It's also pretty amusing that after everyone has been asking for more Su Ling yrsillar makes a more Su Ling? Y/N vote and everyone votes no. (I know that the vote comes with baggage, just the idea is funny.)
Doesn't seem to stop people when it comes to LQ.She's repeatedly said she finds large groups uncomfortable and she only just got around to opening up to Gans group before her promotion to inner.
Guys guys guys. Wait.
Isn't this *d a r k n e s s m o n t h*? ???
We're basically unstoppable this month. Did you see that relatively responsible and adult conversation we just had with minimal flailing?! We're too powerful
Selfish? Yes. Good? Yes. Darkness is selfish
I mean. We can invite her and she can say no if she isn't ready, right? :0
Come onnn, let's do more things with Su Ling! She just got here! It cannot possibly go wrong! We are in Darkness Month! Greed is Good! Sometimes selfishness ends up being good for everyone!
You know what? Sold.
this might be a little late but...
Meanwhile, in XuanQuest(A lonely turtleboy is you!)...
Wang Chao actually can't afford to be 'taught the rope' of socialising by Ling Qi. Like, I'm not even talking about how condescending and how likely it is that he is better than us at that, I'm saying that it's a really really bad look if someone that's looked down upon is the one 'helping' Wang Chao do basic things. Yes, Moonless Saboteur Smile is about helping others in arguments. It's also going to be super early and likely going to not even be equipped because HDW would still be better for social, and having a social art is there to slowly make Ling Qi better at this, not instantly reverse her reputation.My concern is Su Ling's inexperience basically requires Ling Qi to support her through the socializing. But that's in large part what we were planning on doing with Wang Chao. So there's direct competition for Ling Qi's efforts there. And since we know Wang Chao can be a bit of an unintentional dick and Su Ling is on edge with fancy pants nobles, there's potential for a conflict of interest there. It's an uncomfortable possibility, and not one I think Ling Qi has the social chops to thread the needle on reliably.
And meantime, we have this whole other species of issue and effort related to the actual training and Zhengui that I don't want to take further focus away from to handle the increasingly complicated social situation.
Aren't you the one that's constantly saying that one of the real fault of Yrs handling socialisation is that we only have a focus on one person at a time and that whenever there is a vote about merging multiple groups together and having 'group socials' we never take them?And that's really the problem, yeah. Like, maybe Su Ling just meets Liang He and they have fun swording and we don't have to think about it, but if update focus is being taken up with babysitting her, or, god forbid, we have more votes about trying to help her, then I would not be happy.
And that's where Ling Qi and friendships come in. If Ling Qi is inviting Su Ling along in order to help Su Ling, then there is an obligation to assist her so it's actually helpful. Leaving her high and dry just isn't really an option. It's why the situation would be so ugly if things did sour, because then Ling Qi's put herself in a situation where her motivations are at cross-purpose. She's there to suck up to Wang Chao. Having to prioritize one or the other is plausible with the personalities involved, and it'd be miserable to have to do.
I'm wary of overcommitting, basically.
I think the would-be parents need to be of sufficiently high realm to overcome the species boundary. In all human-spirit crossbreedings we have heard of, at least one of the parents has been Cyan+.So, one of the things I've been realizing about this world... it's a place where any two adults can have children together, as long as it's one male and one female. Like, any two. A spirit horse and a thousand-year-old fork can have kids together.
No, it's saying that I don't think she'll want to talk to these specific people.If you are wary of Su Ling needing babysitting, you are basically saying that she will never be able to talk to anyone, because right now she is riding on a political high, and later it will be harder and she will get back to her bad habit.
If she doesn't want to talk to those specific people, she won't talk to them and she won't need babysitting anyway.No, it's saying that I don't think she'll want to talk to these specific people.
Like, inviting her doesn't come out of nowhere. It's opening a door for Su Ling to mingle with people she wants to learn how to mingle with, because she now knows that she has to learn it. It doesn't mean Ling Qi has to babysit her or anything, it just means that Su Ling being in a training group when she is riding on a political high is the softest ball possible for her to get a grasp on dealing with this shit.That was fair, Ling Qi supposed. "You really have to watch that language you know, Baroness Su."
"Don't you start," Su Ling replied darkly, making a disgusted face. "I have no idea how I'm supposed to deal with that."
"Pretend that you know what you're doing, and study like mad in the background," Ling Qi said dryly.
"Hmph, speaking from experience?" Su Ling asked dryly.
"Yep," Ling Qi replied with a grin. "Seriously though, congratulations Su Ling."
"Yeah, Yeah, I never thought I'd make Inner," Su Ling sighed.
Ling Qi patted the other girl's hand in commiseration. She did wonder though if she could actually help her friend a little more…
Late comers are always second class in a group. "waiting to see how those meeting are like" is basically making things much harder on both Su Ling (for obvious reasons) but also for Ling Qi, because Ling Qi needs all the allies she can get in those training session, and in 3 months when Su Ling would have been integrated in the group it would mean Ling Qi isn't that one alone gal in the group.I want to get a better feel for what these meetings are like before we start trying to pull people into later sessions.
You say that, but I feel it's worth noting that any course of action involving kicking down Su Ling's door and disgruntled fox noises is by definition not wrong.I think it's mostly because we know what our friend is like and kicking down her front door and going "SU LING! Let's go to a sparring party with a whole bunch of Nobles you have never met!" is just going to result in disgruntled fox noises.
Well, that's fair... and given the rate of development we've seen out of him, I suspect that Zhengui wouldn't necessarily be ready psychologically before then. He's still registering as somewhat immature. At the same time, Cyan for him is not so very long from now (ie, small number of years), with the rate things are going.[X] Hold off, Let Su Ling settle into the Inner Sect for longer before springing new social groups on her.
I think the would-be parents need to be of sufficiently high realm to overcome the species boundary. In all human-spirit crossbreedings we have heard of, at least one of the parents has been Cyan+.
I'm pretty sure Ling Qi wasn't the only one who's Domain was flaring due to teenage awkwardness. Honestly, it would be really funny to have the story of that maid that was scared shitless of the Domain display finding out what that REALLY was.
And then there's this line she admitted to Xuan Shi. It's easy for us to forget the whole of Ling Qi's experiences, because she doesn't dwell on most of them. We need to extrapolate from what we know to understand the full meaning of this line.I-It may be difficult to understand for you, but my experiences with… romantic attention are all unpleasant.
Interestingly, we basically have no idea who is going to be there besides Wang Chao, Lian He, and Alingge. Bit of a mystery box. It does make it difficult to weigh options.Wang Chao actually can't afford to be 'taught the rope' of socialising by Ling Qi. Like, I'm not even talking about how condescending and how likely it is that he is better than us at that, I'm saying that it's a really really bad look if someone that's looked down upon is the one 'helping' Wang Chao do basic things. Yes, Moonless Saboteur Smile is about helping others in arguments. It's also going to be super early and likely going to not even be equipped because HDW would still be better for social, and having a social art is there to slowly make Ling Qi better at this, not instantly reverse her reputation.
We'll be around Wang Chao, but if you want Ling Qi to completely focus on Wang Chao when we explicitely voted for not doing that, wellll..
Aren't you the one that's constantly saying that one of the real fault of Yrs handling socialisation is that we only have a focus on one person at a time and that whenever there is a vote about merging multiple groups together and having 'group socials' we never take them?
This is one of those so-called "group socials here". Coming here with a second is what everyone will do. Alliange will have hers. Wang Chao has Liang He. Ling Qi not having one will actually make the focus more of a mess, but also will make it more likely that we have yet another invidiual vote "who do you talk to" thing.
And hey. If you are right, and this doesn't actually end up in a group social where Su Ling is there as our second/Friend who backs us up, and we have a vote on "who do we want to talk", with one of those options being Su Ling.... This just means that Su Ling would be "talking to Lian He offscreen" when we vote to not talk to her. She'll just have the advantage of having been there and make things much better.
This vote here right now make it pretty damn clear that said vote will not have people voting to "babysit" her anyway. Being wary of other characters not having agency is, well, not how this quest works. If you are wary of Su Ling needing babysitting, you are basically saying that she will never be able to talk to anyone, because right now she is riding on a political high, and later it will be harder and she will get back to her bad habit.
If Ling Qi invite Su Ling along.... there is no obligation to babysit her. That's not how it works, and you know it.