The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

So, we can level Auroch if we buy a 2 grade 1 Wood pills and a Grade 1 Earth pill. That's 19 points tho, and we can only afford to spend 18 max RN, so that's out of our grasp.

There aren't any Sound pills, so Warhound is out of luck.
we should keep 2 around 1 for letter, 1 to repair rainbow eyes.
Letter is this week, so we need to save a talent for that.

Rainbow Eyes repair is next week, and we're receiving our allowance at the start of that.
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[X] Soldier's Requiem (9 Points. Grade 2 Earth Pill)
[X] Mundane Travel Supplies (5 Points)
Two things to note my good sir/madam

First, We already bought Travel supplies on our last market excursion.

Second, there is a moratorium up. That vote will not be counted, and if it's still up when the voting starts the QM will disqualify from this vote entirely.
Natural wonders are out, too expensive and nothing with time or creation. Good to see price range though.

The only 4 treasures I see as worthwhile are the giant's armor, everbloom, pair of glass warhammers, and the core geode.

As for pills nothing look like what we want, at all. maybe some heal pills? Frankly I don't see us needing any pills for the closer fight at all. Maybe level up the spear again or buy an anam regenerator for cultivating? it'd be a better idea to just buy em from Shouxi, his are better.
Only things really worth picking up, IMO, are pills, and maybe some of the more rare anam type materials for playing. Beauty could be a fun type to play with, so could treachery.
I would really hope we don't buy pills we don't have a use for just to maximize anam restoration we probably don't need this week. Let's focus on a plan for how to use them, whether it's leveling BSA or Warhound's Cry.
Frankly I sincerely doubt we'll need anam restoratives if we take the easier fight in the closer depths, we literally skipped a boss to fight the crab, the closer one is more likely to be in between vestige one and crab. Shouxi can probably make us better pills for less cost if we ask and pay.

To that end maybe picking up some neat items for crafting and pills for BSA are our best bet. And travel supplies if we plan on visiting final boss land soon, i hope we don't but eh.
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Spider's Serum looks interesting and like a good deal for a grade 2. It might be worth it to stock up on cheap beast pills to one day upgrade Warhounds Cry, but with a max of 18 points available it's probably not worth it right now.
So, the main advantage of anam restoration pills is because our Core isn't very large. We had to pop a pill just to keep fighting against the Crab, and that pill was a freebie from Ves.

For that reason, it'd probably be wise to buy a single Grade 2 Soldier's Respite, since it's a cheap source of anam which can be vital in combat.
Ah shoot. That changes things.
TBF, it's not like we're going to the Deeps for a long time yet, so we don't need to buy the Travel Supplies right this moment.
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So, the main advantage of anam restoration pills is because our Core isn't very large. We had to pop a pill just to keep fighting against the Crab, and that pill was a freebie from Ves.

For that reason, it'd probably be wise to buy a single Grade 2 Soldier's Respite, since it's a cheap source of anam which can be vital in combat.
We likely won't need anam restoration before we hit the market again, after the duel. No need to waste points buying the one anam type (Earth) for which we have both a discovered Wonder (the Tears) and the. If we go with a level 2 Beast and a level one Wood, we can use the Wood if we really need to, but it'll still be useful for a training action later with Warsong.
Idk what we rlly need to buy rn, this may have been a mistake. I guess a couple pills for anam restoratives, but unless we end up needing them for the shallows it might have been better to come back next week after our allowance comes in.

One thing that looks interesting to me is the loveletters - beauty Anam seems surprisingly versatile, given its use in Rainbow eyes.

EDIT: It's also the only mat that's much pricier than what it's development gain would suggest, which also suggests it's probably very difficult to come across - this may be a rare chance.
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[] Plan KR
-[] Soldier's Requiem (9 Points. Grade 2 Earth Pill)
-[] The Heart of Stone (5 Points. Grade 1 Earth Pill)
-[] A Rusty Dagger. (4 Points. Treachery Aspected. +8 to Development)

So these are what I would pick.

A Grade 1 and a Grade 2 give us 15 anam in our pocket, that's almost enough to fully recharge our core. Should be more than enough for our present needs. That's 14 sect points. I picked the Dagger for the last two because working with it seems like a good way to level our Weapon crafting and I can see Treachery Anam being useful in all kinds of sneaky things.

That being said, if other mats are speaking to y'all this pill choice leaves us with 4 points to play with. Go nuts!

Or if you wanna save an extra talent, just those two pills would leave us with 2 Bronze Talents left.
I know that we like rare types of mats but there has been a lot of talk in thread about how we should experiment and also in Kong Zhi's head on how "making a charm just for the joy of it"

Why not get some cheap mats do do just that?

[] Freshly-Hewn Obsidian. (2 Points. Light Aspected. +4 to Development)
[] The powdered beak of a crow. (1 Points. Wind Aspected. +2 to development)

These seem fun and may synergise with things we already have. Who knows Wind + Wind may lead to a items that is greater than the sum.
I have no opinion on pills other than we need some to keep us up fighting when we run out of anam. With our new charms this may be more of a problem in the future than we anticipate.
[] Plan Future Warsong
-[] Spider's Serum (11 Points. Grade 2 Beast Elixir)
-[] Woodsman's Respite (7 Points. Grade 1 Wood Pill)

This puts us close to leveling two Techs in the future (we'd need more Wood pills, but then again we're coming back anyways).
A Grade 1 and a Grade 2 give us 15 anam in our pocket, that's almost enough to fully recharge our core. Should be more than enough for our present needs. That's 14 sect points. I picked the Dagger for the last two because working with it seems like a good way to level our Weapon crafting and I can see Treachery Anam being useful in all kinds of sneaky things.

I'm of the opinion that we don't need more than 9-10 Anam in pills rn - aside from the shallows, we aren't going to need them for anything until after the duel, where we'll have our allowance and more time to hunt and buy stuff.

I'd lean towards the love letters because it's a rare and interesting aspect, along with one or two grade one pills. Maybe one pill and another interesting mat.