Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I also felt that the Red's were at least temporarily our speed tier. Alternatively it's a case where LQ didn't note how many reds she killed because she barely cares while focused on the yellows/greens.

If LQ had more war score she would, in my opinion, have a third option where she keeps one eye on the skies and roves around finishing reds. It's not time for search and rescue, it's time to consolidate including the rescue of that green guy. Keep in a defensive position, snap up any enemy wounded, communicate with Shen Hu. Definitely don't go *search and rescue*. Yeugh.
I've a decent feeling that either choice is going to go a lil poorly. No good options here, but let's at least save green man as best we can? Honestly, we need to up our War score if we'll be expecting more skirmishes like this. This does set up a good precedent for Secret Treasured Boy strats, as well as a need to get Wind Thief. Get us S tier speed and see how many reds they rescue then, the punks
Curious how much qi they have now, some of these techniques looked expensive.
Also we will need to grind war skill.

[X] Search and Rescue
I think the next time we see skirmishes like this our priority should be to catch and kill, exterminate the reds while focusing attention on the yellow/green group. Killing reds is trivial to us if we can catch them, no thought needed. Watch the threats while we chew up their offerings, the tithe winter takes is many and perhaps they will be more reluctant to raid.

something like this was a huge win for the barbs on a morale and inspiration standpoint. They bloodied the nose of the dragon with minimal losses, managing to corral and contain the imperial ice witch despite her surprise appearance.

Honestly we probably could run them ragged like traditional human hunters, four legged mounts require certain paces so that their front legs hitting the ground isn't compressing their ribs while they're trying to breathe in. Constant pursuit at an "off efficiency" speed is how hunters in africa exhaust and easily slaughter large dangerous animals, and we have both a huge qi pool and multiple tools to refund with during skirmishes and small fights. We might have a uniquely wonderful kit against their armies, with Wind Thief speed, large CC and death zones, as well as both stealth and clairvoyance to stay on target and not be ambushed too easily. All of this combined with a huge Qi pool and a Qi recycling program, we actually could probably hunt and exterminate small skirm groups through their trad strong point (so long as their mounts follow the rules of 4 legged animals, and not semi-real spirit biology)
[X] Search and Rescue

This is a one sided vote but unlike the traditional one sided vote in that there is only one side and literally no one has voted differently.
@Thor's Twin As promised, I concede that the enemy force did significantly less damage to Ling Qi than I anticipated, and that the orientation of forced was outside my expectation, so our scout ally would not have been assisted by the more conservative attack. Dude was waaaay further out than it sounded like. I don't think we've ever been given a description of anything that far off before, tbh.

On the other hand, I'm not sure the highlighted risk of the winning plan- overextension- hasn't happened. Neither of our current choices look great, specifically because so much distance has opened up that our ability to respond is chancy. What's worse, I can see arguments for both choices this time making things worse in that regard.

One thing to point out the everyone voting search and rescue is, if the enemies really are retreating, then the threat is kind of minimal moving forwards and Ling Qi isn't exactly a medical genius or anything. Or great at putting out fires safely. Seems like her talents aren't especially grand at rescue absent opposition?

If the enemies aren't retreating, and I'm not sure we've done enough to them to warrant it, then the same logic as last vote demands we focus on the enemy host.

If we do go rescue people, which seems I evitable based on current tallies, I'd hope we at least explode our mists at the current occupants.
I agree with Abeo that neither choice is attractive. That said, whether it's through poor war score, an enemy taunt effect, or both we've been given just these two to work with. SnR seems better than chasing, but like. Ugh do I think it's lesser of two evils and not a good choice.

should be regrouping and consolidating forces and information. Keep eyes on the force as they leave, let them have their win. We'll improve faster than they will. The benefit of Imperial Wealth over barb cultivation
Other thoughts:

The time savings many people wanted for going to other villages didn't materialize. Li g Qi's committed to this village for a good while at this point.

If Ling Qi had PLR up, she's be able to kidnap enemy officers to force reactions and junk. Ending this encounter with dragging off the injured Green would be a lot more satisfying.

This isn't quite serious, but @yrsillar can we get a refund or something on PLR? It's our on-paper most potent art currently known, but you would t know it. We went from being unable to use it, to barely using it, to using it exclusively for Joyous Toast in convoluted ways narratively focused on the performance of other arts, to solely using it for an SCS knock-off. Considering its connection to Sixiang, one third of our Lunar patrons, and our commitment to training an entirely separate skill purely for a single technique of the art(which we didn't use here, and effectively never do) it's... not a great situation by any metric.

I get that the aesthetics of the art make it really difficult to write I to the tone of many scenes, especially considering our other arts, but there's nothing we can do about that. Like, is Ling Qi just crap with it because she's too prudish to remember the party the art is based on. Blocking out the naked spirits? Idgi.

P.S.: the actual reason PLR isn't used properly is damage arts ruined our build
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[X] Search and Rescue

No great option here; ideally Ling Qi would consolidate into a more defensible situation in case they come back and only then consider "search and rescue" (or running back to Xiulan).

Still, SnR is vastly better than chasing an orderly cavalry withdrawal.
[X] Search and Rescue

Considering how much of landslide this vote is turning out to be, I'm starting to think Yrs should just close up tonight.
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[X] Search and Rescue

I think the next time we see skirmishes like this our priority should be to catch and kill, exterminate the reds while focusing attention on the yellow/green group. Killing reds is trivial to us if we can catch them, no thought needed. Watch the threats while we chew up their offerings, the tithe winter takes is many and perhaps they will be more reluctant to raid.
That'd be a bad idea, the Reds aren't dodging around us on their own merits here, they're getting mass buffs from their Greens AND scattering to a wide area of space.

But the narration here really shows Ling Qi's poor War.
She feels like she failed because she had set unrealistic expectations to begin with, all she had to go on is that she was probably the fastest Imperial cultivator she's ever had to deal with, Ducal scions included and was unpleasantly surprised when it turned out Cloud Nomads could match her speed at Yellow, and even Reds could manage it with Green buffs.

Furthermore, the Reds scattering had the expected effect:
-They were no longer organized enough to swoop down upon Imperial soldiers in a mass, everyone is instead going for targets of opportunity, and the Imperial soldiers could win the resultant dozens of clashes against those nomads who went after the civilians.

-Take a good look at the numbers:
--140 Cloud First Realms vs 39 Red Soldiers
--37 Cloud Second Realms vs 11 Yellow Soldiers
--5 Cloud Third Realms vs 3 Green Sect officers
--1 Cloud Hero vs 1 Sect Hero

Ling Qi never had a chance to protect the fields to begin with. Our soldiers weren't protecting the fields. They were clustered around the civilians evacuating. The fields are completely undefended.
What scattering the Reds actually did was that instead of all the First Realms swooping down on the soldiers to try to do some prize taking, you had some run off to do damage, some run off to ransack homes for metal goods, and some taking a swing at the civilians and getting rebuffed because they're outnumbered for a change.

Just think for a moment, what things might look like if Cloud Bard wasn't busy with Ling Qi and could focus on buffing the Reds from where nobody could reach him?

This all reflects Ling Qi's low War. She doesn't get that this is a clear victory by any reasonable standards. This is an open field battle with 3 objectives to protect, and only enough soldiers to protect half an objective. She meanwhile expected something like "Three to one odds means we can kill most of them successfully."
The chosen objective of civilians was protected. Nobody carried off as slaves or slaughtered.
Our forces are intact, their forces lost a Green who's going to be out for this raid season, and whichever of their Reds got too close to Shen Hu got swatted.
[X] Search and Rescue

The update could definitively have been better written, Ling Qi is a massive deadly fog hundreds meters wide (i want to say kilometers wide but i don't remember the fog's range right now) that moves at higher than average speed for middle green*. Having lowly reds or even most yellows manage to avoid her and then somehow turn back to attack Shen Hu and the village strains anyone's SoD.
But the overall goal of the vote was still achieved: make the actual dangerous part of the barbarian group retreat away from the village, and it's evacuating civilians.

I see the last act as a resounding success: Ling Qi moved the battlefield from <on the village> to <kilometers away from it>, logically drained a major part of the green's and yellow's Qi reserves (those over the top group speed buffs could NOT have been cheap! Not whatever those wind techs they used to save dozens of reds with...) AND managed to injure the Green 4+ barbarian overseer (and his mount).
I found the barbarian's pathetic attempt of a taunt at pride to be hilarious: when a single individual routs your 100+ army you are in no position to taunt her about anything! :lol:
Yes, the reds, surprisingly, survived, but they are a non-issue. The update itself shows that Shen Hue merely considers them as annoying flies.

I think it's pretty obvious the barbarian army is in no condition to make a comeback (though, I'd like to see them try...), nor to attack an other village. Not without some significant rest. And considering they lost the element of surprise i think the raid

My only disappointment is that Ling Qi didn't throw a "Run away, little bitches. Run away to your desolate worthless reaches" last parting present. Hopefully, it'll happen in the next chap...

*Actually I want to go back on this part. By any reasonable metric, the fight should have been even more one-sided than the little Ling Qi vs Sun Liling ambush last year.
That particular fight was a very good yellow spec'ed in speed fleeing from a very good Green 1 cultivator that had benched most(?) her speed-enhancing arts in favor of combat and tracking.
The current fight is numerous average red and yellows because barbarians can not benefit from the same instruction quality as the Imperial Sect, though since they were mounted i guess we can say they were speed spec'ed, fleeing a very good above average speed Green 3 cultivator.
Same thing if we take last year's tournament as standard.

Seriously, if the barbarians can more than make up for two cultivation levels this easily the Empire should have been destroyed a long time ago...

Overall it seems to me that Yrs simply didn't bother to make the stat comparison between the barbarians, at the very least for the low tiers, and Ling Qi's stats. And ran the whole thing narratively up to allowing them to simply hang around her mist with no effect. Hence the lack of victims on the barb side.

Yrs said in discord he's around our level both in cultivation and in age, so I'm expecting we'll see more of him at some point.
I find that hard to believe. If the dude is on par with Ling Qi then he's mostly on part with the ducals... If the barbarians have the kind of talent and resources needed for a random raid leader to be on par with the Empire's highest of nobility heirs then the empire should have been burned to the ground centuries ago.
To answer this question, yes, he is the mystery presence. Cultivation-wise, he is around a similar level as us as well as being around us age-wise. In other words, we can assume he's pretty much as talented as us.
For it to be true he'd need to be a LOT more talented than Ling Qi. I just can't imagine the barbarians having anywhere near the resources Ling Qi has, like cultivation with full Green Stones. Or the crazy 8fold pills and the new newer one from the inner sect market.
So, even assuming he has equivalent luck with spirit patrons and teachers, he'd still have to make do with the lack of resources with pure talent.

Other thoughts:

The time savings many people wanted for going to other villages didn't materialize. Li g Qi's committed to this village for a good while at this point.

If Ling Qi had PLR up, she's be able to kidnap enemy officers to force reactions and junk. Ending this encounter with dragging off the injured Green would be a lot more satisfying.

This isn't quite serious, but @yrsillar can we get a refund or something on PLR? It's our on-paper most potent art currently known, but you would t know it. We went from being unable to use it, to barely using it, to using it exclusively for Joyous Toast in convoluted ways narratively focused on the performance of other arts, to solely using it for an SCS knock-off. Considering its connection to Sixiang, one third of our Lunar patrons, and our commitment to training an entirely separate skill purely for a single technique of the art(which we didn't use here, and effectively never do) it's... not a great situation by any metric.

I get that the aesthetics of the art make it really difficult to write I to the tone of many scenes, especially considering our other arts, but there's nothing we can do about that. Like, is Ling Qi just crap with it because she's too prudish to remember the party the art is based on. Blocking out the naked spirits? Idgi.

P.S.: the actual reason PLR isn't used properly is damage arts ruined our build
I agree it would have been hilarious to have the barbarians, and their horses, to start dancing while attempting to flee.
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I'm just mad this asshole barbarian stole our goddamned build. Support spec? Fast? Stealth? Music? Over a hundred subordinates who can at least strategically keep up with his speed?

Some people have all the natural advantages from birth.

... I have to admit that this whole event is making me really miss FZ/ZB.

Like, we need some of this area wind shit to shield our minions from arrows and allow them to be less slow.
I find that hard to believe. If the dude is on par with Ling Qi then he's mostly on part with the ducals... If the barbarians have the kind of talent and resources needed for a random raid leader to be on par with the Empire's highest of nobility heirs then the empire should have been burned to the ground centuries ago.
So wouldn't that mean that he's not "just" a random raid leader?
I mean, it should have been obvious from the get-go that this was no normal raid. We heard that a normal raid is like a dozen guys knocking over some houses and running away IIRC. Not a 100+ strong warband with multiple third realm leaders.

... I have to admit that this whole event is making me really miss FZ/ZB.

Like, we need some of this area wind shit to shield our minions from arrows and allow them to be less slow.
Another thing bugging me is events unfolded as they did partially to teach Ling Qi not to discount lower realm antagonism. But if we'd picked the other option... she'd have been taking the the threat of lower realms seriously. Feels like we're having our hands held when we shouldn't need to.

Not saying the other approach would have turned out better tho. Probably would have seen PLR thoooooo.