I'm going to talk about a angle i haven't seen discused.
[X] The truth of art is Communication. There are many paths to the Way. The Master of Communication seeks to show how each path may join one future.
This one feel misunderstood, it says there are many paths wich lead to one way. I see it as LQ diplomat path, Renxian leader path, Gan Guangli general/hero path, Li Suyin dark soul crafter path etc... .All joining, mixing together in a greater whole, a way forward and a shared future for the Emerald Sea. It feel better for a "internal" diplomat who wants to create a shared ES identity in the "short" term. But it will probably make it more difficult to talk-fu with other province and foreign entity because even if we envision a shared future with everyone, not necessarly part of the same entity but working together (A United Nation/League of Nation maybe), that futur will be so far apart that we will have to prioritize the closer future, the ES one even at the cost of better/good relations i think.
[ ] The truth of art is Communication. There are many paths to many ways. The Master of Communication seeks the parallel, the flow of many paths in harmony.
This choice allow many different futures and ways, it will allow us to align our interests with those of many other entity and provinces but i think it will make it more difficult to craft a single shared identity for the ES wich will make ruling it more difficult and will allow the rot we saw at Tonghu (our birth city) to persist longer and for conflicting ideologies to emerge and coexist somewhat peacefully... up to a point. It will be less difficult and revolutionary than trying to have everyone follow the same way but the results won't be as good in terms of working together for a better ES. This path feel better for an "external" diplomat (forge verse Genova convention and World Trade Organisation as endpoint several millinia after ascension maybe).
In the end i think Union is better for creating a single, well, united entity with a shared identity and vision of the future. While Harmony is better for a confluence of entities and identities to work together in matters where they have more to gain by cooperating than not, a better principle for federations or confederations and alliances.
To me Ling Qi path as always been that of unity trougth harmony. But in this case i choose unity.