I think everyone is getting a little carried away here. Has Meng Dan been hitting it out of the park so far? Yeah but we haven't even seen Xuan Shi get started. People are just assuming he can't beat this chemistry thing going on but LQ and Xuan Shi have a foundation of friendship to build a relationship on. She knows Xuan Shi much better, has known him for a while and has always instinctively known he wasn't like the men she feared because he's Xuan Shi.
I'm going to at least wait and see him court LQ before I rule him out. He went halfway around the Empire chasing his favorite stories, which definitely have a romantic element to them. Xuan Shi definitely has some romance in him and, now that LQ has agreed to courtship, I don't think he'll be as shy as before.
Oh no my argument wasn't that xuan shi
couldn't be romantic . Like you said the boy is a romantic at heart . My argument is that
currently he doesn't squeeze in the narrative well. He doesn't fit many of the upcoming arcs , only has so much permission to act as an independent here , and thus risks basically not being able to catch up becuase he's NOT on even footing here . Ling qi admitted to herself that while she didn't feel the same spark for xuan shi as she currently does meng Dan that the potential is there .
If we were focused more on polar nation questlines at the moment or negotiations, becuase of xuanji xuan shi could step in and have screen time . But as of now , due to bad timing for him , he's somewhat forced to stay in the background doing ..stuff . Similar to meizhen ,though meizhen prob has more room to act right now and in the current upcoming war arc .
Now ,again I'm not saying he lost the race or any such nonsense , he's a very very popular character with lots of love for him , I'm saying he's just in a bit of a awkward place atm . It's even more awkward becuase of how well meng Dan has been doing lately too that when he does get screentime eventually it would be odd if he suddenly just got rubber banded in lqs heart with one or two actions for that crush meter . He basically needs time to cook but the other party is already starting to set his table if you catch my drift .
If we don't pick Xuan Shi the best Xuan Shi fans can hope for is a 'Journey to the East' style side story
As for this I don't think this is true at all . Again xuan shi is a very well liked character , and even if he loses the shipping war , in the very short term of the story I believe he'll stick around . At the very least he has a very big tie in with the polar nation plotlines that meng Dan and others don't .
As for long term , I can't really say . I don't know where the story is gonna go , maybe if we don't pick him he travels around while we're doing our province tour with crx in our cyans. Maybe he comes with for the exploration factor . At the end of the day he's lqs friend and has no incentive to really go home and do stuff like xiulan did . Without the awkwardness of courting I'm sure they would still remain close and he could even befriend more ppl himself and have his own plotlines . I don't think he's going anywhere story wise .