Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Gang Fight
Terrifying Gang Fight in the streets of the Fief
As the rooftops of her new home came into view and the sounds of a town's residents in their everyday lives came into earshot Ling Qi felt a knot of tension unwind in her gut. Intellectually she knew that nothing was likely to have happened, she'd gone to extensive lengths to make sure that would be the case. She'd made acquaintances with the local powerful spirits capable of speech and settled into good terms with them, she'd spared no expense on the wards surrounding the village, and she'd made sure the small local temple had the resources they needed and the respect that they could keep any nature and death spirits quiescent and content. More than that, the cultivators who had elected to come with her after her time in the army were loyal, well trained, and she'd made sure that enough of them had the spiritual defences that were uncommon amongst those guards who were only Red or Yellow.

All the same every time she had to leave, whether it was just a quick jaunt to check on a border outpost or a longer trip to serve Renxiang in the Capital she found she worried.

As she alighted on a low rooftop on her way to her own residence her eyes fell onto the alley just below her, on the spectacle of two groups of children facing off at each other. They were young, no older than ten at a guess, and posturing at each other in ways she'd seen before, like the children of craftsmen in Tonghou she'd watched from a distance. The two little groups were clustered around leaders facing off against each other, and she would have dismissed them and moved on but for what she overheard them saying.

"Nuh-uh! Gui is best! He's all strong and tough and nuffin can get past his shell!"

The speaker was a boy, quite bulky for his age, with massive eyebrows and dressed in hard-wearing fabrics. He also had a crude shield on his back made of sticks and leaves with a turtle-shell pattern daubed inexpertly across it.

"Nuh-uh! Gui is slow and lazy! Zhen is best! He can shoot a bird right out of the sky with his venom! Gui can't do anything nearly that amazing!"

This was said by a shortish girl, who looked a little younger than her counterpart and had a stick belted to her waist. Both she and those behind her had markings painted on their faces that looked to be inexpert scales.

"That's stupid! You're stupid! Gui's Phalanx will show you that Gui is best!"

"Zhen's Battalion will beat you all!"

As the two groups drew swords and shields made of twigs and attacked each other in exaggerated poses and making sword noises at each other, Ling Qi reflected that it was critically important than Zhengui never found out about this.

((Written on the basis that; Zhengui will be a very visible part of the fief defending it, Zhen and Gui bicker constantly and also boast whenever there's someone around to listen, and this is exactly the sort of shit that kids play stupid games about. This result seemed not merely likely, but an unquestionable truth about what games kids will play in LQ's fief. Also Zhen and Gui are both critically weak to flattery so hilarity abounds.))
He doesn't even have to be a traitor. The Bai are not monolithic, it is specifically noted that there are 8 lineages of Bai, each originating from one of 8 siblings (sisters?) descended from the Ancestor. The albino lineage of best snake is from the oldest sibling and snake maid's lineage is from the youngest, and it was stated that the two lineages are incredibly close because the youngest chose to loyally support the oldest for succession. Ling Qi has strong ties with 2/8 lineages due to best snake, and Cai most likely is trading with the eldest, but that does not preclude the other 6 from attempting some kind of power play by disrupting the dealings of the eldest clan. There's is likely one or more factions that are holding grudges against the leading clan since ancient times.
I still think Bai Boi being a Bai who went with Sun Shao (or the son of a Bai who went with Sun Shao who has some of the arts) explains things the best. Despite having time to put up arts, his stats are fairly poor for Framing. If he had to swap out some of his best arts to reequip old commoner Bai arts for this ruse, that might explain his stat line, because they're going to date from Sun Shao's rebellion and likely are a lower cultivation level.

I think there are three distinct groups here, each a different layer of the ruse.

1) Bandits. I think these are probably actually bandits from Thousand Lakes. If they succeed, it can spread the most humiliating and damaging to the Cai story of this incident, and when they're later captured by the Bai/Cai retaliation, the survivors will back up this narrative.

2) The yellow rangers. It's been hinted they've been trained with the Bai movement arts, so I suspect they were specifically trained for missions like these where if things go pear shaped blame can fall on the Bai. If you're going to do that...why not tell them they're being trained by the Bai as a deniable asset?

I suspect Sun Shao has at least some level of clandestine penetration into Thousand Lakes, him knowing the Bai response to rebellion. The Bai explicitly can't cover everything, and it used to be the WT clan's home ground, so where to set up hard to notice rest points/supply points/more permanent bases is knowledge they can be expected to have, that the noble level Bai don't as they didn't directly administer these territories before.

If one of the yellow rangers is captured, they're likely recruited and trained in Thousand Lakes, and would attempt to resist questioning, and every answer they'd provide would support that this was a Bai operation.

3) Our Framing Green Bai is the true layer of the ruse. He's overseeing this operation, and would be the person who needed to coordinate with whatever moves were made with the Meng to ensure the Baron was not present, and the information network to know when to hit the village. Motivations for going along with this scheme are strange if he was independent, but if he was part of Sun Shao's intelligence branch from the beginning, then there's no conflict there at all. Why pull a job that risks all these men? Because stuff like this is why he cultivated these men and connections to local bandit groups to begin with.

As long as he escapes, or in case that becomes impossible, he dies, then the ruse still points towards this being a Bai operation. As a framing green, he's has good chances to escape, and is strong enough that being taken alive is unlikely. It seems the best way to minimize the risk to the Sun, while arranging almost every "failure" state to benefit them somehow. Assuming this is the shape of it, this is an excellent bit of craft.
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I don't think he needs to be absolutely loyal to decide that he will try to keep him his troops alive until he himself needs to run. If he is a bandit, he wants to get a profit from this robbery, and while the arts are great he also doesn't want to lose a long time and a lot of money get back on his feet.

He hasn't shown any special loyalty so far. If he decides to fight until death, that would be something, but he probably thinks he can fairly easily escape.
This dude being an opportunist looking to profit off an arts shipment makes no sense to me, for a couple of reasons. First off, how'd he know there a was a a shipment to steal in the first place, and that the local top dog would be out of town just now? Surely we don't expect the Cai to have advertised the fact that a sensitive package would be coming though. You could maybe explain it as a lucky coincidence or a leak from some Bai source or whatever, but the setup makes me immensely suspicious. Secondly, he stole it through subterfuge, right? Cai mentioned the guards were found drugged and had been killed without putting up a fight. If this guy can pull that off, why go through the trouble of bringing a platoon of chump reds along? Imagine how much simpler it would've been to get away if he'd gone solo or just taken his stealth-capable yellows. Finally, the Cai captain (Caiptan?) said someone's been interfering with his scouts, but not killing them. The scouts would be, what, peak yellow at most? I don't believe for a second he couldn't trivially have merced them all if he wanted to, but he let them report back on the bandits' position instead. If it turns out he didn't specifically intend for Renxiang or some other prominent Cai associate to track them down and start a fight, I will be amazed.
This dude being an opportunist looking to profit off an arts shipment makes no sense to me, for a couple of reasons. First off, how'd he know there a was a a shipment to steal in the first place, and that the local top dog would be out of town just now? Surely we don't expect the Cai to have advertised the fact that a sensitive package would be coming though. You could maybe explain it as a lucky coincidence or a leak from some Bai source or whatever, but the setup makes me immensely suspicious. Secondly, he stole it through subterfuge, right? Cai mentioned the guards were found drugged and had been killed without putting up a fight. If this guy can pull that off, why go through the trouble of bringing a platoon of chump reds along? Imagine how much simpler it would've been to get away if he'd gone solo or just taken his stealth-capable yellows. Finally, the Cai captain (Caiptan?) said someone's been interfering with his scouts, but not killing them. The scouts would be, what, peak yellow at most? I don't believe for a second he couldn't trivially have merced them all if he wanted to, but he let them report back on the bandits' position instead. If it turns out he didn't specifically intend for Renxiang or some other prominent Cai associate to track them down and start a fight, I will be amazed.
I kinda talked about those before, mostly because I agree.

I think that there are very little scenario where he isn't working for someone, and I think him being sponsored by the Sun (through intermediaries) is most likely. Him being a bandit lord and him being paid by nobles is not exactly contradictory, as sponsoring bandits in someone else's territory is a long and popular tradition. As for why he didn't do the whole robbery alone, it's because not only he probably has been paid to show off this was bandits, but it's also not safe. There was subterfuge, but there was also conflict, and bad luck happens.

I think we all agree that he wanted his group to potentially be met with guards before the border, too.
We could likely learn Ashen Shadows Art in a single AP now.

I say, the second we can create Arts ourselves, we create our own Ashen Shadows type of Art... for posterity I guess. In story it can be chalked up to inspiration from watching Zhengui fighting or something. Or maybe just heavily modify Ashen Shadows Art in the same vein. I.E. learn it and twist it into something decidedly Ling Qi with a bit of inspiration from Zhengui's Ash abilities. Besides the personal satisfaction of finally getting that sweet sweet Art, it would be nice to have a non-musical attack in our arsenal.


** kind of
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If he is a Bai who became a bandit lord, that neatly explains why he isn't running away by himself: he cannot afford to lose his troops and still be a bandit lord. It also explains why he would want to steal this, as as a bandit lord his access to arts would be fairly limited.

Likewise, as he has to protect his troops as one of his main objective, he can't exactly be out of support art range from them.

He still would probably have been enabled in the shadows (the baron being away, this particular shipment being targeted), but it would neatly explains his specific tactics.
The problem with that is his and his little sniper squad's panoply and arts don't make sense with bandits, unless he literally deserted this year together with them. They'd fit better as army regulars. Those are YELLOW arrows with too much potency for Ling Qi to simply noclip, they only needed targeting assistance.

As for the motive, I think simplest answer is just that Bai isolationists are working with Cai isolationists so they can go back to ignoring each other, with Sun coordinating because neither side will talk to each other.
Bian Ya and Ruan Shen
Alright, this was something that I should've finished and submitted last week but didn't because blerereasdaf too lazy bleh.

So here are the two Sect tutors that Ling Qi had and talked with during the Cai party. May we continue to thrive and invest in their bond (also want to talk with Luo and Bao-senpai as well)

The silky edge of Ruan's robe is flowery patterned. Bian Ya meanwhile has flower arrangements from head to shoulder as well as a veil (though she might've not put it on during the party)

Drawing Mr. fake Bai next, aka BINO (Bai In Name Only). It would be interesting if we get his name.

@yrsillar the senpai's done
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The problem with that is his and his little sniper squad's panoply and arts don't make sense with bandits, unless he literally deserted this year together with them. They'd fit better as army regulars. Those are YELLOW arrows with too much potency for Ling Qi to simply noclip, they only needed targeting assistance.
Those archers are definitely elites for him, yes. In fact, they moved 'in a reminiscent manner', so they probably have Bai-style movement arts. I don't think it's out of bound for a bandit lord to take some of his old friends under him, but they were really well equipped, too.
We need to catch this guy and make sure he doesn't get away with our arts. Not just because then we have no arts, but more importantly, for face reasons. 'Bandits' stole a Cai shipment, if 'bandits' get away with the shipment, even if the majority of the bandits are dead, that's still major egg on our, and our liege's face. We cannot let him get away, especially now he's shown himself as a supposed Bai.

I don't understand why he's grandstanding like this, but I suspect he'll stop and try to run as soon as his backup flops. If he is actually faster than us, all the more reason we need to injure or slow him before that happens, even if Ling Qi gets a bit hurt while doing so. But we absolutely can't let him get away.

Started writing a rebuttal, but then I remembered that this is a zero sum game.

The die is cast, and all we can do now is wait.
Edit: and for the record, his range is greater than ours. Chasing him down is playing into his hand. Unless you think we're faster, in which case, I find that unlikely.
We have to be faster or we've already lost because he can just endlessly kite.

I think he's a bastard with a complex that ended up becoming a bandit lord.
The 9 household troops don't seem to fit that idea, they're just too much of a well oiled war machine.

His whole "Most Definitely A Bai" act seems so obvious I am half suspecting some sort of double bluff. Especially after Liling's equally unsubtle warning about this exact thing happening.

They can't possibly believe we're really that stupid.
It's not about what we believe, it's about propaganda. If this guy gets away then the Meng can use this incident to complain (about the Bai) and any protest (including "wasn't really Bai") by Cai Shenhua will seem weak and self serving.
Those archers are definitely elites for him, yes. In fact, they moved 'in a reminiscent manner', so they probably have Bai-style movement arts. I don't think it's out of bound for a bandit lord to take some of his old friends under him, but they were really well equipped, too.
Too well equipped and coordinated. They pretty much have to be his personal guard, and largely suggests he IS a noble at least.
Turn 4: Arc 5-3
For a single instant, Ling Qi found her thoughts drifting back to the old story which she had read when looking into Bai Xiao Fen, and the Bai clan in general.

'But the Red Python and the Green Asp scorned their ascended father's will, and rose in rebellion against the first White Serpent Queen, and only the Black Viper stood steadfast at her side.'

If this wasn't a trick, it looked like she was going to have to talk to Meizhen about her family. Even as the errant thought drifted out of her head, Ling Qi bent her knees and lunged. The wind screamed past her ears and the mist flowed forward like a living sea, following her movement. The very moment that the mists rolled over the smirking Bai, she did something that she had never done outside of the practice field.

Ling Qi played the final measure of the Forgotten Vale Melody. At once, the echoing refrain which carried on the techniques power cut out, and the mist seemed to tremble in anticipation. It collapsed then. In a fraction of a second, hundreds of meters worth of mist collapsed in on itself, condensing and withdrawing as the weight of the technique smashed down on the bandits and the 'Bai' as well.

Even as she felt a desperate pulse of metallic qi ripple out, she nonetheless felt the flickering pale auras of many of her first realm foes simply snuff out like a candle doused in a bucket. Yet Ling Qi had no time to focus on the cold, unpleasant feeling that welled in her stomach at the realization of what had happened. Because the very earth lashed out at her in response to her assault. Not physically, but with tendrils of powerful qi, snapping out at her like the tails of a whip from the mud beneath her feet.

The emerald mantle of a hastily activated Deepwood Vitality caught one, but three others lashed her as it shattered, and Ling Qi had to hold back a scream as they carved lines of burning pain across her spirit. The Bai was no longer smirking however, as the shimmering veil of deep brown qi that had shrouded him crumbled, she could feel the mark her attack had left on his own spirit. He had hurt her more than she had hurt him, but she could see the rage in his eyes at having been hurt at all.

All around her, she saw that her technique had been more effective elsewhere. Half or more of the bandits lay upon the ground unmoving. Some still moved weakly, and showed a spark of life but most of them lay empty, their spirits extinguished. The ones which had fallen on their backs stared with blank eyes up at the sky, and though their chests still rose and fell, there was no life there. Those who still stood huddled around the short armored woman with trembling limbs, staring at her in terror. Their leader stood in the center, depleted qi only slowly returning to her aura. The illusionist was among those on the ground, breathing feebly as her domain weapon winged back toward her, drops of crimson blood marking its edge.

Of the camouflaged archers, she saw only two, the one Zhen had mangled and another kneeling in the dirt, having barely withstood her attack, but Ling Qi could feel seven channels beneath the earth, terminating where the Bai archer stood. He had protected them, with whatever that technique had been.

There was a moment then, where the only sound was the faint echo of her Spring Breeze Canto, and the noise of the phantom revel that still surrounded her. The laughter and song contrasted sharply with their surroundings, as brightly dressed fairy dancers cavorted atop churned mud and corpses. Silently, she sent a command to Zhengui, telling him to fall back and draw closer to her.

As he took his first step back, everything exploded back into motion. A gangly, goat-like spirit in a shimmering nobleman's robe seized the arms of the remaining bandit leader and dragged her struggling out of formation. Two of her crossbow wielding subordinates swiftly joined her. The air above the Bai shimmered, and a green blur shot toward her crossing hundreds of meters in an instant. It resolved into a sphere of deep green jade carved with scores of formations characters. It rotated swiftly in the air above her, releasing a cloud of foul green vapor that spread near as swiftly and as far as her mist.

The throat of his serpent companion bulged and the massive snake spat out a man sized glob of mud, which swiftly expanded as it left the beasts mouth, before crumbling to reveal seven disoriented archers, who stumbled about in confusion, but were otherwise unharmed. At the same time, Ling Qi activated her Graceful Crescent Dancer and blinked out of corporeal existence as a second spear like arrow thundered through the space where she had been and detonated in the muck. A second, a third and fourth followed and zigged and zagged desperately through her path, throwing herself into the cover generated by the expanding ash cloud Zhengui unleashed.

As her Singing Blade shot toward the Jade Orb in the air and glanced off in a shower of sparks, individual bandits continued to break formation, running and stumbling with blank eyes toward Zhengui and the little snow girl crouched mischievously beneath his bulk. Only a handful of the shots sent her way from their crumbling formation even fell in her general vicinity, shooting wildly into the revel instead.

Ling Qi was no longer fighting wholly alone however. The advancing dawn-like light of Cai Renxiang's formation grew brighter and closer, and a white fletched arrow picked off one of the bandits Hanyi had drawn out, taking the confused woman in the throat. Ling Qi heard a familiar chime then, and caught a glimpse of a white ribbon and the tinkling bells dangling from it, and felt her confidence rise as narrow beams of light cut through the sky to smash against the spinning surface of the poison spewing orb that had thus far resisted her Singing Blade's efforts to push back.

Despite the churning in her stomach, and the worry in her heart, Ling Qi did not hide herself behind Zhengui, even as the poison mist raining down upon them made her skin tingle and itch. Instead, she gave the Bai a challenging smirk as the shimmering viridian light that shrouded her darkened and grew thick and gnarled taking on the texture of bark. She needed to make sure that he didn't get away with the package, and that would be much easier if Cai and her soldiers could catch up.

Her challenge was answered fiercely. Without giving any visible command, the archers he had saved fell back into formation and fired a volley of arrows that sizzled with poison as they arced unerring through the sky toward her. She did not even have to move as Zhengui lumbered in front of her. Arrows shattered on his shell, hissing and bubbling as the poison boiled off from his heat. Others struck home, sinking into Zhen's scales or Gui's stout legs, but her little brother merely let out an enraged hiss and a trailing section of the ash clouds shrouding them flared green and vanished. Arrows pushed from his wounds and boiling poison was ejected from his flesh in hissing spurts as his wounds closed.

Ling Qi felt her minor wounds and some of the spiritual ache from the Bai's counter fading as well, but she could not let her guard down just yet. She felt the ripples in the wind as not one but three supersonic projectiles left her enemies bow. She spun out of the path of the first as it twisted midair to avoid Zhengui's bulk and crash into the mud behind her with a thunderous crack, the resulting wave of mud passing through her ghostlike form to splatter and harden on Zhengui's flank. The second crashed down not even a moment later, and Ling Qi leaped to the side, only for it to explode into a half dozen smaller, seeking missiles. Three of them struck home, two shattered upon her gown, reinforced as it was by her Thousand Rings Fortress techniques. The third piece cut a burning line across her cheek, and Ling Qi stumbled as pain exploded through her veins, making her vision swim even as she held back a cry of pain.

She barely had the presence of mind to draw upon her Deepwood Vitality technique again, throwing up a barrier in time to catch the third spear-arrow with a crack of thunder. The scent of rot reached her nose as the missile rapidly corroded the barrier and itself. This time she was not fast enough to dodge as a shard of wood the length of her forearm punched through and dug into her side, thankfully glancing off of her ribs before it could penetrate deeper.

Sixiang was saying something, but Ling Qi could not quite understand it through the haze of pain in her thoughts. She grit her teeth, forcing herself to see through the pain and prepare herself as her enemy nocked another arrow. Distantly, she felt a pulse of qi as the remaining bandit leader tore her hands free of the phantom dancers, but it seemed so far away compared to the sickly warmth spreading from the gash across her side.

She felt the ground beneath her feet try to turn into a sucking pit of mud, but a web of rootlets spread through it faster than it could change, forcing the ground to stay solid, and more ash vanished, crumbling flakes sticking to her wounds and rebuilding flesh. It dulled the pain and allowed her to think more clearly.

Then a star fell from the sky, and the haze of toxic mist raining down upon them evaporated before its purifying light. A solid bar of liquid light smashed into the spinning orb, and despite the resilience of domain weapons, Ling Qi saw a spiderweb of cracks spread across its surface before it was flung away.

Cai Renxiang floated above her in a corona of light that would have been blinding to a lesser cultivator. Ling Qi though, could see the girl at the center of it, suspended on wings formed by curling threads of light. Her arms were bare, and the hem of her gown had risen to almost above her knees. The saber in her right hand looked like little more than an incandescent bar, impossible for even Ling Qi to look directly at.

She met her lieges eyes then, and the girl gave her tiny nod of acknowledgement. "Ling Qi, with me."

It was a command of course, crisp and brief. The voice of one who had no doubts that they would be obeyed. Ling Qi found in this instance, that it didn't rankle her at all. In an instant, she conveyed her thoughts to her spirits. Sending Hanyi to help the soldiers with the remaining bandits and urging Zhengui to catch up with them as quickly as he could.

Then she rose from the ground and wings of starry shadows, and the light of Cai Renxiang's wings washed over her, liquid light threading through her shadows, wrapping her limbs in threads of inviolate light. In turn, the vital qi pulsing through the meridians in her heart and spine flared as she expended a great flood of qi to activate the Thousand Rings Unbreaking technique, shrouding her spirits and Cai Renxiang alike in the unbreakable vitality of the Emerald Seas forests.

Together with Cai Renxiang she shot forward, the sun and the shadow that chased it. Arrows rained down on them. The lesser missiles shattered on contact or burned up in the purifying light before they could do even that much. Behind them, Ling Qi could hear and feel the clash as the soldiers made contact with the remaining bandits. Battered and disorganized as they now were, the soldiers cut into their bandits broken formation without mercy. With the echoes of her Canto still ringing in the air, she saw luminous spears punching through patchwork armor, and a short, armored woman, her limbs trembling with exertion and exhaustion swinging her heavy axe desperately to drive back the gleaming celestial armored soldiers.

They had their own troubles however, ahead of them, a toxic smoke rose steaming from the ground to shroud their enemy, and the two of them spun apart to avoid the thunderous passage of another spear arrow. A second came and Cai Renxiang swung her saber. The shockwave that erupted from the meeting of missile and blade flattened grass and tore the leaves from nearby trees.When a third and a fourth arrow struck in the wake of the second, her light flared, bleaching the color from bark and grass. Ling Qi glimpsed the faceless visage of liquid light that replaced her lieges face as the two arrows disintegrated, leaving only a cloud of shrapnel to cut across her bare limbs and face. It failed to do harm through layers of white and emerald qi.

Their enemy retreated before them, shrouded in a vast cloud of toxic qi along with his soldiers. However, Ling Qi knew that they could not afford to let him get away. She might not know politics as well as some, but if he were to escape… even she could see the mess that could result. So, despite memories of exploding flesh, and blank eyed stares of still living corpses. She began her mentors song. The Aria of Springs End, enhanced by the Echoes of Absolute Winter. The mud and water froze in her passage, and the moisture in the air turned cold, raining down as a soft snow on the now frozen marsh.

Above her, she saw Cai Renxiang's lips thin with the same resolve, and the spray of crimson droplets as she drew her free hand across the edge of her new blade. She saw the heiress lips move, and though she could not hear the words over the howl of the wind and her own song. She could read them well enough.

"Cifeng, Liming, kill."

Ling Qi felt the pulse of radiant qi, beginning from Cai Renxiang's dantian, it was quickly absorbed into her gown. The dress spirit let out a terrible animal howl, there was no physical sound, but attuned as she was to the expressions of the soul, it struck Ling Qi like a wave. The pulse redoubled as it flowed out from Liming, and into the hilt of the saber in her hand. The blazing sword cackled in a silent voice of pure bloodlust as a star was born at its burning tip, and the technique Renxiang had channeled was redoubled yet again.

Then she brought her blade down, and the world in front of them vanished in light. The light thundered down from the sky, consuming a perfect circle a quarter kilometer in radius. When it faded, trees and plants were gone and the earth was bleached white, but as the blinding light faded, a violet missile roared out, forcing Cai Renxiang to twist to the side as it roared through where she had been. It was not enough however, as the whole of it exploded outward into a cloud of dense noxious mist. Even Ling Qi had to flit away, so far did it spread.

Cai Renxiang emerged from the mist, sickly black poison clinging and bubbling to her left arm, a grimace of pain on her face. Standing before them, his mist stripped away, was their opponent. Only three of his men still remained alive. Of the other four, only ashen shadows on the bleached earth remained. The Bai stared up at them with hatred in his yellow eyes. Bloodless gauges marked the scales of his companion, and the man himself was scorched and ruffled parts of his armor disintegrated, leaving bare his light scorched flesh.

For a moment, they stared daggers at one another. Then a glob of boiling venom splattered across the ground with a bubbling hiss, launched by a frustrated Zhengui far behind them, and they exploded back into motion.

Sped by the enhancing power of her liege's techniques, Ling Qi shot forward through the sky in cloud of rapidly forming snowfall, and played the Hoarfrost Refrain. The melody rang out, freezing solid the bleached and scorched earth, it washed over her enemies and was stopped from reaching their flesh only by a pulse of ochre qi that erupted from the Bai, cloaking them against her wintery power. Arrows rose to punish her for her assault, but she spun and dancing through the air like a flitting butterfly of starlight, she avoided what she could and simply took what she couldn't, letting shards of rot infused arrows bounce off of her doubly enhanced gown.

Because her enemies main focus remained on Cai Renxiang regardless. Earthen qi spread from the Bai's companion, and she saw it begin to move as if to dive underground, but its spade-like head merely crashed into the hard packed earth, sending up a spray of dirt but nothing more. Whatever Cai renxiang had done, it had rendered the very earth inert. The Bai cursed as he leaped off his confused companions head, and unleashed another volley of arrows toward the heiress in the sky, his hand and the string of his bow blurring with inhuman speed as he fired off a half dozen spear-like arrows in the time that most would take to fire one.

But Cai Renxiang was not alone, her gown, so often inert and peaceful, seemed alive and eager for battle now. Tendrils of light snatched arrows from the air and crushed them, devouring the qi infused into them like a hungry beast. Her sword seemed to sing with bloodthirst delight with every swing as she batted away projectiles. She blurred then, her corona of light brightening until even Ling Qi could not see through it as she smashed down upon the bleached earth like a falling star. His men and his spirit were flung away and the Bai himself was flung back, a deep groove carved in the front of his massive bow, and a cut across his chest as Cai emerged from the crater she had left in the earth, blazing sword marked by the black smoke of evaporating blood.

Roots speared up out out of the inert earth then, entangling the thrashing brown scaled serpent, and Ling Qi sang her refrain again as she soared over the man, lashing him with her icy melody. He threw back her assault again with a flare of earth qi, but this time, a single note speared through, and she felt her icy qi take hold in his blood.

Behind them, the bandits were falling, broken up and defeated by Cai's soldiers. Many dead, but some merely beaten unconscious. Cai Renxiang fell upon their opponent again, in a masterful combination, her living saber darting and twirling through the air releasing pulses of scourging light at every point of contact while hungry threads from Liming sought his flesh. Over head, she heard the crack of stone as her Singing Blade and Cai's ribbon shattered an orb of jade.

As she sped through the air, Ling Qi saw the panic growing in the Bai's spirit, an insidious thread spreading ever so slowly and weakening his resolve. She saw his free hand inching toward a loop of beads hanging from his belt, marked with formations that she knew to be those of escape talisman.

Most of all, she saw that his back was open as he fended off her liege. Ling Qi…

[] Laid her hands on his shoulders and sang of the End, to the joyous howls of her fading phantoms.
[] Swooped past and sang of the End, to give her liege the opening she needed.

AN: Alright finally nearing the end of this turn. Sorry again for the delays guys
hoo fucking boy

So that's what Cultivator mass combat looks like, what a fucking disaster.

I'm a bit torn here honestly. We're really fucked up, but if this is an actual opening, then going for a Toasted CTE is going to murk this fucker absolutely.

On the other hand, it means we're carrying the bag for slaying a Bai nobleman, and even if this wasn't a sanctioned operation--they're crazy vengeful and this is exactly what starts grudge spirals.

On the flipside, while RenRen has the political backing to handle this, she shouldn't have to, because it'd complicate things for the Heir of the Cai to personally spill the blood of a member of a family they're trying to ally with, while us doing it gives that layer of buffering--and Shenhua at the very least isn't the sort to throw a loyal asset to the wolves for carrying out her will either.
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...Wellp, gentlemen, we're going to want to talk to Meizhen. Or Sun. One of the two will be useful in explaining how one survives pissing off the Bai snakes.
[] Laid her hands on his shoulders and sang of the End, to the joyous howls of her fading phantoms.

We have an advocate in Bai Meizhen, we are a subordinate, we have less to lose if this becomes a political fubr
[] Swooped past and sang of the End, to give her liege the opening she needed.
would be great if CRX has something to catch him alive.
Shenhua has questions for him :p
[X] Laid her hands on his shoulders and sang of the End, to the joyous howls of her fading phantoms.

We can take the heat for the death of the Bai in Renxiang's stead if need be, and he should have no chance at escape. Ideally we would deal him grievous wounds, so that the Duchess has a chance to ... question him, and Lady Suzhen would I'm sure be delighted to offer him the traditional hospitality of the Bai once Lady Cai had finished with him.
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This is not a typical xianxia in many ways, and yet one thing remains true.

Bravery and initiative are in the end rewarded. Trepedation and hesitation out of fear of potential consequences are regretted.
hoo fucking boy

So that's what Cultivator mass combat looks like, what a fucking disaster.

Yeah, the Noble custom of "Adult at Green, age irrelevant" makes a ton of sense. Yellows and Reds are useful, but they just die too easily to get too invested.

At any rate, I think we should make the opening, for two reasons.

1. This is Cai's vengeance primarily.
2. We're more likely to hit.
2a. Not sure I want to touch a poison cultivator.
'But the Red Python and the Green Asp scorned their ascended father's will,

Tfw your omake series introduces a green haired Bai lmao. @yrsillar pls

On a more serious note, I'd like to touch range CtE because a) CRX doesn't need to deal with political fallout of having killed a nominal family member of the House her own House is attempting to ally with and b) I do not want to risk him getting away with the escape talisman he's trying to activate.
...Wellp, gentlemen, we're going to want to talk to Meizhen. Or Sun. One of the two will be useful in explaining how one survives pissing off the Bai snakes.

BM: *Smiles* "You don't, but don't worry, they're just greenies. They act up every few centuries to keep us sharp. I'm sure the feud will only last a few decades. 4 layers of cousins showing to kill you, tops."

SL:*Frowns*"Well shit, ok, we'll need some obsidian, dirt from your homeland, and a tall place. Got any siblings you aren't using?"