Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Hmmm... consumable artifacts are disdained, but they seem to be sold like hotcakes and used by every young master who can afford them... guess either the text is biased, or money trumps disdain.
Hmmm... consumable artifacts are disdained, but they seem to be sold like hotcakes and used by every young master who can afford them... guess either the text is biased, or money trumps disdain.
Well, for formation craftsmen who want to make works that will last and go down in history, something that is designed to break after one use seems pretty unappealing. So I guess it could be a mixture of trying to fit something powerful into a shell that can't contain that power after use and the idea of crafting something designed not to last. Given that the whole idea of talisman crafting seems to be promoting the formation of an item spirit, consumable talismans seem running counter to that.
Maybe consumable talismans are distained, because they are seen as a crutch.
But they are also so useful that only an idiot would not grab a few if they can, atleast at lower levels of cultivation.
Also... wonder at what level a permanent teleportation talisman would be. Cyan? Indigo?... White? Since this text implies any temporary talisman can be permanent, it just needs more expensive materials, it implies that every talisman has a permanent version.

Come to think of it, same goes for the technique: the artening cards. But I think permaversions of those will be lower level, after all, they can withstand more than one use allready.
Unrelatedly, I am now headcanoning Li Suyin as Doctor Light from The Protomen's rendition of Megaman :p
So the Empire has the basics for logic gates with their constructs design methodology. While that would probably be pretty complicated to make workable, and the preponderance ic super human intelligences makes it probably a bit less useful- it would be fascinating to see how that field develops.
Well, for formation craftsmen who want to make works that will last and go down in history, something that is designed to break after one use seems pretty unappealing. So I guess it could be a mixture of trying to fit something powerful into a shell that can't contain that power after use and the idea of crafting something designed not to last. Given that the whole idea of talisman crafting seems to be promoting the formation of an item spirit, consumable talismans seem running counter to that.
Think its more that the basis of the craft is basically 'training' an object spirit, it'd not be unlike an animal trainer having issues with getting an attack dog via drugging it instead of training it.
Think its more that the basis of the craft is basically 'training' an object spirit, it'd not be unlike an animal trainer having issues with getting an attack dog via drugging it instead of training it.
More like getting an attack dog by abusing a dog to the point it lashed out at everything - cheaper and faster than training, but it's a terribly unethical thing to do and it's just not as flexible or potent as a properly trained attack dog.
Confirmation our flute's advancement is borked by conventional measures. Either need to get a peak Cyan or Indigo craftsperson to work on it further or hope SSC's effects leak into prompting spirit development, though we'd still be suffering from the fact its peak Yellow/early Green tier craftsmanship atm.

Or just pass it off to the general Ling clan pool of equipment and get a replacement from scratch.

Edit: bit awkward narratively, since the rationale of Ling Qi in getting her flute talisman'd was to keep it with her on her Path, while her actions placed a cap on its development for the moment. On the other hand, it works to emphasize her general lack of knowledge and lack of familial cultivation foundation inducing short-terms decisions.

On the OTHER other hand, nyah! I was totally right that upgrading the flute for combat at the time was counterproductive to the intended purpose. ;)
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Confirmation our flute's advancement is borked by conventional measures. Either need to get a peak Cyan or Indigo craftsperson to work on it further or hope SSC's effects leak into prompting spirit development, though we'd still be suffering from the fact its peak Yellow/early Green tier craftsmanship atm.

Or just pass it off to the general Ling clan pool of equipment and get a replacement from scratch.

Edit: bit awkward narratively, since the rationale of Ling Qi in getting her flute talisman'd was to keep it with her on her Path, while her actions placed a cap on its development for the moment. On the other hand, it works to emphasize her general lack of knowledge and lack of familial cultivation foundation inducing short-terms decisions.

On the OTHER other hand, nyah! I was totally right that upgrading the flute for combat at the time was counterproductive to the intended purpose. ;)
The flute has sentimental value and its kinda evolved along side her. Starting from scratch would be lame. She's often ridiculously lucky, I bet she could find a Cyan craftsperson to upgrade it for her (if its the aftermath of some sort of event where we were ridiculously helpful and/or lucky then maybe we could get it at a super discounted price?) Maybe we could use CRX's connections. Or our Bao suitor might be able to recommend a craftsperson.
The flute has sentimental value and its kinda evolved along side her. Starting from scratch would be lame. She's often ridiculously lucky, I bet she could find a Cyan craftsperson to upgrade it for her (if its the aftermath of some sort of event where we were ridiculously helpful and/or lucky then maybe we could get it at a super discounted price?) Maybe we could use CRX's connections. Or our Bao suitor might be able to recommend a craftsperson.
Who knows, if we manage to fulfill Lin Hai's wish of becoming a "true friend" of CRX perhaps we can get a discount from them to upgrade it for us. A cyan level item can't take all that much time for a craftsman of their talent and cultivation...
You'd think we'd have access to fourth realm craftsmen here at the sect.
I mean, even in the inner sect, before reaching core, you have fourth realm cultivators.

So really, it should just be a matter of looking around. Of course, since the inner sect puts everyone in the same competition, some negotiation might be needed.
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You'd think we'd have access to fourth realm craftsman here at the sect.
I mean, even in the inner sect, before reaching core, you have fourth realm cultivators.

So really, it should just be a matter of looking around. Of course, since the inner sect puts everyone in the same competition, some negotiation might be needed.
Not to mention the price. Something like that is gonna be really expensive. Which is why I think we should upgrade it when we have a chance to capitalize on one of our bouts of extremely good luck. Maybe when/if we tag along on the trip to the thunder palace, we'll see some spirit playing a wind flute...or some instrument made out of wind. We befriend spirit bc it's ling qi. One thing leads to another and our flute is upgraded...or we at least have a material we can incorporate into our flute once we have a craftsperson to go to. That's just one example, i know it might not be realistic but the point is that she has plenty of encounters and bouts of good luck she can capitalize on to upgrade the flute. It'll have narrative weight as her musical instrument with sentimental value, it's much better than scraping it.
Well, there's also the issue that we need a specialist. Red through the start of Green is relatively basic and uniform compared to the later stuff. Our flute ought to require a craftsperson with personal ability in Music qi at minimum to perform relevant work for even our current level. Or spirit nonsense, yeah.

I'm not too worried about our offensive or general combat performance here, though. The bigger issue is our flute is likely reaching the limits of its survivability in the tier of fights we're engaging at this point. Being nigh-invulnerable to sub-Green forces was fine when we weren't fighting Greens, but we are now. Honestly, by peak Green, I'd expect its use to be an artificial cap on our qi throughput into our arts if using it at a level that wouldn't cause wear and degradation.
Turn 7: Arc 2-4
Ling Qi was quiet, sipping her tea as she watched her friends converse. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched her mother. She saw Ling Qingge's careful, practiced poise, and the stewing concern under the facade as she answered a question of Xiao Fen's in a polite and demure voice. Though this had been an unexpected and sudden visit, her mother had been preparing herself very rigorously, had she not?

She thought back to their conversation in the hearth room, and the frustration and bitterness that had briefly surfaced there. Was she really going to suggest that her mother abandon her again? Whatever she thought she would be arguing, that would be what she was asking.


Ling Qi felt herself relax, a snarl in her qi flow that she had not even noticed forming smoothing out. Even if it meant they might be in danger, she couldn't force her decisions on her family. Later, they would talk, mother and her and determine what precautions that the household would take, but they would do so together. Their staff, she would give the chance to leave, as they had not signed up for this, but family was a different matter.

"Oi, you alright Ling Qi," Su Ling spoke, shaking her out of her thoughts. The other girl's pointed canine ears flicked in a way that she knew denoted concern. "You kinda spaced out."

"Sorry, I was lost in thought, there is a lot to think about lately, isn't there," Ling Qi replied quietly.

The atmosphere at the table darkened a little, and Su Ling nodded slowly, her natural scowl deepening a little. "You're not wrong. Things are going to be rough for awhile."

"They are barbarian trash, no matter what form they take," Xiao Fen sniffed. "Even with everything that has happened in recent millenia, the empire is strong. From what I have seen, your Duchess has done much work to straighten out the fractitious rabble, which has so long dragged the Emerald Seas down."

"You would think that a Bai would know to be more diplomatic," Ling Qi said dryly.

Xiao Fen arched a scaly eyebrow. "Oh, I am not speaking of any still extant individuals. How bold of you to presume that I would make such a gaffe," she replied coolly.

Ling Qi maintained eye contact with Xiao Fen a moment longer. The girl really was well practiced at that sort of thing, wasn't she?

"My apologies if my question might seem unknowledgeable," Ling Qingge said tentativelyLing Qi glanced to the side, surprised to hear her mother speak up. "But, what do you believe the empire's response will be? Will the army come?"

"Hell if I know. Sect is gonna mobilize all the way," Su Ling shrugged. "Will the folks further away bother? Who knows, they'll probably just look to their own."

"How cynical of you," Xiao Fen replied, pouring herself a new cup. "I think you underestimate the scale of this insult, Miss Su."

"Do I?" Su Ling asked blandly.

Ling Qi was quiet for a moment, but then shook her head. "I think you do, Su Ling. It's not a matter of altruism or selflessness," Ling Qi said, remembering the studying Cai Renxiang had put her through, the picture of the Emerald Seas she had so painstakingly assembled in her mind. "It is a matter of legitimacy. If the things I have heard since I woke up are correct, this is the largest and boldest incursion since Duchess Cai ascended to the throne, even ignoring the… new enemies."

"...Ah. Well shit," Su Ling said gruffly, clearly understanding the words she had not said. "This is gonna get bloody, innit?"

"Quite," Xiao Fen said, in an incredibly dry voice. "To answer the question I believe Madam Ling was truly asking however, the Sect will likely focus on reconnaissance and defense, until the other pieces have moved into place. This town is the gateway to the Sect, the place through which its production flows into the rest of the empire. It is likely that great effort will be made to make it safe from new threats."

If only because they couldn't afford to have their 'face' damaged further, Ling Qi mused. She was thankful that the Sect had given her a home in the inner city. It was good to benefit from the structure of the Empire for once, instead of being out in the gutters and fields. "Mm, I don't doubt that the Elders are unhappy with being caught unawares." Elder Jiao in particular, for all his lax attitude, struck her as a fundamentally prideful man.

"Feh, at least their pride will do some good," Su Ling grumbled. "I guess I won't object to checking things out below. Can't let people get caught out again."

"We can discuss improving the house's security later mother. My friend Li Suyin has done a lot of development on formations," she just had to convince mother to put up with skeletons in the basement. Hopefully Suyin had refined it further, the version of the array Ling Qi knew was not sufficient for a house with full staff.

"Suyin does good work," Su Ling agreed, finishing her tea.

"I am reassured," Ling Qingge said, dipping her head. However, a moment later, Ling Qi spotted a nervous servant signalling her mother from inside the house. Mother glanced over before excusing herself to converse with the woman. Ling Qi couldn't help but overhear though. Apparently Biyu was being quarrelsome, since this was usually around the time she was allowed out to play in the garden. She glanced over at her friends, she could probably save them some trouble, it wasn't like this was some official meeting. "Would either of you be bothered if my little sister came out to play in the garden while we have our tea?"

"The hell kinda snob do you think I am," Su Ling snorted. "Just about done anyway, got stuff to do."

"Is she teethed?" Xiao Fen asked.

Ling Qi paused, caught short by the bizarre question from Xiao Fen. "...Yes?" Ling Qi answered.

"Then it is no trouble," Xiao Fen replied as if the question was totally normal. "Ah, if you would, when you see Lady Meizhen next, inform her that despite my setback, I will join her in the third realm soon. I will be prepared to serve her properly as soon as possible."

Ling Qi nodded slowly, then stood up to go speak with her Mother. She was not even going to ask.


Ling Qi was in a good mood by the next morning. After her friends had left, she had spent more time with her Mother and sister and discussed what they were going to do. The offer to fund a trip back to a settlement of their choice had been extended to the staff, and Ling Qi's mild surprise, no one had taken it. Given what the women had been doing before, Ling Qi wasn't too surprised though. Ling Qi reminded herself to budget for extra space when it came time to design a proper 'panic' room for the house. They weren't family, not to her, but for mother...

-2 Green Stones

Well, she would work out the details with Li Suyin tomorrow. She had already sent a message to the other girl and received a reply, she would be happy to help. Ling Qi had even haggled her up to accepting more than cost for her work. Ling Qi chuckled to herself as she remembered the fierce battle of words against her friends generosity.

Ling Qi paused along the mountain path, peering out toward the province interior for a moment. She was still worried, still anxious, and still angry, but she had done what she could. She rolled her shoulders, grimacing at the twinge of pain from her still healing wound. It was going to linger for another day or two, the medics said. Ling Qi would be glad to see it gone, but for now, she had to head up the Inner Sect mountain to meet her liege. Cai Renxiang would undoubtedly have marching orders for her, she just wondered what exactly the Duchess had in mind.

However, as she reached the top of the cliffside path, Ling Qi paused, feeling a familiar qi. It emerged from the blank space that represented Cai Renxiang's home in her spiritual senses. She was not terribly surprised to feel Meizhen's aura, but she was not alone. A moment later, as she reached the top of the path, she saw them. Bai Meizhen was immaculate in her usual way, gliding down at the path, unmarked by the recent violence. At her side was a tall and gangly figure, Li Suyin's mentor, Bao Qingling. She could not hear their words of course, obscured by a dense web of qi filaments and the pressure of the deep, but…

The sight still seemed strange. Each time she had met Bao Qingling, the girl had been stiff, taciturn and irritable, like Su Ling except condescending and arrogant, and yet… there was something more animated about her, as she spoke she gesticulating with her hands. The sharp, jerky movements reminded her of a spider plucking at its web. Meizhen was as sedate as ever, only responding periodically, nodding or smiling faintly in response to words that Ling Qi could not hear.

Meizhen was, Ling Qi noted clinically, walking a bit closer to her side than was strictly appropriate, and the prickly Bao did not seem to find this objectionable. It made her feel odd, and the dark qi in her channels stirred sluggishly. She clamped down on it. It was unfair of her to feel that way, and she had grown past that. She was happy that her friend was making more connections.

Meizhen met her eyes then, and the girl blinked in surprise. Suddenly the pressure that surrounded the pair faded. "Ling Qi? I did not recognize you, are you well?" She asked, a touch of concern in her voice, interrupting whatever conversation they had been having.

Ling Qi smiled wanly, stopping at the top of the path. "My 'treatment' just unsettled my qi. I should be fine in a day or two. Sorry I haven't been in contact, I spent yesterday taking care of some things," so she couldn't be mad that Meizhen hadn't been at her bedside when she woke up.

"You're lucky you're as sturdy as you are," Bao Qingling said, her animated expression fading back into her usual disgruntlement now that they had been interrupted. She folded her arms under her chest, going eerily still. "And that the Sect broke out the good medicines."

Ling Qi glanced over at her, raising an eyebrow, why was she even commenting. "Oh? I'm glad that they did, but…"

"Bao Qingling has been quite busy with medical duties, in the wake of events," Meizhen cut in smoothly. "She was the one who informed me of your status."

"It was a mess," Bao Qingling said sourly. "It might have saved you, but your body reacted to the sun qi about as well as it did to the poison. I had to do a lot of cutting."

Ling Qi couldn't help but pull a face, imagining the pallid girl looming over her with a surgeons knife. Unconsciously, she reached up to rub her bandaged shoulder. "...I'm glad it went well."

The other girl cocked her head to the side, and Ling Qi noticed, not for the first time, the way the girl didn't seem to fully look anywhere with her eyes. She wasn't blind but… it was clear that she relied far more heavily on other senses than most. Despite not turning her head, she seemed to notice Meizhen's slightly sour expression. "I destroyed the tissue once the toxin traces had been strained out of course."

"Of course. How did it compare to the other toxins collected?" Meizhen asked, changing the subject.

"Manufactured for certain," Bao Qingling said. "Similar enough compositional traces that I suspect a master alchemist somewhere in the enemies supply chain."

"You think someone in the empire is supplying them?" Ling Qi asked with some concern, did they have to watch out for traitors as well.

"No," Bao Qingling replied bluntly.

"An unpopular opinion, to ascribe such sophistication to mere barbarians," Meizhen mused.

"And I already told you, where they can stuff their popular opinions. I'm not going to underestimate my enemies," Bao Qingling's lip curled in disgust and she shook her head. "Regardless. I need to get back to my workshop. The antidote projects won't finish themselves. I'll leave you to your friend, Bai Meizhen."

"I will be happy to assist you later, but farewell for now, Bao Qingling," Meizhen said, briefly dipping her head.

"Thank you for your work," Ling Qi added with a slightly deeper bow. She received a terse nod in return as the other girl strode past her, heading down the mountain path. A few moments of silence passed between them,

"I am glad you are well, Qi," Meizhen said quietly. "Please endeavor not to get so badly injured in the future."

"I'll work on it, Meizhen," Ling Qi chuckled. "I'm glad you came out unscathed as well. Were you involved in the fighting?"

"Only peripherally," her friend replied. "My situation is complicated enough that none chose to command me. I suspect that will change in the future. I have a duty to show solidarity with our allies."

So she would not be leaving the sect then. That was good. Ling Qi had already heard rumors of disciples preparing to leave. It was the worst in the Outer Sect, going by what Su Ling and Xiao Fen had said. "Ah, I saw Xiao Fen, she says she will break through soon, and be prepared to serve you." It felt weird to say, but teasing the younger girl aside, she had agreed to pass the message.

"Reassuring indeed," Meizhen said with a faint smile. Ling Qi followed her gaze down the mountain path.

"Are you sure of what you're doing?" Ling Qi asked quietly.

"As sure as I can be without broaching the matter directly with her," Bai Meizhen said. It was strange, despite the swirl of events, her friend seemed… content. "Which is… soon perhaps. War does not leave time for regrets, as they say."

"I can't say that I really understand," Ling Qi sighed. She wanted nothing to do with that sort of thing. "But I wish you luck all the same."

"And I cannot fully understand your reticence," Meizhen replied sadly. "However, perhaps life in Emerald Seas has made me soft, but… I find myself looking forward to a little youthful indiscretion. Life is to be lived, after all."

"Meizhen!" Ling Qi hissed, scandalized. She knew their words were screened, but still.

Bai Meizhen let out a soft laugh, covering her mouth with her sleeve. "My apologies Qi."

"You've changed Meizhen," Ling Qi replied after a moment. She wasn't sure how to feel about that.

"Haven't we all?" her friend replied airily. "Will you be free for tea this evening?"

"I was intending to spend it with Zhengui," Ling Qi replied apologetically. "Although… if you do not mind the setting, you're welcome. I'm sure he would appreciate a visit from Cui."

"Then we shall be there," Meizhen agreed. "Now, do not leave Renxiang waiting. She is having a stressful enough day I think."

They both made their farewells and Ling Qi turned back to her destination. She knew she had many things to speak of with Cai renxiang, but the first thing on her mind was…

[] What was known about the enemies that had attacked them
[] What the internal response of the province had been like
Nice chapter, but I must admit I was hoping for more interaction with Biyu and our friends..

I think I am leaning towards [] What the internal response of the province had been like, CRX is probably our best possible source on this, and I think it is possible Li Suyin knows more then CRX about the enemies right now, if she is part of the research team...
Maybe baby sneks are really bitey? Honestly I have no idea.

I'm tilted slightly more toward the internal response mostly because I have a hope that the sect and our friends will tell us what is happening in the sect during the rest of the turn.
[] What the internal response of the province had been like
Internal politics seem like the most interesting option.
We'll get more info about the enemy once we are sent to fight them, but the internal politics might become a bigger issue to us personally in a way we will get no briefings or forewarnings on.
I'll bet the teethed comment is the Bai way of saying "Does she need to be watched over to keep her safe/from doing anything unexpected?". After all, smol Bai's being bitey is a known hazard (and also means they can bite threats to them on their own) but the ones who can't bite stuff that might get creative.