The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Besides there is apparently no hard limit to the number of techniques we can integrate so even of we dont take it further why not?

Probably some soft limits like conflicting anam types or whatever but it really shouldn't be a deal breaker.
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Besides there is apparently no hard limit to the number of techniques we can integrate so even of we dont take it further why not?

Probably some soft limits like conflicting anam types or whatever but it really shouldn't be a deal breaker.
Apart from the matter of spreading yourself to thin by having a lot of week techniques instead of a handful of strong consistently trained techs that play to our strengths.

I swear y'all would probably go on a suicide mission for this girl just cause she has dogs.
Apart from the matter of spreading yourself to thin by having a lot of week techniques instead of a handful of strong consistently trained techs that play to our strengths.

I swear y'all would probably go on a suicide mission for this girl just cause she has dogs.
...what's your point? :V

But still we dont have to spend any more actions on this technique if we dont want to. In the same wane it doesnt take an action to try it out and learn it here. So why not? It costs no action and nothing says we have to use it ever again unless we want to.
Apart from the matter of spreading yourself to thin by having a lot of week techniques instead of a handful of strong consistently trained techs that play to our strengths.

I swear y'all would probably go on a suicide mission for this girl just cause she has dogs.
Its a balancing act. Jai Fa's critique of Huo Shi was that he attempted the duel using a technique that he wasn't truly prepared to use, but Nokai's self-critique was that she would have done better in the duel if she had more variety in her arsenal. Jai Fa's two techniques are probably weaker than Nokai's Warrior tech, but if they fought after she had reached Soldier and before Nokai had access to this technique my money would have been on Jai Fa. Now it is harder to say, but I think Nokai would come out on top.
Apart from the matter of spreading yourself to thin by having a lot of week techniques instead of a handful of strong consistently trained techs that play to our strengths.
As things stand right now, we aren't getting another technique for probably a week or two and if we really want to make sure the technique is both really good and only includes our main anam types we probably will be waiting around 4 weeks or more just to make sure we can afford a powerful technique.
Tales of Decadence by KreenWarrior
Been a bit since I did an omake:

A series of howls echoed over the hills towards the fortress at the edge of the land known as the General's Grave, fading but not entirely faded as they reached the ears of the guards standing watch on the battlements. Hands tightened on spears and sentry's eyes scanned the ground beyond the walls, while sharp-eyed lookouts on tall towers cast their eyes to the horizon and the wasteland of the Sunset Country.

No darting shapes could be seen approaching the fortress under cover of night. No ink-skinned barbarians and steel-taloned beasts would be descending upon the fortress with a tide of wild anam that defied the disciplines of the Empire. The truce held.

Those who were new to duty here looked to their fellows, feeling the tension in the air and the release of it, but not understanding. Why the concern over a pack of wolves crying in the night? Those with the wisdom to ask would do so, and would be told what howling at the edge of the Sunset Country meant. But even they would not truly understand. They were lucky.

In a camp amidst red hills, the clan's Hunt Leader leaned heavily on her spear as the bray ended. She was not the only one - a full fifteen of the clan's strongest had joined her in the struggle against the kukuni, an old spiteful phantasm of mist and poison that had been disturbed from its slumber by a youth of the clan who had wandered where he should not. They had boxed it in, and bound it with the old fear-songs until it tore itself apart, the only way to deal with such a creature. Now would come the harvesting, but she was too tired to participate. The clan would understand.

"That was close, Cheng. I am growing old for this." Her words were soft, for her companion alone, spoken across their bond which had been forged across more battles than he could county.

The shaggy wolf-dog, for Cheng almost never bothered to change his shape, spoke to her the same way, in a foreboding tone. "You have more hunts in you yet, Master. But it is past time for you to choose an apprentice."

"Perhaps." Shi looked across the hills, her eyes piercing the night with ease, towards the lands of the Empire. With enough anam she might be able to see the fortress guarding the edges of the Imperial lands from here, but she had little enough left to give, and it was a foolish thought. "I had hopes for the girl…"

"The girl is years gone, now." Cheng laid his head across Shi's shoulder. "And now beyond your reach for good. The Imperials have taken her for training. Ganzo's men said as much when they came from their expedition to the Grave." They had also said the Empire men had thrown more than glances at them in the street, and they had cut their planned trading visit short under fear of their lives. "She will learn their ways and forget ours. Such is the way of things. The sun has its path in the sky, and all that lives must one day pass."

Shi knew that was the way of their people. The clay was a harsh mistress. One could not plan as the Imperials, schedule one's lives around the seasons and the growing of crops. The beasts they hunted had their migrations and their routes, but it was not the same thing. One had to accept what was given and find joy where one could.

She scratched at the dog's ear, at a scar she knew often itched. Cheng crouched and leaned into the gesture. "There is talk of resuming the war. Nokai's training in Imperial ways will be one more spark to the fire."

Cheng closed his eyes. "There is always talk of war. There was talk of war days after the Mo general enacted his culling."

Shi knelt beside him and kept gazing into the distance. "This is different, and you know it. Too many of the young have not faced Imperials in battle. They hear the old warriors making themselves feel strong by calling Imperials soft and decadent. They do not understand as we do what it means to face an Empire at war."

Cheng chuckles. "Then they will learn."

Shi's voice is a gentle rebuke. "If they break the truce, then blood will be shed again."

Cheng huffs and she can tell he is giving the matter serious thought for the first time. "The boys are unblooded. Raiding and battle have been our way for generations. The old warriors tell them stories of war, and they listen. They cannot gain glory by hunting boars and stags alone. They must have something to do."

Shi frowns. "And what should that be, old friend?"

Cheng looks up and gives her a canine smile. "Find them something worthy to hunt."
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Your old body felt… like a body. It didn't feel like anything, truly. It was just you. Your new body, on the other hand? It feels like warmth, life, energy as anam pulses in your core.

But the biggest change has to have been to your senses. It feels like your old body was wearing a dozen layers of protective gauze over every single sense, and now they've all suddenly been ripped away. Your sight is clearer. Your sense of smell is sharper. Your sense of touch feels so sensitive that you can no longer walk barefoot on the floor of the Spire. And your hearing?

...honestly, right now, you wish it weren't as good as it is.

Cultivators upgrade bodies like those pretentious assholes who switch in for the newest model of car every year. This is what happen whens you smoke the magic vapors!

Anyway, its pretty clear that Kong Zhi is transforming into a higher entity, a more spirit based one. The natural limiters the body has not to hurt itself are getting pulled away because it isn't really a body anymore. It's a car. That is to say, a vehicle. Am I making sense here?

But, but, but! He's becoming a pansy! He's stopped walking barefoot because it hurts! How you gonna react when someone hits you, huh Zhi?

When it finally stops again, you don't waste time. You spin and head for it's source. It's not hard to figure out where the howling is coming from. The sound seems to be emanating from a side tunnel near the courtyard- a suspicion that's verified when the howling starts once more and you're almost knocked over.

As you force your way through the tunnels, stopping every few moments to shelter from the noise, your mind races as you try to figure out what could be causing this. Could it be a spirit beast? It seems unlikely; you've never seen one this close to the civilized parts of the sect before. A kukuni is more likely; this pounding force in your skull seems like something one of the ephemeral forces would cause. Or it could be neither, or both maybe. Perhaps one is fighting something or this is an echo of a technique or an Elder is testing you all or-

It's telling that Kong Zhi's first instinct when encountering trouble is not to run away from it, but going straight for the source. He is a fluffy thing that does things he should not, indeed. It's understated, but still a badass moment. While the rest of the Servants and Soldiers are just ignoring whats happening, Zhi is going for the throat, even before he thinks it might be Nokai. That's pretty cool.

It barely takes you any time to comprehend Nokai's broken Radiant anymore


She stands in one fluid motion, drawing her dogs with her. As she moves towards another tunnel that will take her further from the Ninth Circle courtyard, you hurry to fall into step with her. Zhao almost seems to roll his eyes, but he obligingly slows down, allowing you to take his spot at Nokai's side.


"Zhao eat Ironclaw Mole two days ago and grow big strength. Kong Zhi fall behind again!" She laughs and reaches out, giving you a friendly push on the shoulder that still sends you stumbling. Behind you, Zhao gives out a small grunt. When you turn to look at him, he's fixing you with a beady eyed stare that makes you think that though Nokai seems to be joking, Zhao is not taking it as such.

You hurriedly turn away and chuckle awkwardly. "I will be sure to catch up as quickly as I can," you reply as you scratch Xue behind the ears. Then you have to pause and look at your arms, where Xue blinks up innocently at you. When did you pick him up?!

It brings a smile to my face to see that Nokai remembers the joke we made during the party. Continuity, people! It's a joy.

Xue is a stealth lord. The fluff master himself it as sneaky as he is cute. I'm so proud of him.

I think Zhao is our rival guys. He's dead serious about staying stronger than Kong Zhi. We cannot let this stand. If Zhao can beat us up, how can we call ourselves a true Artist? We're going to learn the Warhound's Cry, and we're going to learn the Aurochs spear, and we'll show him that man is superior! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHH!

even some waste barbarian thing about declaring your territory

Just because they train dogs doesn't mean they are dogs Kong Zhi! Gosh.

Beast anam coils within each member of Nokai's pack, and as she howls, it joins with the noise and her own personal anam. She's literally using her dogs as a power source in place of a Natural Wonder! You had no idea that was even possible!

Nokai has familiars! I'm sure they're called something else, but she can use them as anam batteries. While it would be very useful, I think that it's not something we can pursue ourselves. Nokai has expertise in the matter, so we'd be stumbling in the dark. If we want to learn how to bray (?) we'd have to do it in the waste barbarian style. It's outside of the scope of our current goals, but it might come up again as we push ourselves further and further into Nokai's corner.

That does remind me though. There is a limited amount of characters we can invest in to a tremendous extent. The more we interact with Nokai, for example, the more we learn from her, the more we become linked. We will have a responsibility towards her. A shared path.

If I'm to throw some story speculation out there, investing in Nokai as much as we have is going to make her problems, our problems. It's pretty basic relationship stuff. Partners in crime sort of deal. We know what Zhi's 'crime' is (being a Kong charmcrafter, being a Time cultivator, being the protag). Nokai's crime is being a Waste Barbarian, being uneducated in the ways of the Radiant Empire, and being a hostage, probably. A major focus of the quest is going to end up being Nokai based if we keep on using our social actions on her. That's great! I find her plotline one of the most interesting. But maybe the consequences of this vote isn't just about the social reaction. It's about how Nokai views us. It is her going "Kong Zhi is someone I can rely on. He is part of my pack, he is my support. He will be there for me."

Which is to say, we're tripping the flag for the Nokai route, and there's no going back now without choking on our tears. No choice but to see it through.

...this closing statement is a bit premature...

You stare at that newly opened space. You had not expected this. An invitation to learn a technique is rare enough, but being invited to learn a technique inspired by a barbarian's totem companion? That's another thing entirely. And there's no question in your mind that the technique will be a potent one. You were convinced of that the moment you were first hit by the howl.

But on the other hand...

-consorting with some young Artists of questionable background and character-

You aren't certain that it would really be the wisest idea.

Yeah, I think the rhetoric behind the vote was inherently fucked up. The social consequences aren't going to come from the howl itself, and the opinions people have about Kong Zhi knowing it. That's a my bad.

The social consequences, and indeed, the ramifications of this vote, will come from Nokai believing that Kong Zhi is absolutely in her camp, no questions asked, case closed. We're basically signing a blood bond with the girl. We are declaring our loyalty and kinship with her.

And Nokai ain't interested in the social graces and social standards of the Radiant Empire. Her idea of a friend is going to be way different than Kong Zhi's idea of a friend, and I'm gonna place a bet that Nokai is going to pull us into a hot potato situation because she thinks she can rely on Kong Zhi the same way she relies on her dogs.

Man. I was straight up foolish. We were focusing on the wrong thing all this time!

Wait. Wait. Wait. If Nokai can use her anam alongside her dogs, does that mean that she might be able to share her anam with us if we're part of her pack? That the one becomes the all, the cores become a communal pool? That's wild speculation, but maybe that's part of the Waste Barbarian's strength, unique to them. Not having to walk the path alone?
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hurt itself are getting pulled away because it isn't really a body anymore. It's a car. That is to say, a vehicle. Am I making sense here?
Sort of. This goes into transhumanism, but Kong has mental and physical memories( muscle memory and how to deal with senses) of being a normal human. This is falling away with the addition of a core which is basically his anam's gundam seat. Only he's still flesh and blood, so he hasn't moved away from from normal humanity.

Her idea of a friend is going to be way different than Kong Zhi's idea of a friend, and I'm gonna place a bet that Nokai is going to pull us into a hot potato situation because she thinks she can rely on Kong Zhi the same way she relies on her dogs.

Man. I was straight up foolish. We were focusing on the wrong thing all this time!
Frosty Mei Flashbacks intensify...
If we are concerned about differing expectations regarding friendship, it might be worth having a conversation with Nokai about exactly what we can expect from each other and what forces are operating on each of us.

When it comes to maintaining social connections, we will probably spend 3 social action a turn which likely allows us to have 6 strong relationships. That's around what we have right now. Do we want to pursue more? Switch some up?
Ok, so I took a hot break from this quest for a few days, and came back to... uh.


I don't think people are really realizing that stuff having mechanical and social benefits doesn't mean that it doesn't have costs as well.

I'm more than a bit bothered by the fact that we've built Kong to be this intensely filial son, and supposedly made hard decisions based on this fact before, and now it seems like that characterization is getting picked up and placed firmly in the trash (Anyone who claims that Nokai is not what Kong's mother meant when she referenced unsavory company is deluding themselves). Now, I've seen some fair arguments as to why people wanted to accept (not that I necessarily agree with them, mind), but I also saw a lot of people who chose yes because OH YEZ PUPPER IZ GUD or WE IZ HER FREND, SO WE HAS TO, without acknowledging any of the reasons against it, such as the fact that the technique is incredibly not Kong in every way from Anam to Personality. And that bothers me even more, I won't lie.

What I'm getting is that some people are not really internalizing the fact that doing things can have consequences beyond the obvious. I also saw some people acknowledging the fact that there were probably negative consequences for accepting, but wanting to do it anyway because apparently the story is only interesting if you literally hunt down conflict and throw yourself at it wherever and whenever possible. And I'm not sure there's a logical argument I could make to those kinds of people.

So, I guess...



Right, I'm out of here. People walking straight into the fucking briar patch and thinking the thorns are just marshmallows.

I'm going to be too fucking mad to enjoy this quest for the next month I imagine.

Yeah. Uh. Hmm.

I might take your example and sit this one out.
I'm more than a bit bothered by the fact that we've built Kong to be this intensely filial son, and supposedly made hard decisions based on this fact before, and now it seems like that characterization is getting picked up and placed firmly in the trash (Anyone who claims that Nokai is not what Kong's mother meant when she referenced unsavory company is deluding themselves).

Part of the reason for this is that fundamentally there is a hierarchy to our mother's requests. We are to pursue a friendship with Mo Hanying. Distancing Hanying from undesirable elements is valuable but pointless if it costs us the underlying relationship.

Getting close to Nokai is an act of vulnerability. An act of vulnerability that Mo Hanying is sharing in as Nokai's roommate and thus is a good way of getting closer to her despite our poor social skills. Frankly our mother's desire for us to do interpersonal sabotage is absurd, it takes all our effort and then some simply to not be an ass. I think our letter oversold our competency dramatically.

(Incidentally, Mei Beiyu would almost certainly also be "unsavoury company".)

Edit: I am also trying really hard to push Kong Zhi into being curious about anam and valuing diversity of it.

I understand the frustration, though. There is no solid idea of who Kong Zhi is yet and so he just sort of careens from one kind of choice to another.
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I'm gonna be honest; It's pretty much impossible to maintain a consistent characterization when you've got a hundred random people voting on every decision. Like, that vote about how we handle enemies? There's no fucking way we ever keep to that.
Anyone who claims that Nokai is not what Kong's mother meant when she referenced unsavory company is deluding themselves).

Well, she would probably include Nokai in that group of bad influences. We know Nokai, and I can't say that she has been a bad influence. Kong's mother mentioned Artists in plural, so there are others. Which makes me think of the guy who disrespected Elder Sela etc.

Instead we've befriended the one who made Soldier first and will clearly be one of those with most personal strenght going forward.

If Kong Zhi's mother objects we will find a way to deal with it. We can even mention Nokai in the next letter.

Sure we will face discrimination from others in the sect, but we can deal with that as well.
It would be easier if we didn't have to, but it's not going to be an impossible obstacle.

such as the fact that the technique is incredibly not Kong in every way from Anam to Personality.
It'd depend in what situation Kong Zhi uses the technique. It would be very in tune with his personality if his enemy has a horrible fashion sense. :p
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Apart from the matter of spreading yourself to thin by having a lot of week techniques instead of a handful of strong consistently trained techs that play to our strengths.
At present we're looking at:
-Having techniques and tactical options.
-Not having techniques and getting yo ass beat.

Once we at least have an Anam technique for a minimum Advantaged or Neutral exchange against any standard maneuver(we'd ignore temporary triangle inversions for now) then looking at focus vs diversity makes sense.
Can't wait till somehow the overeager yes vote backfires once again. Didn't we learn our lesson earlier on with the Daiyu saga?

We are going to lose our entire allowance and familial support at the least the second someone checks what we've integrated. I fucking hate this over eagernesss that doesn't look at consequences down the line then realizes said consequences have neutered better opportunities.

Why does everyone here want to fail is my question? When we run home crying because we got a sub-par technique in the long run for short as shit term benefits and long term relationship and social consequences at the very least don't say nobody warned you.

Everyone in here loves going for temporary excitement rather than building upon anything. Its so tragic.

Decently sick the past few days and forgot to vote but it wouldn't have mattered anyways. I'm probably going to take a break from this quest once the consequences are laid out and people realize what a fuckup this is to any and all future ambitions. Nokai is not our future, she is short term. Why don't people understand that. We will not be taking a barbarian to the top no matter how much we try. She isn't part of our long game and I hate it when it's like we try to go for the long haul and I thought that was the intention of the voterbase with the earlier Daiyu vote. Sacrifice relationships for the long haul. But it seems like it's just flip flop flip flop back on anything and it's because you guys want the shiny yes go go go button.

I really am just gonna have to take a break from this quest. It's fucking infuriating.
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Ok, so I took a hot break from this quest for a few days, and came back to... uh.


I don't think people are really realizing that stuff having mechanical and social benefits doesn't mean that it doesn't have costs as well.

I'm more than a bit bothered by the fact that we've built Kong to be this intensely filial son, and supposedly made hard decisions based on this fact before, and now it seems like that characterization is getting picked up and placed firmly in the trash (Anyone who claims that Nokai is not what Kong's mother meant when she referenced unsavory company is deluding themselves). Now, I've seen some fair arguments as to why people wanted to accept (not that I necessarily agree with them, mind), but I also saw a lot of people who chose yes because OH YEZ PUPPER IZ GUD or WE IZ HER FREND, SO WE HAS TO, without acknowledging any of the reasons against it, such as the fact that the technique is incredibly not Kong in every way from Anam to Personality. And that bothers me even more, I won't lie.

What I'm getting is that some people are not really internalizing the fact that doing things can have consequences beyond the obvious. I also saw some people acknowledging the fact that there were probably negative consequences for accepting, but wanting to do it anyway because apparently the story is only interesting if you literally hunt down conflict and throw yourself at it wherever and whenever possible. And I'm not sure there's a logical argument I could make to those kinds of people.

So, I guess...


Yeah. Uh. Hmm.

I might take your example and sit this one out.
Right. So interestingly, people don't always put all their reasoning into their post when they vote. Sometimes they add a memey one-liner or such to their vote because this is a community game and jokes tend to come into play in these sorts of situation, but that doesn't mean what they say in that post is their only reason for voting that way. Sometimes it is difficult or unappealing to add in their reasoning to a vote. It could be an issue of time; I myself am often at work when an update comes out and not in a position where I can put in an in-depth post about my position. It could be the fact that your points have already been brought up, sometimes multiple times, and that it doesn't really add anything to the discussion to bring it up again. Some people have difficulty articulating their arguments and thus don't include it. Others just don't want to because they want to participate, but don't have any interest in campaigning for more votes. There are probably many other reasons, but the point is just because someone casts a vote while also saying 'I like Doggo' doesn't mean that their only reason for voting that way is because they like doggo.

As to your point about people not grasping the consequences, some may be, but to me it seems like most people understood that this choice is going to have some. I don't think a single person mentioned with any seriousness that learning this technique wasn't going to come with some social repercussions. What we did was weigh those risks against the mechanical and social benefits and came to the conclusion that the risk was worth it. I did notice, however, that whenever someone brought up the idea that a No vote would also carry consequences of its own (albeit far less wide reaching) in the form of damage to our relationship with Nokai, the people voting for No seemed to deny that it was a possibility.
Can't wait till somehow the overeager yes vote backfires once again. Didn't we learn our lesson earlier on with the Daiyu saga?
This presumes that people agree with you about the Daiyu situation.
It happened exactly like we expected it to, and we're dealing quite well with the results, would make the same choice if it happened again.
This presumes that people agree with you about the Daiyu situation.
It happened exactly like we expected it to, and we're dealing quite well with the results, would make the same choice if it happened again.

See rest of post where I say I thought we were committing to long game with Daiyu vote but apparently we aren't anymore with this one.
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We are going to lose our entire allowance and familial support at the least the second someone checks what we've integrated.

No we're not. Those are not the stakes here.

Our mother will likely be annoyed with us. We might well lose a portion of our allowance. However I suspect that even that could be pretty heavily mitigated by explaining our reasoning (that this is an effective way of getting closer to Mo Hanying and that cutting Nokai out would jeopardize our connection to her), demonstrate a desire to avoid getting into such binds in the future (for instance by asking for help to become more informed about the political landscape), and perhaps even provide some materials for our father if we can find them.
No we're not. Those are not the stakes here.

Our mother will likely be annoyed with us. We might well lose a portion of our allowance. However I suspect that even that could be pretty heavily mitigated by explaining our reasoning (that this is an effective way of getting closer to Mo Hanying and that cutting Nokai out would jeopardize our connection to her), demonstrate a desire to avoid getting into such binds in the future (for instance by asking for help to become more informed about the political landscape), and perhaps even provide some materials for our father if we can find them.

Even so If it's how you say I still hate that we're going for short term "it's a shiny technique" votes. But that's SV so whatever
See rest of post where I say I thought we were committing to long game with Daiyu vote but apparently we aren't anymore with this one.
We weren't to begin with, don't read too much into the motivations of any vote, because few posters will share your own interpretations.
We expressedly do not regret the action we took, only the outcome.
We parted on bitter but not vicious terms, and if the circumstances align, perhaps things may change again.

On our priorities, there is a nebulous cluster of personal pride, clan interests, and personal friends.
Of our friends, we've sought out three of our own initiative, the Jai siblings and Nokai, so you can predict a somewhat higher level of player interest in them than the rest of our friend group.

As for the current vote, it is actually nowhere near clear what mother refers to as far as inappropriate influences is concerned.
Look at the phrasing:
The same cannot be said about others in the young Mo's circle. I am led to believe that she has begun consorting with some young Artists of questionable background and character. If you can find it in your heart to guide her from these poor influences, I am certain I shall have many more opportunities to extol your virtues to Mo Qiu directly.

We have a few key points:
-This is likely at Mo Qiu's request. Its something her telling Hanying to do something that wouldn't happen(which matches what we know of her, she's stubborn when she sets her mind to a task)
-Mother is being circumspect, names are not named, character and background are mentioned but never elaborated.
--This points away from Nokai, as nobody ever has exhibited any difficulty calling her a barbarian. She has shit all backing.
--This points towards people aligned with certain nobles, because, as the letter may be intercepted and read, any slurs against a noble may have far reaching consequences.
--Previous letters had suggested that her fiance was less than desirable.
--Previous letters had expressed that the Jin are low bred criminals
--Extrapolation - Some of Hanying's friend group are in tight with the Jin, and should be pried away from her, particularly since she trusted the Jin enough to commission charms from them. Without a familial alliance, its likely a friend-of-a-friend recommendation at work.
My dearest mother has also asked me to pass on her well-wishes, but furthermore she would like to give you some information. If you are not already aware, in your circle there currently resides a dog of the Jin family. The Jin are but steps away from low-bred thieves and should be treated as such. Mother cautions you to be careful around this fiend and suggests that it would likely be for the best if he did not ascend too far.

I have also recently had the honor of trading words with the honored Patriarch himself, as well as his wife. Both have words for you, which I will do my utmost to pass on. Kong Ru sends her love, support, and word from Harmony. Not one, not two, but three children of the Steadfast Court itself have journeyed to the Delving Heart. Kong Ru wishes you nothing but success in making yourself known to the sons and daughters of the families Geng, Mo, and Zhuan. She further notes that the young daughter of Mo has recently become party to an arrangement with a lesser clan. Should the young woman's interests lead her elsewhere, it can only lead to good.

That said all this is moot because Mo Hanying judges people based on sincerity, and despite her large social circle has basically considered none of them friends, other than Nokai.
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