Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Ling Qi's derived attributes don't seem to have taken into account the +10 to penetration of cold arts and the +5 to hit of music arts
Also we need to do something with our qi, the upkeep of our spirits is rising, so our available qi is decreasing ( god the upkeep of Zenghui is going to be high).
I hope @yrsillar reme,here that we took Elder tutoring a while back that included reducing spirit beast upkeep, at least for Zenghui.
Am i the only one that find this particularly disappointing for an advanced insight?
An effect that gives a dispel attempt, but only against charm effects ? And only if it's turning you against a ally? That's all ?
Even leaving aside the issue that as far as i remember we never seen a charm effect in the quest, how can this possibly be the vital keystone that allows Ling Qi to continue further on the cultivation path ?
Nope, I agree.

It's "free", but mechanically her domain has been complete shit from the beginning.p - an stupidly situational trigger giving a mediocre bonus. It's only slightly less now.
This insight barely changes anything, and for something that basically is the gating process on a cultivator's path for Green 4+, it feels weak and entirely forgettable. Basically it feels like the armor insight we got from the tournament: was lauded to be such a great effect and yet has been entirely forgotten a month later.
Heh, I only remember that because you mentioned it.

Did it transition into the new system at all?
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[X]Plan: Moon and Snakes
[X] Skill plan: Renxiang needs Help!
-[x] Resolve x4*, Presence x4*, Composure x1*
-[x] Sable Grace x3**, Fortitude x4*, Dance x4**
-[x] Academics x1**, Government x2, Speech x4, Athletics x1**

And adding to that, here's my suggested skill plan. Presence we can hopefully level, while going all in on the all important Resolve can hopefully level that next turn. Sable Grace, Fortitude, and Dance are all important to hammer on while we have things like TRF available to boost them. Then I think we should try to get a bit more government and speech etc. in order to help out with Renxiang given what we just found out about how she's doing. Academics is also kind of doing that, and also taking advantage of CDE training bonuses while they're there.
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I really hope that Zhengui's Ashfall and Rebirth Inferno have IFF for bound spirits in Green. The last time his statblock was updated we didn't have another physical spirit, so fingers crossed.

Him and Hanyi just make a crazy good combo if part of the taunt for LWN is " walk through the AOE, then climb a hill that you can't attack which is trying to eat you. "
This insight barely changes anything, and for something that basically is the gating process on a cultivator's path for Green 4+, it feels weak and entirely forgettable. Basically it feels like the armor insight we got from the tournament: was lauded to be such a great effect and yet has been entirely forgotten a month later.
Don't think like fighter. Think like ruler/commander which LQ will be in the future. ANY plan to brainwash/parasite/control/other her subordinate who don't already hate her fizzles the moment said subordinate is in her presence. That's really, really useful.

Any intrigue bullshit would require old cloak and dagger methods, not cultivation bullshit. And biggest players would specialize exactly in cultivation bullshit...
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[X]Plan: Moon and Snakes
-[X] Pay Household expenses: 6 RSS
-[X] use 8 GSS (4 free GSS + 4 paid GSS) and 12 free YSS
-[X] use high pills (35 YSS (14x25 RSS))
-[X] EPC to Spiritual Cultivation
-[X] Physical x3
-[X] Spiritual x4
-[X] Jobs x3
-[X] Meridian Openings x1 (Head, Lung)
-[X] PLR x2
-[X] CDE x2
-[X] TRF x1
-[X] SCS x1
-[X] Moon Quest x1
-[X] Xiao Fen tutoring x1
-[X] Exploration Via New Moon Sect Map x1
-[X] equip CDE
-[X] unequip AC

this plan is a slightly altered version of what has been discussed before: 4 jobs (the tutoring counts as one) should make it possible to buy rare pills again. PLR, TRF and CDE are done enough that we can finish them next turn and SCS is slow rolled to get the bonus for the Sable Grace Skill longer. This plan sacrifies a physical AP for an exploration action, because our best location just died and the high pills are used because we get somewhat reasonable odds of getting Green 3 at the end of the next turn and we have the money to do it

Why are we investing so much on Phys and Sp. Cultivation compared to the rest?
That's irrelevant. The fact that the advanced insight is weak has further reaching implications than just this arc rewards. The least of which is that it provides the baseline for the following advanced insights...
What are you talking about?

Baseline stuff means its just a baseline, and thus can be further built and elaborated upon by further Insights.

Just like the Spiritual resistance stuff.
OK, so going to tentatively vote for the no-ENM combo of plan that's presented. I am still tempted by ENM, and if a well done plan that train it appear I could be tempted, but we have so much on our plate it's so much easier to not train it.

[X]Plan: Moon and Snakes
[X] Skill plan: Renxiang needs Help!

I also do think now is a good time to try to polish a bit our speech and government abilities, even tough we don't actually have arts there to help.

Why are we investing so much on Phys and Sp. Cultivation compared to the rest?
We want spiritual to foundation turn 5, so we need to go full bore there. Phys is because it's just good habit.
@yrsillar can you add Hanyi bonus

to our derived attributes and in calcs. Thanks
Also, are we getting Monthly Skill Gains like in Turn 2?
charsheet is not completely updated yet, it will take a bit more time.
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Why are we investing so much on Phys and Sp. Cultivation compared to the rest?

that is our base cultivation. There are 8 stages to Green(spiritual) and Bronze(physical) and we are currently at the second for both.

For reference, they are called: Early, Appraisal, Foundation, Threshold, Framing, Formation, Fortification, Completion
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Why are we investing so much on Phys and Sp. Cultivation compared to the rest?

Phys and Spir are the most important things we've got, and we're trying to hit Green 3 by the end of turn 5, while Phys is currently two turns behind Spirit, and we'd rather it not fall too far behind.

We're slow-rolling SCS, CDE, and TRF so they all finish next turn (turn 5) so we have our choice of Insights to slot - so that we can actually reach Green 3.

We're also slow-rolling SCS for the bonus to training Sable Grace, which should enable it to reach rank A.

We're splitting up the AP for PLR because it takes 5 base AP to do, so we might as well split it up across two turns, because otherwise it takes 6 AP in one turn due to diminishing returns.

We're hunting for a Wind site with the exploration action; hopefully we'll get lucky.

We're locking into tutoring Xiao Fen, Bai Meizhen's maid, and we're locked into the Moon Quest, both of which prevent further stacking of AP on Arts.

Hrmm, isn't Ling Qi noted to have abnormal Qi reserves, partially due to her talent, and partially due to the sable moon drugs we got from Xin/Jiao?

This is why we can support three Green-ranked Spirits and not cripple ourselves.
Hrmm, isn't Ling Qi noted to have abnormal Qi reserves, partially due to her talent, and partially due to the sable moon drugs we got from Xin/Jiao?
Yeah, we have extremely abnormal qi reserves because of EPC and the Sable Moon Pills given by Xin and (stolen from) Yan Renshu. Looking at Kang (whose father is the bodyguard of the Empress herself) and we see that he had C qi reserves with 2 green spirit beasts. Meanwhile... we'll have mid B rank qi reserves with 3 green spirit beasts.

Additionally, Shen Hu mentioned it here:
"Or your just too fast," he replied agreeably. "Your qi just never runs out does it? How did you cultivate so much?"
which was during our friendly little spar.

So the people we spar with will, and have been, taking note of our abnormal qi reserves.
Ablative is unlikely outside of direct combat.

PS. Also even as combat thing... additional save just being there is useful by itself. As it's on top of everything else.
And how does this contradict the point that it's extremely niche?

"Deep mind-controlled plant" seems like a highly unlikely scenario, for a multitude of reasons. And on top of that, something like "then whisper everything you've heard on the meeting to this talisman you've hidden on your ring" might not trigger it. And it's Close range.

It's a free bonus.

But I expected so much more.
We don't exactly know how strong other people's domains are. Meizhen's intimidation domain being strong enough to kill birds doesn't mean much in combat. It could be that everyone's domains are weak at our current level.
And how does this contradict the point that it's extremely niche?

"Deep mind-controlled plant" seems like a highly unlikely scenario, for a multitude of reasons. And on top of that, something like "then whisper everything you've heard on the meeting to this talisman you've hidden on your ring" might not trigger it. And it's Close range.

It's a free bonus.

But I expected so much more.
Why did you expect so much more though? We really don't know anything about domains and how ours stacks up to others. What exceptions did you have for our domain?
Guys, the real bonus is that if this insight levels up, we can help Su Ling kill her mom, bringing our Dead Moms of SL up to 3 (Meizhen and Hanyi are 1 and 2). As a foxy mamma, she likely has charms for days, so something like this is gonna be important.
Admittedly, part of the reason why I'm fussing over qi is because I feel competitive towards our sect friends & rivals (particularly Ji Rong), and I want to maintain the illusion that we apparently have "more qi than our peers."
So, some fun things to think about (in contrast with the tears of anguish and melancholy that permeated Zeqing returning to her cycle).

We have reached C rank of spirit ken! Yeah for us! That means that it will take an art with the keyword "Spirit Ken" to specialize spirit ken and advance it to the next rank. Now I have very limited ideas on what specialization spirit ken could acquire (spirit communication?) but it's nice to think about! I also have no idea what a spirit ken art would be about. Maybe something like what Sixiang has for talking to spirits? Make us seem more approachable by wild spirits? Another thought is boosting the efficacy of our spirit companions and giving them buffs while reducing their upkeep costs.

With all that being said... it is not something we should get right now. Like, we have so much on our plate that Ling Qi is going to go a little bit crazy with her planning and time management (but she's used to that by now, after all, craziness is simply some strange voices in her head).

Another thought is that spirit companion upkeep reduction can actually be pretty useful for us. It will essentially be three times as valuable for us than for someone with only 1 spirit beast. Given that Argent Genesis actually does reduce a spirit beast's upkeep, we may have an actual drive to finish it and see if that becomes a permanent bonus for us.