Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
can we pretty please work on Formations soon? And "art" with Sixy? That sounds nice <3

"spousu" or whatever Pikklpiki said was great. Covers everything tbh
Interesting that formations can fall under Dreaming Moon going by that side story. Hidden/Dreaming formation combos well probably.
because all art is expression and formations are constructs painted in patterns of all kinds and reality and dream are the same thing we're actually just the byproducts of the most beautiful formation formed of Mother and Father and the moon and sun tend to it as best as they can til the sequence devolves into entropic or unified re-starting of the universe! Weeee! Lunacy Abounds! Madness is my medium! Wahahahah
Well, it could make sense to study security formations a bit right now given events. Ling Qi might have been able to employ Suyin this time, but that won't necessarily always be an option.
That would break too, a Way Break is pretty complete in how it fucks your foundation up. No way to game that :p
I can imagine a violet Qi Ling who's way breaks for whatever reason. She gets a choice either go on with a broken way and basically retire or go all the way back to green and start over building her foundations again.
Interesting that formations can fall under Dreaming Moon going by that side story. Hidden/Dreaming formation combos well probably.
It becomes no surprise at all if you have seen a Taoist talisman before(and know enough old-script chinese to identify that its not just random doodles).

The basis of xianxia formation is magic calligraphy, where words, usually framed in the form of an edict or bureaucratic form, ideally structured as poetry, are then deformed and interlaced, sometimes with the same physical word position being used in multiple reading orders without making the words illegible.

Its both puzzle and art
can we pretty please work on Formations soon? And "art" with Sixy? That sounds nice <3

"spousu" or whatever Pikklpiki said was great. Covers everything tbh
We already have C rank formations which is as good as it gets without specializing. We definitely don't have room to fit a formation helping art into our build.
I can imagine a violet Qi Ling who's way breaks for whatever reason. She gets a choice either go on with a broken way and basically retire or go all the way back to green and start over building her foundations again.
On Way Breaks, as I understand it, if your Break is on your 'latest' dantian, you can reformat with great pains. If your Break is on a previous core then you're just utterly fucked, because you can't really undo the transcendence step, not and stay alive.

Like, after you divested your bodily functions into pearls, you simply can't go back to fix errors in your first dantian anymore, because your interal organs don't work anymore.

Its probably a good incentive to have your Yellows learn a variety of elements and your Greens a diverse variety of experiences. Someone who is utterly certain in their path at that stage will have very few options for recovery if their Way turns out flawed later. The old clans have the benefit of knowing what works reliably at least.

Ling Qi's mess of elements means that she could pivot to some extent upon their concepts to justify insights, and her Insights pulling her in different directions lets her emphasize one or the other if theres a flaw.
The drawback is she's going to eat a lot of Way conflicts at this stage as a result. Its good for later on, hard to break outright rather than be just impeded.
Well, it could make sense to study security formations a bit right now given events. Ling Qi might have been able to employ Suyin this time, but that won't necessarily always be an option.

It was also mentioned by CRX that unless we spec into a security formation maker, we'll have to employ a professional. It's good that we're friends with the Xuan.
Well, it could make sense to study security formations a bit right now given events. Ling Qi might have been able to employ Suyin this time, but that won't necessarily always be an option.
I'd kind of like to mess around with stuff in keeping with our Lunar patrons. Grinning is misdirection, snares, and general tricksome obstacle. Hidden is obscurity, observation, and misdirection. Dreaming is Dream stuff, delusion, and the most obviously Music-related. Formations are established characters which influence the flow of qi in the world, but I'd be surprised if they hadn't been formulated to express musical notation effectively, and vice-versa, at some point by someone.

The key difference between Art and Formation is the former is the user controlling energy with themselves as medium, while formations involve the creation of an independent medium of channeling, though they still need powering either by the user, spirit stones, or some other source. I think it's plausible that Music or Dance could imprint ripples on an environment that do successfully form formation effects. These methods would have downsides. Limited duration seems likely, weaker effects without getting a feel for the environment prior too. Persistent effects would probably need mediums like talisman wind chimes or carefully cut channels for the wind to play certain sounds through as it blows by, or water drips through, or whatever. It'd be cool though. Stylish. Concerning to imperial conservatives. All the good stuff, really.

Twisting Dream into formations is another possibility, but I'd expect effects in the material world to be strooongly muted. Could pair with Sixiang's new techs, though.

It was also mentioned by CRX that unless we spec into a security formation maker, we'll have to employ a professional. It's good that we're friends with the Xuan.
The who? Li Suyin's the only formations expert we know.
the way I understand it, Formations come in 2 parts (3 if you want to craft items):

the Formation skill determines how good Ling Qi is with the basics of Formations and our C there is actually quite decent, given that it isnt really our focus.
The second part is actually having specific formations to use. We dont have any good ones as it is, so to get them we would need to go into the archive and search for some.
[] Research Formations in the Archive(Max 1 AP)
We could do that in plan votes with the above option, which would cost an AP and maybe SP depending on the floor we want to get something and I guess we can then spend AP to train/improve them like we do with arts? Of course, playing with formations as a hobby would not make us as good at them as a real specialist (like Suyin) would be, but i guess we could make it work, if we keep a narrow focus on the kind of formations we use/make.

However, this does have 2 Problems:

1) we are not just talking about spending a few skill dice here, like we would with other side-projects like Art, Blades, Beast Handling or whatever other skill. We would need to spend AP and maybe SP and that means we would need to cut those AP from something else and this 'something' will likely be our arts.

2) This is admittedly a bit more of a meta-problems, but I think yrs mentioned that he didnt make a real formations system yet? If this is still true, then going into Formations ourself, would mean that yrs has to make and balance said system. This would be fine if we then actually make and keep our formation side-project relevant. On the other hand, I think it would be quite unfair of us to make yrs work on that system, if we dont actually intend to keep using it.

So overall, going into formations would only make sense if we want to keep it as a relevant side-project and then we would need to talk about what art(s) we are willing to discard for this to work.
the way I understand it, Formations come in 2 parts (3 if you want to craft items):

the Formation skill determines how good Ling Qi is with the basics of Formations and our C there is actually quite decent, given that it isnt really our focus.
The second part is actually having specific formations to use. We dont have any good ones as it is, so to get them we would need to go into the archive and search for some.

We could do that in plan votes with the above option, which would cost an AP and maybe SP depending on the floor we want to get something and I guess we can then spend AP to train/improve them like we do with arts? Of course, playing with formations as a hobby would not make us as good at them as a real specialist (like Suyin) would be, but i guess we could make it work, if we keep a narrow focus on the kind of formations we use/make.

However, this does have 2 Problems:

1) we are not just talking about spending a few skill dice here, like we would with other side-projects like Art, Blades, Beast Handling or whatever other skill. We would need to spend AP and maybe SP and that means we would need to cut those AP from something else and this 'something' will likely be our arts.

2) This is admittedly a bit more of a meta-problems, but I think yrs mentioned that he didnt make a real formations system yet? If this is still true, then going into Formations ourself, would mean that yrs has to make and balance said system. This would be fine if we then actually make and keep our formation side-project relevant. On the other hand, I think it would be quite unfair of us to make yrs work on that system, if we dont actually intend to keep using it.

So overall, going into formations would only make sense if we want to keep it as a relevant side-project and then we would need to talk about what art(s) we are willing to discard for this to work.
The system will never materialize if we don't poke at it at all. Besides, I think the system issue is kind of... besides the point? It could be significantly more vague than it is and perfectly functional, especially since it's likely to be a supplemental ability.

Wrong. Xuan Shi is a better formations expert than she is (and than we are). After all, in FoD, we've asked for his expertice; and his production project for the Outer Sect tournament? It was based on formations afaik.
Weird. Ling Qi went to Li Suyin for help with the Ling household defensive formations. Now that I'm reminded of this character, checking the front page reveals that he's a rank 2 positive relationship, placing him as a friend. Looks like a discrepancy if she wanted the best protection for her family and she was willing to pay fairly for it.
Weird. Ling Qi went to Li Suyin for help with the Ling household defensive formations. Now that I'm reminded of this character, checking the front page reveals that he's a rank 2 positive relationship, placing him as a friend. Looks like a discrepancy if she wanted the best protection for her family and she was willing to pay fairly for it.

Yeah, I agree. Maybe she wasn't comfortable to ask for it? We're not that close, rank 2 is more like a close acquaintance, not yet a friend.
The system will never materialize if we don't poke at it at all. Besides, I think the system issue is kind of... besides the point? It could be significantly more vague than it is and perfectly functional, especially since it's likely to be a supplemental ability.
My point about the system is more that I think that this will be quite a bit work and time investment for yrs.
This is not a problem if we actually use it afterwards.
However, it would be unfair to yrs, at least in my opinion, to ask him to put in the work to implement formations, if we dont actually intend to keep using it.

Regrding how vague the system can be: I think that depends a lot on how relevant we want our formation work to be for fighting. If our formation work would be purely non-combat, I could see this working with a vague system, but if our formations compete with our arts for an application, then I think the Formation system would need to be as specific as the art system to make the balancing work.
My point about the system is more that I think that this will be quite a bit work and time investment for yrs.
This is not a problem if we actually use it afterwards.
However, it would be unfair to yrs, at least in my opinion, to ask him to put in the work to implement formations, if we dont actually intend to keep using it.

Regrding how vague the system can be: I think that depends a lot on how relevant we want our formation work to be for fighting. If our formation work would be purely non-combat, I could see this working with a vague system, but if our formations compete with our arts for an application, then I think the Formation system would need to be as specific as the art system to make the balancing work.
I think the closest to combat it should get is pre-combat prep, with them basically being environmental effects in a fight if relevant at all. Out of combat enemy disruption/delay/early warning/warding can all be handled with a mostly loose narrative framework.
From the Discord this was basically Jiao's Domain Quest for Green -> Cyan transition.
Picking at the deets sounds Fun.

His smirk grew as his form rippled like a pool of ink, the horrors sting not even managing to ruffle his austere silver and black robes.
Once upon a time. He did not make you wish you were blind.

A flick of his sword severed the limb, and with casual disdain, he stepped forward and rammed his dagger into things wobbling jelly-like flesh. The pulse of qi that traveled through his left arm ensured that the strike was a mortal blow, anatomy or no.

Behind him, the last horror gurgled and chittered as a dozen blades of shadow impaled it's many limbed, twitching form. Sima Jiao merely grinned as he stepped over the dissolving corpse in front of him, and let his dagger dissolve, so that he could brush his luxurious black hair from his eyes.
Sword and Dagger, the choice of a street duelist.
Also apparently quite full of himself with smug.
As if he would be stopped by a few night horrors, spirits so primitive that they did not even hold their own shape, and merely reflected a chaotic mish mash of mortal fears.
Hidden Moon having those fit.
No, he thought, Lunatic Crag would have to do better than that to stymie him. With the landing clear, SIma Jiao took his first step down the Phantasmagoric Stair. He would not stop until he had reached the last of the 11, 644 steps and reached the root of the mountain, where the Realm of the Hidden Moon was said to lie.
The Hidden Moon has a base under a mountain?

He could not fail, Sima Jiao thought as his blade lashed out, impaling a creeping thing upon the ceiling before it could leap onto his face. His prince was relying upon him. Not like his worthless sycophant father, or his oh so orthodox brother. Feh, Sima clan indeed. Let the whole of it rot. He had a higher calling to see to. Mu An had plans, plans to tame the venomous, decadent pit that the Peaks had become and once more make it a place worthy of being called an imperial court.

But his prince was not yet crowned, and he would need all the help that he could get to navigate the treachery of his siblings, and begin the work of binding the failing empire back together.
...he wasn't the Ling Qi of his generation. He was more like Gan, absolute faith in his liege's ideals.
Big dreams.
So he would brave one of the deadliest of the dragon-wrought Celestial Peaks, this place where it was whispered that the Dragon Gods of old had brought a piece of the moon to earth in their final days. He would come here on a moonless, starless night, and seek the secret to the power that he and the Prince would need in the future.
Literal moonstone?

It occurs to me that the name may be a bit more literal, if the dragons had gone for planting bits of the heavens on the earth.
Sima Jiao passed by the gleaming and inviting passage that shown with the full moon's light, and the voices that chided him for his pride and warned of the dangers of hubris. Yet he walked not only with pride, but with need, and so their voices fell on deaf ears.
Guiding Moon's advice fell upon deaf ears.
Necessity does not refute hubris.

Guiding Moon makes a fine doorkeeper on this path, to warn away those who do not quite intend to go this far.
Wonder how a devotee of the Guiding Moon would pass this barrier. None can be truly without flaw, after all, but ignoring Guidance does not speak well of them either.
He passed by the softly litten cavern where voices that echoed with long forgotten maternal love pleaded with him to reconsider his path, and seek reconciliation with family, to turn back from severing those most vital and primal of bonds. Yet he had seen the bonds of family for what they were, an excuse for petty local power mongering, and so their words fell on deaf ears.
Mother Moon is about the ties that bind.
...wonder if this relates to his reluctance to have children, given the choice of what to forsake back here.

Young Jiao seems to have turned a test of character into a test of resolve.
Through a hall of mirrors he passed, where each surface showed a different path his life could have taken, and where shades of futures gone, and futures possible challenged his right of way. He passed them all, one by one, flicking glimmering reflective blood from his blade as he cut them down one by one. His path had been chosen, the time for contemplation was over.
Reflecting Moons...possibilities? Or choice?
Possibly even a Lotus Eater trap.

He cut the Gordian Knot here.
The dream mists came next, the sound of piping music and the scent of succulent feasts. Here at last, Sima Jiao felt his resolve waver, not for material delights, but the joy of creation. The feeling when he had first completed an array of his own creation and watched the pages of his favorite book turn themselves as he read. The joy of research and creation sang to him from softly lit caverns where spirits danced and reveled, where artists and poets and inventors alike shared in the free exchange of knowledge for the sheer joy of it.

With his head, low, Sima Jiao stepped from the mist and left the caverns of Dream and Madness behind. That life was closed to him, closed by circumstance, closed by family and society alike. Mournful music echoed in his ears as he continued his descent, and the choking darkness grew ever deeper, until even his eyes could see no more.
Invention and inspiration. Fitting realm for the Muse. And a spark of madness, as inspiration and insanity are very close siblings.

Jiao still holds to this somewhat, with his tinkering with his chariot.
Something more here, it points to some family issues which made him so certain that his is the only path, that he cut ties without regret.

If he loved formationcraft so much, why did he take the path of the assassin instead? Why WOULD society object to that?

Soon, the fading music was drowned by howling wind, and the sharply cut stairs turned into crumbling edifices smoothed by endless wind.

Sima Jiao walked on, powering through the wind as it tugged playfully and insistently at his limbs, pleading with him to forget his troubles and responsibilities, to free himself of their weight. Here where the moons were at their most primal, the grinning spirits that played in the wind urged him to forget even his name and leave the chains of identity behind. To flee this stodgy broken empire and travel the world like a hero from a storybook.
"Let it go~ Let it go~"
Grinning Moon probably would love the wandering Cultivator Hero trope, though the Empire wouldn't.
It was almost a relief to emerge from the winds and stumbled upon the new stairs. Skulls crunched and sank beneath his feet, and the scent of blood hung heavy in the air. Here blunt and unforgiving spirits threw the truth of his dreams and plans in his face, not with judgement but the absolute finality of truth. Change came only from bloodshed, and the blood price of his Prince's dream would be weighty indeed. Those who held power would only ever give it up when fear of death or pain drowned all other concerns, or when it was at last pried from their lifeless fingers.

There was no dodging here, no avoidance of pain. Each step carved a wound into his flesh, and yet he pressed on. He had chosen this and he would not flinch away. For his Prince, for himself, for the Empire.
And the Bloody Moon. He's definitely subscribed to Bloody Moon then, I think, considering the difference he handled this segment, as a pain he must withstand rather than ignore.
When at last his feet touched stone again, Sima Jiao sagged with exhaustion, resting his bloodied palm against the wall. It was quiet here, and so very dark. Even with the faint glow of his sword and the power of his arts he could barely see the step he stood on, and for a moment, his tired thoughts fumbled with the number of that step.

"Eleven thousand two hundred and twenty three," a cool woman's voice, devoid of emotion or feeling echoed in the dark.

Sima Jiao straightened up immediately, his grip on his sword tightening. His robes were more ragged now, marred by cuts, their hems heavy with blood, but he refused to be anything less than an ideal gentleman of the empire, and so he stood straight, despite the pain of his wounds. "My thanks," he said, bowing stiffly. He had been impeccably polite to every spirit thus far, and he had no intention of breaking that now. "Might I know who it is I am speaking too?"
So proud and formal.
So different from how irreverent he is now.
"This one requires no name," the cool voice replied, and the darkness flickered. The spirit shimmered into view. It held the shape of a young woman with impeccable features and silver hair, bound tightly in a severe bun that added years to her appearance. She wore a black gown that seemed to merge with the shadows, free of any embellishment save for the faintest flicker of a silver lining. In the darkness, only her face and hands in her lap stood out. Red eyes stared at him dispassionately. "I am an eye of the Black Madam, mortal. What purpose brings you to this place on this sacred night."

His breath caught in his throat as she spoke that name. Meaning boiled beneath the surface, clawing at his thoughts and burning his eyes. Such an unassuming moniker for the eldest aspect of the Hidden Moon, the spirit which was said to ride beside death, marking the end of each life's tale in her book. She Who Knew, the archivist of all life. Yet, he had come here for this. The Imperial Court was a twisting monstrosity of intrigue, he would need the sharpest of eyes to navigate it for his Prince. There were no eyes sharper than hers, and only on a night such as this would she reside here, in the mortal world, surrounded by her daughters.
We got a hint of this with the Hidden Moon's quest, with the lake of liquid Death.
The Dead know much, but tells their secrets to none.
He sketched a courtly bow to the floating spirit. "I have braved the mountain and this stair for the opportunity to speak with one such as you, eldest and fairest of the moon's maidens."
...and Xin was right. He straight out went to seduce her. :p

Very slowly, her head tilted to the side as she examined him,and Sima Jiao shuddered as he felt the weight of something far greater than her stared out at him through those eyes. It was ten thousand eyes staring at him from all directions, it was a physicians knife sliding through his flesh, dissecting and cataloguing him piece by piece. It was a severe archivists eye and he a particularly uninteresting footnote. "You do not seek audience with my progenitor?" the spirit asked. There was a faint hint of curiosity there, but nothing more.
"I am not so arrogant as to interrupt the Honored Madam on this, her one night with her sisters," Jiao said smoothly. Technically true, even if a spirit so mighty hardly needed interrupt one meeting to have another. Even he did not wish to descend the path beneath the last stair. "Instead I have a proposal for you, or perhaps one of your sisters, if you yourself do not find it attractive."
Theres an unspoken "Yet" I feel here.
Also that looks like something which branched off the Curious Diviner's Eyes.

Goes a fair bit beyond curiosity.
But also a hint as to how to interest spirits of the Hidden Moon. They're Curious, but to grab their interest would take something hidden from their understanding.
"We are one, mortal. We are her eyes. Know that you are an open book, you are given leave to speak out of courtesy," the spirit said plainly.

Well that was somewhat problematic, he had studied the lore of moon spirits deeply indeed, but information on the Eyes of the Black Madam were scant, he had made his preparations based on the context of other moon spirits, it was how he had progressed this far. A true collective identity though….
Naturally its a well kept secret, but after experiencing it from Sixiang's perspective, it seems more that the moon spirits are all one with their progenitors, but not without an individual identity even so.

Different facets from different perspectives
Sima Jiao almost balled his free hand into a fist, and instead raised his head, his own burning gaze meeting her dispassionate crimson gaze. "It may not be unique, but it is an opportunity. We will set the empire on a different path." Even to his own ears, his words seemed to echo deeply, drinking in the darkness and growing with each echo. He shuddered as the last words passed his lips and left him feeling drained. It had been a very long time indeed since his blood had reacted so strongly, and his divination had slipped his control.

For the first time, the spirit before him blinked, and once again her head tilted, birdlike, to the side as she observed him.
Spiritblooded huh? With a gift of prophecy.
The empire has indeed been set on a different path, but if its a better one...the jury is still out.

Still, that grabbed Xin's curiosity.
"...I see. Then walk the remaining steps with me Sima Jiao, and if you reach the bottom unbroken, we will consider your proposal. You have one final trial to overcome."

"Sima Jiao straightened up fully falling in behind her as they began to descend again. "And what trial is that?"

"You must Know yourself, and your own secrets, if you wish to pass our stair and stand before the undivided moon, and not break. Each of the others has tested a fraction of yourself. Know that what comes will be the true test. You will likely go mad and die," she said simply, not looking back at him. She drifted through the dark, not so much as breathing, like a porcelain doll swathed in liquid shadow.

Makes sense when you think about it. The Moon is a reflection. You see yourself. The Eight Sisters are all masks reflecting the one looking upon it, in different facets.

This particular one seems like its the Moon Undivided approached through the Hidden Moon, so it takes the form of absolute self knowledge. All secrets laid bare and self deceptions scoured clean.


Yeah, I agree. Maybe she wasn't comfortable to ask for it? We're not that close, rank 2 is more like a close acquaintance, not yet a friend.
Xuan Shi doesn't flaunt it but he's the scion of a ducal clan.
To impose upon him without a closer, reciprocal tie is socially very difficult.
Citation? it seems to me that Way breaks vary in severity and effect, depending on how important the thing that breaks is and how easy it s to correct it.
More like WHERE it breaks. If you suffer a break in your foundation everything above it is destabilized, and the only way to fix it, barring resolving the break philosophically, is to unbuild everything you built over the break, patch it up, then rebuild.

However, since cultivation has a number of distinct breakpoints, past which unbuilding isn't possible...the only way out is probably through.
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The part with the mirrors reminds me of the trial in the well Ling Qi had to go through. That was, indeed, a Moon trial, and if my memory serves right, it was arranged by Xin? Or did she mean it was one of her sisters who had done that?

Perhaps that trial was a 'lite' version of that one part of Jiao's descent down those stairs, as a way to give aspiring cultivators a taste of what it is to come, should they pursue ascending high in their cultivations.

Yikes. If that's the case, it doesn't make sense to teach teenagers how to cultivate in the middle of their formative years. By middle age people's personalities are more fixed, so it'd be easier for them to form a solid foundation.