Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
An amazing robe that makes our other clothes wonder when they will ever be worn again, newsflash never.

That wasn't part of the Cai route tho, but reward for our help.

Just like CRX is restricted in terms of how many resources she is afforded by her mother

She is restricted because her mother chose to restrict what she gives, not because her mother can't give her more.

Either way the new edit make it very clear that she was talking about the law, not the money/loot benefit. She is just telling us that we are not gonna influence her into giving us special exceptions.
We might need stealth for battlefield/raids against barbarians, but for now it seems like intrigue will be limited to social settings and not burglary/espionage. Doesn't mean we can't pick up stealth, but it does mean that we shouldn't choose something just for stealth.
That wasn't part of the Cai route tho, but reward for our help.

She is restricted because her mother chose to restrict what she gives, not because her mother can't give her more.

Either way the new edit make it very clear that she was talking about the law, not the money/loot benefit. She is just telling us that we are not gonna influence her into giving us special exceptions.

Really? I was unware that a thread from Cia's own robe which super charged our robe to an insane degree was also offered to Han Jian.
How will Ling Qi, a disciple of the Grinning Moon and a greedy, self-interested "chaotic-neutral" person, reconcile her path with that of a (benevolent) paragon of law, justice and order?

This promises to be interesting.

There's always enemies we can be pointed at, sabotage we can be used to counter, counter-espionage and counter-counter espionage, etc.

Our role as more of a 'face' rather than a 'shadow' is, as far as I am concerned, rather meaningless - I've been working towards a 'bard' build for a while. Much as I can be said to be working for it. And bards are, by their very nature, sneaky SOBs. They just don't seem to be sneaky.

I agree, also being diplomat doesn't mean that we didn't need stealth and larceny, it's other way around - skills like this obsolete under Shenhua rule, who curbstomp all intrigue in her province.

Nah. Blinding light hides intrigue just as well as blinding darkness. It's in the whole 'blinding' thing.

You'll always want sneaks - to spy on your enemies, if nothing else.

That wasn't part of the Cai route tho, but reward for our help.

The upgrade with a thread of Liming was a direct part of the Cai route.

We might need stealth for battlefield/raids against barbarians, but for now it seems like intrigue will be limited to social settings and not burglary/espionage. Doesn't mean we can't pick up stealth, but it does mean that we shouldn't choose something just for stealth.

1) Stealth Challenges
2) LQ likes it
3) EPC permanent bonus rewards stealth successes.
Jesus people. Stop being concerned about transient material goods.

Be more concerned about the fact that Cai wants to try and break into the music industry as our producer and forcing us to be *shudders* social! Before you know it, we'll have Cultivation!iTunes and a fucking TV show about a magical girl who's whole shtick is breaking out into angsting songs about friendship and shit! And no, it won't be PMMM but the most painfully cutsey magical girl bullshit you can think of!

Material goods are impermanent. Reputation is forever.

Inb4 ensuing shitstorm.
I have no problem with what we getting out of Cai in the sense of support. I really think she invest enough in us.
I just feel her stance is kinda vague? I maybe am wrong, but did the girls ever talk about any kind of plan beyond the sect?
We know she want to create a lawful state, but that can mean many things. Maybe she herself doesn't know what exactly want, which I personally find most likely.

I dont want to stress anyone anymore, but I feel our interaction with our liege is very shallow and we should increase out interaction with one of the most important people in Ling Qi future.
I think we definitely should increase our interactions with Cai and figure out some of the more concrete underpinnings to her goal. However, there is a couple of possibilities that might be present.

The first order of business is to get the support needed to enact meaningful change. Renxiang cannot do it alone and without the support of other major players. Not even Duchess Cai could get the Duchy without the support of other counts and families. And she was white! No, Renxiang will need to gather support from the people in power if she ever wants to enact the changes she envisions.

Part of this may be where we come in. If Cai is currently seeking to have us be a more public diplomat, then we will be sent to various clans to start getting a feel for how people feel about the Cai, how people feel about Renxiang, and how people feel about certain minor changes that Renxiang is trying to implement. Convince them that it is in their best interest to either adhere to the current laws or interpret the laws in such a way as to create a more stable consistent stage.

Our job will probably be interacting with the Weilu conservatives given our Moon inclinations.

After that, the task will be most likely to start working on the ministry of Law. Carve out any corruption that can be found there and replace those bureaucrats with individuals who come from the families that support Renxiang's changes. Start trying to influence the families that have the most influence on the Ministry of Law to get them to be more systematic and consistent in their approach. Our job at this stage will probably be to travel and make nice with the individuals in the Celestial Peak. Smooth over ruffled feathers and convince them that it is in their best interest to let Renxiang do what she's doing.

Then we will probably start working on the Vis-counts or even the count families. Making nice with them and convincing them that these changes will be in their best interest as well. This will be a major hurdle as the count clans are powerful and secure in their power. It will be delicate, tedious, and thankless work but the goal is to convince the count clans that legal consistency is in their best interest. We will most likely be dealing with the Weilu conservatives again because of our Moon inclinations.

All in all, it can be summed up as: gain support from some key baronies. Influence the Ministry of Law and smooth over the rough feathers in the Celestial Peaks, and then start working on progressively powerful families from the roots up. Target the vis-counts and other vassals of the counts to slowly work our way into the Count's political spheres and then convince them that this change is good.

I'm not sure of the nitty gritty for this, or even the timescale that Renxiang is expecting, but this outline is probably something that she is considering.
Nah. Blinding light hides intrigue just as well as blinding darkness. It's in the whole 'blinding' thing.

You'll always want sneaks - to spy on your enemies, if nothing else.
But you have to agree that we have far less spy job in Emerald Seas than we may find on diplomatic missions anywhere else, spy job means infiltration job after all.
Thanks for explanation.

But right now I am really more interested in the actually goal of all this?
How will the life of a farmer/artist/nobel/duchess actually be different under her rule than under her mothers. I probably expecting to much, but I somehow got the feeling that there was more to it than just amassing power towards a vague goal called better than before.

Maybe the problem is more that we don´t actually know how good/bad the life of other people actually is. Our point of view is a little skewed.

At the moment it sounds like Cai wants to do the same as her mother? Just better? But what exactly is her mother doing? Is all this just to assure her keeping her place as heir Is vaguely remember that she though that her mother was doing something not quite the way she would have done?
Or was there a dialogue I missed that addressed that?

I am not saying something is wrong and maybe I just miss the obvious.
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That being said, Renxiang being like that isn't out of the blue. We should have expected it.
We did expect it though.

Influence doesn't require actual corruption. Just having the leaders being heavily exposed to our perspective and concerns can have significant value.

It's why politicians spending all their time talking with rich people is problematic even once you remove the financial pressure. If you spend most of your time talking with, say, rich people about what they think is important then this will inevitably influence you.
Anyway, ENAP is just a bad idea for this month. What we want to be doing right now is patching our immediate build problems to make sure we're fine for getting above 875.

If an art like ENAP would be good for our build long term, then we want to be getting it as part of our big art rejig in Foundation when we're replacing most our arts and have access to Archive 2 etc.
But you have to agree that we have far less spy job in Emerald Seas than we may find on diplomatic missions anywhere else, spy job means infiltration job after all.

You don't know much about spying if that's your response.

A diplomat is, in many ways, a legal, legitimate spy.

And there will be a ton of chaos over the years, and we'll honestly most likely do most of our diplomatic work - and spy work - in the Emerald Seas.

Plenty of opportunities to pick up Grinning Moon and Hidden Moon successes.

Sure, we probably won't be doing the sort of thing we did to Yan Renshu all that often - that's for open enemies - but that's fine. There will be plenty of those, too.
tfw the two arts you dislike the most out of Ling Qi's current grab bag are SES and EANP, and the main showdown seems to be a VS battle between them.

tfw the two arts you dislike the most out of Ling Qi's current grab bag are SES and EANP, and the main showdown seems to be a VS battle between them.

Thing to remember though is that these arts all finish up in Green 3.

We're looking at at least green 4 for the tournament.

Really good stuff like MNO we kinda don't actually want to get from Archive 1 :(
Thanks for explanation.

But right now I am really more interested in the actually goal of all this?
How will the life of a farmer/artist/nobel/duchess actually be different under her rule than under her mothers. I probably expecting to much, but I somehow got the feeling that there was more to it than just amassing power towards a vague goal called better than before.

Maybe the problem is more that we don´t actually know how good/bad the life of other people actually is. Our point of view is a little skewed.

At the moment it sounds like Cai wants to do the same as her mother? Just better? But what exactly is her mother doing? Is all this just to assure her keeping her place as heir Is vaguely remember that she though that her mother was doing something not quite the way she would have done?
Or was there a dialogue I missed that addressed that?

I am not saying something is wrong and maybe I just miss the obvious.
I don't think you missed a dialogue that addressed the issue, and it is a bit hidden, but there are some clues as to what exactly the end goal of this is. This is, I think, the most recent clue as to what Renxiang's goal is.
"I wish for a world in which all who fall under my responsibility can leave ordered and fulfilled lives."
Renxiang wishes for people to live "ordered and fulfilled lives." While we don't know exactly what Duchess Cai is trying to do, given the domain battle I would say it is likely to be more about everybody fitting in "my" order. The difference is nuanced but distinct. Renxiang doesn't care what people do as long as they are doing it as part of an orderly system and they are being fulfilled by it. Duchess Cai doesn't want anything to be operating outside of her own desires.

So... what does this do for the average mortal? Well, should a country have stability, consistency, and peace it is more likely that the country will be more prosperous than other countries that are missing any number of those things. By changing the system so that the laws are consistent across the board, there is stability at various levels of society, and that conflict between various groups are minimized then the general prosperity of the people can be increased.

Increased prosperity will eventually mean a stronger cultivator foundation as there will be more wealth moving upwards (assuming, of course, that spirit stones can be bought in increasing numbers from various suppliers). A stronger cultivator foundation will allow for more security against the Cloud Barbarian raid, the cultivators will be kept in check from causing chaos by the stronger laws and social fabric.

With more prosperity, people's wants and desires can be met without fighting each other as well. Which leads to more stability which generates more prosperity.

In my opinion, the goal of Renxiang is to shift the government and the current system towards one that promotes stability and prosperity so that the system can survive for generations. The Duchess seems to wish for a system that forces people to do whatever she wants.

Hopefully this explains my thinking on the issue.
Meh, let's try that.

[X] Plan Music Month

I'm voting this even if I am kinda tempted by 4AP of SES rather than 3AP of FVM and taking a small risk of not completing FVM as that would let us train woodwind/presence/Manip with keywords turn 4 even if we fail, but let's not rock the boat quite yet.

[X] Battle Royale Skills
-[X] Manipulation* 3, Presence* 3, Composure* 2 (16 points)
-[X] War 3, Perceptiveness** 3, Fortitude 3, Resilience* 3, Fade 3, Empathy* 3 (18 points)
-[X] Woodwind* 3 (6 points)

Note: * denotes +1 to skill dice from Keyword and/or Silent Stones, should both these plans win.

I was tempted by having some Dance, but then realised that Turn 4 would have a ** for Dance when this turns has nothing.
Idol Ling Qi
Thing to remember though is that these arts all finish up in Green 3.

We're looking at at least green 4 for the tournament.

Really good stuff like MNO we kinda don't actually want to get from Archive 1 :(
That actually reminds me. @yrsillar, does Ling Qi knows if there are such things as successors in Inner Sect archive? E.G, if there is any chance of getting MNO+ in Archive 3? Because if there is @Erebeal, it means that we don't need to worry about MNO completing too early.