Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I like miser, it's where my head went first, but I want to use an eyesight metaphor since it is our perception art as the root.

[X] Myopia of the Miser

Or maybe

[X] The Nearsighted Miser's Gaze
I'm leaning towards something like this. Or something with Chains or Greed.

Some ideas:
  • Reservation's Whisper / Melody / Refrain
  • Whisper of Reservations
  • Heart's Aversion
  • Knot of Hesitance / Hesitating Knot
  • Brambles of the Heart / Mind
  • Infinite Chance's Greed
Love that the real person would have been first but I sort of wish Ling Qi hadn't realized yet...accident time, as a treat
I'm feeling some of the words in here but not others. I feel like "Refrain" is so appropriate, it means to stop oneself from doing something. It also is a musical term which would usually work perfectly but I don't believe we're using our musical arts in this instant. Still, its appropriate!
Other sound-related words like "Whisper" just seem more appropriate for LQ.
[X] Plucking the Purse Strings
[X] Tugging the Purse Strings

I think either of these work, and hit the right notes really well. You've got a nice thief metaphor to tie into both Thief of Names and to torment our poor descendants who will be trying to pretend we were all respectable. It hits on the right notes for metaphors for playing with emotions ("tugging heartstrings"), money as a symbol of Want, and the purse as a symbol of the possession and hoarding of wealth. And it sounds decent.

Can't ask for more in a technique name really.
[X] Plucking the Purse Strings
[X] Tugging the Purse Strings

I think either of these work, and hit the right notes really well. You've got a nice thief metaphor to tie into both Thief of Names and to torment our poor descendants who will be trying to pretend we were all respectable. It hits on the right notes for metaphors for playing with emotions ("tugging heartstrings"), money as a symbol of Want, and the purse as a symbol of the possession and hoarding of wealth. And it sounds decent.

Can't ask for more in a technique name really.
Tighten the Purse Strings sounds better than Tugging IMO. Tugging sounds more like we're trying to tempt them into spending or something.

Of course I still like Riches Unremembered and Unused the best though.
Hi everyone. Caught up a few days ago and thought now was as good a time as any to jump in. What about:

[X] Found Wanting

For lack of ambition (+ Greed, - Desire), or lack of sense (- Greed, + Desire)?
And also because it's kinda stupid :V
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[X] Elixir Syndrome
[X] Miser's Folly
[X] Compulsive Greed

Edit: Since Linqin and Shu Yue brought up the 3 poisons...

[X] Plucking Heartstrings: First Sin
[X] Plucking Heartstrings: First Need
She glanced over to Shu yue. "Are you teaching the three poisons arts suite, or allowing her to reinvent them on her own."

You know, in the context of the whole intergenerational similarities Ling Qi and Diao Linqin have going on, this feels a little like a complaint. Shu Yue's tutelage is basically the only way Ling Qi would learn this Hui Art (if only in the "make your own version of it" Green style), one that Linqin almost certainly has a version of herself.

[X] Bird in the Hand

Has both connotations of control and inspection (since it also allows her to see desires, according to the description) while also referencing the "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" idiom. It DOES allow her to also inflame the desire to take risks, if more weakly, so a name that both argues against and for taking risks (you could lose the bird you already have VS get three birds!!!) fits better with the full scope of the Art.
Tighten the Purse Strings sounds better than Tugging IMO. Tugging sounds more like we're trying to tempt them into spending or something.

Of course I still like Riches Unremembered and Unused the best though.
I think the important thing to remember here is that the technique is broader than just that one bit we chose to focus on developing. That's the bit we can do most strongly rn, but it isn't the whole technique:
The sharp eyes cultivated by the thief of names may be difficult to wield in battle, but by focusing upon a target you may glean something of the things which bind them to this world. You have chosen to wield greed and desire, and so it is that which you may pluck and manipulate.

You may compel a single target by heightening or lessening their core desires. Against weaker targets these actions may be sudden and dramatic, the stronger the target the more subtle the manipulation must be. These effects operate at a G4 potency, and have a short duration.
Only now related to Commerce; it is where the distribution of Xiangmen's bounty is coordinated between the district kitchens."
So, the actual building changed purpose to now be about the various soup kitchens and analogous eateries? Interesting, interesting indeed. I can see why they chose that building in particular now.
[_] Despair of Opened Vaults
Personally, i like this suggestion the most. Its real dramatic sounding, which I like, Its also got broader theming to it, so it works with the broad nature of the technique, instead of referring to just one aspect of the things it could affect.
There's some evocative imagery of purse strings becoming nooses but the words aren't coming to me.
[X]Guarded Purse

[X]Tighten the Purse Strings to Tighten the Noose
[X]Purse String Noose
[X]Cutpurse's Reward
[X]Tighten the Purse Strings
[X]Hang by Purse Strings
[X]Noose from a Purse
[X]Hangman's Coin Purse
[X]Coins to Pay the Hangman
[X]Saving for the Noose
[X]Noose made of Purse Strings
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Oh! What about a gambling reference? Since we're essentially playing on the "hit or stay" aspect of cards? It'd hit both aspects of Want for the future applications, I think.

[X] Gambler's Dilemma
[X] Uncertain Bet
Go Big or Go Home :V
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