbers represent is not really comparable to how characters in-story experience cultivation. They, including Ling Qi, breath and live their cultivation.

Stuff like 'yeah upper realms exist', 'green has 8 stages', and 'there's bottlenecks that are like minibreakthroughs' isn't restricted. But most of that's not actionable in the way that people are asking for, and just about everything about what a realm is like is restricted to those experiencing that realm. The people above have a vested interest in not restricting possible Domains by providing a rigid gameplan—Jiao's warning applied to his loss of Way but I'm sure plenty of cultivators fail to reach Cyan because they're overinvested in a plan they cook up instead of going with their true self.
Elder Su said that 'certain benefits' would be kept from us if Ling Qi broke into Yellow without AS5. She kept it as vague as possible, even though those benefits are tangible to us numerically. Jiao metaphorically hand-slapped Xin for revealing the concept of 'Way' to us and Zeqing kept the concept of Domain away from us until we were fully third realm, again deferring with generalities like how training FVM without being fully third realm would cause Ling Qi to lose out on some benefits, because the experience that our numbers represent is not really comparable to how characters in-story experience cultivation.
AS4 was the limit for tangible benefits upon breaking through to Yellow, Jiao was annoyed at Xin for locking him in a dream-cage thing as a prank, not for telling us about Ways, and I', pretty sure Zeqing only kept the info on domains from us until we were fully third realm because only then would we be able to actually experience what she was telling us about, thus saving her from having to explain twice.
Stuff like 'yeah upper realms exist', 'green has 8 stages', and 'there's bottlenecks that are like minibreakthroughs' isn't restricted. But most of that's not actionable in the way that people are asking for, and just about everything about what a realm is like is restricted to those experiencing that realm. The people above have a vested interest in not restricting possible Domains by providing a rigid gameplan—Jiao's warning applied to his loss of Way but I'm sure plenty of cultivators fail to reach Cyan because they're overinvested in a plan they cook up instead of going with their true self.
As to this, whilst you have a point that overplanning isn't the best idea when it comes to things as mutable and unique as domains, the fact is we don't know enough about the subject to know whether or not any future information is actionable. Like the whole thing with the increased difficulty after 54 meridians, which we had to find out by asking a tutor specifically about meridians.
Overthinking it guys. Yrsillar is specifically avoiding excessive infodumping, so information will be parceled out just a little ahead of when it should become relevant. Thats why we only got the breakthrough advice as we're actually preparing for a breakthrough, why we only learned about domain art slots shortly before we hit Green.

Long term optima is somewhat detrimental to storytelling, because the involved discussions means that it really should be engaged within a few chapters or it'd have left most readers' minds.
And the Elder lectures are basically how this happens. We get bits of cultivation lore parceled out about a stage or two before we need it.

Otherwise it'd have shown up in the many WoGs already. Yrs is pretty generous with background lore, but cagey about cultivation lore for that reason.
Overthinking it guys. Yrsillar is specifically avoiding excessive infodumping, so information will be parceled out just a little ahead of when it should become relevant. Thats why we only got the breakthrough advice as we're actually preparing for a breakthrough, why we only learned about domain art slots shortly before we hit Green.

Long term optima is somewhat detrimental to storytelling, because the involved discussions means that it really should be engaged within a few chapters or it'd have left most readers' minds.
And the Elder lectures are basically how this happens. We get bits of cultivation lore parceled out about a stage or two before we need it.

Otherwise it'd have shown up in the many WoGs already. Yrs is pretty generous with background lore, but cagey about cultivation lore for that reason.
We actually got breakthrough advice because we voted to ask questions to the Elder. Likewise, we got meridian info because we voted to ask questions to a Tutor. Same for Argent Arts.

Yes, Yrsillar is somewhat cagey in order to give himself some rope. No, that doesn't mean no information for planning if we actually look for said information.
We actually got breakthrough advice because we voted to ask questions to the Elder. Likewise, we got meridian info because we voted to ask questions to a Tutor. Same for Argent Arts.

Yes, Yrsillar is somewhat cagey in order to give himself some rope. No, that doesn't mean no information for planning if we actually look for said information.
I'm thinking along the lines of adding the questions to Attend Elder Lecture and seeing if it slots in. I mean we know the Elders DO answer questions in lectures.
No need to get too fancy unless that fails.

Its really important for long term, but we don't need it answered on a right the hell now level. Yet.
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AS4 was the limit for tangible benefits upon breaking through to Yellow, Jiao was annoyed at Xin for locking him in a dream-cage thing as a prank, not for telling us about Ways, and I', pretty sure Zeqing only kept the info on domains from us until we were fully third realm because only then would we be able to actually experience what she was telling us about, thus saving her from having to explain twice.
The characters had multiple reasons for their actions. By my reading, the knowledge of Ways isn't too much by itself, and Xin knew that, and since she's a tease associated with a moon phase based around secrets she wants to entice Ling Qi with some information to encourage her to investigate, and Xin also probably knew Jiao would stop her, and Xin was dropping the knowledge that she knew was necessary and only that much because she knew it was unknown etc. etc. They're higher level realm than any mortal such as we readers could be, and they're also human to their own extents, so they have layers. But my general point stands: higher level creatures keep information away from lower. Whatever their reasons, they do so. If we presume Xin, Jiao, Su, Zeqing, etc. to have Ling Qi's best interests at heart (to their own limits) then presumably at least some of their multivarious reasons are good.

There's nothing wrong with seeking—Ling Qi is partly associated with the Hidden Moon even if she hasn't fully sold her heart to academia and to be honest I expect we'll even get a few dice out of asking—but we should be realistic about the kind of information we'll get. We've asked all the time about what arts are available or types of lessons they provide or whatever other specific inanity we needed to plan a purely optimal character, and we get generalities because that's all that yrsillar/higher realm entities can give. Ling Qi being given any single definition of what a Domain 'is' or is supposed to be would probably limit her preconceptions of what's possible. Four minute mile and all that; and mental illness is partly expressed in the way that society expects it to be expressed (hysteria, PTSD, etc.; please note that this is not any kind of sole factor).

Any specifics given have real tangible effects on what gets picked up or experienced, which is undesirable for yrsillar because he's running a quest about character building freedom, and is undesirable for higher realm teachers because they want Ling Qi to find her own path.
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I thought we were trying to become one with the Ashen Shadows?

Nah, that was the backup plan for conquering australia if we fail to get a perception art that lets us collapse quantum wavefunctions at will.

Jokes aside though, to actually try to answer the question:
what Theme are we going for?
the baseline is somewhere between the concept of "home" as a domain that was picked during the last breakthrough, and the general frost-wraith/night-terror impression we have been building up over the last year, in the tournament and so on. opinions are, as always, divided - mostly I think about whether we should prioritize getting arts that fit our domain concept, or to pick arts more by immediate/practical usefulness assuming the rather vague domain concept will adapt. In either case, the recurring themes are mostly based on the arts that are well-liked and useful, so moon/music/dark/ice is the general area indeed, and then theres also some yelling about argent arts. :D
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Nah, that was the backup plan for conquering australia if we fail to get a perception art that lets us collapse quantum wavefunctions at will.

Jokes aside though, to actually try to answer the question:

the baseline is somewhere between the concept of "home" as a domain that was picked during the last breakthrough, and the general frost-wraith/night-terror impression we have been building up over the last year, in the tournament and so on. opinions are, as always, divided - mostly I think about whether we should prioritize getting arts that fit our domain concept, or to pick arts more by immediate/practical usefulness assuming the rather vague domain concept will adapt. In either case, the recurring themes are mostly based on the arts that are well-liked and useful, so moon/music/dark/ice is the general area indeed, and then theres also some yelling about argent arts. :D
Actually no on the Argent Arts. Speaking as someone who wants to finish the four known Argent Arts, they don't feature as Domain Concept to me as a collective, though they may have pieces that can prove useful

Also Ling Qi is clearly a balloon because she keeps floating off. :p
@yrsillar I don't know if you saw my previous request but I would like to change my omake point usage. I would like to spend the 2 points from Library Workers and 2 points from FOD and Exploring to level up Dexterity by 2 points. This will leave me with 2 points (Duty, Far Future) left.
4 points +2 Dex please.
Thank you for the great story!
Actually no on the Argent Arts. Speaking as someone who wants to finish the four known Argent Arts, they don't feature as Domain Concept to me as a collective, though they may have pieces that can prove useful
The Argent Arts feel like xianxia algebra to me. You learn them in school because everybody else does. Maybe as a foundation for other things, or to give context for other pieces of knowledge. At the time that you start learning it might seem like it'll be important in the future but in the end you'll pick up different skills that will be more useful for what you actually wind up doing with your life.
[X] Go with Zhengui and help him build his breakthrough nest on your own.

No idea about mirror, I assume it might be useful, but it might not, given our focus on confusing senses, rather than whatever the mirror actually does.

Also, the Argent arts might be integrated into the domains on the Elders who achieved the balance that they talked about in the previous thread, but we're already heavily focused into music, support and general yin things, so Argent just wouldn't work out for us as domain arts, but might for others that are sticking with the sect.

That being said, the whole algebra thing is a pretty good example, we can still use lessons learnt from argent arts to grant us useful insights anyway.
[X] Go with Zhengui and help him build his breakthrough nest on your own.

No idea about mirror, I assume it might be useful, but it might not, given our focus on confusing senses, rather than whatever the mirror actually does.

Also, the Argent arts might be integrated into the domains on the Elders who achieved the balance that they talked about in the previous thread, but we're already heavily focused into music, support and general yin things, so Argent just wouldn't work out for us as domain arts, but might for others that are sticking with the sect.

That being said, the whole algebra thing is a pretty good example, we can still use lessons learnt from argent arts to grant us useful insights anyway.
I think the vote is locked by now.

As for the Argent discussion, my want to finish AS and AC is based primarily on the following blurb from Y43 W33 part 2:

The rest of their weeks training and explorations were less exciting, though Ling Qi found herself very rapidly mastering the portion of Argent Storm that Han Jian had shared with her, easily mastering the opening exercises and advancing to the next stage of mastery. With three Argent arts active, Ling Qi felt slightly strange, like she was on the verge of something.
I really would like to know what that verge is if all 3 maxed Argent arts are.

At first I thought that was saying there was 4 basic Argent arts and the verge would be given when we learned Pulse but as that art seems to be of a higher quality than we first thought (as in it starts at Green 1 or so rather than the others at late red) so I now think it's for the first 3 fully mastered ones.
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I think the vote is locked by now.

As for the Argent discussion, my want to finish AS and AC is based primarily on the following blurb from Y43 W33 part 2:

I really would like to know what that verge is if all 3 maxed Argent arts are.

At first I thought that was saying there was 4 basic Argent arts and the verge would be given when we learned Pulse but as that art seems to be of a higher quality than we first thought (as in it starts at Green 1 or so rather than the others at mid or early yellow) so I now think it's for the first 3 fully mastered ones.
The verge is Argent Pulse. We receive it like puzzle pieces when we master the lower level arts.