It addresses the heart demon we are building.
The core conflict it is addressing is the tension between peace and choice, as outlined last chapter, which is extraordinarily relevant when walking into a war. We've chosen choice, but we are striving for peace, and this chasing two hares.
Why is it ok for us to fight the ith?
Self defence is unrelated to communication. It has no justification nor is it prohibited. Why, then, do we feel it is acceptable and righteous? If that isn't made into part of our way, it will be cut on the way to white.
What choices remove one from a community? Does the individual get a choice? Isolation is imposed, not chosen, almost always.
Pretending that choice and truth don't need to be resolved, that we can go and make hard choices in a war without investigating what it means to choose, and how it matters if the choice is based on a lie rather than truth? That is begging for a heart demon.
This kind of highlights the issue I have with the second option.
Is Choice important to Ling Qi's Way and circumstances? Yeah, absolutely, that's a position I've expressed even. But
this formula of Choice, in this vote, glues it together with Sincerity and Truth, in ways that are really weak.
In your post, Truth just kind of gets tacked on at the end, unrelated to the (to be clear, I think cogent and thoughtful) main body of subject matter. Heck, your second to last sentence invokes the concepts of exclusion and isolation, which are the province of the first vote option, as connected to Choice, in a more convincing way than you present Truth's connection.
And I don't think that's the fault of anything but the inherent weakness of the Truth/Sincerity here, in the vote. You're making basically the strongest argument possible. It's the material which lacks substance and doesn't stand up to scrutiny. I can picture circumstances where that's different, but the requirement is lead-up before this point, which obviously we don't currently have.
Like, maybe I can put it another way. It's possible that this "Choice" vote could be salvaged from the problems I've highlighted by deemphasizing the Truth/Sincerity stuff in the coming scene. Focus hard on the big, core Choice stuff. That's a doable approach. Based on several posts, I think it would even be a popular approach, reflecting the intentions of some voters. But then the vote option itself
isn't true, shouldn't exist as it does, and would just prove that the Truth/Sincerity stuff is an undercooked distraction. If the best outcome for a vote option just reinforces its premise was flawed, and that's not even intentional, I don't know why it should be attractive to us before the fact.
Edit: And I don't really anticipate a heart demon any time soon. Even if there's highly appropriate events coming up to cause one, Ling Qi's characterization doesn't look like it's on course to be in a prudent place to receive one. Not with the plot threads we want to do things with post-war. Our last heart demon was pretty much an unmitigated disaster because we kept getting plowed through "too big to fail" plot points without getting to reflect on our issues. The same dynamic is in play. Quite a few things have, for good reason, grown giant in their delays and being locked behind looming disasters.
It's not good terrain for confronting a heart demon. Not that crises have been either, which just adds to my skepticism we'll be picking one up.
More relevant to this vote, I don't think either option has an impact on whether or not we get a heart demon. If we do, it'll be fit to the circumstances we find ourselves in, and we're on course to go through enough shit that
if we're getting one, we're getting one regardless.