Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
We are a tundra settlement near a lake full of fish. Its obvious fishing will be more dominant than farming. Its not like all our agriculture comes from the fishery, and a good settlement is one using the resources available.
Fish is also famously less preservable than grains. Not impossible, but you end up with jerky and fermented fish, and I don't want to subject our townsfolk to emergency rations of surströmming.
I mostly care about aiming for the Hunter's shrine, people have made solid arguments for Field Infrastructure. However, I just noticed the Minor Tradepost when the voting started and oh mannn I'm so excited. This could start so many little stories and get side businesses going! I don't care if Yrs doesn't have time for it with all the plotlines we have going, I'll write some omake!

[X]Plan: Laying Groundwork
- [X] Fields Infrastructure
- [X] Forestry

[X] Will Trade Pills For Wheat
-[X] Minor Tradepost
-[X] Tiny Alchemist Lab
[X] Will Trade Pills For Wheat
-[X] Minor Tradepost
-[X] Tiny Alchemist Lab

This one just seems neat. Trade post would be so fun! Meanwhile the lab would synergize with our recently hired crafters & give us a higher chance to gain a cultivator sooner.
I do like both the rp elements and the actual mechanical elements of these ones. Getting some more infrastructure going is a good idea, and while the gains might not be strictly the most efficient, basically all of these are investments anyway so that we could eventually get to the point where they actually do legitimately enable us to do things. And while mining is also an important form of infrastructure, I personally don't want to lower our defense score currently in order to do so.
[X]Plan: Laying Groundwork
- [X] Fields Infrastructure
- [X] Forestry

Also, what the contract term for the helpful geomancer dude again? It was either 5 or 10 years right?
Even if Shenglu will be a fishing town primarily, I agree that we should also utilize its other resources. I also think that one of the two projects should definitely be Hamlet Forestry, as it's the last of the four resource industries with no spiritual considerations. Ling Qi formalized relationships with Snowblossom, Meng Duyi smoothed things over at the quarry, and Zhengui's been walking the fields being a spirit king since he moved in, but I don't remember anything about the forests. Beyond that, I'm torn, Fields Infrastructure makes more sense RP-wise, but Iron Mining is a 2 month project, so starting sooner is better.

[X]Plan: Laying Groundwork
- [X] Fields Infrastructure
- [X] Forestry

[X] Plan: More Infrastructure! More!
-[X] Hamlet Forestry
-[X] Iron Mining
Fish is also famously less preservable than grains. Not impossible, but you end up with jerky and fermented fish, and I don't want to subject our townsfolk to emergency rations of surströmming.

I feel like there's gotta be some Cultivator punchmagic way of preserving fish in this setting that's better than stewing them in their own juices
[X] Plan: boatyard infrastructure
- [X] Fishing Boat Construction
- [X] Hamlet Forestry

I just want to get that Fishery Specialization that the Boats provide already. What Specialization we choose can greatly affect the priority of the other projects, and the direction of the development of the Aquaculture Infrastructure will take.
That's the point where the Fishery Infrastructure, the town's main mortal industry, can be considered "good enough".
Then next month we can branch out with a Fields + Hunting Shrine + Mines plan, or something similar.

And we just finished Snowblossom Shrine which gives "Increased happiness and attention from Snowblossom", so doing Boats now while she is watching is sure to please her. She loves us loving her fish.