Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I wonder if passing Zeqing's trial will also allow us to turn Water meridians into Cold meridians.

[x][FVM] Though a path might be hard and lonely, it has worth if you can present something of beauty to those you care for at the end.
[x][FSS] There are endings and Endings, only the very last one is final. Just as winter ends in spring, small endings are new beginnings.
So, more discussion! This time about "Call to Ending" and its relation to the Best Boy Ever, Zhengui. Specifically, about how "Call to Ending" bypass armor, which indicates that there will be other techniques that bypass armor and what that means for Zhengui.

Late Yellow(6)
Late Silver(6)


Strength: D
Dexterity: F
Stamina: B

Intelligence: E
Wits: D
Resolve: C

Presence: E
Manipulation: F
Composure: D

Base Health: C15 (Stamina B, Qi C)
Damage Reductions: G vs. Fire

Base Qi: C10

Base Speed: E (Strength D, Dexterity F)

Base Initiative: E (Dexterity F, Wits D)

Derived Attributes

Physical Defense
Avoid: F (Dexterity F, Dodge F)
Armor: B35 (Stamina B, Rejuvenation B)Unqualified Bonuses: Base 20, BfA 15
Qualified Bonus: +3 w/ wood or fire arts active

Spiritual Defense
Avoid: E (Wits D, Fade F)
Qualified Bonuses: +5 vs. Single target
Armor: B5 (Resolve C, Resilience C) Unqualified Bonuses: Base 20, BfA 15
Qualified Bonuses: +3 w/ wood or Fire arts active

Physical Offense
Hit C (Strength D, Natural Weapon C) Unqualified Bonuses: BB 10
Qualified Bonuses: +3 w/ wood or fire art active
Penetration D15 (Strength D, Natural Weapon C)Unqualified Bonuses: Base 5
Qualified Bonuses: +5 on Fire

Spiritual Offense
Hit: D10 (Wits D, Power D)Unqualified Bonuses: BB 10
Penetration: E10 (Intelligence E, Power D)

Combat Perception: E (Wits D, Perceptiveness F)
Qualified Bonuses: +6 in heavily wooded regions
Social Perception: D10 (Wits D, Empathy E)

Dispel: - (Intelligence E+Tech Rank)
Resist: - (Resolve C+Tech Rank)

Athletics: C
Perceptiveness: E
Stealth: D
Survival: C
Empathy: E
Speech: D
Natural Weapons: C
Projection: D
Dodge: F
Fortitude: C(Max)
-Rejuvenation: B
Fade: F
Resilience: C

Gui Chomp: Damage E.
Zhen Bite: Damage D.


Blooming From Ash

+15 to Physical and Spiritual Armor
+6 to perception and survival rolls in plant life heavy regions
+5 Stamina and Resolve challenges
Adds 2 to Available Qi per action when not moving

Ingraining Roots: D
Zhengui channels his qi through the roots of the plant life around him, allowing him to better sense his surroundings as well as drawing in further strength. While active, Zhengui's speed is reduced by one rank, but damage to his armor recovers at a rapid rate. Lasts a short time.

Eternal Vitality: C
Zhengui's draws on the concept of regrowth and renewal to seal his wounds and break the power of enemies over him. The regenerating qi knits his wounds and repairs his shell. Alternatively, he may use this to dispel a negative effect on himself or Ling Qi.

Stone in the Soil: E
A technique granted by Zhengui's bond with Ling Qi. Allows Zhengui to rapidly bury himself in loose soil, temporarily appearing as little more than a large spiky boulder. Lasts until Zhengui is revealed

Woodland Grasp: C
A technique allowing Zhengui to create and manipulate roots beneath the ground to trap his enemies. The roots immobilize their target with a strength equal to Zhengui's own.

Spearing Roots: C
Damage: E
Building upon previous techniques, Zhengui hardens and sharpens the roots he manipulates with potent wood qi, using them to assault instead of entrap. The spearing roots strike to impale rather than entangle, but grip and slow the enemies limbs nonetheless if they strike true.

Blazing Blood

G Damage reduction vs. Fire
+10 to Hit on physical attacks
+5 to Penetration of Fire Attacks
Use Strength for Hit

Blood Boiling Venom: E
Damage: E(Bonus, poison)
Zhengui strikes with venomous fangs injecting a terrible, deadly heat into the target. With the boiling venom flowing in their veins, the victim finds themselves weakened and slowed until the effect burns out.

Volcanic Stone Shell: C
Zhengui infuses his shell with withering heat and stony resilience, burning bright with a volcanic blaze. Any who strike at Zhengui in melee suffer painful burns for their effort. This effect lasts a short time.

Ashfall: C
Zhengui expels ash from both of his mouths, filling the sky with falling gray dust. The ash cloud extends out to Very Close range around him and persists for a Short time in that space. While Zhengui and Ling Qi are immune to the effects, others within the ash suffer unavoidable burns while within the ash. The particulates make it difficult for them to see as well, hanging thickly in the air. Zhengui may use this art multiple times to expand its area. Four stacks may be active at a time.

Boiling Shot: E
Damage: D(poison)
Zhen gathers his venom and spits, launching a ball of corrosive superheated venom at a target within Close range.

Boiling Spray: C
Damage: E(poison)
Zhen gathers his venom, as he does with Boiling Shot, but instead discharges a spray of molten venom in a burning fan damaging up to three targets within Near range.

Verdant Ash Duality
+5 to Spiritual Avoid vs single target attacks
+2 on Hit and Penetration when techniques from Blazing Blood and Blooming from Ashes are used in the same turn.
User counts as two separate combatants for determining multiattacker bonuses

Minds Apart: C
A Xuan Wu is two minds in one body and self, it takes age and long practice to function fully as two separate beings however. With this technique however, a young Xuan Wu may temporarily attain this ability.

Ashfield Flowering: C
Usable only while at least one instance of Ashfall is active, this technique consumes the ashfield to revitalize allies. On activation one instance of Ashfall is dispelled automatically, allied targets within the ashfall zone find their lesser wounds healing and their armor fortified.

Rebirth Inferno: Special
Damage: A
When reduced to F rank health. Zhengui may instantly discharge all of his remaining qi into a roaring inferno that consumes all save Ling Qi within Near range. This massive explosion tears through defenses and moves with incredible speed In the aftermath Zhengui falls unconscious, and cannot act, but receives a temporary Health Attribute of B Rank.

Zhengui's stat block is spoiled above. Now, Zhengui's best defensive feature at the moment is his armor. His armor, to be frank, is astonishingly good for his realm, and it will likely get even better when Zhengui awakens from his hibernation. The problem though is his dodge. Zhengui will never be able to dodge, and quite frankly I expect that it will either remain the same or get worse as his size increases. This poses a problematic dilemma though in regards to the new found technique we have. In all practicality, Zhengui has little in the way of defense against such armor ignoring attacks.

Given his focus on being tanky, he might solve that dilemma through exotic defenses when he awakens from hibernation. This is not outside of possibility, as the really fun stuff regarding arts and spirits seem to start occurring at the Green Realm. Evidence for this is our own power spike and Cui's ability to teleport between puddles of water, which seemed to open up at green. However, outside of the possible exotic defenses that Zhengui might develop, what are known ways that Zhengui can deal with such powerful techniques?

Well, there are two that Zhengui already seems to have. A big enough health pool to simply take the damage and the ability to regen/heal the damaged health. His health pool is... not as good as his armor. It's at a respectable level for his realm, but the issue seems primarily that Zhengui has about average qi reserves which is pulling his health down. Should his qi improve and his stamina improve (which is admittedly pretty high already), then Zhengui should have good odds of surviving a tech like "Call to End" without more exotic defenses.

The next stage to simply surviving a technique like "Call to End" is to recover from the damage done. Here, Zhengui should shine. He already has a specialized skill called Rejuvenation. While Rejuvenation is not regeneration... it probably serves a similar, but probably broader, purpose. Furthermore, Zhengui has a fundamental technique which seals his wounds and repairs his shell. "Eternal Vitality" functionally allows Zhengui to heal himself and combining that with his other healing techniques from his ash cloud.

In conclusion, the ability for "Call to Ending" to ignore armor is concerning when considering Zhengui's primary defense. In light of that, unless Zhengui gets some exotic defenses, Zhengui needs to get more health and better regeneration abilities in order to survive and recover from opponents using similar armor bypassing arts to deal with Zhengui's armor. Hopefully Zhengui's breakthrough will assist with that.
So, more discussion! This time about "Call to Ending" and its relation to the Best Boy Ever, Zhengui. Specifically, about how "Call to Ending" bypass armor, which indicates that there will be other techniques that bypass armor and what that means for Zhengui.

Zhengui's stat block is spoiled above. Now, Zhengui's best defensive feature at the moment is his armor. His armor, to be frank, is astonishingly good for his realm, and it will likely get even better when Zhengui awakens from his hibernation. The problem though is his dodge. Zhengui will never be able to dodge, and quite frankly I expect that it will either remain the same or get worse as his size increases. This poses a problematic dilemma though in regards to the new found technique we have. In all practicality, Zhengui has little in the way of defense against such armor ignoring attacks.

Given his focus on being tanky, he might solve that dilemma through exotic defenses when he awakens from hibernation. This is not outside of possibility, as the really fun stuff regarding arts and spirits seem to start occurring at the Green Realm. Evidence for this is our own power spike and Cui's ability to teleport between puddles of water, which seemed to open up at green. However, outside of the possible exotic defenses that Zhengui might develop, what are known ways that Zhengui can deal with such powerful techniques?

Well, there are two that Zhengui already seems to have. A big enough health pool to simply take the damage and the ability to regen/heal the damaged health. His health pool is... not as good as his armor. It's at a respectable level for his realm, but the issue seems primarily that Zhengui has about average qi reserves which is pulling his health down. Should his qi improve and his stamina improve (which is admittedly pretty high already), then Zhengui should have good odds of surviving a tech like "Call to End" without more exotic defenses.

The next stage to simply surviving a technique like "Call to End" is to recover from the damage done. Here, Zhengui should shine. He already has a specialized skill called Rejuvenation. While Rejuvenation is not regeneration... it probably serves a similar, but probably broader, purpose. Furthermore, Zhengui has a fundamental technique which seals his wounds and repairs his shell. "Eternal Vitality" functionally allows Zhengui to heal himself and combining that with his other healing techniques from his ash cloud.

In conclusion, the ability for "Call to Ending" to ignore armor is concerning when considering Zhengui's primary defense. In light of that, unless Zhengui gets some exotic defenses, Zhengui needs to get more health and better regeneration abilities in order to survive and recover from opponents using similar armor bypassing arts to deal with Zhengui's armor. Hopefully Zhengui's breakthrough will assist with that.
Something else we know of is that while it's not intheme for Zhengui to have a perfect dodge, it's perfectly intheme for him to have a perfect armour tech:
Deepwood Vitality: C
Duration: Immediate
The user channels their qi into the earth, spreading like a great tangle of roots to link with up to ten allies. The vital qi armors each fortifies each cultivator affected against a single attack, shattering if it is great enough but leaving the person beneath unharmed. The fortifying qi also attempts to dispel the lowest ranked debuff affecting the targets. Each ally beyond the first increases the cost of the technique by 3.
A tech like this would basically counters the "extremely big hit that ignore armor" types of tech, like Call to Ending (which is also why when I speak about CtE combo I want to have Sixiang dispel enemy buff as we do it, so they can't actually do that).

Later on, I fully expect Zhengui to have something like "Armour can't be negated by people of lower stage than him, and can't be reduced by more than two ranks at once" in his techs.
So, more discussion! This time about "Call to Ending" and its relation to the Best Boy Ever, Zhengui. Specifically, about how "Call to Ending" bypass armor, which indicates that there will be other techniques that bypass armor and what that means for Zhengui.
Well, ok, if other people are going to bring this up...

Yeah, I'm a bit concerned by armor bypassing and DR bypassing in OwS (next level) too.

If taken literally, they would mean that if we used OwS + CtE to sneak hug, say, an ice elemental with SSS Armor and SSS Cold damage reduction then it would do full damage to them, just as much as if they were just a random yellow. I feel like this isn't necessarily what is intended?

The idea that CtE is powerful enough to do significant damage to people with higher armor than our penetration? Sure. Able to completely ignore arbitrarily high amounts of armor? Ehhhhh...

I guess I've kinda been mentally assuming that @yrsillar wouldn't actually apply these completely literally, and that they'd still be fluffed as working differently on people with significantly different defenses even if they allow us to punch up.

The idea that OwS + CtE would allow us to theoretically freeze Zeqing though I think seems a bit off... Basically absolute bypasses I think are highly problematic. Limited ones, where, idk, CtE can hit at full power instead of half strength against people with armor equal to our pen, or where OwS reduces their damage reduction by two ranks or something seem more balanced and less likely to cause problems?
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[X][FVM] Even if hardship and tribulation litter your path, it has worth if you have somewhere to return at the end.

[x][FSS] All things End, but one does not need to think of endings to live(No slot)

Not that it seems to matter anymore.
I just hope the lonely part is not to to important, because traveling alone is just not fun.
Well, ok, if other people are going to bring this up...

Yeah, I'm concerned by armor bypassing and DR bypassing in SCS (the tech) too.

If taken literally, they would mean that if we used SCS + CtE to sneak hug, say, an ice elemental with SSS Armor and SSS Cold damage reduction then it would do full damage to them, just as much as if they were just a random yellow. I feel like this isn't necessarily what is intended?

The idea that CtE is powerful enough to do significant damage to people with higher armor than our penetration? Sure. Able to completely ignore arbitrarily high amounts of armor? Ehhhhh...

I guess I've kinda been mentally assuming that @yrsillar wouldn't actually apply these completely literally, and that they'd still be fluffed as working differently on people with significantly different defenses even if they allow us to punch up.

The idea that SCS + CtE would allow us to theoretically freeze Zeqing though I think seems a bit off...
I'm basically assuming that anyone who matters has a "people more than 5 stages under me can't just negate my shit" in their passives.
I'm basically assuming that anyone who matters has a "people more than 5 stages under me can't just negate my shit" in their passives.
Sure, but, for example, I feel that, say, Green Ice elementals should be able to be pretty much immune to FSS, and that us being able to just negate their DR with OwS is excessive.

Now, the idea that we could overpower them as a Cyan with sufficiently powerful Cold attack? Sure. But just arbitrarily negating something like that seems a bit off?
Sure, but, for example, I feel that, say, Green Ice elementals should be able to be pretty much immune to FSS, and that us being able to just negate their DR with OwS is excessive.

Now, the idea that we could overpower them as a Cyan with sufficiently powerful Cold attack? Sure. But just arbitrarily negating something like that seems a bit off?
I think that while OwS flat out negating damage reduction is weird as hell, being able to overpower a early green Ice elemental with CtE+OwS shouldn't be out of bound? It obviously depends on how good those elementals are, but most spirit beasts aren't that good, their damage reductions aren't going to be flat out immunities, and their health not that high.
double post but..

Rather than specifically having techs that say I negate your negation that negates my negation, you can generally assume that the tech with more potency behind it wins.

For example, cultivator A has an effect that says fuck you I ignore fire, which is a green 2 potency art and a C rank technique

Cultivator B's art is green 2 as well but his fireball is a B rank technique. The fireball will therefor beat the negation, even if its significantly reduced
Ah, that makes sense.

Out of curiosity @yrsillar how does Sun's not!Gae-bolg work? I know it can bypass defensive domain weapons and Deepwood's shield, but how is it supposed to be countered?

For example, is its effect "perfect hit, where it negates dodge and any shields in the way of the target"? So, say, SCS's perfect dodge would just sort of cancel out against it (assuming equivalent tech ranks), and the "best" counter would be some kind of perfect armor technique that just makes you too hard to hurt?

Or are deepwood and domain weapons counted like a kind of armor, and its effect is actually "bypasses armor" and would be totally countered by SCS's perfect dodge?

SCS I guess clearly counters CtE and OwS, but does Deepwood? Or do their armor bypassing mechanics mean they would also bypass the Deepwood shield? (or in the case of a full power sneak attack CtE, would it simply be powerful enough to overwhelm the shield and hurt us anyway?)
Pretty much SCS would turn the heartseeking spear into a normal attack for hit purposes. Deepwood is a kind of armor but defensive domain weapons generally stack on anti-bypass effects.

Deepwood can be overwhelmed by sufficient forcebut typically each 'layer' of armor that needs to be bypassed weakens the overall effect of the attacking technique
double post but..

Rather than specifically having techs that say I negate your negation that negates my negation, you can generally assume that the tech with more potency behind it wins.

For example, cultivator A has an effect that says fuck you I ignore fire, which is a green 2 potency art and a C rank technique

Cultivator B's art is green 2 as well but his fireball is a B rank technique. The fireball will therefor beat the negation, even if its significantly reduced
Which is a good thing for our all fire friend.
Huh. If what is required for an Advanced Insight is the mastery of an Art that shares a Theme keyword with an already slotted Insight (as opposed to an Element/Skill/Attribute/Derived Stat), then there are indeed a few that we might manage to get as we are now (with the Arts we currently have available). It also probably requires compatibility between the way a given Theme is expressed between the Arts in question - ENM and HDW both have the 'Connection' keyword, but the theme of ENM is about cutting a certain kind of connection, while HDW is about seeing the connections between all things.

I expect that this is how the variety of Arts 'compatible with our Domain' will narrow down. As we slot Insights into our Domain, Arts that do not match the Themes (or at least closely parallel - 'Hearth' and 'Home' are very similar) of at least one of those Insights won't provide any Domain Experience as we train the Art. This also explains why Arts have so few 'Theme' Keywords - those in conjunction (If there is more than one) are the lesson at the core of the Art. This explains why AFL doesn't have the Motion keyword - the Art isn't about moving so much as it is about mimicking the joy and mockery of a Wind Spirit, despite it providing some rather fantastic boosts to Speed.

On the flipside of that, Arts that don't share Themes can easily overlap in other ways - of our current Arts, this is especially prominent with IMH and HDW, both of which offer improvements to Spiritual Defenses, but do so in distinct ways and come with different themes and additional effects. IMH attempts to mimic the blessings beseeched from the Mother Moon, and enhances the Spiritual Defenses of allies by replicating the effects of those blessings, while HDW channels power through the connections between the musician and their listeners, sending more power along stronger bonds.

As such, while the effects of two Arts may be very similar or overlap almost entirely, if the Themes of the Arts are different the Insights derived from them will also be different - and as such, they probably won't work to obtain Advanced Insights.

--- --- ---

Since SES and FVM both share a theme (perseverance in the face of hardship and loss), SES might provide an advanced Insight at Green Three... then again it might not, as they express this in different ways but seem to come to similar conclusions. But that might be the point of an advanced Insight? I don't really know at the moment.

Looking into this a bit more, FVM's Perseverance is about long journeys, perhaps alone, perhaps through trials and hardship, and what awaits at the end - this is evidenced directly from the Insights we have the possibility of taking from it and from the nature of the creator's story. These are also Insights that we've been working on reaching for well over a year IC - many of our upcoming Insights are going to have far, far less narrative room to be explored within before the option to slot comes up.

SES's Perseverance appears to be somewhat similar, though the Perseverance in this instance is more about lasting through whatever trials and tribulations life throws your way, rather than Persevering through a journey of some kind. FVM's Perseverance feels more active than SES's Perseverance, in the sense that FVM requires/inspires/pursues action - it's the perseverance required to see through something like climbing to the top of Mt Everest, while SES's perseverance is more passive, the sort of perseverance required to last through a Hurricane and still stand strong - bent but unbroken.

Given all of that, if I'm right about how Advanced Insights work, I'm reasonably certain that mastering SES should lead to an 'Advanced Insight' for FVM - and I'm reasonably certain that both FVM options are valid for it, too. One's about how persevering through the Journey is worth it for if there is something Beautiful to show for it when it's done, the other's about how persevering through the Journey is worth it if there's something to come back to, and SES is... about Persevering through whatever happens. Seems to work.

--- ---

Other Arts (That we currently have available) that share themes: CDE + MNO (Secrets), HDW + ENM + CWY (Connections), PLR + AFL (Revelry), SCS + DLS + PLR (Motion), IMH + 'Home'.

CDE and MNO shared Theme of 'Secrets' is played differently in each Art. CDE is about uncovering the secrets of others, while MNO is about hiding the secrets of the user. These are not exclusive things by any means, but I don't think that they mesh together well enough to generate an Advanced Insight.

HDW, ENM, and CWY all work with Connections, but once again they do so differently. HDW is about seeing the 'web which connects all things'. CWY is about reaching into the connections between others and slipping in, claiming a place. ENM is about cutting the connection between what is seen and what is recognized. ENM is very definitely the odd one out, here. I can see HDW and CWY generating an Advanced Insight, but that relies heavily on the first technique of CWY as opposed to the flavor text, which leans heavily towards understanding Life through the lens of something that inherently has none but wants it desperately. In other words, probably not? But I don't know, and I don't want to train CWY in any case.

PLR and AFL both share Revelry, though they express that theme in very different ways. PLR is the party, the life of it, the essence of a Moon Rave distilled into a projection onto reality. AFL is a simpler sort of revelry, the enjoyment of always being out of reach and taking what you want from those who simply can't touch you.

They both do work to prevent others from approaching the user, and do so in a way that is enjoyable - for the user. A bit of a squint and I can see PLR adding to or enhancing AFL, though I doubt we'll slot AFL should we ever train it. Conversely, I can see AFL adding a little something extra to PLR, but that would mean waiting to master AFL until we're Green Four and have mastered PLR - which will probably take at least a little bit of time.

SCS, DLS, and PLR all share the theme of Motion. SCS and DLS are both about 'motion without motion' - avoiding an attack by briefly changing the nature of the user to the point that the attack does not cause harm. This is particularly noticeable from the advanced Dodge skill SCS taught us - Sable Grace. Slotting SCS means that mastering DLS will almost certainly grant us an Advanced Insight. They're both products of the Grinning Moon, their themes parallel, trained skills are almost exactly in alignment (Dance/Dodge vs Fade), and their techniques parallel, too - see the Mastery technique of SCS and compare it to 'Thus Scattered'. If it works like that... dammit, lacking data! *shakes fist at the heavens*

I'm not sure if PLR's Motion would fit alongside that. It certainly doesn't appear to be 'motion without motion'. Indeed, it seems to like controlling the 'motions' of others, and preventing the motions of the user from being controlled. However, it was born from the 'nature of the Dreaming Moon'. Given our new knowledge of the Dream, it might be possible to pull a 'motion without motion' by hopping into, and out of, the Dream. Then again, it might not be, too. We'll probably learn more on that matter next turn and the turn after, as we bring PLR up to rank 5.

Pulling an Advanced Insight from IMH and our initial 'Home' Insight seems... unlikely. However, 'Hearth' and 'Home' are very closely intertwined, such that I can see it happening, but I don't know how likely that is. A direct quote from the flavor text is '...near the hearth of their households', which explicitly delineates the difference between a Hearth and the Home it is found within. So I'm going to call this one a definite 'maybe' and cross my fingers.


Phew, that was more than I thought it was going to be... hope it isn't too wall of text, there's a lot there. Probably too much, really.

And a lot of it boils down to conclusively saying 'Maybe'. Bah, humbug; we'll know more soon enough. At least I enjoyed this.
[x][FVM] Even if hardship and tribulation litter your path, it has worth if you have somewhere to return at the end.
[x][FSS] There are endings and Endings, only the very last one is final. Just as winter ends in spring, small endings are new beginnings.
[x][FVM] Though a path might be hard and lonely, it has worth if you can present something of beauty to those you care for at the end.
[x][FSS] There are endings and Endings, only the very last one is final. Just as winter ends in spring, small endings are new beginnings.
Dreams of the Founder
Dreams of the Founder

As Ling Chao broke through, sensations flooded his mind. His breath was like the seasonal storms, his blood like pumping magma, his bones like the great trees, his feet felt fleet enough to dance amongst moonbeams, and his thoughts expanding to encompass the heavens above. He had done it, he had begun the journey of an immortal. Opening his eyes, he saw that the meditation room in a different light. Colors were sharper, shadows darker, and the illusory moon projected in the middle of the floor looked… more real and physical.

Opening the door, he nodded to the guard outside the door. It was eerily quiet in the halls. Even with guards for every door. No one else was around, and none of the other doors were opened. Which meant… he was the first! The first of his generation to break through into the red realm! He needed to tell Mother! And Father! And Grandmother! With a start, he began sprinting down the hall towards his Mother's office, oblivious to the amused glances from the guards.

With the speed that Ling Chao had, the various tapestries and murals of the junior meditation hall blurred in a dizzying array of colors. The great silver and jet black doors at the end of the hall beckoned him, seeming to sparkle and shift in hue ever so slightly. It was but a moment, though, before he was pushing past those doors and into the manor proper. And then, as the cheerful sun warmed his form, exhaustion struck. Darkness crept at the edges of his vision, his limbs, once so light and fleet, turned into lead, and his head began to swim. With all the grace of a duckling learning to fly, Ling Chao fell forward onto the edges of the courtyard and fainted.


Ling Chao felt his consciousness return to him slowly. First came the sensation of warmth and soft mattresses, the smell of subtle perfume came next, then came the sounds of murmuring and whispered conversations. Finally, he cracked open his eyes and saw his bedroom, dimly lit, with the moon shining through the window. Turning his head towards the door, he saw his mother sitting upon a chair at his bedside, writing something on a document held aloft by invisible hands.

With a soft smile, Mother stopped writing and looked up at him. And suddenly, he could feel the strength behind her gaze so much more clearly. A soft strength, born of cotton sheets and gentle nights, but no less expansive for it's perceived softness. Mother's strength felt just like he thought it would feel once he was a cultivator. Once… he was a cultivator! He bolted up straight with an energy he never felt before and smiled at his mother.

"Mother," he blurted out, "I did it! I'm a cultivator now!"

"So you are," his mother replied with a gentle smile to match his own. "And I heard from the guards that you were the first out of the meditation chambers. Congratulations."

Ling Chao twisted his body and hugged his mother. "I'm going to make you proud Mother. I'm going to make the whole family proud."

His mother hugged him back, and gently whispered, "You already have made me proud. Now rest, Grandfather wishes to speak to you in the morrow."

Ling Chao nodded and straightened up, letting go of his mother. "Yes, Mother. I hope that you have a good night."

"I dearly plan to. Goodnight Little Light, and may the Moons grant peaceful dreams."

And with that, his mother simply shimmered away, as if she had been but a dream. Giddy with excitement, Ling Chao buried himself under his covers. Energy coursed through him, and he began the qi cycling exercises that had, until now, merely been theoretical. But now, they were all too real. He had really done it, he had become a cultivator! Soon though, the excess energy had been burned away due to the qi cycling exercises, and Ling Chao fell asleep to pleasant dreams.


Waking up had been an ordeal, but Ling Chao had finally dragged himself out of bed. The servants had already prepared the bath and had laid out the expected clothes for meeting with the head of the Ling family. After bathing and dressing, Ling Chao ate a quick breakfast in the dining hall. He could feel the daggers of envy from his cousins, but that was to be expected. After all, he was the first of his generation! However, there was no time to gloat or preen. No, Great-Grandfather had asked for his presence. Asked… might have been the wrong word. Ling Chao was sure that it had been polite and observing all the formalities for missives inside the Ling Clan, but as the Head, a request from Great-Grandfather was merely a politely worded demand. A demand that was expected to be fulfilled.

Walking through the Ling Manor as a cultivator was incredibly different than as a mere mortal. The paintings which adorned the hall seemed to hold greater meaning and have deeper colors. The marble busts seemed almost alive in their motion. And the shadows between the sparkling lights seemed even darker. But soon enough, Ling Chao was before silver and crimson doors that marked his great-grandfather's office. Two pair of guards stood at either side of the door, and with a nod from the most senior guard, Ling Chao entered the office.

Immediately, he tasted the tang of copper on his tongue, heard whispered pleas of mercy granted or denied, and felt the shadow of a guiding hand stained with blood above him. And as suddenly as he felt Great-Grandfather's strength, it disappeared. Before him sat an old man, the Head of the Ling Clan, at his desk. Quickly, Ling Chao began to march forward over the onyx flooring accented with crimson rubies, beads of sweat gathering at the small of his back.

Once he reached a small image of the moon before the Head's desk, Ling Chao bowed low and began his rehearsed speech, "Honored Great-Grandfather, you have requested my presence, and I have come."

"Raise your head child," came the soft, weighty voice of his great-grandfather. "I have not requested your presence to pronounce judgment, but to give permission."

Despite the weight of the ceremony, the excitement began to build in Ling Chao. Keeping the excitement out of his voice took some effort, but finally, Ling Chao responded.

"I am honored, Great-Grandfather. For what have I received permission to do?"

"As a cultivator of the Ling Clan, your privileges have expanded, as have your responsibilities. You will have access to the first floor of the Ling archives, to explore at your leisure with appropriate supervision. Resources shall be provided for you so that you may cultivate more effectively. More esteemed tutors will be available to you should you seek further education in an area that interests you. But before all of that, you shall pass the Trial."

Ling Chao's excitement continued to grow, and he bit his tongue to regain control of himself. "May I ask what this Trial is, Honored Great-Grandfather?"

"You may, but I shall not answer. As you shall not answer when others ask you. For it is the right, privilege, and duty of a cultivator of the Ling Clan to undergo this trial. All those who have not undergone the trial are not cultivators of the Ling Clan, and it is not for them to know what the trial is."

With a wave of a knarled, knotted hand a shimmering door appeared on the side of the office.

"Go now, Ling Chao, and become a cultivator of the Ling Clan."

Almost trembling with excitement, Ling Chao quickly sped towards the shimmering door, opened it and walked through. Inside was a dimly lit room, floored with silver and onyx. The roof was a dome upon which all phases of the moon were engraved, each in precious metals and jewels. In the middle, raised upon a dais, stood an archway. Seemingly made of a solid, twisted rainbow and a strange twisted black stone. Carved into the black stone were silver formations, etched in almost impossible finesse. And in between the archway, a shimmering sheet drifted and floated. Confined within the bounds of the archway, it seemed almost hypnotic in its slow intricate motions.

With confidence he did not feel, Ling Chao approached the archway, took a deep breath, and stepped through.


She[he?] darted around the bread seller's stall with her[his?] purloined goods. The pangs of hunger were like a knife carving at her[his?] stomach. There was enough food in her[his?] hands to survive for days! Dashing with a desperate determination, she[he?] vowed not to get caught. If she[he?] got caught, then there would be a beating, and she[he?] would be too weak to get more food. And then she'd[he'd?] die, and that was unacceptable.

Scenes like this played out for days as Ling Chao took the place of a frail, sickly, and hungry mortal. Reliving her attempts to survive on strange and unfamiliar streets. Whenever the girl introduced herself, the name became a blank, and whenever the name of the city was mentioned, there was a hole in his memory. Other than those strange rules, every brutality the city had to offer he suffered. Every indignity he knew of he did. All to survive one more day.

It was almost unbearable, some days. The thirst for a drop of water, the knife of hunger. But death was unacceptable, and whatever it took to survive he[she?] would do. It was frightening, to see how desperate people acted to just survive one more day. One time, she[he?] stole a cloak off of an old decrepit man simply so that she[he?] could survive the night. It was done… with full knowledge that the man might die because of the theft. And that knowledge was simply ignored. Pity was a luxury that could not be afforded.

One day, suddenly, she[he?] encountered a strange man. A man with a mask who made a simple offer. Become a cultivator, or lose the ability to cultivate forever. She[he?] accepted, and then the dreamer woke.


Stumbling through the other side of the arch, Ling Chao fell to his knees and retched. He could still remember the smell of scavenging through sewage for a scrap of something useful. The feeling of filth which coated him after a particularly adventurous dive into a trash heap for bits of food to eat. But worst of all, he could still feel the desperation. The desperation to survive at all costs if it meant just one more moment of freedom.

Glancing forward, Ling Chao noticed a person crouching in front of him. Looking even higher, and he recognized the face of his great-grandfather. Great-Grandfather reached out towards Ling Chao, with a clean scented rag.

"Here, child. Wipe your face with this. It will help."

Taking the proffered rag and quickly wiping his face, Ling Chao looked up into the face of the man who sent him through this hell. And there was some measure of… sympathy? And sadness?

"What was that Great-Grandfather? Why did I have to go through that?"

"That was the memories of our founder, Ling Qi. Memories of her time as a child, and much more. Various events are etched into this arch and others like it. Memories so that we remember. Remember where we came from, and of the privileges we have secured because of the hard work of generations. It is to remind us that the world is not the Ling Clan Manor. That the world is full of suffering, and we must fight, daily, to keep our place secure from such deprivations for the future generations to come."

Grimacing, Ling Chao stood. "I… I, understand Great-Grandfather."

With a small, indulgent smile, Great-Grandfather replied, "No, I do not think you do. Not yet, and not truly. However, your mother is awaiting your return. Go to her, and tell her of your experience in the Dream Arch. Remember, you are not alone in your suffering. All cultivators of the Ling Clan have suffered as you have."

Nodding his head, Ling Chao tiredly walked towards the shimmering door. Pushing it open, he was surprised to see his bedroom with his mother sitting on a chair. And with tears in his eyes, Ling Chao cried in his mother's embrace. Cried for a life long since gone. A life which started with such suffering and desperation.


A/N: If you are wondering why the mother called the Head "grandfather" but Ling Chao called and thought of him as "Great-Grandfather" it is because the Head is literally the grandfather of the mother, which makes him the great-grandfather of Ling Chao.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my interpretation of a possible future Ling Clan. There was some discussion last thread, and perhaps this thread about throwing Ling Clan children in the slums of streets so that they can learn about desperation and need, but I felt that was a crude method. The method used in this omake is simply to use the memories of Ling Qi and have the children live through those memories. Also, I fleshed out the reason why a clan would do such a thing, as I felt previous reasons were lacking.

As always, I hope you enjoy the read, and I welcome critiques and criticisms. Also... another Omake for the Omake throne @yrsillar
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[X][FVM] Though a path might be hard and lonely, it has worth if you can present something of beauty to those you care for at the end.

[X][FSS] There are endings and Endings, only the very last one is final. Just as winter ends in spring, small endings are new beginnings.
That damn cloak will eventually become a century spirit of the Guidung Moon, that helps push people into long and emotionally damaging adventures.
Well, we're already failing to remember it right because it was actually blankets.

She remembered the kind old man whose blankets she had stolen, and in turn the beating she had received when an older, stronger boy had taken them from her weeks later. She remembered sobbing alone as she clutched her broken arm while uncaring passerby ignored the huddled lump on the street corner.

... dammit, now I'm feeling bad for Ling Qi.
A thought just hit me. Right now among our most potent cultivation sites, Zeqing's place, Origin Temple of Winter's Muse, is one of the most potent and useful for training our Dark and Music Arts. So if we're assuming that we have a limited amount of time to spend with Zeqing, specifically after we take her SL (and hypothetically adopt Hanyi), does that mean, we can only use that site for so long within the two year mark and thus we have to look for another site for Music? (or will Zeqing restrain herself till 2 years have passed)