Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Here's hoping it wasn't a feint tactic after all. Zhengui and Xiulan can't screen mortal habitation against a flying enemy like we can. Casualties are fairly likely.
Here's hoping it wasn't a feint tactic after all. Zhengui and Xiulan can't screen mortal habitation against a flying enemy like we can. Casualties are fairly likely.

We might be better at that, but Xiulan is still a very high powered fire/heaven user. If anything, her ability to strike long distance targets with a bunch of force is pretty good. Zhengui is a tank with some artillery. Also, the reason a diversion tactic, in my mind, should be unlikely is that they'd need to know which villages to strike or which they can't and they shouldn't have that much intelligence on us.
We might be better at that, but Xiulan is still a very high powered fire/heaven user. If anything, her ability to strike long distance targets with a bunch of force is pretty good. Zhengui is a tank with some artillery. Also, the reason a diversion tactic, in my mind, should be unlikely is that they'd need to know which villages to strike or which they can't and they shouldn't have that much intelligence on us.
Threatening 2 of 3 villages in an area in order to draw reinforcement from the 3rd, which you then target, doesn't rely on high-detail intelligence. You're manufacturing the conditions to weaken your true target. It's not guaranteed to work, but it should be a relatively low-risk strategy for the barbarians to employ, as long as they scout ahead of their real assault at least a little bit. Cloud Nomads are mobile enough they ought to be able to manage 11th hour scouting/probing attacks without giving the defenders time to call in reinforcement, if they're determined to.
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I don't think anyone will plan for a cultivator whose spirit is a snake-turtle to be anywhere as fast and willing to leave a defensible position as LQ is.
On the plus side: I'm finally caught up from the Royal Road of Forge of Destiny.
On the minus side: I'm caught up from the Royal Road of Forge of Destiny.
On the plus side: I'm finally caught up from the Royal Road of Forge of Destiny.
On the minus side: I'm caught up from the Royal Road of Forge of Destiny.
Lol welcome! Please feel free to join us on discord while we speculate on and wait for threads of destiny updates. Be warned, each wait feels interminably long. (at least for me, anyway)
On the plus side: I'm finally caught up from the Royal Road of Forge of Destiny.
On the minus side: I'm caught up from the Royal Road of Forge of Destiny.
Welcome to Sufficient Velocity, and my condolences. Sit down, make yourself at home, and try not to be intimidated when we engage in pages long debates about how to maximize our cultivation. We try our best to be friendly.
Oh, I'm sure it'll be useful. I have, up until now, totally avoided the mechanical bits. those discussions will probably help me figure out the ins and outs of the system.
Oh, I'm sure it'll be useful. I have, up until now, totally avoided the mechanical bits. those discussions will probably help me figure out the ins and outs of the system.
Yup it was pretty useful for me. I'm practically allergic to math but the math cabalists have been kind enough to break things down for me when I ask. They're very patient :p
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The weird thing about a diversion tactic is, why? What makes one village more valuable than any other?
A softened target is the most valuable of all. It's pretty standard risk/reward analysis. Diverting forces away from one village creates a target where, chances are, the chance to gain at least some benefit is maximised, while the risk of injury or loss among your forces is reduced.
Finally caught up on this. Fantastic work, although I admit I am highly confused by the intricacies of the mechanics (partially because of the regular updates to the system) and would appreciate it if someone directed me to a simpler explanation than the front page.

As for what we should be doing, in general I think we should boost our physical cultivation so it's level with our spiritual, although I assume that there are probably really good arguments as to why we haven't been doing that.
Mortal's Matter: Favored Farmer
Mortals Matter: Favored Farmers

Trudging towards his small home, Wang Lei resigned himself to shaking the marsh mud off of his boots before actually being able to relax indoors for the rest of the evening. He had gone to check the marsh, again, hoping that whatever was plaguing the area had decided to either die or leave. Only a couple of steps into that festering mire and he knew his fortunes weren't so fortunate. Animals were acting and looking… off and with the very air seeming foul he had quickly backtracked out of the marsh. It would seem like his most beautiful and wise wife was going to be spending even more time with her parents upstream. With these swirling thoughts, Wang Lei finally reached his abode, nestled amongst the rice paddies just outside of the village proper.

After shaking and cleaning his boots outside of the door, he entered his all too quiet home and started a small little fire that would keep the chill of night away. Another lonely night, with some meager soup and a small fire to keep him company. Light was fading outside far too rapidly to get any more work done on the farm, and so he pulled out a small piece of wood and a carving knife. Whittling to pass the time was better than having nothing to do, and maybe his wife would appreciate the gift once the Sect finally dealt with whatever was plaguing the marsh. Or perhaps he could carve a small toy for their unborn child? Well, depending on how long it takes to clear the swamp, he might have the time to do both. Shaking his head to clear it of that depressing thought, Wang Lei began to whittle.

Hours had passed and darkness had fully embraced the valley when he heard the patter of running footsteps on the hardpacked path which passed by his house. And just as quickly there was a rap on his door and a call.

"Wang Lei! The Elders are calling a meeting!"

The Elders? Why would they be calling a meeting? "I'll be there!" he yelled back to the messenger.

And off they went, feet pounding on the path to get to the next home on the list. With a sigh, Wang Lei set aside the beginnings of a rabbit… or dragon, slid on his sandals, and began the walk towards the meeting place. Stars sparkled and shone brilliantly in their places amongst the sky, but the village was dark. Lit only by the occasional torch or candle, it presented a very foreboding atmosphere. The damned disease infecting the marsh had people scared, and scared people tried to hide from whatever is scaring them.

But that was not his concern, it was for the Sect to worry about. No, his concern was why the Elders had called the meeting. Wang Lei made his way to the meeting hall, which was simply a slightly larger home for the elders, and waited for the last few stragglers to make it in. Hopefully there would be some good news to come out of this.


Wang Lei woke to the chirping of birds as light from the sun barely crested the horizon. Stumbling out with eyes crusted and bleary with sleep, he began his chores. Water to be drawn, wood to be chopped, tools inspected, garden weeded, fire tended to, a light breakfast made. All rote and repetitive from his years on this farm. With each chore, however, his mind kept turning to the information discussed at the meeting last night. It was… good news. And bad news, but good news rarely came on its own nowadays. The Sect was finally dealing with the fetid marsh, but there were concerns about some Cloud Barbarian raids in the area. Hopefully nothing would come of it, but if worst came to worst at least he could take comfort in knowing that his wife was at least a little further away from the Cloud Barbarians.

And then it was time to work in the fields, making sure that the rice was growing well and plucking any weeds that tried to grow. Hours passed under the sun, and it was not until the afternoon that he noticed something peculiar. Near the edge of the valley, where rice paddies met forest, the earth reverberated with the plodding footsteps of something massive. Looking up from the water which shook and sloshed with each step, Wang Lei saw a dark green-shelled beast at least eight meters long. From the back of the shell, however, came a serpent just as long as the shell covered in black scales, each outlined in a reddish light.

A Xuanwu, come to life from his Grandmother's stories of the guardian spirits of the Empire. Wang Lei tried very hard not to gape as the beast began moving along the edge of the forest, each step leaving a massive footprint in the soft soil. The serpent lifted itself from the shell and peered towards the forest, scanning for something, before noticing Wang Lei. However, once the beast noticed him the beast… preened? The serpent twisted to show off more of their scales and the red light grew a little brighter as if trying to demonstrate even more of its splendor.

However, the Xuanwu did not stay still for very long, instead opting to keep traveling across the edge of farmland and forest, until it eventually decided to turn deeper into the woods. With each step, the water shook a little less, and the trees swayed a little further away until it was barely perceptible unless one knew where to look. Shaking himself, Wang Lei hurried back to the village to talk to the Elders about what he had seen. The Elders would be relieved that the Sect had sent a legendary Xuanwu to protect them from any incursion by the barbarians to the South.

A/N: It's been awhile since I did an omake, but here's another one! @yrsillar an omake for the omake throne! I wanted to try and portray a possible perspective of the farmers in the village we are protecting as they notice Zhengui stomping around their village. And hey, if they are lucky, they might get a little better harvest this year!
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Spent about a week or so binging this quest.

Great stuff, I haven't been this interested in Xianxia in awhile. I'll follow and participate in this quest eagerly.