Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
As an aside, I was wondering what had happened to the plan about befriending the river dragon and ultimately attempting to bind him as a familiar? Fallen to the wayside in favor of Cai committment?
In keeping with recent thread laments, no one voted for his socials

People preferred to continue investing in characters who already had investment over investing in anyone new

also in a completely unrelated complaint, they killed my boy gu tai, they did. even with only three actions he got ling qi's heart a-thumping dammit
In keeping with recent thread laments, no one voted for his socials

People preferred to continue investing in characters who already had investment over investing in anyone new

also in a completely unrelated complaint, they killed my boy gu tai, they did. even with only three actions he got ling qi's heart a-thumping dammit

I honestly didn't dislike Gu Tai.

I was just leery of agreeing to marriage that early, as well as the whole "living in the radioactive haunted desert" part.
Family Honor and Monumental Tasks
Family Honor and Monumental Tasks

Sunshine cascaded over the land as the sun leisurely began to rise over the horizon. Light from the sun banished the darkness covering the Yundong encampment, as well as the silence which had so comfortably smothered the camp. With the break of dawn, individuals left the safety and comfort of their respective yurts to begin preparations for the day ahead. Fires were quickly encouraged to flare and burn from the embers they had rested in, scouts were sent out to ensure that nothing dangerous moved closer, and the night guards were relieved of their duties. The entire clan, and their servants, had successfully maneuvered from the previous resting ground to the current one, and all but one family had made it on time as well. With the arrival of that family late in the previous day, today was a day of celebration and relaxation, to revel in another successful migration and spread tales of tricking, bargaining, or fighting terrestrial spirits which grew more outlandish and ridiculous with each telling. And as with all good and proper revels, it began the moment after the morning meal was finished and would likely last long past dusk.

Yundong Caifu avoided the revels and outlandish tales, however. Even though his family had been the first to arrive, due in part because the bargains he had struck last year had continued over to the current year or were easy enough to re-establish, and as such should have been central to the merriment. Instead, he watched as rays of sunlight played over the southern mountains, casting the eastern faces into sparkling light while painting the valleys and western faces of those same mountains in the deepest shadows. The contrast was beautiful, made all the more interesting as the light slowly moved, shifting the colors and shadows as if the light was flowing honey.

Even still, indignation churned in his gut. Tradition dictated that the first family to arrive at the gathering grounds was to be honored by the head of the Yundong family. That hadn't been the case this year though. No honor was given to his family, no rewards or encouragement, not even acknowledgment that they achieved what few families of the Yundong ever could, continuous treaties of passage with the terrestrial spirits. The Head had made it clear long ago his disdain for Yundong Caifu, and disgust at the methods he employed to acquire lasting passage for a pittance of the cost, and now that disdain and disgust were corrupting and twisting the traditions which had been established generations ago.

Even now a thread of unease and disquiet could be sensed from various members of the Yundong clan, buried underneath the joy and excitement of the day. His uncle was a fool if he thought that refusing to hold to the traditions would have no consequences for him. Tomorrow was another day, and already some elders had conferred with him their intention to confront Yundong Zhenshi about his actions in refusing to grant honor to the family first to arrive. Yundong Caifu didn't think that anything would come of it, not right away. But the seeds were being planted that when his uncle passed away, another family would be chosen by the Elders to lead the Yundong. It was ironic, that the seeds which would reduce his uncle's family would be sown by that very same uncle, all in an attempt to increase the prestige of that same family.

Turning back to the sight of the mountains, Yundong Caifu resolved to push such unfilial thoughts out of his mind. Today was a day of relaxation and the enjoyment of life, and it was not suitable for plots and lies. He listened and enjoyed the laughter of his children playing with their cousins, and took amusement from the fact that his wife and her friends were shielded by laughing winds from eavesdropping. She did so enjoy the trading of gossip with the wives of other families. However, he was content, for today, to simply watch the interplay of light and shadow on the mountains and commit them to memory. Perhaps he would paint the memory and gift it to the Ling for a favor or two, or perhaps sell it to a member of the Bao clan he was familiar with for the wealth to support his family even further. But that was another day's decision.

Hours flittered by, like sand passing through cupped hands. The sun had long ago reached its peak and was slowly sliding past the horizon to the west. With the dying of the light, the merriment of the Yundong only grew. Blazing bonfires born from precious wood lit the evening, and rowdy circles gathered around them laughing, cheering, and dancing, their shadows playing an eerie mockery of their actions behind them. Yundong Caifu still sat gazing at the mountains, watching the light retreat, deepening the shadows within the Wall. Some cousins of his had attempted to pull him into the revel and enjoy the merriment after the mid-day feast, but he gently refused and deflected their attempts. Enjoying the festivities would have been difficult for him knowing the honor that had been refused his family, and he was loath to sour the joy others were expressing.

However, something did pull his attention away from the mountains as the last light fled their peaks. A commotion of some kind had suddenly begun at the edges of the encampment. Even though his senses should have been able to pick out who, or what, caused the commotion, there appeared to be nothing there. Standing up, Yundong Caifu turned towards the commotion and saw a woman being escorted to Yundong Zhenshi. While the spiritual identity of the person was blended expertly with the background qi of the encampment, they had, likely as a courtesy, not shrouded their physical features. The woman was tall with tan skin and hair which sparkled like the midnight sky. Such features only appeared in one clan in the Emerald Seas. It would appear that the Ling had a task of some importance for their vassals if one of them had come personally to deliver the news.

Yundong Zhenshi took her personally to the Head Family's yurt, to have some modicum of peace and privacy for the communication. This unusual event only slightly disturbed the revel though, and soon enough the majority of families had forgotten about the Ling cultivator in their midsts, memories dulled with an excess of alcohol. Not Yundong Caifu, though. As the moon rose and shined an entirely different, softer, light on the mountains which made up the Wall, he pondered as to the news the Ling had which required one of their own to approach a baronial clan such as the Yundong. All the possibilities led to a singular conclusion though. There was going to be a lot of work in the near future.

As night fled the day after the Yundong revel, the head brought together the core families of the clan to discuss the news that the Ling had given him. The great Living Mountain, Zhengui, had awoken from his 1,000-year slumber. With his awakening, Zhengui had declared his next destination and the route he would take had been mapped. Growing tired of being a solitary mountain in the depths of the Emerald Sea, the Living Mountain decided to be closer to the Wall and disguise himself as one of the many mountains there. The Yundong had been tasked with bargaining with some of the weaker spirit beasts which held territory in Zhengui's path to ensure that no undue conflict would arise from the journey. Resources which would be needed to bargain and persuade those spirits would be handled by the Ling, but as few resources as required was preferable.

To Yundong Caifu, it seemed that there would be little time for painting with the monstrous amount of work this task would require. However, to be a part of history, of easing the Living Mountain's travels, was sure to be a magnificent reward itself. Songs would be sung in the Clan of this task and their completion, or failure, of it. And, if he was clever and hardworking enough, the songs might even mention him by name. To be remembered for as long as songs were sung for his accomplishments, what better and greater honor was there?

A/N: This omake has taken many different twists and turns in my mind. However, I'm pretty happy with where it ended up. Taking place in the far future, the Yundong clan is a baronial clan dedicated to traveling and appeasing the terrestrial spirits which inhabit the earth through clever wordplay, tricks, riddles, and gifts. This omake was inspired by the moon quest that Ling Qi undertook last arc as well as Ling Qi's new cultivation art. I hope that you enjoyed the omake as much as I enjoyed writing it. As always, critiques and criticisms welcomed.

Also, @yrsillar another omake for the omake throne!
Speed: Measures the characters ability to quickly cover distances, created through the average of the higher of Strength or Dexterity, and the athletics skill
zhengui stat
Base Speed: E ( Dexterity F, Athletics C) Unqualified BFA -10
Strength: C
Dexterity: F
Stamina: A

shouldn't that be strength and athletics for speed?
The Head had made it clear long ago his disdain for Yundong Caifu, and disgust at the methods he employed to acquire lasting passage for a pittance of the cost,

Nice snippet! But the whole thing made me incredibly curious about just what these methods are that would have the head so against them.
Nice snippet! But the whole thing made me incredibly curious about just what these methods are that would have the head so against them.
So, the reason why the Head of the Clan despises the MC of the omake is that they have wildly divergent views on how to entreat and deal with the spirits they encounter. The head believes that promoting healthy, respectful, and prosperous relations with the spirits who control the land they move through is the best way to establish long-lasting deals and compacts which protect the tribe as they move through the said territory. However, as one might imagine, that can become very expensive, very fast, and so balancing the budget becomes difficult and problematic.

The MC sees this as empowering something so that it can kill things better in the hopes that it doesn't kill you. In other words, expensive, dangerous, and more likely to backfire in the long term once the spirit doesn't see the value of continuing the pacts. He takes a totally different approach. Politic the spirits into killing each other, and offering his assistance to the one most likely to value his assistance and provide the terms he wants in the pact. To that end, he lies, steals, twists, and betrays the spirits to set up a scenario where the spirit who is left feels obligated to uphold their bargain. It takes a lot more work than the former method, as he needs to deal with three or four times the number of spirits, but it doesn't require a lot in tribute and doesn't empower a spirit over time. Once he sets up his favored spirit to be in control, however, it takes little work to remind them of services rendered and the... consequences of being disagreeable.

The Head values truthfulness, manners, fair dealings, and respect even if it is empowering a single spirit past the point of safety in the long run. The MC values trickery, cunning, blackmail, and deceit even if it ruins the potential of positive long term relations with spirits.

That's why the Head didn't want to give the MC's family the honor of being the first family to reach the gathering ground, as it would have been giving credence and credibility to their methods, which he sees as damaging and destructive to the relations the clan is trying to build across the Emerald Sea. These relations, the Head hopes, will allow the Clan to get more resources safely so that they can grow stronger. The MC sees those long term relations to be impossible until the clan is powerful enough to meet those more powerful spirits on equal footing, which requires resources. Resources which are instead being spent on empowering those spirits.

So that is the fundamental disagreement between them. They each have radically different ways to approach the problem, with different goals both short and long term.
The map that she had swiftly memorized showed that the terrain was mostly flat, and while the marshy terrain would have been an obstacle… was an obstacle for most, for Ling Qi it meant little. As she dashed through the trees, flickering from branch to branch, and springing from one muddy islet to another, her feet left no impression in mud or grass, and even the thinnest branches barely swayed in her passing.
Like a phantom in the woods huh?
As she ran, she planned. Even as she sped ahead, she knew that Cai Renxiang and the soldiers would not be far behind her. She just had to slow or halt the bandits for long enough that they could catch up. Of course, if there was one thing Ling Qi felt absolutely confident that she could do, it was bogging down her enemies in illusions and mist. She knew that she could go all out on the offensive as well but…

She thought of squealing rat things, down in the dark, exploding into bloody snowflakes. Could she really do that to a person, even if they were a criminal? Ling Qi wasn't eager to find out, though… she expected that she very well could, if it came down to it.
Easily even. Ling Qi is very very good at partitioning people into Friends, Scenery and Enemies.

Granted, theres no path down the road where being squeamish about killing would be good for her, she has a barony to defend from people like these, and she has a decade in the army.

And bandits are basically hostis humani generis, even without factoring in a deathworld. They may be forced to the circumstance, but enough of the world is trying to kill everyone that sparing bandits is putting your own people at risk.

As a reminder on criminal justice, imprisonment is really expensive in premodern times. Keeping someone fed when they aren't doing any work is crazy, keeping a cultivator imprisoned requires expensive formations, to the point where unless(and even if) they were politically unsuitable for execution, they just make an end of it.
Its why punishments largely wound up being one of the below:
-Fines - Pay for the damage you did. Problematic here because of very large wealth gaps across cultivation tiers. Its compensation, but not punishment

-Humiliation - Doesn't work on bandits, damaging social standing only matters as a deterrent if you're in a social structure. Without one its just making them mad without reducing their ability to do something about it.

-Temporary damage - Whipping, beatins, etc as a deterrent is problematic because supernatural healing deals with the normal lingering pain, and also because a cultivator is supernaturally durable, any such punishment is difficult to impossible to impose without their full cooperation and a peer cultivator.

-Permanent damage - Branding, maiming, etc makes them less dangerous, but also directly reduces their value as a cultivator AND is very expensive to impose, as unhealing damage types are rare, so its actually cheaper to chop something off than to brand them

-Forced labor - Really hard with cultivators, the cost of keeping them under forced employment, as we learned from the Renshu incident, is prohibitive.

So you know, just kill them.
The Bandits trail was not difficult to follow, though it was less obvious than she might expect for seventy men barging through a marsh. The Cai scouts had already clearly marked the boundaries of the illusion traps which peppered the route, though she could mostly sense them herself if she focused. It still saved time. Soon enough, she began to hear the noise in the distance, of boots pounding on mud, and voices cursing laggards to keep up.
Group stealth arts I guess, masking the tracks.
As her flickering form merged with the shadows cast by weathered boughs, she studied her foes. The very first thing she noticed was the faint distortions moving around the perimeter of their formation. Her eyes tried to slide away, but Ling Qi forced herself to remain focused. She saw them for what they were then, blurred humanoid figures, like statues of clear glass moving through the marsh, visible by the faint distortion in the terrain behind them. Channeling a pulse of moon qi into her eyes, she caught a glimpse of what lay beneath the camouflage. There were three groups of them, with three men in each group. They were all late yellow in cultivation, armed with long bows of green tinted bone. They wore light green and brown talisman armor of cloth and leather. Their faces were concealed by tight head wraps that left nothing of their features visible. Ling Qi furrowed her brows as she studied them. There was something familiar about the way they moved, but she just couldn't place it.
Oh ninjas. Late Yellow ninjas tells me Army Regulars.

Not a bad way to ambush a Green certainly.
That gear looks significantly better than you could expect of bandits, with matching talisman weapon and armor.

And they apparently have an art or technique we recognize.
She would have to keep an eye on them as she advanced, but she couldn't stop now. As she turned her flight to intersect their path, she began the first step of her plan. Raising her flute to her lips, she began to play the Spring Breeze Canto. As the notes of the song spread and echoed, so too did her senses. She saw clearly each member of the bandits formation. The majority were Red Souls, but there were still nearly twenty yellow souls of varying strength in their formation. The bandits were armed well with a miscellany of weapons, but most had bows, and a few of the stronger yellow cultivators had talisman crossbows stowed on their backs.

Of their two leaders, one was a tall, spindly man with furitive features and long ill kempt hair, he clutched a war fan in one hand and his eyes never stopped moving darting over their surroundings with a sort of nervous energy. He wore the same sort of mismatched light armor as the rest, but the dark green cloak around his neck glimmered in her qi senses. His counterpart was almost his opposite, a short, stoutly built woman. Her weapon was a heavy war axe. Of the bandits, she was the only one wearing fully metal armor. Both were only early Green.
These DO look like real bandits. Maybe they co-opted a real bandit group?

I'd also note that their mishmash equipment actually indicates that these are experienced bandits. Fresh deserters tend to have more coherent equipment. You don't get to random scrap talisman gear until your old stuff starts wearing out and you looted at least a few harder targets.

The crossbows stand out a bit. Multiple matching items is unusual unless they looted an organized group, caravan guards don't tend to have standard gear.
More importantly, the white cloth wrapped package on her back, and its Cai emblem were just a decoy. Using up the remainder of the Inquisitive study technique allowed her to peer beneath the illusion and see the plain wooden box and the paper talisman pinned to its side. No matter where she looked, Ling Qi saw nor sensed any sign of the actual package.

Ling Qi felt Sixiang's readiness and Zhengui and Hanyi's excitement. She once again felt a strange thrill of excitement. There was no turning back now. Her qi surged as she shot throw the shadows like an arrow, passing by one of the outlying bands of camouflaged archers. Color and Sound Exploded outward from her position, raucous phantasms erupting in a wave of mad joviality to engulf the nearest bandits. She felt another spirit pulse with power pushing back against her technique, but between its potency, and the bolstering given by Sixiang and her own Support arts, the attempt failed utterly.
Oh an auto-dispel spirit.
Got pancaked like the dispel talisman :p

Cries to fall into formation and prepare were drowned out by laughter and song and men stumbled in confusion swinging weapons fruitlessly at dancing and laughing phantoms. Yet, Ling Qi was swiftly reminded that these weren't her usual opponents, badly organized teenagers with only minimal experience working in tandem.

There was plenty of confusion and disorder as she descended upon them, but still cohorts of red cultivators swiftly formed around their yellow soul leaders, and she felt the ripples as scores of defensive and perception techniques activated. Ahead of her and behind her, eyes flared with a multitude of colors and weapons were unlimbered, searching the phantasmal revel as bowstrings were drawn back.
Good plan, but I don't think that's enough to cut it. Not if the Yellow cores can't hold.
Most went far wide, piercing giggling fairies who reformed in the aftermath, but nonetheless Ling Qi flowed around a crossbow bolt leaving it to kick up an explosion of mud and water as it detonated in a thunderous blast, and a single arrow, sizzling with toxic qi fired by one of the hidden archers nearly clipped her shadowy form. As she flickered through it's path, she met the eyes of the spindly man at the head of the formation.

He waved his fan, and she felt the surge of disorienting lake qi unleashed. For a bare instant, she felt strange and floaty as if all of her channels were in the wrong places and her mind had forgotten how to command them, but Sixiang's chaotic qi washed over her a moment later banishing the feeling.
And theres that crossbow again.
Poisonous qi arrows isn't THAT unusual, the question is specialty talisman arrows or poison arrow art.

The invisible snipers may well have been rogue Bai units, since the only one of our friends noted to move unusually is Meizhen, and we know the Bais start with uncapped Dex so they move like snek.

In a burst of black smoke her Singing Mist Blade shot out, twirling and singing as it cut through the air where the man's head had been and circled back already seeking his shoulder blades. It was amazing Ling Qi thought absently, that controlling it took no more effort than flicking her fingers these days. Leaving the Spring Breeze Canto to echo on its own, Ling Qi began to play her most familiar Melody. As the first notes began to sound, her phantoms cheered and laughed, frothing cups rising into the air while hooves and feet stamped the ground in a thunderous drumbeat.
PLR is a lot less funny and a lot more creepy when people are facing a phantasmal celebration while they're going to die huh?

Joyous Toast especially
For the first time since the tournament, Ling Qi put her full power behind her Mist of the Vale technique, giving the technique as much qi as it could accept. Enhanced even further by the Joyous Toast technique, mist exploded outward in every direction, a rolling tidal wave hundreds of meters high, as black and impenetrable as the night sky. Many among her enemies screamed as it engulfed them, devouring their entire formation and world itself.

In the darkness and isolation, commands and orders to rally were muted and distant, and her revel of phantoms took on a darker cast, their features and songs alike warping and growing eerie in the depths of the mist. Behind her, there was a heavy thud and a massive shadow began to form in the mist, towering over her and the bandits alike.
Raid Instance started.
Yet her enemies did not break, run or scatter. They huddled even closer together, men and women dragging wayward comrades back in line as they struggled to orient themselves and seek an escape. She felt spreading pulse of heavy metallic qi rippling out from the woman at the front of the formation, anchoring and bolstering spirits against the mist, and she felt the tall man's qi branching out like the flows of a river, granting his sight to key members of his group. The next volley of arrows was far more concentrated. The mist and the phantoms took most, but Ling Qi still found herself facing down dozens of arrows and bolts, more than a few of which were too potent to allow to simply pass harmlessly through her shadowy form.

Still, she was swift, and the handful that brushed her were deflected by the power of her gown, even in this form. The same was not true for the ear splitting blast of sound that crashed down on her as she wove around the last sizzling arrow.
Oh thats a good idea. Group defensive art and group perception art means you let the mooks not die and let them hit.

Then let attrition do it.
In the moment of her distraction, the tall man had released a spirit beast, a gigantic dragonfly two meters long, it buzzed through the air almost as swiftly as she did, and the thunderous noise of its wings slammed down on her like a hammer, flattening the earth and mud for a dozen meters around. Though it failed to do more than minor harm, it still broke her One with Shadow technique, leaving her standing fully corporeal on the muddy ground. Amidst the bandits, more shapes began to emerge, not from every one of their yellow souls, but from enough.
Area attack, undodgable?
Either way that cancels us out of perfectly dodging everything.
Of course, Ling Qi's response to that escalation was already here. The Sound that Zhengui made as he emerged fully did not resemble his still childish 'speaking voice'. It was instead, the natural bellow of an enraged eight meter long tortoise. Zhen snapped out, swift as a shadow and snatched the dragonfly spirit that had struck her out of the air. The massive insect let out an earsplitting shriek of agony as burning fangs punched through its exoskeleton. Ash poured out from Zhengui's maw further darkening the area around them with burning particulates, and Ling Qi felt roots spreading under the earth.
RIP Yanmega.

Zhengui's multi-action is REALLY savage to see in play.
And he's not even used Rolling Forest Regrowth yet. That'd really stick an oar in the non-fliers.

Pity Ashfall has no IFF or Ashfield Flowering would be really nice on allies.

Ling Qi kept her eyes locked on the tall man, even as viridian light rippled across her body, the Ten Ring Defense Technique hardening flesh and bone against further attack, while beginning to draw a thin trickle of qi back into her depleted reserves to replace what she had spent. Her blade circled him like a hungry wolf, and the dull steel sword he had sent out to contest it groaned and shuddered under the cry of her singing blade.
Cheap domain weapon?
That sounds like he made Green AFTER going bandit. Since Domain weapons don't degrade like other talismans, if he had a standard army issue domain weapon when he went rogue it'd still be in good condition.
He was the one that was allowing them to shoot so accurately she thought. So perhaps it was time to cut him off. Even as she fell back in Zhengui's ash, she began to play, and the tall man's eyes widened in alarm as the mist closed around him. He tried to resist, tried to slip out of the effect, but bolstered by Sixiang, there was no escape.
I reckon that proves our quality against peer army units. Ling Qi is horrifyingly effective at peeling people out of formation.
Attacks still came, bolts and arrows and beasts falling upon her, but only the eerily accurate arrows of the once hidden archers proved still accurate enough to be a danger. But a danger they were. They had repositioned themselves by now, moving to surround her and Zhengui. Their techniques were far more uniform than the rag tag collection of arts the bandits used. They fired with discipline, and every arrow glowed with virulent purple light. Where they struck, plants rotted and the ground turned dark with poison. Yet for all that they reinforced each other perfectly, their collective arts enhancing their attacks enough to force her to dodge rather than simply allow them to pass through, her superior cultivation was telling. Twenty Seven arrows flew from nine bows in the blink of an eye, and all but three failed to even come close to touching her. Of those three two glances off, burning sizzling lines into the verdant light of her defensive art, and third pierced through and drew a tiny cut across her shoulder that burned painfully in the moment before Sixiang purged the poison.
Probably not talismans if they're spamming. That sounds like archery arts with stacking buff fields
Zhengui took their attack poorly. Spearing roots stabbed up through one trio's formation, forcing them to scatter, and she caught a glimpse of broken wings and twitching legs disappearing down Zhen's throat in the moment before a searing glob of liquid fire threw up a cloud of steam where it landed in the midst of another formation, drawing the first cries of pain from them all.
...well I suppose the dragonfly had a fine core and the master couldn't unsummon the dragonfly because he's trapped in Mist isolation from all allies, even their spirits?
Zhengui ate it in combat. Live.

He's like a siege engine.
Yet her enemies used the distraction well. Ling Qi's head whipped around as she felt something powerful echo in the mist, and ahead of the formation, her mist split apart, not dispelled, but forced apart, opening a lane for the bandits to escape through. Their formation moved with renewed vigour, pushing hard for the exit, save for the illusionist and a dozen lost stragglers unable to keep up. Ling Qi scowled, she didn't know what had done that, but if they thought they could just escape…

Red eyed shadows joined her laughing phantoms, clawing and snapping at the heels of the bandits. She ignored the cries of pain as men were swarmed by scores of hungry shadows, and pushed on to the finale of the melody. As the Travelers End empowers mist and shadow, the open lane shuddered and began to close, mist rolling back in to shut off their escape.
That dispel is pretty strong, but still below Renxiang grade.
There was someone else here she knew, the armored woman had not done that, and the tall man was still trapped in her elegy, fighting off her Singing Mist Blade with his own increasingly battered sword while his qi drained away. Yet those archers were still piercing her mist, even if their arrows were now stinging Zhengui like a swarm of hornets, drawing blood and chipping at his scales even as his monstrous vitality fought back against the poison. One of the masked archers at least had slumped suddenly, and ran into his reach, only to be snatched up by Zhen, pumped full of venom and flung away screaming.
Hanyi scores one. Seems Zhengui covers her well enough.
Yet she still couldn't sense whoever this last opponent was and it was beginning to worry her. Naturally, that was the moment when a warhorn sounded behind her. Ling Qi felt an intense build up of qi and then a lance of light so dense that it seemed almost liquid cut through her mist and carved a line of devastation through the struggling bandits. Yet, to Ling Qi's eyes it was obvious that it had been a blind shot, it carved through too far to one side, missing the center of their formation. Ling Qi felt her stomach turn as she saw the moment of impact, a pair of straggling reds at the edge of the formation, caught in full in the blast. They didn't burn, or explode and get thrown back.

No, the light simply passed through, and everything from their waists up simply ceased to exist. The men behind them were no luckier, until the light finally splashed against a hastily pulled up wall of packed mud and earth, boring through and cooking the mud into glass, but weakened enough to merely burn the men on the other side.

Ling Qi looked to her rear, and she could see Cai and the Soldiers she had brought with her. Her liege was obvious at the center of the line, flying above the earth on wings of radiance, sword in hand. The men behind her were no less bright. Their armor and weapons glowed a luminous white, and together, they made an artificial dawn. With spears drawn and leveled, they advanced in an implacable line toward the edge of her mist.
Oh yeah, this is gonna be good. Remember Renxiang was training this instead of her duel arts?
Then Ling Qi's instincts screamed danger, and she pulled up the power of her Deepwood Vitality technique just in time to meet the head of an arrow barely a centimeter from her head just as the thundercrack of its flight reached her ears. Eyes wide, Ling Qi jerked her head to the side just as her defensive technique shattered. The arrow flew by, and through the perspective granted by her Harmony technique, she saw the trunk of the tree it struck disintegrate, rotting into a black slurry in a handful of seconds.

Ahead of her, she saw a shape rising from the earth hundreds of meters away, just outside of her mist, in the direction of the border. He stood atop the head of a titanic mud brown serpent, a dozen meters long or more. He himself was dressed much like the hidden archers, in clothing of brown and green, and the warbow held in his hands was far more deadly in appearance, recurved and as long as he was tall, the arrow knocked there looked like more of a small spear. On his back, she caught sight of white package, stamped with the mark of the red butterfly.

Unlike the other archers though, his head was uncovered, leaving his long hair, black and streaked with dark green to fly free. More Importantly, it left the upper half of his face bare, revealing his golden, slit pupiled eyes.

"Can't expect peasants to do a Bai's work I suppose," she heard him sneer as he began to once again pull back that monstrous bow. Ling Qi found herself all too aware of how swiftly the cultivation advantage could change. He was a Framing Stage Cultivator, the fifth step of the third realm, and his spirit beast at the third step.

And theres the false flag.
He doesn't seem to fight much like the Bais we know though.

Which branch were the brown sneks again?
Anyway, good-ish news! We managed to catch yrsillar on discord and ask about people cutting holes in our mist. Apparently it's "basically using a tech to force a qi construct out of a given space", and is "the equivalent of parrying a sword strike, in combat terms".

Most importantly, however, "it runs off dispel rules ... it just has a lower success threshold since they're not really dispelling it".

That means we should theoretically be able to stop this perfidy if we can get enough Resist. Train Resolve! Get more Resist Arts!
Anyway, good-ish news! We managed to catch yrsillar on discord and ask about people cutting holes in our mist. Apparently it's "basically using a tech to force a qi construct out of a given space", and is "the equivalent of parrying a sword strike, in combat terms".

Most importantly, however, "it runs off dispel rules ... it just has a lower success threshold since they're not really dispelling it".

That means we should theoretically be able to stop this perfidy if we can get enough Resist. Train Resolve! Get more Resist Arts!
In practical terms, a Green 5 managed to do this on a JT MotV that had its resist buffed by Sixiang, but TE was enough to counter it. In "at first glance", 'Green 5' cultivation advantage counters JT + Sixiang Buff, so someone of our cultivation level would have trouble doing so against a JT+Sixiang buff, while if we hadn't done those buff TE alone wouldn't have worked. I am not sure we used Intractable roots.

If we go in the nitty gritty (which I think in this case is something a bit awkward as it probably wasn't done for the scene), JT should have also buffed Sixiang's own buff to MoTV resist, so JT+ Sixiang Buff should actually be 'stronger' than 3 cultivation level... except it's not stronger than 'better arts at those cultivation levels'.

In the short term, getting resolve B gives 15/20 to resist and will help a bit. In the mid term, I think this means that it's better to have Resolve A than Presence A.

EDIT: Also, the 'narrative impact' of Resolve B/A are much greater than just +15/20 to Resist.
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In the short term, getting resolve B gives 15/20 to resist and will help a bit. In the mid term, I think this means that it's better to have Resolve A than Presence A.

EDIT: Also, the 'narrative impact' of Resolve B/A are much greater than just +15/20 to Resist.
Agreed on Resolve. It's also important because it's what allows us to soak spiritual counters.

(of course, I'm also of the school that Presence should never be higher than Manip - 1 at most)

I am not sure we used Intractable roots.
I think we did due to this line about a dispel attempt against PLR:
She felt another spirit pulse with power pushing back against her technique, but between its potency, and the bolstering given by Sixiang and her own Support arts, the attempt failed utterly.
crx and Qi gotta get some walkie talkies, a simple "inbounds" and "aim here" would've made a better surprise alpha strike.
Don't even really need that tbh, just hand signals and PLR.

Enemies will be rather confused when a moon phantom suddenly jumps out of the mists and makes a cross with its arms in a different direction. Until said phantom is cored by a laser which goes on to take out three of their allies in the mists anyway.
Long-range communication would be nice complement to being stealthy and fast. Letting others know what you've found would probably be useful in various situations.
[X] Relax and Recupirate
- Recover from the mental strain you're under.

[X] Talk with Prof. Adiva Zeiman
- The harrowing experience of last night and the oppressive atmosphere of Ravenwood is... disconcerting. You have realized somewhat now that those who are potentially in the know with the occult are surprisingly many in number. The good professor said that it's fine to ask for aid to. She was also a close friend of the dead doctor.

[X] Explore the Academy's Library
- Ravenwood has a sizable library of varying literature, who knows? You may find something interesting.
[X] Relax and Recupirate
- Recover from the mental strain you're under.

[X] Talk with Prof. Adiva Zeiman
- The harrowing experience of last night and the oppressive atmosphere of Ravenwood is... disconcerting. You have realized somewhat now that those who are potentially in the know with the occult are surprisingly many in number. The good professor said that it's fine to ask for aid to. She was also a close friend of the dead doctor.

[X] Explore the Academy's Library
- Ravenwood has a sizable library of varying literature, who knows? You may find something interesting.

I think... you're in the wrong quest. Although I do agree that exploring libraries can be very interesting.