Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
It's effective 22AP lost by the end of our sect tenure - over a full turn, and either 16 or 12AP (can't remember which) by the time of the tournament.

To suggest that it's only -1AP is completely disingenuous.
I very much doubt that a regular expenditure of AP with our family/spirits will provide us with no mechanical benefits. Thus I think its a big assumption to state that one can simply subtract the results of 22ap worth of actions from the predicted cultivation total at the end of the year. Likely this time with family will provide some kind of bonuses that are equal to a least a couple AP of cultivation
Could you explain this?
One AP per month up until the inter-sect tournament adds up to quite a lot. inter-sect tournament happends on turn 18 (one year and a half after the start of Inner Sect), hence 14 AP. Now consider how the latest monthly plan, which didn't even have this -1AP limitation ended up with 4AP spiritual but only 3AP in physical cultivation, and i believe it's easy to see how the future will go...

I very much doubt that a regular expenditure of AP with our family/spirits will provide us with no mechanical benefits. Thus I think its a big assumption to state that one can simply subtract the results of 22ap worth of actions from the predicted cultivation total at the end of the year. Likely this time with family will provide some kind of bonuses that are equal to a least a couple AP of cultivation
by that reasoning we should do random things all the time, after all @yrsillar will always end up giving us mechanical benefits for whatever we do, right ? Right ?
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Our spirit menagerie does count as beneficiaries of this, so I wouldn't call it a complete waste on our combat potential, given how much of our combat potential is bound up in how badass Ling Qi's Magical Circus operates as a unit.
95 of them are here now so this whining is a little absurd. Besides that, nearly every person we've prioritized over our family won't be around for our fief. In fact, the most recent one is already dead and so certainly won't be winning any more votes.
No it's not absurd at all because all your arguments are acting like nothing matters once we leave the Sect and that this one task will be the end of things.

There will always be new important SLs, new vassals, coworkers, important people we need to interact with for trade or support in our endeavours and CRX herself plus Barbarian or Spirit Beast attacks that will require our attention.

There are always going to be reasons to ignore the mortal sister and Red Cultivator mother in the future.
I very much doubt that a regular expenditure of AP with our family/spirits will provide us with no mechanical benefits. Thus I think its a big assumption to state that one can simply subtract the results of 22ap worth of actions from the predicted cultivation total at the end of the year. Likely this time with family will provide some kind of bonuses that are equal to a least a couple AP of cultivation
Why would we get to have our cake and eat it too? What specific benefits do you expect?
One example of a mechanical benefit for spending time with family would be an improvement of our spirits stats or the development of a new art (like zhenguis stealth art)
Familly include our spirits, zhengui, sixiang and Hanyi.
Our spirit menagerie does count as beneficiaries of this, so I wouldn't call it a complete waste on our combat potential, given how much of our combat potential is bound up in how badass Ling Qi's Magical Circus operates as a unit.
Double checked Discord and for any recent posts by Yrsillar, but can you direct me to where it was stated this vote would include the Spirit Beasts that live inside of us and are a major part of our current cultivation plans and the "Status Quo" to improve?
ArkeusAujourd'hui à 21:09
[] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)
@yrsillar So, questions:
- This includes Sixiang/Zhengui/Hanyi too right?
- Is this pure fluff 'Ling Qi now thinks family is important', or does it have an impact on Qingge/Biyu/Zhengui/Hanyi/Sixiang?

YrsillarAujourd'hui à 21:10
It includes everyone ling qi considers family yeah

The vote is pretty clear about this being a vote about or "Household" and while yes it says "Family" as well, the implication of the context is fairly clear that it is our mortal family who are not with us literally 24/7 and whom we must go out of our way to visit.

We aren't going to be getting extra Spirit stuff in addition to mortal family stuff aside from perhaps adapting our mortal family and retainers to being around our Spirits. While yes I don't have anything that says this doesn't include mechanically improving our spirits the context and phrasing is pretty clear that they are not the targets of the 20+ AP cost of this vote.

EDIT: Added the Discord chatlog from Yrs clarifying that the first vote includes Six, Hanyi, and Zhenqui.
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Archangis isn't the QM and that doesn't answer the question.
No it's not absurd at all because all your arguments are acting like nothing matters once we leave the Sect and that this one task will be the end of things.

There will always be new important SLs, new vassals, coworkers, important people we need to interact with for trade or support in our endeavours and CRX herself plus Barbarian or Spirit Beast attacks that will require our attention.

There are always going to be reasons to ignore the mortal sister and Red Cultivator mother in the future.
Whining about people never voting for family when 95 are currently voting to invest more into them than we've invested in any other SL is what I was calling absurd.
Of course there will be important SLs, but I do believe the stakes will be lower if we manage to prove ourselves. The further we go in Renxiang's service the more expensive we are to replace, which will mean we won't be tossed aside as easily. Right now, we're like a senior in high school or an associate in a firm - once we metaphorically get into school or make partner, we'll have more time for family and be expected to spend time on family.
No it's not absurd at all because all your arguments are acting like nothing matters once we leave the Sect and that this one task will be the end of things.

There will always be new important SLs, new vassals, coworkers, important people we need to interact with for trade or support in our endeavours and CRX herself plus Barbarian or Spirit Beast attacks that will require our attention.

There are always going to be reasons to ignore the mortal sister and Red Cultivator mother in the future.
I'm going to ignore the whole thing about "there'll be more stuff in the future" as it's makes exactly zero sense for the vote, in one way or the other.

What you are arguing is in fact that risking being the next Gan Guangli when we hit the end of Inner Sect is less somehow important that spending time with Mom and Lil'sis. Both of who, might I add, depend entirely on Ling Qi for... basically everything.
Yes, i care for tour family. I care enough that i want Ling Qi to do everything she can so Ling Qingge doesn't have to go back to prostitution to survive and raise her daughter.
I'm not sorry.
The way I see it, if current time isn't enough for part of our social links it isn't enough for the rest of them either so if I was to vote to spend this extra AP per month then I would be bound to vote to spend another AP per month towards Meizhen, Xiulan, Su Ling, Li Suyin and so on to not neglect them either(even if QM outright us that isn't true but then that is the argument people are giving here so whatever). To be honest if that was the vote I would be voting for it even if -2AP per month would be painful and require us to very very picky(Gods just thinking of it makes me feel we wasted time on Floor 1 Arts for example) in what we spend our time on.

So for everyone all up in arms for this I 100% expect you to argue every turn to spend another AP on our friends too because that is literally the same logic there and it would be arguing in bad faith to say otherwise. Though it will be a great way to tell who actually cares and who is just trying to 'win' so there is that silver lining at least.
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Double checked Discord and for any recent posts by Yrsillar, but can you direct me to where it was stated this vote would include the Spirit Beasts that live inside of us and are a major part of our current cultivation plans and the "Status Quo" to improve?

The vote is pretty clear about this being a vote about or "Household" and while yes it says "Family" as well, the implication of the context is fairly clear that it is our mortal family who are not with us literally 24/7 and whom we must go out of our way to visit.

We aren't going to be getting extra Spirit stuff in addition to mortal family stuff aside from perhaps adapting our mortal family and retainers to being around our Spirits. While yes I don't have anything that says this doesn't include mechanically improving our spirits the context and phrasing is pretty clear that they are not the targets of the 20+ AP cost of this vote.

ArkeusAujourd'hui à 21:09
[] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)
@Yrsillar So, questions:
- This includes Sixiang/Zhengui/Hanyi too right?
- Is this pure fluff 'Ling Qi now thinks family is important', or does it have an impact on Qingge/Biyu/Zhengui/Hanyi/Sixiang?


YrsillarAujourd'hui à 21:10
It includes everyone ling qi considers family yeah

From the discord. And the previous updates for this being six, hanyi and zhengui.
Archangis isn't the QM and that doesn't answer the question.
He literally said that the QM revealed it on discord
So basically what you're saying is that voting to spend that AP per month is actually out of character for Ling Qi but that doesn't matter because ... reasons ?
Are you just determined to strawman arguments because you can't refute them otherwise?

I wouldn't expect any less from someone who breaks the "no mocking funnies" rule.

I'm going to ignore the whole thing about "there'll be more stuff in the future" as it's makes exactly zero sense for the vote, in one way or the other.

What you are arguing is in fact that risking being the next Gan Guangli when we hit the end of Inner Sect is less somehow important that spending time with Mom and Lil'sis. Both of who, might I add, depend entirely on Ling Qi for... basically everything.
Yes, i care for tour family. I care enough that i want Ling Qi to do everything she can so Ling Qingge doesn't have to go back to prostitution to survive and raise her daughter.
I'm not sorry.
Bullshit, material wealth doesn't actually provide happiness, becoming the "next gan guangli" is not a fucking death sentence, CRX is not going to toss us away IF we do fail given our otherwise stellar performance and if you think we can't find something else if she does and actually DARE to disingenously say that Qingge will have to return to prostitution if it happens then you are a damn fool.

We can always return to the Sect anyway
i'll argue that -1AP per month, for some reason some people are strangely willing to forget that particualr part, is massive. It is enough to at least fully master an archive art for the inter-sect tournament, maybe even two.
Heck, in pure spiritual or physical cultivation it'll easily be the equivalent of three to four months of it, probably enough to rank up either of those.

So basically what you're saying is that voting to spend that AP per month is actually out of character for Ling Qi but that doesn't matter because ... reasons ?

the tournament is turn 18. if this (turn 4) and turn 18 itself doesnt count towards 'until turn 18' then we are talking anout 13 AP.

can that be 2 arts? absolutely

can that be 2 arts and a few jobs or explores? yes, it can

could it lower rare pill returns because we can no longer put 20 AP in a single turn towards maximising it? sure, it can

but reaching cultivation levels shouldnt be affected by that as much as your post suggests, because I dont see us sacrificing months worth of base xp.

It is still very expensive, but I think it is worth it, because this is the result of all the family themed insights LQ has gotten recently and it would make for good character development for her. this action being the result of our recent conversations and insights is also why I disagree with the claim of it being OOC.
Fucking hell, just think of it being 1 AP per month spent training spirit beasts instead if it makes it feel less doom and gloom. 22 AP worth of making sure Hanyi is emotionally stable after losing her family, training music with her, getting coordination between our spirit beasts (Zhengui just got his breakthrough, Sixiang fairly recently got her minor breakthrough, Hanyi just joined), and pre-allocating AP for emergencies. How much AP would we spend in the future on these things? If last thread+this one is any indication, we'd probably expect an average of 1 event every other turn from our 3 spirit beasts anyways, so that's about 11 AP accounted for. Toss the other 11 or so AP on training our tactics for our spirit beasts, who combined are probably over 2/3 of our combat power at this point.

From the discord. And the previous updates for this being six, hanyi and zhengui.

I'll remind everyone again that this doesn't apply to Meizhen and our other close friends.

Fucking hell, just think of it being 1 AP per month spent training spirit beasts instead if it makes it feel less doom and gloom. 22 AP worth of making sure Hanyi is emotionally stable after losing her family, training music with her, getting coordination between our spirit beasts (Zhengui just got his breakthrough, Sixiang fairly recently got her minor breakthrough, Hanyi just joined), and pre-allocating AP for emergencies. How much AP would we spend in the future on these things? If last thread+this one is any indication, we'd probably expect an average of 1 event every other turn from our 3 spirit beasts anyways, so that's about 11 AP accounted for. Toss the other 11 or so AP on training our tactics for our spirit beasts, who combined are probably over 2/3 of our combat power at this point.

Except we don't get to choose how our extra time with our family is being spent. We could, and likely will, get some of these benefits. We'll also be spending time with our family on other social interactions instead of just training our spirits. It's hard to decide whether it's worth it, even if you care primarily about characters and narrative.

Your AP breakdown is based on assumptions. We don't know for sure how the family option will work out while we can estimate the value of AP based on our past AP allocation.
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I think at this point people on both sides are just repeating themselves.

Honestly, I view this vote as less of a 'wrong vs right' choice and more of a 'grow in character or grow in strength' choice. To me, I'd rather grow in character, but by no means does that make growing our strength the wrong choice.

This is a dangerous and interesting world. We'll have lots of chances in the future for Ling Qi to grow her character and her strength.

So maybe people need to take a step back, realise that regardless of what wins its not the end of the world and stem the tides of salt that seem to have started flowing.
Except we don't get to choose how our extra time with our family is being spent. We could, and likely will, get some of these benefits. We'll also be spending time with our family on other social interactions instead of just training our spirits. It's hard to decide whether it's worth it, even if you care primarily about characters and narrative.

Either Yrs will put it up to a vote when relevant or he'll make a decision on his own that makes sense. Remember, it's a narrative, RNG only applies to rolls, not decisions. Even if you assume that the AP is applied at half potency for training, we were going to need to train them anyways.
I would also point out, this probably isn't a suicide pact. If we genuinely, honestly need some crunch time, I suspect we'll have the option of doing so.