[X] Be open in your intention for friendly relations and exchange in the long term. Discuss the White Sky where you can emphasizing the similarities over the differences. Use implication of Great Spirit interest and Ling Qi's patronage of the moon as legitimacy for the project. (40% chance to reduce opposition to your progress and swaying Cao Chun. Sets his Bond to -1 on Success or -4 on failure.)
Virtue is for sad nerds like Jiao.
We have divine favor.
A little more seriously, while aversion to bloodshed is a lot of the motivation here for Ling Qi and Cai Renxiang, it's reaching out for the possibility of connection, and the similarities that bolster that, that really defines at least the former's approach, for me. The world sucking is an important part of Ling Qi's characterization, but what we're building towards, and what she already has built towards, is the most important. And hers is a bolder stance than simply fleeing the worst of the world's cruelties. Her Path, at least so far, has been to reach across the barren wasteland of Isolation to clasp hands with the Other, in defiance of the world and even her own internalized truths on its (and her) nature.
Just the same as the Wall has to be journeyed across to sustain any real relation with the people of the south, it's not sustainable to merely skirt the barrier of imperial biases. Not on a practical level, and not as a matter of Ling Qi's convictions.
The talk of Great Spirits really is an afterthought here. Convenient, useful, but not the driving motivation. Ling Qi's designs are prime, not the moon's. The moon, here, is a political instrument for Ling Qi's convictions, which as I've explained above are etched into her Way, even as she's still discovering the fact.