The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Do we HAVE to use both Light Anam materials or was that just the protagonist saying they were both compatible?

Even if we don't have to, we should. Giving our allies better stuff will endear us to them, which we explicitly want to do. Can we get away with giving them less good work? Maybe, but I'd say we don't want to.

Also, consider our pride as a charmcrafter. Do we want the a member of the family of Kong to be known to produce merely "acceptable" work?
Thanks for the graph, but I have two questions.

First, did you take into a account that a roll of a one would remove a success? Second, did you already account for the fact that our total successes are subtracted by one to get the leftover anam? Both of these would drag down our chances of success even further.

No 😭😭😭 I didn't do that. So what? That means that 0 successes and 1 success are both complete failures? That seems like more reason than ever to pick up this charmforge option.
Keep in mind that going to the charmforge may have other benefits than just working on our charm. It sounds like we'll be going to an area of the Sect where senior crafters are at work and we may have a chance to meet one. That's also why I'm somewhat less concerned about Jin just mugging us outright - the sect may be laissez faire about its inductees, but he'd definitely be showing his true colors by doing that in public in a way that would have consequences for him. How many of the sect's crafters would really want to work with a thief? He might lurk and try to ambush on his way back, but at that point I suspect we'd get another option to try to mitigate things. I also think that if it came to a fight, he might just beat us up or humiliate us rather than steal, and physical or social stress are resources I'm willing to spend.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by KreenWarrior on Apr 6, 2020 at 3:24 PM, finished with 89 posts and 37 votes.
[X] With the more intensive formation. (+2 bonus to Craft (Charm) check. -1 action tomorrow.)

This looks to be the safer option to me. We don't need to wildly succeed. Just enough to make a decent charm. Also, I don't like our chances if we get cornered alone out there with our rival.
So, with thanks to @Threnodist it looks like our chances to reach at least 2 successes, and thus be left with at least 1 water anam are 38.946% for the first option, 61.008% for the second option, and 81.956% for the third option.

These are the percentage chances before we take into account that 1's remove a success, so our actual odds of succeeding are even lower. This pretty much removes the first option from consideration for me, it's less that a 40% chance, and each dice has about a 10% chance of removing a success, with weirdness of exploding dice changing that a bit.

So let's look at the chance's of getting three success, to give us some leeway for ones. The second option has a 32.030% chance of getting 3 successes, and the third option gets us a 58.942% chance of 3 successes. Neither are amazing, but those numbers are for having a bit of a buffer.

This puts the third option as the best for me, ignoring other context. Nine dice is almost a guarantee we're going to roll at least a single one, but it still has better than a coin flip chances of success, and if we somehow avoid getting a one, which is very unlikely, then it's over an 80% chance of success. The second option is closer to just 2 (weighted) coin flips. The first is the worse than coin flip odds to avoid rolling a one with any of the six dice it gets us, and then a better than coin flip odds to even get the two success we need in the first place.

Sadly, our increased drive doesn't help us in this situation, as we only need 2 total successes, but it will let us salvage more material if we get two natural successes.

The third option, the charmforge, comes with additional baggage though. We have to pay a talent for it, and we might have to deal with our 'rival'. He was channeling anam into a glove last we saw, so I imagine he has an offensive charm, or perhaps it just increases his crafting abilities. We don't really know, but that means we don't know our odds of winning a 1v1 fight with him either. It's a trade-off of better success chance and action economy for a monetary cost plus a risk of additional monetary cost with action economy loss.

The charmforge does have the potential for some positive effects as well, we might meet other charm crafters that don't hate our guts, so we could swap tips or learn of a good place to harvest specific materials, but I wouldn't bet on it. Plus we get to explore the world a little bit.

Honestly, all the options are kind of bad, but I think the least bad is the charmforge option. So, I guess that's my vote.

[X] With the charmforge. (+5 to Craft (Charm) check. -1 talent. Possible risk.)
I think even with the charmforge option, we have work arounds. We could run away or adjust the situation to lose the beast teeth instead for example.

We might want to store some things at base just in case, though, such as the Rainbow Eyes charm.

[X] With the charmforge. (+5 to Craft (Charm) check. -1 talent. Possible risk.)
I'm pretty sure you are misreading it, we only need one success to get a water anam. The first row is overflowing.

No I think I made the graph wrong. The total number of primary (Water) anam is = successes - 1. So i think both 0 and 1 successes will result in the destruction of the material.
This vote seems contentious, so I'm leaving it open for another few hours.
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Apr 6, 2020 at 4:38 PM, finished with 95 posts and 40 votes.
@Vesvius , What are the mechanics for increasing a skill? Would working with the charmforge or trying the more intensive formation have any impact on this?
Use the skill, it may increase. There's no hard math for this one; it just comes down to use, practice, and character growth. All three options could possibly increase Craft (Charm), but that usually won't go up until the end of a crafting project.
That will do it. The Forge it is.
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Apr 6, 2020 at 7:16 PM, finished with 100 posts and 42 votes.
21. The Creator's Garden
A/N: A big thanks to the 7 people who have pledged to me on Patreon! If you'd like to join them, you can do so here.
[] With the charmforge. (+5 to Craft (Charm) check. -1 talent. Possible risk.)
After a moment's thought, you begin gathering up the teeth. Using a basic formation would be too much of a risk. You were only able to find one material that is water aspected, and while you may find another, that would take time you just don't have. And while using the more advanced formation is more appealing, again, that would likely drain you. No, it's much better to pay with money than with time right now.

So you fill your pocket with the teeth and make your way out of the spire and towards the center of the Delving Heart. Unlike the last several times you've gone this way, you don't turn and make for the training yards, and you don't join the small knots of people that are making their way towards either the administration hall or the archives. Instead you join a few lonely people as they make their way towards the Creator's Garden.

You've never been to the Creator's Garden before. Hell, you've never even seen it. But Jai Shouxi has mentioned it to you several times in passing conversation. It's where the craftsmen, charmcrafters and refiners alike, gather to perform the tasks they cannot do in their private workshops. But still, knowing of it and seeing it are two different things, and as the Creator's Garden comes into view it takes an effort of will to not stop and gape.

The entire thing is set upon a small hill that rises from the cavern floor and stretches up to about half the height of the pillar. Disciples of all circles move about the hill like industrious ants moving from place to place, full of purpose. At the base of the hill there are rows upon rows of workstations; forges and anvils for blacksmiths, blank marble courtyards just waiting for formations, workbenches with clamps and polished tools for woodwork. There's even a small glass box sitting alone and empty, glass curved on one side to better draw in the light and enhance your vision. If you lacked the Crystal Eye, it would be an ideal place to polish your gemstones.

But that room isn't what catches your eye. Your focus instead goes to the top of the hill, where light and fire bloom like flowers in a wild garden. It's so bright up there that you must squint to see the summit, but when you do you can barely make out a dark form in front of the sparks lifting a hammer over an anvil. With each strike, another flower blooms and his work becomes that much closer to completion. That can only be an Elder. Which one, you do not know, but you would heavily suspect that he's the one in charge of the Garden.

You cannot linger for long though. Not with a pocket full of teeth and a schedule to keep. You drag your attention from the Elder's work and glance around the hill once more. Soon enough, you spot what you're looking for: a row of high powered forges about halfway up, each with the coals already banked and ready for use. You can tell from the design that they are no ordinary smith stations; no, those are charmforges, designed to refine materials.

You follow the path down to the base of the hill and begin your march upwards. The path snakes it's way around the entirety of the Garden and leads up on a gradual slope, leading you past every other station as you walk. Just as the crafts you walk past change as you move, so to do the people. The base is full over lower ranked disciples. The majority are the robes you've come to recognize as Eighth Circle Robes, with a smattering of Ninth Circle mixed in. There are also some more freely dressed disciples; most likely members of the Seventh Circle and up. As you go higher, the robes become less common and you become more and more surrounded by people dressing however they so choose.

Opposed Perception Checks!
Kong Zhi: 1d10s8. Dice Rolled: 7. 0 successes!
???: 2d10s8. Dice Rolled: 5, 9. 1 success!

Some of these people seem very impractically dressed for what they're doing, such as the disciple that walks up to you as you approach the charmforges. She's dressed in what might have once been usual robes, but they've been torn into long strips and rewoven into something that might be a shirt. She wears the not-shirt over a breastplate of something silver and shimmering. Whatever her armor is made of, it matches the mask she wears on her face, over her nose and mouth. It's almost enough to distract you from her head, which has one half shaved completely and the other allowed to grow long so that it hangs over her right eye.

But for all her wild attire, her attitude is business-like when she walks up to you. "Here for the Forge?" she asks.

You nod. "Yes, just for about an hour. I need-"

She cuts you off. "What you need it for is unimportant. Forge Six is available right now for one bronze talent an hour."

That's about what you expected. You rummage in your quickly emptying coin purse and pluck out the money. The elder disciple takes it, eyes it, and flips it with one finger. As she catches it, she nods. "Good. Six is on your right, third one in. If you stay longer than an hour, you will owe for the next slot as well."

Money spent: 1 Bronze Talent.

"Thank you, elder sister," you say with a bow. "I shall be sure to finish my work before then." The half-masked disciple snorts, the sound with an odd metallic note from her mask, but she steps aside. You bow once again and quickly make your way to the charmforge.

This charmforge is smaller than your Father's, but everything else is the same. The coal banks are in the same place, the bellows are in the same place. Even the reagents are in the same small vials sitting alongside the grill-like surface of the forge. You slough off your outer robe and begin your labors. You heat the coals, you stoke the flame, you prepare the reagents you need to seperate the anam, you ready your miststeel tongs to maneuver the teeth. Only once all your preparations are complete to you begin spreading the teeth out on the forge.

At first, nothing happens, and you wait for the forge to truly begin it's work. The coals glow red with heat and fury, and right when they are at their apex, you grab one of the vials. A dash of the reagent makes the coal flash blue and the heat redoubles, making sweat drip down your already weary body.

Tongues of flame begin to shoot from the forge, rising up and licking the teeth like a hungry animal. As the treated flame touches the teeth an aura begins to form. A deep blue light begins to emanate from the teeth, one far deeper than is normal for pure water anam. You reach out with your tongs and grasp the aura, clenching your hands tightly around the leather-wrapped grips, and gently tug. The aura stretches under your attention and pales, revealing light blue and dark brown mixed together- the water and beast that make up these teeth.

You pull even harder and the aura stretches further like dough, until finally there's a feeling of pressure giving way. The aura snaps free from the tooth and floats freely, kept together entirely by the heat and shape of the charmforge. You grasp your tongs and slowly begin the painstaking process of pulling the anams apart.

Knowledge (Cultivation) Check! 3d10s8. Dice Rolled: 7, 9, 10, 5. 2 Successes! Pass!

Wait. Something isn't right.

As you start pulling the anams apart, a third color begins flooding the cloud. It isn't a brilliant shade and it doesn't overpower the rest, but as you peer closely you notice a small tinge of green forming within your refining. You fall into your breathing pattern, opening your six senses to try and get a better picture of what's going on. You can smell the salty air of the sea, a sign of water anam. You can hear the sounds of a heavy body cutting through the waters- that must be the beast anam. But below that, underneath the overpowering smell and sound, there's a taste: a slightly acidic taste that has nothing to do with the teeth of a man-eating whale.

Poison. It's Poison Anam. There are traces of poison anam in your whale teeth.

Wait, no- that's not it. You open your eyes and scan the forge in front of you. One of these teeth isn't from a whale! It's small and slender, with a sharp point: a snake's fang. This has to be it! You reach out with the tongs and flick it from the forge before diving back into the cloud, pulling the poison from the air.

Good thing you noticed it. If poison anam had made it's way into your final product, the entire thing could have been ruined. But how did that fang get in there? You know you checked the forge before setting it. Did it somehow get mixed in with the teeth when they were in the vendor's care?

Whatever the case, you can't think about it now. You've work to do. The cloud of anam is beginning to fade from the heat. You need to seperate it and cool it before you lose your chance.

Craft (Charm) Check! 9d10s8(1.3) ((Base+5(Charmforge))(Drive+0.4(Son of Kong Shuren))). Dice Rolled: 8, 6, 8, 7, 7, 6, 7, 5, 9, 3. 3.9 successes, rounded up. 4 successes!

You dive back into the cloud and start pulling away the anam with vigor. Too much vigor. You pull out the beast anam with such prejudice that you lose track of it in short order, and you move so quickly that you get a clump of water anam too. You add cooling reagents to attempt to stem the tide, but to no avail. When the anam resettles into the teeth, the sounds of the whale are completely gone, and even the scent of the sea is lessened.

Material Lost: Whale Teeth (Water/Beast 5)!
Material Gained: Whale Teeth (Water 3)!

Later, you wander out of the forge, pockets full of less potent teeth and your outer robe slung over your shoulder. It's done. It may not have worked out exactly as you would have liked, but it's done. You have what you wanted: a pure water material.

Now the work can really begin.

It is your ninth day within the Delving Heart! How do you spend it? (Pick Two)
Training Actions

[] You have discovered some talent in the physical arts, but talent is useless if not honed. You will find an empty training field and work.
[] The only true way to walk your path is to cycle the anam of the world. You will do so.
-[] (Select the Natural Wonder you will cycle)
--[] (Select your cycling target (for healing, for a technique, for other purposes, etc.)

Craftsman Actions
[] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
-[] You will begin work on the charm requested by Jai Shouxi
-[] You will begin work on a charm for your own purposes.
[] A true charmcrafter always has a ready supply of materials ready to go. You will go out and add to your collection.
-[] You will go scavenging for new materials.
-[] You will go hunting for new materials.
-[] You will go seek out the market for new materials.
[] One of your materials is in a form which does not suit you. You shall refine it.
-[] Select which material you will refine
--[] You will refine it with a quick formation (No bonus, no further cost).
--[] You will refine it with an intense formation (+2 dice, -1 action next turn).
--[] You will refine it with the aid of a charmforge (+5 dice, -1 bronze talent).

Social Actions
[] Jai Fa and her group have a duel three days hence. It would be helpful to both them and you for you to be there and serve as a training partner.
[] Several days ago, Nokai did you a good turn, but she has been absent since. You wish to repay her for her kindness. Perhaps you could track her down and help groom her dog?
[] There are other disciples you have yet to meet, and you would like to change that. You'll mingle with your fellows.
[] You have heard of several disciples that you have not formally made the acquaintance of. You would like to expand your social circle, and so you will seek one of them out.
-[] (Write in which disciple you would like to speak with)

Other actions
[] The Delving Heart is a massive cave complex full of mystery. You'll seek that mystery out and find out more about the place you now live.
[] Write-In
More subtle sabotage, but fortunately one which underestimated our skills.

[X] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
-[X] You will begin work on the charm requested by Jai Shouxi

[X] Jai Fa and her group have a duel three days hence. It would be helpful to both them and you for you to be there and serve as a training partner.

Now to get to the point where they actually need to try to fuck us up with some random thugs
[X] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
-[X] You will begin work on the charm requested by Jai Shouxi

[X] Jai Fa and her group have a duel three days hence. It would be helpful to both them and you for you to be there and serve as a training partner.
[X] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
-[X] You will begin work on the charm requested by Jai Shouxi

[X] Jai Fa and her group have a duel three days hence. It would be helpful to both them and you for you to be there and serve as a training partner.
Am I reading this right that we managed a 3 with a +5 modifier?

Yes. Because this shit isn't easy.

[X] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
-[X] You will begin work on the charm requested by Jai Shouxi

[X] Jai Fa and her group have a duel three days hence. It would be helpful to both them and you for you to be there and serve as a training partner
[X] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
-[X] You will begin work on the charm requested by Jai Shouxi

[X] Jai Fa and her group have a duel three days hence. It would be helpful to both them and you for you to be there and serve as a training partner.

Am I reading this right that we managed a 3 with a +5 modifier?
we rolled a -2 :V
Or just maybe due to that sabotage or something.
Good thing you noticed it. If poison anam had made it's way into your final product, the entire thing could have been ruined. But how did that fang get in there? You know you checked the forge before setting it. Did it somehow get mixed in with the teeth when they were in the vendor's care?

I am pleasantly surprised. 🤗

I didn't think he'd settle for something as tame as sabotage! But... I don't suppose the snake fang had enough anam to be a usable material in an of itself? Too bad

Am I reading this right that we managed a 3 with a +5 modifier?

Mhm, the +5 meant we got to roll 5 more dice then the four we would have without it. Our success threshold of 8 remained the same. We even got an extra roll due to the crit.

[X] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
-[X] You will begin work on the charm requested by Jai Shouxi

[X] Jai Fa and her group have a duel three days hence. It would be helpful to both them and you for you to be there and serve as a training partner.
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