The Rising Sun is one many of the nobility keep upon their personal rolls as a spirit to give obedience too. A good practice as the Rising Sun is most often a patron of leadership, of inspiring generals, wise statesman, and impassioned orators. The primary directives of this aspect of the sun is to inspire those around you to greatness. To show great virtue and forthrightness in all things, and thus show one's subordinates the way forward. Although many military commanders revere him, he is not a patron of soldiers but rather of any true gentleman or lady, and even of mortal community leaders. Any who seek to bring organization to their lands, or shame the corrupt should offer words and to the Rising Sun.
That's the aspect of Gan Guanglo's spirit, right? Sounds perfect for him and his position supporting CRX.
"Jinzha is of the Rising Sun," Gan Guangli said cheerfully, his booming voice lowered somewhat. "I could not ask for a more valorous companion."
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