Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Su Ling's saber appears in her hand, unsheathed, the crimson cloth tassel that hangs from its hilt flutters in the wind. "Look… Xisheng, just hold still, alright, we'll get going againin a second."

The ghosts head tilts blood welling up around her neck to stain dirty clothes. "Oh. I don't like this part. But I like you better than Momma, okay!"

Su Ling grits her teeth so hard Ling Qi swears she hears something crack, but there is no time for a back and forth and she knows it.
Oh. I just realised they thought Su Ling was going to kill her, and decided that would be ok as they actually liked Su Ling.

Fuck, that's depressing.
This probably means that Fox Mom is going to know that Su Ling is gunning for her now. I bet she's going perform this sacrificial cycle even more now to prepare for that, and to compensate for the loss of her current sacrifices.
I was just thinking about non Ling Qi and Sun Ling consequences of this little adventure and this does make me think. If Fox Mom becomes more active she could cross the line and become a problem the ministries and or clans are forced to handle there could be political ramifications for 'Antagnoizing a powerful spirit and putting the lives of mortals in danger'.
If the cycle relies on her having kids and them growing old enough to at least walk, there's a hard cap on how much it can be speeded up.
Or maybe we are only seeing the ghosts of those old enough to leave an impression. Is a toddler or months old baby dies, does it leave anything behind? Can it? Would Madame Grey benefit just as much from babies and if not, does she raise them to children herself? I'm implying that most fox children die so young that they leave nearly nothing and are all digested by mom.

You know, this post turned out really dark.
If the cycle relies on her having kids and them growing old enough to at least walk, there's a hard cap on how much it can be speeded up.

Are you sure?

A certain Duchess decided to revolutionize reproduction and now women can have children with other women, i am not sure if only one needs to be at the fourth rank or both, but it might only need to be one of them.
A certain Duchess decided to revolutionize reproduction and now women can have children with other women, i am not sure if only one needs to be at the fourth rank or both, but it might only need to be one of them.

While that's a terrifying prospect how exactly is Madame Grey going to learn the technical details of the process? Given the 4th realm requirement I doubt the knowledge will ever be particularly common, and certainly no one is going to seek her out to teach her how to do this
Are you sure?

A certain Duchess decided to revolutionize reproduction and now women can have children with other women, i am not sure if only one needs to be at the fourth rank or both, but it might only need to be one of them.
I am not sure it would work that way. While we don't know the details, we do know that one needs to be cyan for the method to work because the method involves an artificial organ. So even if you only need one cyan to make it work, I think that that cyan would be the one carrying the baby to term.

So even if madam grey learned the method and could use it her situation wouldn't change. Since she preys on mortals she is the one carrying the baby to term, which means it wouldn't change anything for her even if she learned Shenhua's new method.
Hey question, when did the questers figure out what kind of reference CRX and her mom were?
When they showed up on screen. Renxiang during Meizhen's ambush way back in Forge. She literally did the "Satsuki pontificates from on high" thing from Kill La Kill. Shenhua was less subtle than a brick to the face, as she had many of the same visual characteristics of Ragyo.

They've actually become less like those characters as they've spent more time in scene, but they were very blatant expies.
Kill la Kill was fascinating to me in how it managed to be super deep and hilariously shallow simultaneously. I kinda regard it as similar to Ling Qi in a way.
Speaking of Kill la Kill references...

we rolled a 17 and needed a 31. Pain's coming.

" truth but what you carve. No justice but what you hold, no meaning but what you make. Reject oneness, reject enlightenment, be one of many, accept the world's bounty."

What a damned cool Magical Girl Invocation. Goddamit Su Ling you're so goddam cool.

I think we'll probably be able to get out of this with a combo of us finding the seams where to cut, and Su Ling Cutting Through to the Physical.

Su Ling's rejection of her own gift is something that should ideologically empower Madam Grey against her. If she doesn't have her Foxblood ripped out of her, I think she'll end up going down the "No meaning but what you make" and accept herself more. Especially now that she knows the humans are participating in the Monstrous ritual of their own free will. It's not a one-sided Monstrousness.

and holy heck the concepts we advanced are a great pick up. Duno how bad we're gonna get torn up, but like I said earlier I suspect Su Ling will be on the bad end of it.

I think that the most likely things for Su Ling to lose are her eyes. They look like her mother's, she was shown to have a fox-eye-overlay ability for sensing things earlier, she just had her eyes turn to steel for her Cut, Justice is Blind and Suyin just recovered her eye recently. Lots of reasons why the eyes might be the ones to go here.

Mending her blindness will also be good as a conceptual link to being able to see what she's been blind to. Her unjustified hatred of herself. Her constant struggle to just "accept the world's bounty" when it comes to her friends and intersocial connections. I think she's already started working on "Rejecting Oneness" in terms of socializing, but I think her mending her blindness will add some punch to those efforts.

I also wonder if she'll mend herself to have her own, unique eyes or her original eyes. I thing steely eyes might be cool, and we know that Suyin already is very well versed in eye-replacement. Yeah. I definitely think Su Ling will lose her eyes here, but I think she'll end up being even cooler and more badass as a result.

In terms of her intersocial connections, I do hope that she leans on Ling Qi's "bounty" to secure what she wants. Su Ling has earned her spot many times over, and if she's going to learn to accept some bounty we're gonna help her out as much as we can! Heck!

. . .
I duno if "Sacrifice" is gonna survive or not, but Su Ling freed them to make their own choices. I hope that if "Sacrifice", well, sacrifices themselves for her that Su Ling can accept their parting gifts. Even if it was only for a moment of Freedom, this was the right thing to do T^T
Su Ling as Uzu Sanageyama expy????
While we don't know the details, we do know that one needs to be cyan for the method to work because the method involves an artificial organ. So even if you only need one cyan to make it work, I think that that cyan would be the one carrying the baby to term.

It might be "for two (people with dicks), you need the child-bearer to be cyan; for two (people with vaginas), you need the gene donor to be cyan." With the cyan providing whatever organ would ordinarily be missing from the pairing.

That... would not be to our benefit, in this case.

It might be "for two (people with dicks), you need the child-bearer to be cyan; for two (people with vaginas), you need the gene donor to be cyan." With the cyan providing whatever organ would ordinarily be missing from the pairing.

That... would not be to our benefit, in this case.
okay, this is getting into yikes territory, I think we should change the subject.

I bet getting our ass kicked by Fox Mom will give us progress on our understanding of Power. Maybe something about ideals being hollow without power?
So I was just thinking about the Moose spirit beasts and for some reason Moose and Beavers are inexorably linked in my mind and now I'm imagining beaver spirit beasts. Little monsters of earth and water that can effect the flow of rivers and with their beady little eyes, buck teeth, and powerful tails.
In a world where the rivers themselves are alive you could see beavers as diplomats and workers; helping the river get along with the creatures and spirits in them and create more diverse micro ecosystems, or you can see them as creatures inherently at war with river spirits (a position somewhat effected by the fact that beaver's dam building instincts are triggered by the sound of running water) and their entire lives is a constant battle.