[X] Ask for clarification of what Minds and Eyes are and how they function in Shishigui society.
[X] What do you think the best way to deny them this consensus would be?
[X] Ask about why consensus matters to Ya and the Minds.
We know they don't have a ~White but could have a ~White if they reach consensus, and so we should stop them from getting it. So if we got a similar choice as we did Turn 8, between attacking a fort, a village and an important resurce we might have chosen the important resource because the economy matters to the people of Lith and we now know the way to defeat the Ya is convince the Lith that fighting this war means more ruin than it's worth like for the Ha-Yith-Kai, while maybe we wouldn't have considered the village so much if we knew the Minds might spin it for fear of extermination and thus consensus against us like the Ha-Yith-Kai nearly did. The more we know about how this works and what the Shishigui values the more we can control it.