Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Reassure Hanyi that you'll find another way for her to help. [Better negotiating position in Zhengui arrangement. Avoids further entanglements with Bao Qian. Sad Hanyi.]
In which case the project simply isn't (commercially) viable and the option should be "[Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]"
If Hanyi's song don't sell well enough to cover the material and human costs then she doesn't get paid, and the distribution studio eats the overcosts (or whatever it's called) due to their incompetence in accepting the contract in the first place.
I still see no reason why we should own BQ a favor for it...
Well the whole idea is that Hanyi will get paid regardless, IICR. Which is why we will owe Bao Qian favor instead and he'll also get a discount on ZG's ash...Idk if I put it right... The way someone else put it is that the deal with Hanyi's songs won't necessarily be unprofitable, its just that there are certainly better deals and projects out there that would be more worth Bao Qian's time. If it were a businessman just starting out and needing a break, it probably would be a different story but Bao Qian could certainly find deals that will at least be just as lucrative while less work for him.

Also I believe @AbeoLogos had a point about the possibility of owing Bao Qian favor instead of a favor. As in looking upon Bao Qian more favorably than we would otherwise.
Remember this is us expressing interest to him where previously we were a rock watching paint dry, I think half the reason he was sent here after who had the "Best Abbs" competition was to see what we wanted.

And after all the rumors of our greedy and sticky fingers streak from what he was told I bet he looked at us and thought Who is this girl and why doesn't she want money.
Guy probably thought he was lookin at an alien that skinned us alive and forgot how to act.
In which case the project simply isn't (commercially) viable and the option should be "[Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]"
If Hanyi's song don't sell well enough to cover the material and human costs then she doesn't get paid, and the distribution studio eats the overcosts (or whatever it's called) due to their incompetence in accepting the contract in the first place.
I still see no reason why we should own BQ a favor for it...
no, there still is a profit to the venture, otherwise Hanyi wouldnt be getting a income at all.

What we've been saying is that since BQ is the one who's gonna be doing most of the work, it will eat away at his valuable time since he's still a fairly young cultivator who has other more profitable ventures to deal with (like Zhengui's thing, and Cultivation in general).

Look at how much the effort is divided between the two of them if this deal actually comes to pass.
  • Infrastructure needed for this business venture to even be possible in the first place - BQ
  • Aquisition of materials - BQ
  • Preparation to make materials usable b BQ
  • Adding Songs to materials - Hanyi
  • Advertising available goods for sale - BQ
  • Actual sale of products - BQ
  • Handling of any possible complaints? - most probably still BQ
  • Risk inherent to a business - BQ
So Hanyi just does little to no work for her income while BQ uses his infrastructure, time, money, and possibly connections for what possible benefit? The final product? Fankly I dont think its worth his time.

BQ could even have gone on a recruiting spree of finding Music Cultivators who want/need cash or employment and a possibility of tying those cultivators closer to his family.
no, there still is a profit to the venture, otherwise Hanyi wouldnt be getting a income at all.

What we've been saying is that since BQ is the one who's gonna be doing most of the work, it will eat away at his valuable time since he's still a fairly young cultivator who has other more profitable ventures to deal with (like Zhengui's thing, and Cultivation in general).

Look at how much the effort is divided between the two of them if this deal actually comes to pass.
  • Infrastructure needed for this business venture to even be possible in the first place - BQ
  • Aquisition of materials - BQ
  • Preparation to make materials usable b BQ
  • Adding Songs to materials - Hanyi
  • Advertising available goods for sale - BQ
  • Actual sale of products - BQ
  • Handling of any possible complaints? - most probably still BQ
  • Risk inherent to a business - BQ
So Hanyi just does little to no work for her income while BQ uses his infrastructure, time, money, and possibly connections for what possible benefit? The final product? Fankly I dont think its worth his time.

BQ could even have gone on a recruiting spree of finding Music Cultivators who want/need cash or employment and a possibility of tying those cultivators closer to his family.
a) if there's profit to be made i don't see why we should be thanking him for giving him the opportunity to get money.
b) unless BQ is retarded he has people to do all that shit for him. He obviously would have to pay these people for their time but that feeds back in the profitability of the project and nothing more.
c) i doubt he'd go on a musician recruiting spree. he is the one that told us that musicians in general disdain selling their music like this. (as i read it it implies he already tried a recruitment spree and failed miserably)
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[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]
a) if there's profit to be made i don't see why we should be thanking him for giving him the opportunity to get money.
The issue, even if he makes a profit on this, is that time and effort he spends on this project is time and effort he doesn't spend on other projects that could make him more money, or which otherwise satisfy his values more than launching idoru careers does. That's why it weakens our bargaining position and costs us a favor: he's moving a project up his priority list which he wouldn't do otherwise.
I'd appreciate it if you picked a different word to use there (I also think that one is against SV rules).
When a studio exec greenlights a singer who is decent, but not particularly compelling, due to the fact said singer is the daughter of his cousin with whom he is best friends, we call that nepotism. Sure, she might have been able to make it on her own merits, but the ethical thing to do would be to recuse himself from the selection committee (or however it is they choose singers) and let her fly or fail on her own.

Hanyi did not get offered a contract by Mr. Bao, she's using her connection (Ling Qi) to get her music out there into the world. In a world without Ling Qi she would have to approach Bao and get him to sign off on this project which, ignoring the face she's a spirit, he would be free to say no to. With Ling Qi in play, this is the sort of thing is expected out of a courtship. No guy wants to be seen as being a pennypincher (Xiao Qi in Chinese, which is fun) so of course he'll say yes.

Hanyi is a child and also grew up with her mom and zombie dad alone for like twenty years : she doesn't get relationships and guanxi. Ling Qi does: this is definitely asking for a favor.
Yeah, that makes no sense. i'm going to wait for ruling @yrsillar makes, if any.

When a studio exec greenlights a singer who is decent, but not particularly compelling, due to the fact said singer is the daughter of his cousin with whom he is best friends, we call that nepotism. Sure, she might have been able to make it on her own merits, but the ethical thing to do would be to recuse himself from the selection committee (or however it is they choose singers) and let her fly or fail on her own.

Hanyi did not get offered a contract by Mr. Bao, she's using her connection (Ling Qi) to get her music out there into the world. In a world without Ling Qi she would have to approach Bao and get him to sign off on this project which, ignoring the face she's a spirit, he would be free to say no to. With Ling Qi in play, this is the sort of thing is expected out of a courtship. No guy wants to be seen as being a pennypincher (Xiao Qi in Chinese, which is fun) so of course he'll say yes.

Hanyi is a child and also grew up with her mom and zombie dad alone for like twenty years : she doesn't get relationships and guanxi. Ling Qi does: this is definitely asking for a favor.
Okay, that makes some sense, yes.
Why is this a favor Bao Qian is doing for us instead of another moneymaking opportunity for him? Hell, wouldn't the midle of the road option be "Hanyo can do it so long as she convinces Bai Qian herself"?
We're asking him for it, we also rejected his deal for Ling Qi to perform.

Its like if someone came up to you to contract Tiger Woods for a tournament, and then he said no and offered up a young cousin to participate instead.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on Feb 6, 2020 at 1:25 AM, finished with 164 posts and 75 votes.
[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]
[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]
[x] Reassure Hanyi that you'll find another way for her to help. [Better negotiating position in Zhengui arrangement. Avoids further entanglements with Bao Qian. Sad Hanyi.]
Fixerupper has the right of it. Hanyi is still going to be profitable to at least a degree, this whole marketed recording thing is still unusual enough to guarantee that, but its still asking Bao to do significantly more legwork to get it off the ground. In turn oweing him a favor is not some kind of spiritually binding contract, it's just acknowledging that he's doing you a solid and that it should he require help of a similar magnitude that you'll be willing to do the same.
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[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]
[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]
I do think there's kind of an unwritten exchange going on here where indebting ourselves to Bao Qian, even slightly, is simultaneously doing him a favor because it's pivoting to a more open standing on which he is both more comfortable and better able to pursue his goals re: Ling Qi. Only an asshole would try to actually leverage this into tangible returns from our end though, because it's only a thing because we were frosty in the first place and really a very minor bone to throw, but it should colour our relationship moving forwards.

Anyway, in terms of profit, we just need to make sure Hanyi is the star of the inter-sect competition! Violence is the best advertisement there is, frankly.
[x] Reassure Hanyi that you'll find another way for her to help. [Better negotiating position in Zhengui arrangement. Avoids further entanglements with Bao Qian. Sad Hanyi.]
[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]
[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations