The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

In real life, featherwork/plumeria is a complicated skill and a craft separate from weaving that many people have dedicated their whole lives to. KZ has no real skill with feathers except the most broad introduction possible through some kind of generic 'clothwork' skill.

Will he be able to work with the feathers proficiently? What level of granularity will Craft skills have?
Surely there is something we can build without a skill like that. Like a duster, a fan or a pillow.
A Simple, Thankless Job by Enjou
Well, I decided to write an omake. I've had this rolling around in my head for about a week now and needed to get it out. Enjoy!

A Simple, Thankless Job

Lu Ho left the Assignment Hall with a large basket on his back, relieved that he'd gotten the job he had wanted. It would give him a good cover should he be discovered while attempting his true task, and hopefully avoid a beating in the event he was unfortunate enough to have that occur. Before he'd come to the Delving Heart he had been something of a thief, supplementing his family's meager income from their steamed bun stand by stealing from others.

That's not to say Lu Ho had been a good thief. He'd been caught and flogged once, and the second time he would have lost a hand his cultivation talent not been discovered by the imperial agents responsible for the task of finding such individuals as he. He had thought he could leave that aspect of his life behind, but someone with friends in high places had decided to make use of him. Refusal had not been an option, given his past would have come to light if he tried, not to mention he'd have been beaten anyways. At least he'd been promised some extra sect points for his troubles.

So, he trundled along with his basket and began making the rounds in the Ninth Circle Courtyard, stopping in front of every home where there was a small hamper containing robes in various states ranging from simply in need of cleaning to torn, ragged, and bloody. Something many of the young disciples took for granted were the small things that the sect provided them and took care of in their stead, leaving them time for other pursuits. Well, until someone took the relevant sect job and actually had to deal with it.

Replacing torches, filling lanterns, repairing training dummies, and various other little things that were necessary for the sect's disciples to be able to go about their daily business without worry had to be handled. The jobs paid out poorly compared to some more glamorous tasks, but they were safe, easy, and always available. In Lu Ho's case, he'd taken the job to pick up the dirty and destroyed robes of the various Ninth Circle disciples that had been left out for pickup, so they could be taken to be washed, repaired, or recycled as best as the unfortunate souls who picked that job could do based on the state of the abused sect uniforms they'd be receiving. Later on, another disciple would be coming to provide some fresh robes to each domicile to ensure everyone had a clean change of clothing available.

Lu Ho went about his duty as if nothing was strange, but kept his eyes upon one particular abode. The spire in the distance was different than most of the homes clustered around the Prospector's Tears, and given the noise of all the disciples vying for a spot at them he wished he'd managed to get a home that was further away from them like that. Still, the temporary nuisance would cease to be a problem once he got his Sigil and was moved into a more permanent housing situation as a disciple of the Eighth Circle. His explorations had found a Natural Wonder with a fair amount of Silence anam, and if he could save up enough he might be able to buy a pill and make the Soldier's Step. A Silence artist would make an excellent scout in Lu Ho's opinion, and he might manage to impress Elder Lei with his skills. If not, there was always Elder Sela's offer, but...

Movement at the spire brought Lu Ho out of his musings, as he saw one of the residents leaving. It appeared to be one of the twins who lived there. This one was the boy, the refiner. Since Lu Ho had it on good authority that both the sister and the crafter that lived there had headed out into the caverns, he knew this would likely be his best chance. He briskly walked towards the stalagmite, reaching the heavy door. He checked that nobody was looking, and opened it with some effort.

He stepped in and glanced around to see nobody in view, though a layer of strange-smelling smoke was clinging to the ceiling. Still, it wouldn't do to be uncertain. "Hello? Is anyone home? I'm here to collect any dirty robes you might have!" After a moment of hearing no response, he believed that was all the confirmation he'd need. Still, he needed to be quick. The longer he tarried, the greater the chance he'd end up being caught. He very much did not want a beating today, or ever.

Quite fortunately his target was in plain sight. There were two workbenches, and the one belonging to the crafter was made obvious by the fact that it was covered in materials and what appeared to be charm diagrams. He knew little about such things, but he was asked to look specifically for those. He quickly scanned the materials on the desk, and read the notes on the diagrams. There appeared to be some quite devious charms in the works here. Some glowing mushrooms that would be boiled down into a paste and mixed with clay to make a boddle that would spew a toxic mist, a rusty nail that would be the centerpiece of a warrior charm designed to pierce through armor, some shiny rocks that would be carved into beads to make an anklet that would cause the earth to shake, and still a few more.

Ah! And there was a plank of dark wood, just as he'd been told to expect. Smaller than he thought it would be based on the description, but leave it to crafters of all sorts to exaggerate everything, even when it came to the materials of their rivals.

Every item and charm concept was committed to memory, and everything was put back in its place. Just as he'd been instructed to do. Apparently the Moth didn't want to spook his rival. Information on what was being made would be more than sufficient to make counter-charms and prevail, but if anything was missing or out of place then the spire's resident might change his plans to compensate. Personally he'd rather just steal the materials and leave the other guy without anything to use, but he wasn't getting paid to question orders.

Briefly, he considered going upstairs to see if he could find more but discounted the thought as quickly as it came. He'd surely gotten enough information to satisfy Jin Yahzu, and decided that caution was the best course of action. He quickly left, closed the door behind him, and collected the robes that had been lain out front, nobody the wiser for his intrusion. Now all that was left was to report his success and get paid by people who wouldn't be at all grateful for his efforts. Oh, and he needed to go back to the Assignment Hall as well.
Well, I decided to write an omake. I've had this rolling around in my head for about a week now and needed to get it out. Enjoy!

A Simple, Thankless Job

Lu Ho left the Assignment Hall with a large basket on his back, relieved that he'd gotten the job he had wanted. It would give him a good cover should he be discovered while attempting his true task, and hopefully avoid a beating in the event he was unfortunate enough to have that occur. Before he'd come to the Delving Heart he had been something of a thief, supplementing his family's meager income from their steamed bun stand by stealing from others.

That's not to say Lu Ho had been a good thief. He'd been caught and flogged once, and the second time he would have lost a hand his cultivation talent not been discovered by the imperial agents responsible for the task of finding such individuals as he. He had thought he could leave that aspect of his life behind, but someone with friends in high places had decided to make use of him. Refusal had not been an option, given his past would have come to light if he tried, not to mention he'd have been beaten anyways. At least he'd been promised some extra sect points for his troubles.

So, he trundled along with his basket and began making the rounds in the Ninth Circle Courtyard, stopping in front of every home where there was a small hamper containing robes in various states ranging from simply in need of cleaning to torn, ragged, and bloody. Something many of the young disciples took for granted were the small things that the sect provided them and took care of in their stead, leaving them time for other pursuits. Well, until someone took the relevant sect job and actually had to deal with it.

Replacing torches, filling lanterns, repairing training dummies, and various other little things that were necessary for the sect's disciples to be able to go about their daily business without worry had to be handled. The jobs paid out poorly compared to some more glamorous tasks, but they were safe, easy, and always available. In Lu Ho's case, he'd taken the job to pick up the dirty and destroyed robes of the various Ninth Circle disciples that had been left out for pickup, so they could be taken to be washed, repaired, or recycled as best as the unfortunate souls who picked that job could do based on the state of the abused sect uniforms they'd be receiving. Later on, another disciple would be coming to provide some fresh robes to each domicile to ensure everyone had a clean change of clothing available.

Lu Ho went about his duty as if nothing was strange, but kept his eyes upon one particular abode. The spire in the distance was different than most of the homes clustered around the Prospector's Tears, and given the noise of all the disciples vying for a spot at them he wished he'd managed to get a home that was further away from them like that. Still, the temporary nuisance would cease to be a problem once he got his Sigil and was moved into a more permanent housing situation as a disciple of the Eighth Circle. His explorations had found a Natural Wonder with a fair amount of Silence anam, and if he could save up enough he might be able to buy a pill and make the Soldier's Step. A Silence artist would make an excellent scout in Lu Ho's opinion, and he might manage to impress Elder Lei with his skills. If not, there was always Elder Sela's offer, but...

Movement at the spire brought Lu Ho out of his musings, as he saw one of the residents leaving. It appeared to be one of the twins who lived there. This one was the boy, the refiner. Since Lu Ho had it on good authority that both the sister and the crafter that lived there had headed out into the caverns, he knew this would likely be his best chance. He briskly walked towards the stalagmite, reaching the heavy door. He checked that nobody was looking, and opened it with some effort.

He stepped in and glanced around to see nobody in view, though a layer of strange-smelling smoke was clinging to the ceiling. Still, it wouldn't do to be uncertain. "Hello? Is anyone home? I'm here to collect any dirty robes you might have!" After a moment of hearing no response, he believed that was all the confirmation he'd need. Still, he needed to be quick. The longer he tarried, the greater the chance he'd end up being caught. He very much did not want a beating today, or ever.

Quite fortunately his target was in plain sight. There were two workbenches, and the one belonging to the crafter was made obvious by the fact that it was covered in materials and what appeared to be charm diagrams. He knew little about such things, but he was asked to look specifically for those. He quickly scanned the materials on the desk, and read the notes on the diagrams. There appeared to be some quite devious charms in the works here. Some glowing mushrooms that would be boiled down into a paste and mixed with clay to make a boddle that would spew a toxic mist, a rusty nail that would be the centerpiece of a warrior charm designed to pierce through armor, some shiny rocks that would be carved into beads to make an anklet that would cause the earth to shake, and still a few more.

Ah! And there was a plank of dark wood, just as he'd been told to expect. Smaller than he thought it would be based on the description, but leave it to crafters of all sorts to exaggerate everything, even when it came to the materials of their rivals.

Every item and charm concept was committed to memory, and everything was put back in its place. Just as he'd been instructed to do. Apparently the Moth didn't want to spook his rival. Information on what was being made would be more than sufficient to make counter-charms and prevail, but if anything was missing or out of place then the spire's resident might change his plans to compensate. Personally he'd rather just steal the materials and leave the other guy without anything to use, but he wasn't getting paid to question orders.

Briefly, he considered going upstairs to see if he could find more but discounted the thought as quickly as it came. He'd surely gotten enough information to satisfy Jin Yahzu, and decided that caution was the best course of action. He quickly left, closed the door behind him, and collected the robes that had been lain out front, nobody the wiser for his intrusion. Now all that was left was to report his success and get paid by people who wouldn't be at all grateful for his efforts. Oh, and he needed to go back to the Assignment Hall as well.
Very nice stuff! Take +2 Stealth!
On the note of sharing the armory, its Aman pool is MASSIVE and will only be getting larger as we add more weapons, it's also of a type(Steel) that if we lost access to it would result in a "dang, guess we'll wait a month" instead of ruining all our plans.
I'm thinking its fine if Nokai comes to know of the Armory. She does have a will of her own and won't just run to Geng if she comes to know of it. Though we should probably take a closer look at their exact relationship if we find the time.
My thoughts on Geng and Nokai.

This is all speculation as we just don't know. But it does seem Geng does have some sort of leverage over Nokai. We don't know to what extent this is Ranging from the possibilities of full ownership/total obedience to a promise that Geng is calling in.

However these are the things we have seen

- Nokai is willing to lie for us even when directly asked (when she sheltered us from the gang of thugs)
- Nokai doesn't like or want to be there with Geng or his lackies. (Seen in latest update)
- She didn't want to talk about it. (Seen in latest update)

So there is a level of shame or complication we don't know about with this relationship.

We want to bring her to the deeps quest, cause she is awesome, but we don't want Geng to know about the wonder.

Let's just ask her. She has valued honesty and directness. Ask her "I have a project I have been working on that leads to something amazing. However I'm worried that you will have to tell Geng or his lackies. Unless you promise me you won't tell them I can't invite you. Do you promise?"

If she can't promise that fine we know a bit more. If she can her word is good enough for me.
Other Nokai thought, if she's not!Mongolian, does she have some crazy horse archery techniques? That would be pretty in genre.
Nokai doesn't really seem the type, really. Her people might have some horse archery techniques, but I don't think she does in particular. Surely if she'd hunted with and bonded with a horse, she'd've brought it with her as she did her dogs, right?
67. If A Tree Falls
A/N: A big thanks to the 21 people who have pledged to me on Patreon! If you'd like to join them, you can do so here. If you'd like to check out the Royal Road crosspost, head on over and check it out! Leave a rating while you're there. It really does help me out.
[] The Hide of the Camel Turkey (+2 Bronze Talents)
[] The Feathers of the Camel Turkey (Material, Wind 4)
[] The Eggs from the Nest (+1d6 Talents)
Your work with the Camel Turkey is as quick as it is gruesome. Nokai has barely stopped musing over it's ridiculous name before you're standing over its body, stone knife in hand. A dozen quick slices, some with your arm elbow deep in the pocket between its skin and the rest of its flesh, are required before you are able to free its hide. You drag it away, feathers and all, and step away from the corpse. "It's all yours," you tell Nokai.

The barbarian barely has to twitch her head towards the body before Lan acts. The mound of hair darts forward and digs his teeth into the still-warm flesh. Blood begins to pool around the body as Lan starts devouring it in earnest. It isn't long before the walls of the tunnel, Nokai, Lan himself, and even some parts of the ceiling are all stained in blood. You watch the carnage for a moment, impressed despite yourself. It's going to take more than a simple dip in the stream to get the hound clean again.

But you only watch for a moment. Afterwards, you distract yourself from the scene by plucking the feathers from the hide. The skin itself will be valuable to a tanner, but as for the feathers, you plan to keep them. Even as you pluck them, they blow back and forth in an invisible breeze. They are strong in Wind Anam. You can find many uses for something this gifted in one of the basic eight.

The real treasure, however, isn't any one part of the camel turkey. It's what sits within the nest it was guarding. A trio of eggs, each as large as your head, rest on a layer of soft down barely covered in torn grass and dirt. Once you're done cleaning the hide you reach down and wipe each of them clean. They'll fetch a tidy talent from someone who wants something rare.

Footsteps behind you make you glance over your shoulder. Nokai is moving closer to you, never taking her eyes off Lan. "Leave all meat," she says quietly, as if she's telling you something you weren't already aware of. "Mean to? Can get some still."

You look over at the corpse, where Lan's eating habits have not become any cleaner. "Are you certain that's even possible?" you joke. "If I were to go in there now, I suspect I'd come out with no meat and one less arm."

Nokai shrugs. "Maybe. But stop Lan simple. Tell no. He stop. Can call if want meat."

For a moment, you consider her offer. Then you shake your head. "No, I should be fine with the hide, the feathers, and the eggs. The rest is all yours. I hope Lan enjoys his meal."

"Bird not favorite," she informs you. "But meat meat. Sure?"

"Yes," you tell her for the fourth time. "The meat is all yours. Let Lan enjoy it, or sell it, or do whatever else you want with it. I-" You stop and look back up at Nokai. She's frowning as you talk, glancing between you and the carnage with a concerned look on her face. It's as if she thinks you're going to change your mind any moment and wants to be sure she can call Lan back when it happens.

Why is she so concerned about this? You've been very open in telling her that the meat is all hers. But still, she seems worried.

As you look between her and Lan, something registers in your mind. If you were to look at it from an outside perspective, you did not take much from the camel turkey at all. The hide is large, but it's barely a fraction of the size of the entire bird. The spirit beast had to have been over two hundred pounds; you're walking away with maybe ten of those pounds.

She's worried that she's taking too much and taking advantage.

You smile as you stand up and move away from the eggs. "How about this," you propose. "You help me carry these eggs back to the central cavern and find someone who will buy them, and we'll be entirely even."

Nokai looks past you for the first time, spotting the eggs you have just finished unearthing. She glances from you to them to Lan, who is still gorging himself as if he expects Nokai to take his food away at any moment. You can almost see her weighing everything in her head.

Finally, she grins and nods. "Fair!"
Nokai doesn't have to carry the eggs far for you. Once Lan is done, you make your way to the nearby surface and waste no time finding a tanner. Some quick negotiations ensue and you walk away one hide lighter but your purse two talents heavier. After that, you quickly move to find a buyer for the eggs. In the end though, that proves far easier than you expected. You're barely out of the tanner's before you are stopped by Ming Hui, a gleam in his eye and a tremble in his fingers.

"Good evening!" he greets you with a feigned casualness. "Kong Zhi, Nokai, it is wonderful to see you working in harmony once more and- oh my, what are those eggs?" Once you tell him their origin, he cannot even pretend not to be interested. Negotiations fiercer than any you've had with any actual shopkeeper break out much to Nokai's amusement, and a deal is quickly struck.

1d6: 6!
+8 Talents.
Material Gained: Flowing Feathers of the Camel Turkey (Wind 4)

Despite his play at nonchalance, it could not be any clearer that Ming Hui wants the eggs badly. You have no trouble taking advantage of his eagerness. Six more talents join your purse and Nokai passes over the eggs. Ming Hui trots away with the air of someone who has just claimed a grand treasure, and you're free to leave as well.

You and Nokai part once you return to the central cavern. She leads her dogs right for the stream while you make your way to the archives. An older disciple you don't know is standing behind the desk with a bored expression on her face. The look doesn't change when you approach her. She glances down and nods at the black stone on the counter. "Entry is two sect points," she grumbles.

"Oh, I am not here to get in," you explain. You gesture towards a wooden board that hangs behind her. On it is a list of names, accompanied by a circle number and a price. "I am interested in procuring the services of a tutor."

One of the bored disciple's eyebrows creeps up. She looks closer at you and then eventually shrugs. "Very well. Who do you want to meet?" When she sees your face go blank, she sighs. "What were you looking for further instruction in?"

The question makes you stop and think. What do you need further instruction in? Any additional tips and tricks in any art besides your jewelry would be appreciated, but you doubt the disciple would take kindly to you answering 'anything'. Perhaps armorsmithing? You've yet to dip your toe in that discipline. Or pottery could be interesting; binding charms in clay sounds similar to your usual practices, but just different enough to be interesting.

Finally, you settled on woodworking. You've picked up a few tricks with it wood while seeking Elder Tian's approval, and a few more working on your gauntlet, but your knowledge is still lacking. And you have the Timbers of the Caravan stashed away in the Spire; if you want to use them to their best effect, you will need to home those few skills you have.

You give the disciple your answer, and she nods while glancing back at the board. "Bai Quing of the Seventh Circle is available. Or if you can afford it, Meng Cai of the Fifth is taking pupils."

You don't even have to think about this. "Meng Cai, please," you tell her, fishing in your purse. Ming Hui's egg payment slides across the counter and into the disciple's hands.

The disciple takes a talent and frowns at it. The coin shines a deep, ruby red under her scrutiny. Whatever that means, she seems satisfied with it. "Very well. Your training will begin tomorrow and end when Elder Brother Meng Cai finds your work sufficient. Your first task shall be to find him. You can find him among the trees."

Which is how you find yourself back on the surface the next day, shielding your eyes from the morning sun as you search for your new tutor. You wander the forest for quite some time, putting every ounce of your woodscraft to work. The trails of several rabbits appear before you, as do that of a herd of deer, but there are no human footprints.

You would have kept at it until the sun set but thankfully you don't have to. Your search pattern leads you further and further away from the Brightmaple Mountains, and as you go, you start hearing trees fall. You waste no time heading in the direction of the sound.

When you arrive, you find a disciple standing over a fallen oak. He looks up as you enter the new clearing. "Kong Zhi of the Ninth Circle?" he asks gruffly.

Before you answer, you inspect the disciple you presume to be your teacher. He is barely taller than you, perhaps half a head, but he is at least twenty years your senior. He wears no robe; instead, he is shirtless and wearing loose, flowing pants. His face bears several dark scars, but what really captures your focus is his hair. He has none- at least, none on his head. Instead, he has what appears to be three caterpillars nesting on his face, one over each eye and one over his lip.

The mustache- at least, you assume it is a mustache and not an actual living creature- twitches as he speaks. "Kong Zhi?" he repeats. "Of the Ninth Circle?" This time, his voice is that of a teacher speaking to a pupil who may not be the brightest.

It is enough for you to snap out of your inspection and give him a hasty nod and deep bow. "I am!" you announce. "And you are Elder Brother Meng Cai of the Fifth Circle?"

"I am," he responds. "Under Brother Zhao Fu, under Sister Su Lian, under Elder Tian. You have requested instruction in the fine art of woodworking. You shall now receive it; you have no choice."'re not certain you liked how he phrased that.

He reads your expression easily and nods. "You are intelligent to feel fear. But know this- you have contracted my knowledge, and you shall receive it until your skills improve to a level that I do not find sickening to look at. You will improve. It is inevitable."

He turns to the fallen tree and raises one hand. The resulting blow seems like it's a light one; you're fairly certain Xue has hit you harder when he leaps at you. But the tree disagrees. Silently, an enormous portion falls off, the break coming right at the spot Brother Meng Cai hit. The new piece of wood is as thick as your torso and as wide as your arms outstretched. Meng Cai has no issues holding it, though. He hoists it with one hand like Ming Hui serves food and marches over.

The wood crashes to your feet. "Now. Begin. I have yet to break my fast; make me a chair and a table at which I may do so."

You stare at him for a long moment, hand creeping towards your oilskin. "Excuse me, Elder Brother? You-"

"I do not recall asking for your words. I instructed you to make me a chair and a table. Do you not know what those are? You see, a chair is an object of furniture one sits on, with four legs and a back. A table also has four legs, but it is wider and flat on top so that things may be placed atop it."

His eyes bore into you, and his moustache twitches. "Now begin. Take as long as you need. I have all the time in the world."

These next few days are going to be difficult.

Six Talents Spent!
Skill Up! Craft (Woodworking) +9!

Difficult… yet productive.

We are at the start of week 8! You have 7 Weeks left to prove yourself, and next week is your contest of champions! How do you spend your 8th week within the Delving Heart? (Pick Nine).

NOTE: you may attempt to bring anyone you have met within the Delving Heart along on any of your actions. However, unless it is simply a social action, dice will be rolled to determine if they are available to accompany you, as they have their own lives and priorities to deal with.

Please cast all votes in PLAN FORMAT!
Sect Actions

[] You may now take assignments at the Delving Heart Assignment Hall. You will go, take one, and carry it out to the best of your ability.
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You will seek to impress Elder Lei, who seems to be in charge of defending the sect in some capacity.
-[] Write-In
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You will seek to impress Elder Fensui, who stands above the martial disciples.
-[] Write-In
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You will seek to impress Elder Hotei, who you know little about save that their disciples have a martial bent..
-[] Write-In
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You will seek to impress Elder Yixue, the sect's healer and chief refiner.
-[] Write-In
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You will seek to impress Elder Tian, the master craftsman, by returning to the Creators Garden and working as an assistant to any who will have you.
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You have heard rumors that Elder Sela, the mistress of general knowledge, will accept any who approach her. You will approach her and inquire further about her generous offer.
-[] She may take on anyone, but you still wish to impress her. Write-In how.
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You will seek to impress Elder Tantoi, the sect's mistress of administration.
-[] Write-In
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You have recently met Elder Siani, an Elder who seems to handle problems and rare situations around the sect. Elder Siani seems very interested in the Armory Map you fixed, and completing its tasks will likely draw further attention.
-[] You will seek out the point on the map closest to the surface (Counts as One Action).
-[] You will seek out the point on the map that lies deep within the caverns, below even the Lost Armory. (Counts as Three Actions).
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. Elder Tantoi listed seven such Elders you could impress, and you have since learned of one more, but there is still one unaccounted for. You will seek information on this shadowy ninth elder.
-[] Write-In

Training Actions
[] You have discovered some talent in the physical arts, but talent is useless if not honed. You will find an empty training field and work on your martial skills.
[] You now have access to the Archives of the Delving Heart. You will go there and seek out knowledge, paying for it with either talents or sect points.
[] The Archives of the Delving Heart also offer to connect disciples with tutors in their discipline for a moderate cost. You will take advantage of the wisdom of your seniors.
-[] (Select the level of the tutor you will hire. The choices are 7th Circle (3 Talents, Counts as 2 Actions, 1d3 training roll), 5th Circle (6 talents, Counts as 3 Actions, 1d6+1 training roll).
--[] Select the Skill you wish tutored.
[] The only true way to walk your path is to cycle the anam of the world. You will do so.
-[] (Select the Natural Wonder you will cycle)
--[] (Select your cycling target (for healing, for a technique, for other purposes, etc.)

Craftsman Actions
[] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
-[] You will begin work on a charm for your own purposes
-[] You have promised a charm to Jai Fa in exchange for her services as champion. She is not expecting it for quite some time, but there's never any shame in starting a project early. You will work on her charm.
[] Your work on your gauntlet of bone and wood nears completion! But still, there are more things you can do to finish it. You shall continue plying your trade and polishing your gauntlet until every inch of it reaches perfection.
[] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it.
-[] Write-In Method of Infusion (Natural Wonder/Treasure/Pill/Core/Etc.)
[] A true charmcrafter always has a ready supply of materials ready to go. You will go out and add to your collection.
-[] You will go scavenging for new materials.
-[] You will go hunting for new materials.
-[] You will go seek out new materials in the village market.
[] One of your materials is in a form which does not suit you. You shall refine it.
-[] Select which material you will refine
--[] You will refine it with a quick formation (No bonus, no further cost).
--[] You will refinie it with an intense formation (+2 dice, -1 action next turn).
--[] You will refine it with the aid of a charmforge (+5 dice, -1 bronze talent).

Social Actions
[] Jai Fa is taking a rare break in between her duties for Jai Shouxi and her visits to the job board. She has invited you for some light sparring.
[] Jai Shouxi has moved on from pills and is trying his hand at medicinal teas. He would welcome your assistance as a test subject once more.
[] Xu Yun is working hard to make certain that his combat skills are up to the challenge. He knows well your merit as a sparring partner, and has invited you to help him further his training. Xu Yun has been selected for a mission that he is uniquely suited for. He is not within the Delving Heart this week.
[] Nokai is satisfied with her pack's progress for now, and is choosing to let them rest for a time. Your presence would be welcome, both by her and by her dogs, who enjoy the extra hands to groom them that would come with you. Other duties have called your friend away. She will be unavailable this week.
[] Mo Hanying seems far more relaxed in your presence now, and is more willing to call upon you for aid. Her latest request involves a trip to the surface with a few members of her retinue. It will be a trying time, you're sure, but hopefully rewarding.
[] Ming Hui has been called into his own battles, ones that take place upon a grill and a cutting board. You may not know much about cooking, but he will not turn away another set of hands. Ming Hui has retreated into his home, and the smell of frying eggs now wafts around it like a protective shroud. He will be unavailable this week.
[] You have been asked to befriend several disciples by your mother, one of whom is Geng Tu, an associate of the craven Jin Yazhu. You may not have gotten off to the best start with him but perhaps you could make inroads.
[] You have met the elusive Zhuan Kun, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that your face has met the elusive Zhuan Kun's knee. But that was barely an introduction. You will seek him out again and perhaps do better in your next sparring session.
[] You have not spoken with your family in quite some time. You shall pen them a letter (Does not count as an action. -1 bronze talent).
-[] (Write-In the contents of the letter)
[] There are other disciples you have yet to meet, and you would like to change that. You'll mingle with your fellows.
[] You have heard of several disciples that you have not formally made the acquaintance of. You would like to expand your social circle, and so you will seek one of them out.
-[] (Write in which disciple you would like to speak with)

Duel Actions
[] You have selected your friend Jai Fa as your champion, and you know she shall represent you well. But she still needs experience with the charms she will be wielding. You will take her to a training ground and allow her practice with your arsenal.
[] Jin Yazhu has certainly selected his champion champion by now. You will attempt to follow him and glean who it will be.
-[] Write-In Plan
[] The treacherous Jin Yazhu is no doubt hard at work crafting charms to defeat you. You will attempt to observe what can laughably be called his 'creation process', and better learn what you will be facing.
-[] Write-In Plan
[] While you would never stoop to such depths unless necessary, you are certain that Jin Yazhu is planning something underhanded. You have secured your workstation, but there is always more you can do to further your defenses.
-[] Write-In Plan

Other actions
[] The Delving Heart is a massive cave complex full of mystery. You'll seek that mystery out and find out more about the place you now live.
[] You have talents and you have sect points. They burn a hole in your purse and token the longer you have them. You shall go to the sect market and seek to offload some of your wealth.
[] Write-In
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Damn. We got the max roll on Talent gain, and we rolled a 6 for tutoring. (Now we have Woodcarving 11!)

The dice gods have decided to bless us this time, it seems.
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Nice, the dice were very kind to us this week.

Ugh, the socials I want are unavailable. I think it would be good to introduce Shouxi and Mo this week, though. Maybe we can tell him he should be at the village when Mo is and arrange a meeting? Or ask Mo if we can invite him along.
We egg'd Ming so hard he's in a cholesterol induced coma for a week. GG

We need to write a letter, finish the archer charm, go to the close point on the map, and start the box, in no particular order.

Oh, and Xu's on a special week-long mission. So he was lying about not doing jobs for a bit... he either really needs pills to take the step, and they're expensive as all getout, or he's trying to help us with the duel.
So, with our new impressive score of Woodcarving 11, we can tentatively finish the build section of the DD Box in three actions (50, but we need 52), or we can devote one more action to build we'd definitely finish it.

My thoughts are that we're only going to do Box build this week, so three actions is good enough. We might get lucky and roll two higher than average.
Did we just get Kung-Fu Ron Swanson?
Yes. Yes we did. And it was GLORIOUS

So, we got enough skills to (if the dice be kind) Double Down on our demon box in just three build actions. In addition, we can power up the Archer charm and get that finished with 3 infusion actions. Nice and tidy

This brings up a question. I know we want to hit up the shallow map point this week. Between that and the crafting actions, we have two left.

I'm thinking we follow our friends example and not do a social this week, instead cycle to the Dance to level that up, and hit the market so we can stock up on a few pills for the shallows.

What do ya think?
How many actions should we need to infuse the Archer charm? Math folks are saying 3 actions should get us a DD on the Box.
If the Rainbow Eyes don't give up the ghost midway, two actions should be enough. Though, I'd strongly recommend spending one action to repair the Rainbow Eyes, since we still have both the Box and the Archer to infuse.

It'll end up with a net gain of actions, trust me.