Yeah, if the tribute includes materials, having an in with the only crafter that has experience with the paradigm of those materials is a massive boon in terms of economy. Suyin will be able to maintain the cutting edge for the first couple years until a stable of green crafters can be trained to use those materials, and if Suyin does the training of the reds and yellows that become the core of the green sect-lifers craftspeople, then not only will they have better training than other groups, but the sect will also have a much larger stock of materials, since even if they have to buy from Shenhua like everyone else, the fact that Suyin can shortcut the more "obvious" failed attempts means that the sect will lose less materials to waste than anyone else.
So for that reason alone, the Sect showing Suyin special treatment through promotions is really only good business, the fact that she, as an inner sect member continued a task that was being done by an Elder and Core Disciples, and kept the mission from failing on those grounds is a sign of just how biased the sect ranking system is built. Suyin probably has a chance to make Sect Elder in a couple decades if her cultivation keeps pace with her skills.