The obvious power sacrifice from rushing base cultivation is arts that lag behind in potency. Having to be carried by Realm is what most cultivators without sufficient resources or backing resort to, and us being strong for the step we're at and being able to punch up in relative strenght is in large part due to the quality and synergy of our arts suite. Making sure it keeps pace will let LQ keep that advantage.
Arguably the more important issue however, is LQ's domain. The fastest method to rush through green is getting a lot of concepts to 3 and picking up insights as fast as possible by completing simple arts. This would however lead to a frail and possibly conflicting domain that, while not all that rigid, will still struggle to advance beyond Cyan. Alternatively, taking a few concepts and really pushing them as high as possible leads to the aforementioned issue of a Way thats more like a narrow tunnel demanding more and more sacrifices the further we get. So ideally, we would like to do both. Get some concepts high for more coherence and power, while investing enough in a bunch of lower leveled concepts that we remain relatively flexible. (And avoiding further clashes or merge/eat problematic concepts.) This does mean we're likely not getting to Cyan at the absolute fastest speed possible, but will make advancement beyond that a lot easier.