[X] I would wield it to put them on the defense, to be miserly with their power and resources, and loathe to expend anything that is theirs.
Firstly, long fights work better for Ling Qi, since they give her the time to deploy her constructs and spread her frost DOTs. She has the defenses to fight through those, and she has ways to survive if she makes a mistake or if the opponent attempts to one-shot her.
Secondly, against the Ith in particular, the first option is both more dangerous to them and safer to use, because the root of every non-Sovereign Ith is Sacrifice, and Sovereign Ith require Consensus to exist. Encouraging individual Ith to refuse to Sacrifice both hamper the power of LQ's enemy peers and is a true obstacle for them to create their Sovereigns. Of our other likely opponnents, Cloud nomads being more likely to retreat is a pain if we wanted to kill them all, but that's not what LQ wants, and I have no idea how this would interact with the Jungle... Ah, and I don't think anything that mess with the opponent's mind should ever be used against the ash zombies, because there's probably already something there that's much bigger and hungrier than LQ.