Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] What was known about the enemies that had attacked them

We were attacked, can't do anything with what the internal response was like. Can't change the past or effect how their response will go in the future. Might as well get something useful out of the conversation instead of just interesting.
We were attacked, can't do anything with what the internal response was like. Can't change the past or effect how their response will go in the future. Might as well get something useful out of the conversation instead of just interesting.
You assume that the knowledge we would gain about the enemy would be actually useful to us.
We are as minor an officer as it gets, we won't be making any major decisions and the useful knowledge we get is quite likely to be given to us in pre mission briefings anyway.

Knowledge about the internal response can be lot more useful in both long, and short, term by allowing us to get a read on our allies, gain a better idea on what to expect to happen (defensive strategy? missions into enemy territory? exploration of the tunnels?) and allow us to prepare both in defense of our home and for future military actions by acquirng appropriate talismans and planning what skills we will need.
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Interlude: Ripples(Cai Renxiang)
How long had it been, Cai Renxiang thought, since she had been in her Mothers court, even in spirit? Her day of birth would be next week, so nigh on ten years, it seemed, since the day that she had humiliated herself and Mother alike by failing to even withstand the Duchess' scrutiny. She had grown, if not strong, than at least durable, since that day. She would not bring shame to the Cai name today.

Though in body, she kneeled in her Argent Sect Cavern, to all of her senses, she kneeled, her head low, on the rich red carpet which lead up to her Mother's high throne, which stood at the far end of the hall. The Great Hall of Xiangmen was a vast slab of marble, a dozen meters thick and many hundreds around, grasped in the curling branches of living capital, far above the clouds. One hundred meters overhead, the ceiling of woven cloud danced in complex patterns of color, said to be modeled off the skies of the far off plains of living ice beyond the Wall, where the Diviner himself had quested in his youth. The twelve vast pillars that supported it were each carved from the bones of a slain Beast God, the trophies of the Weilu's conquest.

The throne itself was built from a single branch which breached the stone disk, ten meters wide at the base, it rose nearly thirty meters through the air, curving up in a hook to shade the throne built halfway up it's length with verdant foliage. Her Mother sat there, reclining in the cushioned throne, her radiance cast across the gathered court. The Prime Minister stood at her side, but she alone occupied the advisors platform built just below the throne. All around her was the gathered court of emerald seas. The carefully selected courtiers of the count houses and their direct viscounts rubbed shoulders with the courtly nobility, those families which occupied the hierarchy of the capital itself, and ruled over the day to day doings of its million souls. There were less of them now, if Cai Renxiang could judge from her faded memories of this place. Mother had been busy.

"And so, under the command of Core Disciple Jia Song, I led the vanguard against the northeastern outbreak," Cai Renxiang spoke clearly and concisely. Here, before her Mother, with the weight of her expectation and power resting on her back like a boulder, she did not dare waste a single breath or syllable. "Initial confrontation was successful, and the enemy spirits were driven back and slain without casualty. The initial movements were a total success."

"That did not last," Mother Spoke, and the world listened. Her words were airy and light, like a socialite commenting upon the weather, but to a cultivator of the highest realm, there were more to words than mere vibration in the air. The Duchess's statement held a sharp and terrible weight, and the Jia representative, a cyan cultivator, himself hunched his shoulders as if preparing for a blow, all of his practiced poise and cultivation rendered to naught by the mere inference of Mother's attention.

"Core Disciple Jia Song, ordered us into the breach," Cai Renxiang continued as if she had not been interrupted. The Jia were still allies, they would not suffer much censure for this, nor did she wish them to. To hold a grudge such as that was not only inefficient, but the seed of the thoughts that lead any ruler to vice. "As this was a military matter. I raised a point of contention, but did not disobey commands. We descended, and confronted the retreating enemy. It was a slaughter, however, our distraction was used to strike at the Core Disciple Jia Song, and further reinforcements waited in the tunnels. There were three casualties among the Inner disciples, one of which later became a fatality. However, in the battle an enemy commander emerged. I estimate that he was of roughly framing stage in cultivation. We dueled, and I took his head," Cai Renxiang let out a careful breath. The tunnel claustrophobic and dark, lit only by her own radiance. The darting figure in the shadows, and the envenomed edge of his knives returned to her. It was good that she had practiced so against a foe of similar mobility.

"However, the enemy we faced made heavy use of sacrificial techniques. The entity that emerged from their dead was beyond me," Cai Renxiang admitted bluntly and without shame. "It was only Mother's grace which allowed us victory." Boiling black flesh and eyes beyond counting, grasping, hungry mouths gnawing at her limbs. She remembered the traces of shen, beyond the potency of any third realm technique, punching through her defenses. Most of all, she remembered the second time in her life that Liming had truly awoken, the furious spiritual scream wiping her thoughts blank as she lost control of her limbs. The first time was a faded memory, the first and only time an assassin had dared seek her life and slipped the attention of Lin Hai.

She did not care for it. Even now, Liming seethed beneath her conscious mind, twitching threads sought to control her nerves. She still felt unclean, the total loss of control worse than any horror of the deep. Despite herself, she tightened her grip on Cifeng's hilt, and the saber qi flowed through her channels, severing Liming's angry susurrus from her thoughts.

Cai Renxiang kept her head low in the silence that followed the end of her report. The court was silent, even the wind seemed silent.That silence persisted for several torturous seconds, before it was finally broken by a tiny sound, the faint click of a lacquered fingernail tapping against wood.

"Raise your head, Renxiang," Mothers command was harsh and final, none of her affected humor present. Cai renxiang did not hesitate to do so, high on the throne of Xiangmen, Cai Shenhua was not reclining any longer. She sat tall and straight upon her throne and the radiance of her eyes swept across the court as a single one of her fingers tapped against the armrest of the throne. Each tiny click seemed to echo like thunder, and Cai Renxiang braced herself as that gaze fell upon her. Inhuman, heavy with expectation, it threatened to consume her as Mothers gaze pierced her mind, seeking, shaping, pitiless.

"You performed acceptably, my daughter. I expect you to continue to do so. In the name of the Cai, you will punish any barbarian which encroaches upon our lands," The words were like nails driven into her thoughts, and she could only nod in acceptance.

"It will be my honor to punish them in our name, my honored Mother," Cai Renxiang replied.

"Jia Xu," the named man bowed low at the waist, all but kowtowing at the mention of his name. "Inform your uncle that he needs to speak with his grand niece on matters of strategy," the humor was returning, the languid tone that colored Mothers words, but she was standing, and no one in court dared relax even a hair. "Esteemed members of my court. Pass word to your clan heads. There is another border in our kingdom which requires reinforcement. Laxity in this matter is unacceptable."

"Linqin," the Duchess said, towering over the other woman at her full height, she looked over her shoulder, and a flicker of something like an affectionate smile touched her lips. "Be a dear, and handle court for me today."

"As you command my lady," the Prime Minister replied without batting an eyelash. "May I request what business will be occupying you?"

Cai Shenhua smiled, and there was nothing kind in her expression. "It seems I have been too merciful. I will be taking a walk beneath the rootways. Arrange for soldiers to secure my route, after."

"Of course my Lady, please be mindful on your stroll," Diao Linqin replied simply.

Cai Renxiang lowered her head, pain still clouding her thoughts where mother's attention had lingered. She had been given her command, mother would be busy, and so would she.
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The obvious possibility is that there's a mastermind that would not be in the line of fire, so to speak. Lord knows that we've had a rogue Bai cause trouble before...
She's not just a White Cultivator, she's at the highest level you can be without ascending. The level of destruction that you bring against such a foe is probably very noticeable.
Unless they have a White or two of her own, and Cai Shenhua is about to learn the perils of hubris. really unlikely. Even then I would put odds on Shenhua because she is such a monster even discounting her white cultivation level.

Okay now, the most interesting parts of this interlude to me is the fact that Renxiang's spirit can be summoned like this. Then the things about Liming.

Also the little add-on that Renxiang defeated the enemy commander because of her familiarity to us and our fighting style was cool.
The darting figure in the shadows, and the envenomed edge of his knives returned to her. It was good that she had practiced so against a foe of similar mobility.
Ha, all that LQ training was worth it

"As you command my lady," the Prime Minister replied without batting an eyelash. "May I request what business will be occupying you?"

Cai Shenhua smiled, and there was nothing kind in her expression. "It seems I have been too merciful. I will be taking a walk beneath the rootways. Arrange for soldiers to secure my route, after."
*Blumenkranz intensifies*

Unless they have a White or two of her own, and Cai Shenhua is about to learn the perils of hubris.
Narratively speaking, I don't think it's time yet for Shenhua to be doing that. If anything, this is the time to show off her power in its absolute.
And we return to my favorite character.

Her day of birth would be next week, so nigh on ten years, it seemed, since the day that she had humiliated herself and Mother alike by failing to even withstand the Duchess' scrutiny. She had grown, if not strong, than at least durable, since that day. She would not bring shame to the Cai name today.

Oh god, she genuinely feels like she shamed herself by not withstanding her Mother at the age of four, the unimportant fact that it was literally impossible is irrelevant to the fact that she failed.

"However, the enemy we faced made heavy use of sacrificial techniques. The entity that emerged from their dead was beyond me," Cai Renxiang admitted bluntly and without shame. "It was only Mother's grace which allowed us victory." Boiling black flesh and eyes beyond counting, grasping, hungry mouths gnawing at her limbs. She remembered the traces of shen, beyond the potency of any third realm technique, punching through her defenses. Most of all, she remembered the second time in her life that Liming had truly awoken, the furious spiritual scream wiping her thoughts blank as she lost control of her limbs. The first time was a faded memory, the first and only time an assassin had dared seek her life and slipped the attention of Lin Hai.

She did not care for it. Even now, Liming seethed beneath her conscious mind, twitching threads sought to control her nerves. She still felt unclean, the total loss of control worse than any horror of the deep. Despite herself, she tightened her grip on Cifeng's hilt, and the saber qi flowed through her channels, severing Liming's angry susurrus from her thoughts.

Wow, Liming can go even further and turn her into a genuine puppet. Now that is hella insurance against losing the very important heiress of a Ducal clan this tiny.

Cai Shenhua smiled, and there was nothing kind in her expression. "It seems I have been too merciful. I will be taking a walk beneath the rootways. Arrange for soldiers to secure my route, after."

Nothing quite like an Enthusiastic Walk from a White Cultivator.
Narratively speaking, I don't think it's time yet for Shenhua to be doing that. If anything, this is the time to show off her power in its absolute.
Specially since if Shenhua died right now it'd be game over for the Cai, and therefore us. I expect them to give it a good try and get bodied for their trouble, thus staving off blatant underground attacks for a while.
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Specially since if Shenhua died right now it'd be game over for the Cai, and therefore us. I expect them to give it a good try and get bodied for their trouble, thus staving off blatant underground attacks for a while.

Shenhua dying here is impossible. The worst case scenario is something like "make Shenhua power up too much and cause an earthquake". I'm including "gnawing ones have a pocket White" in my thinking there.
Yeah, clearly, the first reaction of Ling Qi when being invaded should be... what dirt she can get on her allies so she can better prepare against said allies.
Mmm, this was my first impulse too. I feel there is, in a way, a clash here between what makes sense as a *character* response (Ling Qi I think would be most interested in the enemies), and what makes sense for *Renxiang and her* to need to discuss.

Because Renxiang wouldn't be expected to have any particular insight about our opponents here, and we'd expect the Sect to be covering such things in our briefings anyway. With regards to how the current situation affects what we and Renxiang need to be doing, however, the political situation, how the war affects our current tasks, and how the situation affects local social/political matters is critical for informing our path forward. It makes sense for the Renxiang/Qi stuff to be focused on, well, the Renxiang/Qi stuff.
Unless they have a White or two of her own, and Cai Shenhua is about to learn the perils of hubris.
Even if they have a white cultivator of their own, the white cultivator won't want to be fighting Shenhua anywhere close to his own house. Even if he were to win, even if he were to kill her, he wouldn't manage to without half of his cities being torched. White fighting against White is not good for the environment they are fighting in.

That, and I doubt that even if they have a couple white they can reliably beat her, let alone kill her.
Mmm, this was my first impulse too. I feel there is, in a way, a clash here between what makes sense as a *character* response (Ling Qi I think would be most interested in the enemies), and what makes sense for *Renxiang and her* to need to discuss.

Because Renxiang wouldn't be expected to have any particular insight about our opponents here, and we'd expect the Sect to be covering such things in our briefings anyway. With regards to how the current situation affects what we and Renxiang need to be doing, however, the political situation, how the war affects our current tasks, and how the situation affects local social/political matters is critical for informing our path forward. It makes sense for the Renxiang/Qi stuff to be focused on, well, the Renxiang/Qi stuff.

I am fairly sure that like how the Sect won't give all the political info to all the inner disciples, they won't give all the military info either.

See how Bao Qingling knows her own view on the gnawing one is going to be redacted out. A lot of that will happen, but CRX will have the 'non redacted' version.
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She's not just a White Cultivator, she's at the highest level you can be without ascending. The level of destruction that you bring against such a foe is probably very noticeable.

Long term destruction at that. I mean, there are still storms from when the argent sects head last fought, and he wasn't white at the time.

I suspect there is going to be light-bleached earth were there used to be skaven undercities.
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They might not be planning to defeat her this time, but merely learn her powers and their limits (if they exist at all), so that when they actually engage her they have a better chance. Of course, I don't know how much planning actually helps when dealing with a White, Sun Shao surely was able to say "nope, you loose" to the perfect Bai ambush.
"You performed acceptably, my daughter. I expect you too continue to do so. In the name of the Cai, you will punish any barbarian which encroaches upon our lands," The words were like nails driven into her thoughts, and she could only nod in acceptance.

Like...what does it take for Shenhua to actually praise Renxiang? Is it possible? Just an honest, Good Job.
I am fairly sure that like how the Sect won't give all the political info to all the inner disciples, they won't give all the military info either.

See how Bao Qingling knows her own view on the gnawing one is going to be redacted out. A lot of that will happen, but CRX will have the 'non redacted' version.
I mean, I think that the broader political situation is mainly relevant to us insofar as it affects *our* actions. By which I mean how we need to be dealing with the other nobles in the Sect. This is what is immediately relevant to us, and is what would logically be the main thing that only Renxiang can really tell Ling Qi. It answers the question "how does this affect us and what are your orders".

And if there's secret background stuff about the history of gnawing one/empire relations, or the metaphysics of eldritch abominations, then that's vaguely interesting worldbuilding, but not really immediately relevant to us?
I mean, I think that the broader political situation is mainly relevant to us insofar as it affects *our* actions. By which I mean how we need to be dealing with the other nobles in the Sect. This is what is immediately relevant to us, and is what would logically be the main thing that only Renxiang can really tell Ling Qi. It answers the question "how does this affect us and what are your orders".

And if there's secret background stuff about the history of gnawing one/empire relations, or the metaphysics of eldritch abominations, then that's vaguely interesting worldbuilding, but not really immediately relevant to us?
If it's stuff like "They have high levels alchemists but we are going to say they don't" it's actually relevant in how we fight against them. As that kind of thing can also be "The barbarian tribes are going to have Cyan commanders organising their troops but we are going to say they have bad organisations and no real commanders".