Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
You know there are results between Everything Failed and Everything Went Perfectly.

In our case the building being slightly behind schedule is barely an inconvenience, the only people who'd care are imperials, because imperials put a lot of stock by schedule and ritual...and if we had opted to push the schedule regardless something probably would have blown up with that roll.
My least favorite part of this quest is the dice rolls. I kinda wish Yrsiller would just write the story in a logical manner, instead of all the meandering that occurs because of votes and rolls that don't make sense. (Also, totally abandoning story threads that were really cool because a new shiny appeared.)

Here we've put a lot of in story effort into getting this meeting place to work and because some people got antsy and rolled early and out of turn, it's not going to be a success. It seems like every time someone jumps the gun with a roll it ends badly. So I petition to remove rolls from the thread or at least modify them all in a manner that makes sense from the story itself. So many things have been worthless because of a bad roll, and it's not a good storytelling mechanism for the books that are being published.

I understand your frustration. It can feel unfair when, apparently, all the hard work and preparation towards an event is wasted due to a random dice roll.
However, the possibility of failure is one of the main appeals of quests over normal stories. And it isn't like these risks are hidden, random and completely out of our control.
We choose what options we are willing to take, with the success percentages clearly stated, and then make efforts to weight the probabilities in our favor. We can also get rewarded (or punished) according to our feats in story. Like how Ling Qi has been enjoying the reputation she gained from stopping the Ith terrorist attack in the shape of roll modifiers.
Yrs makes an excellent work ballancing logical storytelling with quest mechanics.

Also, saying that it's not going to be a success is bit exaggerated. This is the option the vote comes from

[ ] Seek a mutual apology. And better work practices, even if it delays construction and makes the hall a bit less grand. (Improves Mutual opinion between civilians. 20% Chance that project will come short of goals, reducing benefits. Loss of face if incomplete)

So this roll netted us "reduced benefits" and "lose of face". Which sucks. But it isn't a dooming setback for the summit.

It truly grates me that I can't even roll a single time, even when it was reserved for me (Oliver has rolled the three last dice in a row. It wouldn't kill him to let someone else try their luck for once).
But it's not like my roll would have had a higher chance of success than his. A dice is a dice regardless of who tosses it.
So the meeting place incompleteness isn't due to "some people got antsy and rolled early and out of turn". It was just bad luck.
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My least favorite part of this quest is the dice rolls. I kinda wish Yrsiller would just write the story in a logical manner, instead of all the meandering that occurs because of votes and rolls that don't make sense. (Also, totally abandoning story threads that were really cool because a new shiny appeared.)

Here we've put a lot of in story effort into getting this meeting place to work and because some people got antsy and rolled early and out of turn, it's not going to be a success. It seems like every time someone jumps the gun with a roll it ends badly. So I petition to remove rolls from the thread or at least modify them all in a manner that makes sense from the story itself. So many things have been worthless because of a bad roll, and it's not a good storytelling mechanism for the books that are being published.
I mean...entirely leaving aside my own thoughts on the balance between narrative and game elements in questing as a whole, in this particular instance, a choice was specifically made to take a risk of this exact outcome in exchange for a better immediate result than the "safe" choice would have provided. So I'd argue quite strongly that if you wanted to select a single fixed outcome in terms of "what makes sense from the story itself," a failure on this roll would be far and away more appropriate than "and then this explicitly-telegraphed risk amounted to nothing."
I mean...entirely leaving aside my own thoughts on the balance between narrative and game elements in questing as a whole, in this particular instance, a choice was specifically made to take a risk of this exact outcome in exchange for a better immediate result than the "safe" choice would have provided. So I'd argue quite strongly that if you wanted to select a single fixed outcome in terms of "what makes sense from the story itself," a failure on this roll would be far and away more appropriate than "and then this explicitly-telegraphed risk amounted to nothing."
I mean, from my perspective, these mild delays are a nothingburger. The real inconvenience it causes is Imperial salting about being behind schedule.
I mean, from my perspective, these mild delays are a nothingburger. The real inconvenience it causes is Imperial salting about being behind schedule.
Yeah, and since it IS just salting, the Imperials with a genuine stake are...still going to do what they said they would.
The only edge cases are:
-Sun - They'd be looking for something to stir shit with, but Liling legitimately doesn't give a damn, and Ji Rong is looking to softball us.

-Meng - They're mainly invested in the observatory and geomancy, so they would be irked, but they want this to succeed. Expect a bit more resistance if pushing their bottom lines, otherwise no change.

-Wang - Probably the most familiar with issues like what came out, but at the same time it doesn't impress. As was said to us before, ambitious, but prove you can do it before she commits in truth.

-Xia - Does this affect security? It shouldn't(at least I should hope we didn't do security last, the final bit that's late should be furnishing and decoration), so she doesn't give a damn.

-MoI & Jin - They already oppose the project and are quite resistant to being convinced. This makes it harder to convince them, but as Jiao said - don't actually wind up giving them a casus belli and the most they can do is be snide.

-Zheng - Does not care.

-Xuan & Bai - They're mainly here because they're our friends, so would not remark.
The Sun want the project to fail.
So the Bai want the project to succeed out of pure spite.
Not enough to spend any resources to aid the project, but if there is a free nut punch to be had at the Sun (and possibly MoI/Jin), they will take it.
Because fuck those guys.
My least favorite part of this quest is the dice rolls. I kinda wish Yrsiller would just write the story in a logical manner, instead of all the meandering that occurs because of votes and rolls that don't make sense. (Also, totally abandoning story threads that were really cool because a new shiny appeared.)

Here we've put a lot of in story effort into getting this meeting place to work and because some people got antsy and rolled early and out of turn, it's not going to be a success. It seems like every time someone jumps the gun with a roll it ends badly. So I petition to remove rolls from the thread or at least modify them all in a manner that makes sense from the story itself. So many things have been worthless because of a bad roll, and it's not a good storytelling mechanism for the books that are being published.

My least favorite part of this quest is the dice rolls. I kinda wish Yrsiller would just write the story in a logical manner, instead of all the meandering that occurs because of votes and rolls that don't make sense. (Also, totally abandoning story threads that were really cool because a new shiny appeared.)

Here we've put a lot of in story effort into getting this meeting place to work and because some people got antsy and rolled early and out of turn, it's not going to be a success. It seems like every time someone jumps the gun with a roll it ends badly. So I petition to remove rolls from the thread or at least modify them all in a manner that makes sense from the story itself. So many things have been worthless because of a bad roll, and it's not a good storytelling mechanism for the books that are being published.
I've actually tried to make a point to people here and on Discord that the quest format negatively impacts the eventual result of the books and what people read on RR. However a lot of people here are questers and don't care nearly as much about any of that as they do the quest. While some long time readers also shown they cared about the narrative coherence of the overall story, there plenty of others who don't.
So many are here for the mechanics, for the questing...they trust Yrsillar to edit away anything that might negatively affect the books or RR posts badly. I feel bad for Yrs because its just creating more for him and he has less time than ever these days.
As someone else who is concerned with the question impact on the quality of the books, I feel ya. However this is a quest on a site for questers...its just not realistic or fair to ask people to take away one of the main features, it seems to me, that make it a quest. This story was a quest before it was anything else, and some people have been here as quester fans for this story from the beginning.
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However this is a quest on a site for questers...its just not realistic or fair to ask people to take away one of the main features, it seems to me, that make it a quest.
Okay, actually, I know I waived expressing my general opinions before but I do wanna chime in with one thing here: dice are not inherently necessary to the structure of a quest. What's necessary is to have meaningful votes, and what gives votes meaning is tradeoffs. Now, the way this quest in particular is structured, one of the more common kinds of tradeoff is "risk versus reward" - this is where the dice come in.

Of note, this sort of tradeoff is in many regards the gentlest that can be offered - after all, with luck, it's often possible to avoid paying any price at all. Restructuring the votes to remove dice rolls would of necessity involve more situations in which a perfect outcome is flatly unattainable. It may be uncharitable of me, but I'm somewhat skeptical that the hostility to dice that reliably emerges in response specifically to failed rolls would be much ameliorated by such a shift.
I honestly prefer dice to something like Petals of Titanium uses. There votes were "you succeed at your actions, here are five awful consequences, pick two that happen".

It was great and terrible, but here we can get clean wins.
I mean, if Yrs doesn't want to deal with the dice, he can remove them at any time. It's as simple as that, and I'm pretty sure he knows that. So if they're still in play, it means that he probably likes them.
Okay, actually, I know I waived expressing my general opinions before but I do wanna chime in with one thing here: dice are not inherently necessary to the structure of a quest. What's necessary is to have meaningful votes, and what gives votes meaning is tradeoffs. Now, the way this quest in particular is structured, one of the more common kinds of tradeoff is "risk versus reward" - this is where the dice come in.

Of note, this sort of tradeoff is in many regards the gentlest that can be offered - after all, with luck, it's often possible to avoid paying any price at all. Restructuring the votes to remove dice rolls would of necessity involve more situations in which a perfect outcome is flatly unattainable. It may be uncharitable of me, but I'm somewhat skeptical that the hostility to dice that reliably emerges in response specifically to failed rolls would be much ameliorated by such a shift.

I would like to say that for important moments, like tribulations and I'm guessing, some parts of the summit, Yrsillar absolutely does not do rolls, and rather leaves things up to our votes.

But for dangerous but manageable situations, potential rewards, and things with risks or chances, we get rolls. So, the escapes with Su Ling and Xuan Shi in the Liminal, the cultivation games with Huisheng, or talks with Wang Lian and all all count, like this project. Because it was a risk.

I like rolls. Even if they're super stressful and can be disappointing, they add some spice to the story. For example, the roll with Su Ling and her mother was a horrible roll made manageable. They can show that other characters have agency, such as the roll to convince Wang Lian to adopt the WS practices, and, in like the most recent roll, they can show that, while our protagonists are trying for a better world, they aren't going to hit every mark. That makes the story more realistic, imo.

And, with the vote, this was a foreshadowed possibility, so I don't think it's bad narratively.

A lot of readers know that Yrs makes a living off of this and try to vote for narratively consistent options. There's a reason why a valid argument in votes is "this makes the most sense narratively and builds on what we've done/LQ has thought".

Even then, there are valiant voters, like Abeo and his many (well reasoned) rants about how certain bad votes have compounded to some current narrative issues, like with WHR and Zhengui, which keep us aware of potential issues.

Plus, at the end of the day, I trust Yrs. If or when there are issues narratively or with votes, it has been brought to his attention on Discord along with discussions on how to maybe improve things. Because, at the end of the day, all of us want to see/ chart LQ's story, and we want to do it well.

NB: Also, keep in mind that the current mechanics system was made to remove a lot of the crunchy numbers. Now, things only really happen due to narrative choices we pick.

And final votes and rolls aren't the only important thing. Discussions are also really important, and sometimes Yes takes inspiration from our arguments and points when writing an update.

So...yeah. the quest format can be bad. You can kinda see it in the early randomness of Forge, and in the longwinding politics in early Threads too. But it can also be really good and lead to awesome scenes like the tribulation, our final performance in the Sect, and the city rescue.

I think that a good addition to the roll mechanics would be some method to designate the roller beforehand (and yes, I know I'm being annoying about it). Just so it isn't always the same 2-3 people doing it. That kinda defeats the point of this being a shared online quest. There is also the risk of simultaneous rolls incidents like the previous one. Since this time Yrs didn't approve the roller before the dice was thrown, it could have easily happened again.

The pattern is always the same. A roll is called and less than two minutes later it's already thrown and settled. There is simply no window for anyone else to ask. Especially because rolls are usually done immediately after a chapter is posted, so most people are still reading the update and don't even realize what is happening after it's already over.
Once a dice is thrown, that's it. If it's a good roll, no one wants for it to be repeated in case a worse result comes out. If it's a bad one, it would feel like trying to cheat our way out of it. There is a double standard issue, of only trying to reroll bad results.

We have had problems in the last 2 rolls due to the "immediately roll as soon as Yrs calls it without waiting for confirmation or other volunteers" method, and I think there were also troubles in previous occasions.
So it really feels it should be addressed.
I think that a good addition to the roll mechanics would be some method to designate the roller beforehand (and yes, I know I'm being annoying about it). Just so it isn't always the same 2-3 people doing it. That kinda defeats the point of this being a shared online quest. There is also the risk of simultaneous rolls incidents like the previous one. Since this time Yrs didn't approve the roller before the dice was thrown, it could have easily happened again.

The pattern is always the same. A roll is called and less than two minutes later it's already thrown and settled. There is simply no window for anyone else to ask. Especially because rolls are usually done immediately after a chapter is posted, so most people are still reading the update and don't even realize what is happening after it's already over.
Once a dice is thrown, that's it. If it's a good roll, no one wants for it to be repeated in case a worse result comes out. If it's a bad one, it would feel like trying to cheat our way out of it. There is a double standard issue, of only trying to reroll bad results.

We have had problems in the last 2 rolls due to the "immediately roll as soon as Yrs calls it without waiting for confirmation or other volunteers" method, and I think there were also troubles in previous occasions.
So it really feels it should be addressed.
Maybe require use of an omake point in order to be the roller? That way one must contribute more to the community in order to roll first, instead of just being the fastest to read the post.
I honestly prefer dice to something like Petals of Titanium uses. There votes were "you succeed at your actions, here are five awful consequences, pick two that happen".

It was great and terrible, but here we can get clean wins.
Yeah NGL I was very much thinking of Petals in particular as I wrote that post. I loved it but I also remember the uh...reception...some of the votes got.
So...yeah. the quest format can be bad. You can kinda see it in the early randomness of Forge, and in the longwinding politics in early Threads too. But it can also be really good and lead to awesome scenes like the tribulation, our final performance in the Sect, and the city rescue.
Not...entirely sure why you quoted my post with this? I'm all in favor of the questing format, to be clear. I just wanted to highlight what is and what is not actually intrinsic to that format.
So it really feels it should be addressed.
All due respect, you do realize that who rolls the dice makes literally no difference in the outcome whatsoever*? Like, I can empathize with being upset about the way this specific instance went down - particularly that it was in contravention of a previous arrangement - but this is not in any way a Big Deal Problem that needs to be "addressed" on a structural level.

*except, okay, fine, chaos theory or whatever, but we don't need to care about that for practical purposes
I think thats just pure dice superstition.
We picked the option with a risk of complications because it aligned best with our summit goals.
Said complications happened, as anticipated.
We took the less risky solution because we anticipated potential bad rolls.
Bad rolls happened as anticipated, and thus we're moderately inconvenienced.
Han Jian Portrait and Ling Qi Dreamscape
I come bearing art from my friend JJ, who does not have an SV account but *is* on the discord now sharing their live read thoughts:
First, a Han Jian art they did to commemorate making it to Threads and their favorite character dropping out of the story for the most part :p
And then an earlier art, where they were just doing some abstract doodling until i went "...i'm pretty sure thats Ling Qi's soul you're doodling", and they added LQ's silhouette and the music notes to complete it
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All due respect, you do realize that who rolls the dice makes literally no difference in the outcome whatsoever*? Like, I can empathize with being upset about the way this specific instance went down - particularly that it was in contravention of a previous arrangement - but this is not in any way a Big Deal Problem that needs to be "addressed" on a structural level.

I'm going to have to disagree with that.
Let me start by making it clear. I understand that a roll can be good or bad regardless of who throws it, that's not what I'm making my stand about.
On the contrary, I want to ensure that getting the best roll isn't the criteria to solve this kind of problems. We can't have different standards depending if a roll benefits us or not.
Let's review the incidents that happenned in the last few rolls
  • Void Roll: @MrRageQuit rolled the dice and failed. However, he rolled a 6d instead of a 100d, so it obviously wasn't valid. The right thing to do would have been to simply let MrRageQuit know so he can repeat it himself. But @Oliver_Twister rolled another dice on his own immediately after without asking, before MrRageQuit even realized he had made a mistake. But because Oliver's roll succeeded, everyone was happy and didn't care. Now, if Oliver had failed, would MrRageQuit had demanded to repeat it himself because it was his roll? That's the kind of double standard I don't like.
  • Summit Event Roll: @Alectai and Oliver called their rolls at the same time. Alectai posted first but Oliver was faster with his roll. So, who was "first"? @yrsillar saw Oliver's roll first and so that one was chosen. Everyone agreed because it was better. But what if it hadn't been? Would Alectai vote had been chosen instead? Here we see the double standard again.
  • Meeting Place Construction Roll: The most recent one and also the most simple. Oliver threw a roll that didn't correspond him, but because Yrsillar didn't know and accepted it then it became valid. The roll couldn't be repeated just because it was a bad one. If Oliver had gotten a 93 then everyone would have been against it. So, to avoid the double standard, that was it.
If each and every time a roll is called there is a problem of some kind, then it's an issue at a structural level that has to be addressed.
Then of course there is the matter of a single person hogging all the rolls, which I find really rude in a shared roleplaying quest.

It's not like we need some overcomplicated system to assign rolls.
Just add a moratorium after the roll is called, just like how we do it for the votes.
I'm going to have to disagree with that.
Let me start by making it clear. I understand that a roll can be good or bad regardless of who throws it, that's not what I'm making my stand about.
On the contrary, I want to ensure that getting the best roll isn't the criteria to solve this kind of problems. We can't have different standards depending if a roll benefits us or not.
Let's review the incidents that happenned in the last few rolls
  • Void Roll: @MrRageQuit rolled the dice and failed. However, he rolled a 6d instead of a 100d, so it obviously wasn't valid. The right thing to do would have been to simply let MrRageQuit know so he can repeat it himself. But @Oliver_Twister rolled another dice on his own immediately after without asking, before MrRageQuit even realized he had made a mistake. But because Oliver's roll succeeded, everyone was happy and didn't care. Now, if Oliver had failed, would MrRageQuit had demanded to repeat it himself because it was his roll? That's the kind of double standard I don't like.
  • Summit Event Roll: @Alectai and Oliver called their rolls at the same time. Alectai posted first but Oliver was faster with his roll. So, who was "first"? @yrsillar saw Oliver's roll first and so that one was chosen. Everyone agreed because it was better. But what if it hadn't been? Would Alectai vote had been chosen instead? Here we see the double standard again.
  • Meeting Place Construction Roll: The most recent one and also the most simple. Oliver threw a roll that didn't correspond him, but because Yrsillar didn't know and accepted it then it became valid. The roll couldn't be repeated just because it was a bad one. If Oliver had gotten a 93 then everyone would have been against it. So, to avoid the double standard, that was it.
If each and every time a roll is called there is a problem of some kind, then it's an issue at a structural level that has to be addressed.
Then of course there is the matter of a single person hogging all the rolls, which I find really rude in a shared roleplaying quest.

It's not like we need some overcomplicated system to assign rolls.
Just add a moratorium after the roll is called, just like how we do it for the votes.

I understand that you're upset about the roll, but this is like, the third time I've been brought up here after I apologised. I understand if you don't forgive me, but still. Like, third time now.

It's never been my intention to hog rolls. In fact, I delayed joining the quest because I was afraid of voting/rolling.

I am just... online. For the most recent roll, I literally just got out of bed after a nap, saw a message from Yrsillar asking for a roll on my phone, and rolled while thinking of what snack I should make.

I'll try to be less trigger-happy when I see messages asking for a roll, I guess 🤷🏾‍♂️. But yeah, this is like the third time....
It's not like we need some overcomplicated system to assign rolls.
Just add a moratorium after the roll is called, just like how we do it for the votes.

How long for that to make sense? In my timezone, the update normally drops around like 23:00 and 03:00, and I'm not going to check until after work.
I don't think I'm the only one in a situation like this, so 24:00 h moratorium for a roll? That sounds stupid.

Up until now this was never a problem and there is only one person making it a problem, so please just drop it.
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On the contrary, I want to ensure that getting the best roll isn't the criteria to solve this kind of problems. We can't have different standards depending if a roll benefits us or not.
Let's review the incidents that happenned in the last few rolls
I disagree that there are different standards going on in these examples you're giving, each time yrs just took the first valid role that he saw. These aren't big problems that need a structural change to resolve. The current ad hoc system has worked fine for literally years at this point to deal with the occasional rolls in this quest and I don't see that there's any need to change it.
Baron's Letters II
@yrsillar another omake for the throne

Well, six is back to voice act our missives, so I thought I'd revisit writing baron's letters. Hope you enjoy.

So I obviously loved @Neshuakadal 's Baron's Letter
The mourning clothes, watering his beautiful flower, a hopeful smile brighter than yesterday… The couple was just so good and wholesome.
Ling Qi's conversation with Meng Dan about how a family should work made me think about Xing Chen again. Or rather, it made me think about how a foil for the Xing family would respond to Qi's letter.
Also, I freely admit that I was trying to be waaaay to clever in jargoning the subject matter of their contract negotiations.

(Another) Baron's Letters
Dusk's shadows chased the retreating sunlight from the broad plateau that Chang Xiao Dan called his own.
The mundane bustle of industry didn't cease, but gradually shifted. Restauranteurs and barkeeps, prostitutes and pickpockets; preparing for the rush of clerks and laborers whose toils waned with the light.
Ah, to strive and achieve. How long had it been since he'd last tasted the gratification of advancement.

Chang Xiao Dan didn't envy his vassal's meager accomplishments for a moment. It was beneath him.

His study was situated at the top of the baron's tower, twice as elevated as the outer wall. Lavish qi wrought crystal panes wrapped the entire tier from floor ceiling. Elaborate etchings of cranes seemed to dance along the panoramic view among his mills, markets, and mortals.

A pink flair flickering over the western battlements interrupted his wool gathering. His next meeting was on her way then. Such a high vantage definitely improved signal fidelity from the guard installations. That was only a peripheral benefit though.

No, this extravagant overlook had everything to do with one simple fact; the tableau of his demesne from above, was a very pleasing view.

A chill in the air and a single professional knock preceded Zhu Dai Lu's entrance into the study. "It is the appointed time Milord." She sketched a bow, appropriate for addressing one of marginally higher status, then took a seat facing his desk. "Milady, have a seat, I insist." Chang Xiao Dan replied dryly.

"Clan Zhu is prepared to ratify the contract modifications…" she continued.

"And appropriate consideration, I'm certain." Chang Xiao Dan murmured.

"With the bargained for consideration," Zhu Dai Lu corrected.

He gestured for her to continue.

"Clan Zhu will provide the following;
One recipe, for one cyan advancement aid, not to be distributed beyond Clan Chang's legitimate heirs.
Three score great bows carved from second grade hardwood.
Two hundred head of spiral horn sheep
Finally, profit sharing from joint caravan routes will be shifted two percent in Clan Chang's favor."

Chang Xiao Dan arched an eyebrow, "And assignment of proceeds from the lumber concerns?"

"Upon appropriate consideration," Zhu Dai Lu deadpanned.

"Bargained for consideration by my recollection," came the smug reply.

Zhu Dai Lu actually frowned. "Demand surges from infrastructure booms in the western marshlands and southern frontier have caused the value of lumber to outstrip preliminary assessments. Two percent, and discounted transport fees for agricultural goods."

Chang Xiao Dan nonchalantly shrugged.
"Acceptable. Clan Chang concedes the following," he recited,
"Dissolution trigger number six, lack of productivity, is hereby expunged.
The demand for dissolution and disgorgement of bride price under trigger six is hereby rescinded.
Fourth Young Mistress Zhu may claim the rank of Baron in concert with successor Chang.
The first male issue, in addition to the first issue overall, from any subordinate union shall be entered into Clan Chang's registry, and the Baroness will retain regency rights,
Clan Zhu gains right of first refusal for any single subsequent issue within four years, to be entered into Clan Zhu's registry as the Fourth Young Mistress's contribution. Inheritance or succession via Clan Chang is of course precluded.
Loss of consortium shall be tolled and compensated in equity upon the earlier occurrence of: either party's advancement into cyan, or the passage of 7 years.
The next three harvests of hundred year ghost lily, not to exceed 50 bushels each, shall be reserved for Clan Zhu at 60 percent market value;
And a shrine honoring the Mother Moon shall be erected and staffed in the baroness's cloister."

"And veto power over subsequent recognized unions?" Zhu Dai Lu intoned, eyes glinting… dangerously? amusedly? Chang Xiao Dan couldn't tell.

"Only if patrilineal heirs and estate receive reciprocal power, and only concerning candidates for status above odalisque," Chang Xiao Dan countered, "lest one seek outside consortium and evade dissolution trigger one to enjoy an… unforeseen elevation to dowager."

"Sagacious as ever, Milord." The grin in her voice failed utterly to influence Zhu Dai Lu's pallid lips. "I believe we have reached an accord." They moved to endorse the documents.

"And… satisfaction… eventually." The rakish grin upon Chang Xiao Dan's lips elicited a gasp from the open doorway.

Upon garnering the focus of two fortification stage cultivators, the dusky skinned young woman flushed and fixed her eyes firmly on the tray clasped in her hands.

"Master, I've brought today's missives and your evening repast."

The figure that shuffled into the study wasn't particularly beautiful. Broad featured and broad bodied, Lin Shun was no northern jade doll. Despite her peak inspired robes and hair ornaments, from the arc of her lips to the jut of her hips, Lin Shun's allure could only be described as exotic. Of tribal stock and mediocre cultivation talent, the yellow stage was nonetheless vitally robust and exceptionally obedient. Truly, the Duchess's facilities turned out laudable materials.

As Lin Shun carefully placed the tea service and bundled letters on the desk, Chang Xiao Dan's gaze lingered on the slight swell of her abdomen, and the blessing growing within. Blessings were so hard to come by these days.

"And who's… dispatch… requires our attention this eve?" Zhu Dai Lu's eyes were glinting with amusement this time, Chang Xiao Dan was sure of it.

"Several letters from baronies and one from an undersecretary of the Liu, offering condolences, as well as young prospects as consorts or adoptees, to preserve the Chang's noble title."

The temperature in the study dropped precipitously and the decorative blooms arranged on the tea tray withered. All amusement had fled Zhu Dai Li's eyes; iris, pupil and sclera dimming to the hue of a starless night. Lin Shun ducked behind the heavy pine desk, her gasping breaths visible in the chilly air.

"Hmm…" Chang Xiao Dan hummed as he leaned forward in his chair, long practice allowing him to hide the flash of annoyance that the sight of his wife's unbecoming lapse in restraint brought him. It had been over a year since she had purged her domain blade, yet some ill effects remained.

Zhu Dai Li's puissance was beautiful. But her prodigious cultivation of death qi was ruinous to pillagers and pregnancies alike.

Chang Xiao Dan sent a pulse of qi across the room: a bulwark of impenetrable granite to sequester his women; bolstering Lin Shun's durability and oppressing Zhu Dai Lu's pestilent aura.

As the rumbling qi settled, each woman released a slow calming breath, then regarded the other with an impartial nod. Lin Shun retired from the study undamaged by the outburst. A win if there ever was one.

Chang Xiao Dan slid the offending pages across the desk towards Zhu Dai Lu. He was mostly sure that ink alone would be spilled in any retaliatory dispatches.

"Ahem. And what word from the western steppes?" Chang Xiao Dan revived the discussion.

"Defiance." Zhu Dai Lu promptly replied, "The sharecroppers are dissatisfied with the conversion of terraces for medicinal plants. With whispers of war abounding, they believe it more prudent to dedicate the land to surplus rice.

"My initial idea is to call in their debts, repossess the plats and find some peasants who know their place," Chang Xiao Dan declared. He hadn't suffered years of Elder Shi's tongue lashings so some mortal could tell him what to till.

"That could work," Zhu Dai Lu said, tilting her head slightly to the side in an impassive rebuke, "or it could drive the other commoners to unite behind the malcontents and further act out against your authority."

Chang Xiao Dan huffed in annoyance. "My second idea is to rebalance the crop division and then reassign the ringleaders' debts to the night soil supervisor."

"Transferring the leadership to less frequently patrolled grazelands alongside the new herd should dispatch any unrepentant dissenters." Zhu Dai Lu coolly suggested.

Chang Xiao Dan was actually speechless.

"Any other letters?" she segued.

"The usual droll, to be assigned to the secretaries." He replied. "Only the last one, from Lady Ling is of any interest."

"Lady Ling?" Zhu Dai Lu asked. "On behalf of Lady Cai?"

"Sadly, no," Chang Xiao Dan replied. Such exchanges of favors could garner significant advantage. "Just a query for counsel from an established baron."

"One can only imagine what … counsel… a circle of sirens and bawds desires of an heirless noble and his unsecured birthright," Zhu Dai Lu deadpanned.

She raised a finger and a gust of spectral qi bore the letter from Chang Xiao Dan's hand to her own. "Ah, it seems our terraced croplands have drawn attention," she reported. "Lady Ling is asking for advice on establishing agricultural infrastructure for her new estate."

"Why ask us, when the Wang are already involved?" Chang Xiao Dan pondered.

"Why indeed? If raising pretty flowers for her liege, the Diao make much more apt exemplars." Zhu Dai Lu stoically lampooned.

"What are your real thoughts?" Chang Xiao Dan chuckled.

"It's a ploy," Zhu Dai Lu answered without hesitation. "Lady Ling lacks neither the contacts nor the capital to acquire the information she wants. And she ought not be so foolish as to make baronial development plans by rolling the dice on counsel from untested allies."
"No, this is an attempt to suss out those local powers unwilling to work with her in good faith. The poor neophyte must have exhausted every parlance and pleasantry in her little head penning similar missives to each barony of the Foundation.

"And should we be unwilling to work with her?"

Any struggle with indecision failed to mar Zhu Dai Lu's countenance. "Presentation of that bloodline tapestry and formal recognition of this barbarian empire were satisfying snubs of the peak clinging fops," she began, "but it is dangerous when the instruments of peace and stability insult the powers that be. The Ling are yet small, and not of significant use to justify such a controversial association."

Chang Xiao Dan nodded along. It was an unspoken truth that northern tribesmen and southern imperials had been swapping bloodlines across the wall via pillage and peace bonds, for generations. And northern aspersions cast on southern "mongrel" lineages tended to grate.

"Yet her achievements speak for themselves," he stated, "Word has it that she has been at the spear tip for several assaults on the barbarians, beyond and below."

"And should hostilities erupt, she is useless… here… to us" came the measured reply.

"She is exceptionally deft in her dealings with spirits and beasts."

"I am perfectly capable of dealing with local spirit courts," came the slightly less measured reply.

"There are perhaps, more nuanced approaches than utter annihilation." Chang Xiao Dan smirked. Zhu Dai Lu did not.

He continued, "And that Xuan Wu's performance in the Icebreaker aftermath, shows great agricultural potential."

Zhu Dai Lu floated the letter back to Chang Xiao Dan with a gesture. "In the end I believe that both the decision and the face of engagement should be yours Milord."

"Very well Milady." Chang Xiao Dan's smirk grew wider. "I'll pursue the intercourse. Overawing wives are oft anathema to their ilk."

"Humph." The corner of Zai Dai Lu's lips almost twitched. "Veto."

The two lapsed into contemplative silence. A heavy and deep silence pulsing with ambition that neither were afraid to unveil.

Zhu Dai Lu shattered that silence with an icy surge of qi; covetous and ineluctable. It clashed with an equivalent wave from Chang Xiao Dan; possessive and indomitable. The tower quaked, as death and mountain qi twisted into a wailing obelisk, shooting relentlessly towards the heavens. They stood then, and bowed, as equals this time; their qi whirling about each other.

As Zhu Dai Lu exited the study, Chang Xiao Dan stood and walked to the window overlooking the southern wall. He touched a glyph, and the window emitted a pink burst of light to the receiving mirrors below; informing the guard that their lady reaper was on the move.

There was a tempest brewing out in the darkness, threatening to shake, or even drown his little plot of land. Would the storm's break result from barbarian aggression, noble umbrage, or just natural imperial avarice?

In the end did it matter?

He was the bedrock, bolstering order and bulwarking prosperity. It wasn't his way to see benefits carved away and gain nothing in return.

"Dear Lady Ling," he said as a sheet of paper drifted onto his desk and a brush was lifted by invisible qi, "It is an honor to hear from one such as you…"
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