Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Actually, I do think the weakest bit in the narrative of Forge is the Sun fight and resolution as a direct result of the game aspect of quests. If the dice favored us just a bit more and we had taken out dhariti, it would have felt like a real victory to the reader. Sure, Liling would have utterly smashed us in response, but it would have felt like a meaningful sacrifice on Ling Qi's part to win advantage for Meizhen's fight.

Instead, it just kinda...happened, and the real climax became Meizhen's fight but without much obvious influence from our protagonist, who suddenly felt just like a spectator retroactively in her own story.

Like, Liling struggled and was seen to struggle, but the narrative doesn't really spell that out as a win, only a loss for Liling (which isn't the same thing). It ends up feeling like a pointless gesture in place of what should be the climax of the book and Ling Qi's character arc. I really think for the RR version Yrs needs to do something different with it, be that fudge the fight slightly in Ling Qi's favor or demonstrate Liling having to struggle with Ling Qi left her shaken for the Bai fight, or reframe it.

I think reframing the fight to be more clearly an internal conflict for Ling Qi, acknowledging more firmly that it probably wont even help Meizhen, making her reluctance to fight and fear and antipathy of Liling stronger for the fight, and then her standing and fighting anyway a culmination of how she has changed herself over the course of the book be the focus is the best way to return it to a real climax without having to retcon any of the facts.
I completely disagree on "just happened" and "real climax being Meizhen's fight" being bad.

I really would have disliked had Ling Qi managed to have too big an effect in Meizhen's fight (E.G if we had pushed Liling enough that Meizhen could confirm some of the trump cards Liling had), and Ling Qi just... failing at her goal is so much stronger than Ling Qi succeeding, narrative wise.
I completely disagree on "just happened" and "real climax being Meizhen's fight" being bad.

I really would have disliked had Ling Qi managed to have too big an effect in Meizhen's fight (E.G if we had pushed Liling enough that Meizhen could confirm some of the trump cards Liling had), and Ling Qi just... failing at her goal is so much stronger than Ling Qi succeeding, narrative wise.
Yeah but the RR rewrite has a different market

And some concessions have to be made to ward off the anticlimax. It works in a game because we view it as a mechanical progression, but from a purely narrative standpoint the Protagonist not even getting a telling blow in at the climax of her personal struggle is immensely unsatisfying compared to the buildup to get to that point.

You may like it better because it goes against the grain, but pissing off potential readers with such a move isnt going to win Yrs any fans.
I completely disagree on "just happened" and "real climax being Meizhen's fight" being bad.

I really would have disliked had Ling Qi managed to have too big an effect in Meizhen's fight (E.G if we had pushed Liling enough that Meizhen could confirm some of the trump cards Liling had), and Ling Qi just... failing at her goal is so much stronger than Ling Qi succeeding, narrative wise.
No it isn't, it makes for a terrible unsatisfying narrative that wastes all the previous buildup thanks to the dice screwing her over instead of just genuinely being unable to succeed at her goal.
Hmm, i don't know if Ling Qi should succeed in knocking out Dharitri in the RR rewrite

Maybe she could come much closer, emphasize that she was a hair away from taking Dharitri out and Sun was actually spooked for a second; don't have Liling whip out the endgame super moves she was pulling for Meizhen, but have her dip into her bag of tricks and pull something to make sure we know she was not playing around

Have Ling Qi notice even as Liling comes in and bats aside her final defences, punching a hole through her chest, that for a moment there Liling was forced to take her absolutely seriously

I quite liked that ultimately for all the distance Ling Qi covered, there were still heights for her to aspire to after all, she didn't manage to severely injure Liling in the quest and I would personally prefer that remain true in the RR story as well
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Was there any thought in the buildup to the Sun fight about using a baited trap and have Zhengui use his Rebirth Inferno?

Cuz I only joined the thread post-FoD. I still don't think LQ wins in any scenario but I was trying to figure out a strategy that could have pushed Liling the furthest.

I'm also not going to bring in narrative concerns about how that affects our bond with Zhengui or our personality if we sacrifice a spirit like that.
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Was there any thought in the buildup to the Sun fight about using a baited trap and have Zhengui use his Rebirth Inferno?

Cuz I only joined the thread post-FoD. I still don't think LQ wins in any scenario but I was trying to figure out a strategy that could have pushed Liling the furthest.

I'm also not going to bring in narrative concerns about how that affects our bond with Zhengui or our personality if we sacrifice a spirit like that.
The issue with that plan was that in the old system Rebirth Inferno... could never hit anyone. Zhengui just had shit hit dice with it, and Dhatiri/Liling would have 4 autos on him on top of that.
Plus Zhengui basically hard-countered Dharitri. Had the fight lasted for very long, he actually couldve potentially knocked her out by himself
No it isn't, it makes for a terrible unsatisfying narrative that wastes all the previous buildup thanks to the dice screwing her over instead of just genuinely being unable to succeed at her goal.

No it doesn't, it makes for an interesting narrative when MC doesn't achieve all she wants by just "trying hard enough" and becomes more sympathetic as a result.
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I was fine with Liling winning as she did. It was an expected outcome and we performed fairly well. What I didn't like about the tournament was Ji Rong being seemingly rubberbanded to our level. It diminishes the value of all the planning and strategizing that happened in the thread, making it seem almost pointless in the end. I'm not sure how exactly the calculations work out with Ji Rong having Talent 7 though, so I might be wrong about this.
Turn 4: Arc 4-4
Ling Qi was silent for a long time, considering the choices before her. None of the options offered were fully of any one moon. Indeed, the more she thought on it, the more she began to see the places where the phases began to overlap and blend into one another. She felt like she was beginning to better understand the nature of the moon. She looked to the Dreaming Moon, balanced with inimitable posie on the edge of the roof. Ling Qi closed her eyes, shutting out the world to think more clearly. Though here in Emerald Seas, she was the sponsor of wild spirit bacchanals and impropriety, the Dreaming Moon itself was more than that. It was actually simple in concept, the unrepressed expression of self and all the good and bad that implied.

The Grinning Moon too, was not just the thief and the flighty fairy. If the Dreaming Moon looked to the future, and the Hidden Moon looked to the past, the Grinning Moon exulted in the now. She was the joy in motion and the rush of triumph over long odds. She was the satisfaction in drawing a startled yelp from a stoic junior, and bringing down an organization in a single night of frenzied thieving.

The Hidden Moon was the desire for knowledge, and through it, power. It was knowing all of the things that could threaten you and how to counter each and every one. It was looking back on her past and not letting her bile overwhelm her when she examined those memories, how they had shaped her and how that related to material reality.

The Grinning Moon was her desire for agency in her own life, of being in control of the world within the reach of her arms. The Hidden Moon was her caution, the desire to build a place of safety, either within or without. The Dreaming Moon was her the desire to grasp for more, seeking always the lights beyond her reach. This was not their whole of course, but Ling Qi was far from being able to embody even one phase. It was what they were to her.

So, when she opened her eyes, she smiled helplessly and dipped her head in apology toward the Grinning and Hidden Moons. "I think I would like to see what art you think is so important that it needs reviving," she said to the Dreaming Moon.

"You will find, Ling Qi that an idea need not be a grand thing to shake the world," The Dreaming Moon replied with a smile. "Much more often, the dreams that invoke change are simple things at the core."

"You are too quick to spread your secrets sister," said the Hidden Moon, wearing Xin's face. "But one known by none is useless as well I suppose."

"I guess we'll be tweaking noses regardless, so I don't mind," said the Grinning Moon. "Shall we resume our stroll?

"Let's," Ling Qi replied, reaching down to help Sixiang up. "Do you need a piggy back ride too?"

The spirit rolled their eyes as they stood and gave her a gentle jab in the shoulder. "Just cause I don't have horse legs like you or auntie doesn't mean I'm a child you know."

"Sure you're not," Ling Qi replied with a smirk.

"Getting a ride doesn't make me a child," Hanyi huffed.

"Yeah, it's not my fault we shrank!" Gui grumbled.

Ling Qi smiled absently as they leaped down into the streets. Maybe that was part of why being in this city hurt less now. Not only was she stronger, but even now she had family here, all around her and a place to go back too. Even walking its streets, Tonghou had never felt so far away.

As the Dreaming Moon lead them to their destination, her thoughts did wander to her surroundings though. They were in the Inner city now, a place she had only glimpsed once or twice on festival days, when temples had been opened to the public. The streets were cleaner, and the buildings in better repair. There wasn't a single trash heap or beggar to disturb the scenery.

Yet somehow, as she watched first realm cultivators labor, and wealthy mortals walk along full of puffed up pride, she saw a shade of the same pall that hung over the rest of the city. She wondered if what she sensed was the spirit of the city itself, givving off that inescapable aura of fading and decay. "Can I only feel this because of you?" She wondered aloud as they passed deeper into the city where the buildings grew more elaborate with each block, terminating in the sprawling estate at the cities center. "If other cultivators could then…"

"They would wonder what was wrong?" The Hidden Moon asked.

"You feel it far more sharply, thanks to where we are, but it is… noticeable to those with the senses to look, when they have not grown up steeped in it," the Dreaming Moon replied from ahead of them.

"Then why hasn't anyone done anything about it?" Ling Qi asked.

"They're probably just lazy," Hanyi said primly, walking beside her, still holding Zhengui.

"That's not wrong, but it's too simple," replied the Grinning Moon. She walked along the manor walls that lined the street, arms behind her back as the balanced on the narrow construction. "They're comfortable is all."

"How can that cause this?" LIng Qi asked, giving the spirit a confused look.

"Well," said the Grinning Moon, drawing out the word. "It's all perspective, you know? But think of it like this, an ambitious person might cause damage in their reaching out, and a cautious person might cause harm in missing opportunities. A comfortable person, someone who is content with how things are, they'll cause harm by rejecting anything that might impugne their comfort, good or bad."

Ling Qi looked ahead to where cleanliness and luxury began to give way to outright opulence as the buildings grew taller and more ornate. Although she could not understand people who chose to simply stop advancing, she also knew that she was unusual in her refusal to rest on her laurels. "Is that really all there is too it? I mean, isn't reaching a point of contentment why most people do what they do?"

"My sister simplifies too much," the Hidden Moon smoothly replied. "Just as cowardice is caution in the excess, stagnation is the true vice, not mere contentment."

"When you cease to dream of better tomorrows, and seek only an endless string of todays, things have gone too far," The Dreaming Moon added absently. "We are here."

Here, as it turned out, was a small but well appointed building, two stories high and with a tall peaked roof. Planters and hanging baskets filled with flowers set around the walkway that surrounded the main building filled the air with a sweet scent, but, as the Dreaming Moon lead them on, they ignored the buildings open doors and the shelf upon shelf of books that lay inside.

Instead, they passed through the well kept grounds, slipping around into the rock garden behind the building, where the air's sweet scent failed to mask the scent of burning paper and leather. Here a bored looking young man in a scholar's robes sat upon a stool before a furnace. As she watched he tossed an old and moldering scroll into the furnace. He either ignored or was unable to hear the faint spiritual wail that echoed in Ling Qi's ears. As she watched, he prodded the crackling paper with an iron poker, stirring the smoldering remains into the ashes.

"Ugh, what a waste," Sixiang grumbled, giving the man a dirty look as he rummaged through the half empty crate as his side for another book.

"...What's the point of this?" Ling Qi asked. It didn't bother her the way it seemed to bother Sixiang, but something in her still twinged at the waste.

"Your imperial throne has made an initiative of improving libraries in the empire," The Hidden Moon replied, watching the rising smoke with keen eyes.

"Course, there's some strings on that," the Grinning Moon said, smile growing thin. "Gotta get rid of the stuff they don't like if you want the new hotness."

"It is not something to concern yourself over just yet," the Dreaming Moon said. Ling Qi followed her as she approached the furnace, glancing only briefly at the man, he showed no sign of noticing their presence. Her attention returned to the Dreaming Moon as the spirit reached into the fire, swirling her fingers through the rising smoke. A few weak and sparkling lights winked into being, rising from the ashes at the bottom of the furnace to twine around her hands like a cloud of sickly fireflies.

The fire flickered, and the man burning books shivered, glancing around in concern. He glanced suspiciously a the remaining books in the crate, and then hurried to shove a new stick of tinder into the furnace, making the flames burn higher and hotter. The Dreaming Moon withdrew her hand, and looked sadly on as they faded one by one. All around them, the world seemed to slow down again. The movements of the man, the flickering of the flames, even the wind all slowed and them stopped, color bleeding from the world until only Ling Qi and the spirits remained in motion.

Ling Qi glanced around warily. "...Is this what we're doing then, stealing these books?" She asked.

"No, one way or another, they will burn today," The Hidden Moon said somberly.

"So, since you picked up my two scholarly sisters, your gonna have to do some studying!" The Grinning Moon explained cheerfully.

"In the end, we can only advise and give opportunities. What is passed on is your choice," the Dreaming Moon.

Letting go of Hanyi's hand, Ling Qi reached down to pick up the book on the top of the pile, but found it immovable, stuck in place like everything else.

"No, no, it's not as simple as that," the Grinning Moon laughed.

The dreaming moon spread her arms and the furnace sprang to life, the flames roaring into an inferno.

"This is not the first burning of knowledge witnessed by this city, and it will not be the last," The Hidden Moon said quietly. She raised Xin's hands and the flames shifted and flowed, dripping downward like water to form steps even as they billowed out hollowing out until she could see a facsimile of the Sect's archive shelves forged entirely from flame. Drifting sparks and ash twisted into the shape of words and pages, flickering to the surface only to sink back in a moment later.

"Best get reading little sister," the Grinning Moon said brightly, clapping her on the back. Ling Qi had not even seen her move, but she managed not to jump.

Ling Qi cast a wary look on the fiery archive and then to her spirits. "So! Who's ready to help their Big Sister?"

Sixiang laughed and Hanyi groaned. Zhengui chirped an affirmative of course, but… she had never taught him to read.

...She was going to be here for awhile.

In her search of the archive, Ling Qi focused her efforts on…

[] Historical Plays, works of wit and satire, (Speech, Government,)
[] Songs and poems of peoples and ways of life long gone (Spirit Ken, Beast handling)
[] Paintings, watercolors and tapestries depicting glories long gone (Art, War)

AN: Okay we're getting a bit into explicitly mechanical bits here, the main stuff is already fixed, the choices above will decide which secondary skills get some boosts out of the prize package at the end here.
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Hoooooooo booooy

All of this is good stuff that we could really benefit from.

Leaning Spirit Ken and Beast Handling. Just seems right to take that sort of thing away from this whole thing, given that we are interacting with at least a small facet of the Great Spirits of the Moon.
*Looks at Hanyi's sheet*

*Considers Zhengui having no training actions since Green*

I think I will want the spirit/beast one.

It would be HILARIOUS to add commentary on one of Renxiang's policies from a play she's CERTAIN just had the last copy burned and never existed in the Sect though...
Adhoc vote count started by OneArmedYeti on May 18, 2019 at 4:17 PM, finished with 144 posts and 87 votes.
[] Songs and poems of peoples and ways of life long gone (Spirit Ken, Beast handling)

Assuming moratorium is in effect, as is the new standard.

Anywho, Spirit Ken just sounds cool, and I want it. Loving this whole arc; the phases of the moon are great as tricky mentors.
Before people start, a reminder that we got it from Jiao that binding your Way/Cultivation to your job is not a happy way to go. So really, try to avoid going with "Speech, Government" because it is LQ's "job".
[] Songs and poems of peoples and ways of life long gone (Spirit Ken, Beast handling)

Without contrast you can't appreciate what you have. Better to remember previous ways of life to see how to improve your own.
[] Songs and poems of peoples and ways of life long gone (Spirit Ken, Beast handling)

Definitely leaning towards this. Most of Ling Qi's bullshit that lets us somewhat keep up has come from favourable interactions with friendly (or not-so-friendly) spirits, and it helps to fill a niche that CRX doesn't explicitly already cover herself, if you want it to relate back to our job.

In any case, spirits are definitely one of the best part of this setting, and I'd love to interact with them more.
Well, that was fun. Also appalling. Book burning reeeeeeeee

[] Historical Plays, works of wit and satire, (Speech, Government,)

This is a lot of fun, and has good value. Gives MAXIMUM TROUBLESOME and #GrinningMoonBard

[] Songs and poems of peoples and ways of life long gone (Spirit Ken, Beast handling)

This option I really like. In many ways, I would argue that it feels the most Ling Qi-ish. Weilu? We do like spirit ken.

[] Paintings, watercolors and tapestries depicting glories long gone (Art, War)

Blergh. This is the option I don't like. Neither Art nor War are really things Ling Qi is overly interested in atm, and it doesn't fit as well with her Bard-ness.
[X] Songs and poems of peoples and ways of life long gone (Spirit Ken, Beast handling)

.... even at no benefit... I'd want to save it all...
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[] Songs and poems of peoples and ways of life long gone (Spirit Ken, Beast handling)
Probably going with this. Because Ling Qi's habit of accidental spirit diplomacy has been fun as hell and most of our really good stuff has come from it. Feels fitting to continue working on that.
Definitely leaning Spirit Ken / Beast Handling. People have been wanting to have something of a specialty in SK, because holy hell it is very useful, and we have three spirits already.