Let me be clearer with my disenchantment. The two more economical politics perks were both things that could be built on moving forwards and unambiguous upgrades over what we would otherwise enjoy.
Hou Zhuang's intrigue perk isn't something we can invest in or improve upon because there is no rapport between him and his daughter and she thinks very highly of us anyway. The benefit is stuck in an awkward place between short-lived and redundant.
On top of that, it wasn't any help when we stumbled directly across the matters it's best-suited for in the whole border banditry business. Yes, the perks were always intended to come into play a few years off when we're doing clan holding stuff, but if we're confronted with Bai/Sun/Cai politics being smeared in our faces now, it doesn't make sense that it would not yet help. We picked the perk specifically to help with political intrigue, if it doesn't there's an issue.
It really feels like this pivot to double-down the barb invasion plot was not planned, and it's wreaking havoc on the geopolitical plot's pacing.