Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
"I promised benefits and I will not break my word," the other girl replied seriously. "I have also instructed the head of the Cai families archive to search out arts which may suit your inclinations. That may take some time to complete, and the results will be limited… I may only take so much of the head archivist's time and resources."

More arts are always nice. That said, I'm curious how easy it will be to find something that matches us. Given Renxiang's own focus on Light arts, I don't really expect the Cai to have a whole lot of Darkness arts. Likewise, her Renxiang's reaction to PLR during our spars last thread makes me think they don't collect Moon arts. A Music art, maybe? Or perhaps a stealth/spying art that's not Dark based?
"You will be providing the entertainment," her liege said bluntly. "There is little point in wasting your talents. Your musical ability is a superior tool in the Inner Sect environment. I do expect you to keep your ears open, however, and continue improving your other abilities."

I approve. Good way for Ling Qi to be involved at party time in a way that utilizes her talents, while also giving her more incentive to play music for enjoyment, rather than simply as a tool for arts.
"...Mother does not care for teamaking at all," the other girl finally said in a quiet voice. For once, her corona of light had died down to a bare flicker. "She recognizes its value. So she does not reprimand me for the practice, but it also holds no interest to her… and it is something I enjoyed, even as a small child"

I really, really love this bit. It's so nice to see Renxiang admit that tea something she does purely because she enjoys it, rather than because it's "practical".
More arts are always nice. That said, I'm curious how easy it will be to find something that matches us. Given Renxiang's own focus on Light arts, I don't really expect the Cai to have a whole lot of Darkness arts. Likewise, her Renxiang's reaction to PLR during our spars last thread makes me think they don't collect Moon arts. A Music art, maybe? Or perhaps a stealth/spying art that's not Dark based?

I approve. Good way for Ling Qi to be involved at party time in a way that utilizes her talents, while also giving her more incentive to play music for enjoyment, rather than simply as a tool for arts.

I really, really love this bit. It's so nice to see Renxiang admit that tea something she does purely because she enjoys it, rather than because it's "practical".
Their archives aren't limited to core Cai arts so I think there's a chance it'll have a darkness art they took from someone.

And yeah, I'm stoked for us playing music.
More arts are always nice. That said, I'm curious how easy it will be to find something that matches us. Given Renxiang's own focus on Light arts, I don't really expect the Cai to have a whole lot of Darkness arts. Likewise, her Renxiang's reaction to PLR during our spars last thread makes me think they don't collect Moon arts. A Music art, maybe? Or perhaps a stealth/spying art that's not Dark based?

I approve. Good way for Ling Qi to be involved at party time in a way that utilizes her talents, while also giving her more incentive to play music for enjoyment, rather than simply as a tool for arts.

I really, really love this bit. It's so nice to see Renxiang admit that tea something she does purely because she enjoys it, rather than because it's "practical".

Well, if they have a head archivist, that suggest there are subordinate archivist.

If you need that many people just to manage your archives, I imagine your library must be rather extensive.
Given Renxiang's own focus on Light arts, I don't really expect the Cai to have a whole lot of Darkness arts. L

I wouldn't expect to find something that Shenhua has spent time on like Renxiang's suite, no, but Shenhua needs carrots to give to vassals.

She may have a stick heavy incentive system, but she's not the Bai.

If someone in her cour wants something, and she can get it for cheaper than them(and it's not a threat to her reign, but lol Greenarts), it's likely in her Archive.

I'm not expecting something mindblowing, but something about on the tier of TRF that starts at Green 1.
[X][M] Keep the mirror

[X] Invite Xuan Shi to help you with building his breakthough nest. Surely his knowledge will improve it
Well, if they have a head archivist, that suggest there are subordinate archivist.

If you need that many people just to manage your archives, I imagine your library must be rather extensive.

Libraries do get out of hand really fast. One day you don't think you have enough books and so start an audit. Day 2 of the audit you have discovered that you have more books than your library was expected to ever house and you just finished the first floor. What was supposed to be a month long project turns into a grueling 1/2 year hell project trying to figure out where the hell you got some of these books.

I do not envy the head archivist because I bet he will have to go into those dark corners of the library where you know that statue is following you and forgotten books lie in wait with their dusty covers.

Libraries are scary places especially if your a librarian.
I wouldn't expect to find something that Shenhua has spent time on like Renxiang's suite, no, but Shenhua needs carrots to give to vassals.

She may have a stick heavy incentive system, but she's not the Bai.

If someone in her cour wants something, and she can get it for cheaper than them(and it's not a threat to her reign, but lol Greenarts), it's likely in her Archive.

I'm not expecting something mindblowing, but something about on the tier of TRF that starts at Green 1.
I mean, honestly a TRF tier art would kinda be mindblowing if it's in our themes.
Libraries do get out of hand really fast. One day you don't think you have enough books and so start an audit. Day 2 of the audit you have discovered that you have more books than your library was expected to ever house and you just finished the first floor. What was supposed to be a month long project turns into a grueling 1/2 year hell project trying to figure out where the hell you got some of these books.

I do not envy the head archivist because I bet he will have to go into those dark corners of the library where you know that statue is following you and forgotten books lie in wait with their dusty covers.

Libraries are scary places especially if your a librarian.


Omake time.
Yessssssssssssss. Dooooo it.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Nov 20, 2018 at 9:23 PM, finished with 177 posts and 101 votes.
Remember, these are magical books. The ones that survived the last Ducal house purging the place need special training to handle because they go for the throat, or for the ones that survived from Weilu times, the soul.

The Unseen University's Library is probably a good jumping off point, especially the vaults in which the Librarian is only able to survive because he's no longer technically human (ook!).
Remember, these are magical books. The ones that survived the last Ducal house purging the place need special training to handle because they go for the throat, or for the ones that survived from Weilu times, the soul.

The Unseen University's Library is probably a good jumping off point, especially the vaults in which the Librarian is only able to survive because he's no longer technically human (ook!).

Name of the Wind's University is what I'm thinking of, with a side of three dimensional architecture, a healthy sprinkling of *totally not cyber-decking in jade scripts* with a heaping serving of "We're in a tree lol" for desert.
[X][M] Keep the mirror
[X] Invite Xuan Shi to help you with building his breakthough nest. Surely his knowledge will improve it
More arts are always nice. That said, I'm curious how easy it will be to find something that matches us. Given Renxiang's own focus on Light arts, I don't really expect the Cai to have a whole lot of Darkness arts. Likewise, her Renxiang's reaction to PLR during our spars last thread makes me think they don't collect Moon arts. A Music art, maybe? Or perhaps a stealth/spying art that's not Dark based?

Since Cai Renxiang seems to have a fairly specific role in mind for Ling Qi, I'd bet on something in support of that. perhaps a better perception art, to aid her future spymistress, or as others have said, they might have dark arts nontheless. I kind of don't see them having moon/music arts, those seem fairly exotic and not really the Cai style (even less so than a few dark arts, really)

Remember, the Head Archivist has no doubt been at this for decades if not centuries. His Way is built around knowledge and books and tomes and scrolls, like that one sect lifer green Beauracrat who's domain was very solidly one of paperwork.

Those strange places and dusty corners he's venturing into are new for a few of the other Archivists under his command, but not for him. He knows the place like the back of his hand. Better, even; he doesn't deign to pay attention to his hands inasmuch as they make it easier to care for his precious books, such critical repositories of knowledge.

Now, those newbies being given the shit jobs, yeah; they're kinda fucked.
[X] Invite Xuan Shi to help you with building his breakthough nest. Surely his knowledge will improve it
[X][M] Ask Cai Renxiang to put it up for auction
"Of course," Ling Qi replied immediately. What fun, but she could…

"You will be providing the entertainment," her liege said bluntly. "There is little point in wasting your talents. Your musical ability is a superior tool in the Inner Sect environment. I do expect you to keep your ears open, however, and continue improving your other abilities."

"Hmph, she can at least see what good taste looks like," Sixiang murmured in Ling Qi's head, almost startling her.

"I will do my best not to disappoint your expectations," Ling Qi replied instead.
An excellent excuse NOT to talk, to be seen and to set the literal tone of the event.

Note: pick up a social support music art...and the Imperial March
Ling Qi was glad that Cai Renxiang had recovered from dealing with her Mother, she did not like seeing the other girl shaken and uncertain. "I suppose it is," she said lightly. "Is there anyone in particular I should be on the lookout for?"

"Extend a hand to Xuan Shi," Cai Renxiang said. "He and his clan are both amenable to connection, even if he himself has fallen from my circle."

Ling Qi's eyebrows rose, she hadn't even been aware of that happening. "Was there some dispute?"

"No, not as such," the light the other girl gave off rippled, sending the shadows in the room dancing as she frowned. "Our paths simply diverged."
Reading behind the lines, the Xuan alliance is still needed, but Renxiang(or rather, Shenhua) has bigger fish than Xuan Shi to fry
Ling Qi hummed but didn't press the issue. If Cai Renxiang thought it would impact her task, she would say something. "What do you think of Shen Hu?"

Cai Renxiang frowned in thought. "Your opponent from the preliminaries? He is a scion of a small baronial clan in Meng territory. No one of great importance, but I suppose his personal skill makes for a useful connection."
Oh a low noble hmm? Well, useful but evidently not high level useful
She would just have to learn a few more songs in free time, Ling Qi supposed. "I will leave you too it then," she decided. "Do you think you will have time for a cup of tea soon?" She asked innocently.

Cai Renxiang raised an eyebrow. "Shall I ask now what devilry you have in mind?"

Ling Qi huffed, it had come out mechanically, but that had definitely been a joke. Still, some niggling part of her wondered if the other girl was just getting better at imitating the behavior Ling Qi thought of as friendly. "I thought it would be relaxing. Besides, did you not say that you would teach me about tea blends? You made it seem very important."

"And you expect that I shall serve you tea? How arrogant," Cai Renxiang replied imperiously. For a moment, Ling Qi felt concerned, looking back at the girls affronted expression, but then the corner of the stiff girl's lips quirked up. "I suppose there is only one individual capable of not burning the leaves present however. Tasks should be divided by merit."

Ling Qi narrowed her eyes at the other girl. She wasn't sure how pleased she was to see Cai Renxiang able to fool her like that. She simply bowed her head deeply. "This humble vassal apologizes for her inability," she instead said aloud, allowing a sarcastic edge to touch her voice.

The shorter girl made a brief sound of amusement, before turning her eyes back to her desk. "I shall be sure to remove that inability. You will have to entertain yourself until I have completed these last forms however. Confine yourself to this room however."
This exchange is a fine way to show how they're more comfortable with each other now...even if Renxiang is suspicious of Ling Qi asking for something that doesn't boost cultivation.
"Hm, well that makes me wonder what my Lady is hiding," Ling Qi mused, but her liege ignored the minor jibe. Sighing, Ling Qi stood and drifted over to one of the bookshelves, flipping through one of the less weighty tomes there.
Ling Qi: "Might as well grind my Academics while waiting then"
It was about a half hour later that she found herself seated across from Cai Renxiang at the little table in her homes kitchen, with a steaming cup of dark brown tea being placed in front of her. It had an invigorating, earthy scent, but also a hint of sweetness.

"Hm, you added honey?" Ling Qi asked, for once recognizing a scent. She had stolen jars of the stuff a time or two after all. It was expensive and kept well, so it was easy to hide until it could be fenced.
Honey is one of the easier luxuries to fence for sure. Divisible at full value too, so you could sell small bits to even relatively poor middle class.
"The Primeval Root blend is incomplete without a a small spoonful of Cloudblossom honey," Cai Renxiang replied from her seat. Seeing her with her eyes closed, inhaling the scent of the tea, Ling Qi could almost mistake her for being a normal, relaxed girl.

"Throwing out names like that," Ling Qi said slyly. "You should have told me it was cultivation aid."

Cai Renxiang cracked one eye open to give her a disapproving look. "It is not, the medicinal blend has a terrible flavor, and uses a different subspecies of the plant."

Ling Qi huffed in a disappointment, but took a tiny sip anyway. It had a very rich flavor, which she had to admit was really tasty. It still seemed a bit of a waste. "What is with those names then?"

"The tea leaves only grow from the hills formed by the capital city's root network, and the honey arises from the bees kept in the fourth stratum cloud gardens," Cai Renxiang explained, taking a sip of her own.
Fancy...also I suspect it might well be a Red cultivation aid
"I definitely want to see that place one day," Ling Qi mused, struggling to picture it, a tree big enough to be a mountain. "So, why is tea so important in Emerald Seas?"

Her liege was silent for several moments as she sipped from her cup. "It is in truth, a holdover from the days of Weilu rule. Their founder Tsu the Diviner, mastered the secrets of weather and seasons, and allowed his people to grow their food from the earth. Tea plants were among the first domesticated this way. Those early blends were of practical use… they fortified the drinkers health and warded off sickness."

That made sense Ling Qi supposed, even she knew boiling water helped remove some of the impurities that could make you sick, if you could make it have medicinal value and taste good at the same time, why not? "So it's a habit that stuck around then?"

"In simple terms, yes," Cai Renxiang replied. "It became a mark of status to grow especially flavorful and desirable plants on your land, and remains so to this day."

Ling Qi hummed to herself, taking a deeper drink from her cup. It did have a certain relaxing effect. "So it's another thing like swords then... " she mused aloud. "You seem more passionate about it than a mere obligation would imply though."
So hmm, the Bais started the Bronze age.
The Weilu established agriculture. Wonder what the last did
"...Mother does not care for teamaking at all," the other girl finally said in a quiet voice. For once, her corona of light had died down to a bare flicker. "She recognizes its value. So she does not reprimand me for the practice, but it also holds no interest to her… and it is something I enjoyed, even as a small child"

Ling Qi simply nodded in understanding, but didn't say a word. She could read between the lines of what had been said well enough. As the silence began to get heavy, Ling Qi put on a smile. "Well, you've certainly gotten good at it. Are there any other interesting blends from the capital?" She asked.
Shenhua is disturbingly like Ling Qi...
Or you know. Play an entirely normal song we simply compose and move away from the limiting silliness that is "oh our only music must be arts".
Ling Qi did express some creative difficulty with music variety. She has technical skill but needs more work.
Kind of curious what they will pass us from the Cai archive.

At the very least, this does confirm that it's not just heaven type stuff.
Probably Weilu loot. Moon, Music and Traditional 5 stuff maybe?
So when Xiulan gets her Bronze brealthrough, we should congratulate her, then immediately say the "You should let friends know when you're doing heavy cultivation" that she said to us when we did our first Sable Light Week.
[X][M] Keep the mirror

[X] Invite Gu Xiulan along to help you, if the last one was any indication, you would need to start a lot of fires.
[X] Invite Xuan Shi to help you with building his breakthough nest. Surely his knowledge will improve it
[X][M] Ask Cai Renxiang to put it up for auction

Only the best for our baby boy. Xuan Shi is likelier to cough up important info if there aren't any third wheels around. And we absolutely need more drugs right now, more than we need a cool artifact later. Drugs now lead to potential success upon success that might give us a cool artifact later anyway.
[X][M] Ask Cai Renxiang to put it up for auction
[X] Invite Xuan Shi to help you with building his breakthough nest. Surely his knowledge will improve it