The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Agreed with everything ShyGuy said, I'd rather do a CD action where we try talking to him or join a nokai social and use him to hit a spirit beast and see what happens.

If we finish FV this turn, next turn we can do 2 Axe actions, the tournament, then spend the 3 other actions doing Regalia search, Exploring Warren, and a CD action.
[X] Plan: Backlog Intensifies Further
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augh fuck it, this plan might not win but here we go

[X] Plan The Beast and the Pig Hunt
- [] You are now a member of the Eighth Circle, and as such, your time is no longer your own. Elder Siani and his Caretakers require your service. (This action counts as 3 Actions. This action is mandatory.)
- [] The only true way to walk your path is to cycle the anam of the world. You will do so.
--[] The Steel Thicket
---[] Infusing Fractal View x1
--[] The Black Anvil
---[] Infusing Fractal View x1
--[] The Firesnake's Coil
---[] Infusing Fractal View x1
--[] A Second of Eternity
---[] Infusing Fractal View x1
-[] You have recently begun searching for the Lord's Regalia, the crown jewels of the ancient Moloth people. If anything will have become a Natural Treasure of Royalty in the last several thousand years, it will be that. You have the location of the Jade Lord's Echo, a hall it was frequently used in. Perhaps you will find more clues there.
--[] Try to bribe the ascended spirit pig with food and some low-level matts (Ifeagrass (Blood 3), Wool of a Verdant Ewe (Beast 2)) for his help in tracking down the regalia on the Jade room.
-[] On your belt hangs a small hammer inhabited by a Kukuni of Steel you have dubbed Chui Dao. It seems to be an affable spirit with a passion for beating metal, but there may be more. You will experiment with Chui Dao and see what other secrets hide within his metal.
--[] You will seek out Chao Yun to find forth a location of weak spirit beasts or kukuni to test your Mughi against.
---[] Invite Nokai to this action
-[ ] Commission 1x Grade 2 Wind Pill from Shouxi

No pills because I believe we can find a wind wonder later and we need points probably later for a tech from the archives.

Fuck it, i'll get 1 grade 2 wind pill just in case for combat or cultivation.

we have a 25 % chance to finish FV with 4 actions and i'm taking it.

This is my plan lads, come join for the ride and let's hunt some spirit beasts with OUR HAMMER BOIS.
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No pills because I believe we can find a wind wonder later and we need points probably later for a tech from the archives.
Even if we get a Wind Wonder later, we won't be able to cycle from it and the Smoke Wonder at the same time, dramatically reducing the rate which we can advance the technique since we'd need to fill each phase halfway and move back and forth.

Pills, on the other hand, can be consumed in a Wonder. Natural Treasures can also be cycled inside of a Wonder, because they are portable.

Essentially, if you want to advance a technique without spending double the actions that you'd otherwise need, that's what you'd want to do. (And honestly, a doubling is a light estimation of the increase of actions that'd necessitate.)
-[] Nokai is on the prowl for beasts to hunt to strengthen her pack. Everything she hunts will be going down the gullets of her hounds, but she would still welcome your presence. (Pack Mentality Roll: 14! Costs 1 Action.)
--[] Use Chui Dao against whatever foes you may encounter along with Nokai. See to it you get that feeling of destruction from your hammer just like you did with Geng Tu and this time no longer hold back
There are two major issue with this proposed action.

Firstly, that you are suggesting that Kong Zhi try to use Chui Dao as a weapon in live combat with no real idea of how to do so. It's Flail Wildly Hammer edition, and appears to bank on Nokai jumping in to Save Zhi when he fucks up. We lucked out when we tried to Fight Mei without a real technique, but banking on another miracle roll like that is just silly. No offense intended.

Secondly, you are double dipping. It's one thing if you write in an action to try learning how to use the hammer as a weapon and put a subvote in to invite Nokai. We've done similar things in the past, like when we Invited Fa to explore the Tunnels with us. But trying to squeeze in an extra objective in a social is trying to do two things at once, it's different. Ves has expressed his displeasure with these kind of votes in the past. The goal of doing a social action is to hang out, you can't just tack on an extra task. Plus, think of how it looks in character- "Hey Nokai, hunting beasts? PERFECT, I needed to do something and this is close enough, let me just highjack your plans to fit my needs!"

I would highly advise you to change this to a write in and invite Nokai if you think she's needed, not try to squeeze two things into one action.
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There are two major issue with this proposed action.

Firstly, that you are suggesting that Kong Zhi try to use Chui Dao as a weapon in live combat with no real idea of how to do so. It's Flail Wildly Hammer edition, banking on Nokai to Save Zhi when he fucks up. We lucked out when we tried to Fight Mei without a real technique, but banking on another miracle roll like that is just silly. No offense intended.

Secondly, you are double dipping. It's one thing if you write in an action to try learning how to use the hammer as a weapon and put a subvote in to invite Nokai. We've done similar things in the past, like when we Invited Fa to explore the Tunnels with us. But trying to squeeze in an extra objective in a social is trying to do two things at once, it's different. Ves has expressed his displeasure with these kind of votes in the past. The goal of doing a social action is to hang out, you can't just tack on an extra task.

I would highly advise you to change this to a write in and invite Nokai if you think she's needed, not try to squeeze two things into one action.

mhm, still not sure on this but i'll ask Ves.

@Vesvius are you fine with me tacking on the hammer thing onto the Nokai social or would you prefer me to make it it's own hammer write in as such.

[] On your belt hangs a small hammer inhabited by a Kukuni of Steel you have dubbed Chui Dao. It seems to be an affable spirit with a passion for beating metal, but there may be more. You will experiment with Chui Dao and see what other secrets hide within his metal.
-[] (Write-In how you will experiment with Chui Dao.)

and just write down my attempts to add nokai to the action?

on another note, if Ves decides no to tacking hammer on nokai social.

what do you mates think on asking Chao Yun for a location of weak spirit beasts or opponents to try and test our hammer on?

maybe something like this.

-[] Seek out Chao Yun once more to find a suitable testing ground with weak opponents whether they be Kukuni or spirit beasts in the caverns.
[X] Plan Indiana Kong and the Regalia of Kings, Fractal Edition

In that case, back to this until there's an updated plan 👍🏽 Also maybe add the pills if you do make a new plan lol, it's a deal breaker for a lot of people.
The second, please. Knight is correct about the double-dipping thing.
welp, things have changed lads.

made the following changes to my plan. Will ask Chao Yun for a suitable location in the caves to find weak kukuni or spirit beasts to test our hammer might against foes and invote Nokai if we encounter trouble.

[X] Plan The Beast and the Pig Hunt Ver 2.0
- [] You are now a member of the Eighth Circle, and as such, your time is no longer your own. Elder Siani and his Caretakers require your service. (This action counts as 3 Actions. This action is mandatory.)
- [] The only true way to walk your path is to cycle the anam of the world. You will do so.
--[] The Steel Thicket
---[] Infusing Fractal View x1
--[] The Black Anvil
---[] Infusing Fractal View x1
--[] The Firesnake's Coil
---[] Infusing Fractal View x1
--[] A Second of Eternity
---[] Infusing Fractal View x1
-[] You have recently begun searching for the Lord's Regalia, the crown jewels of the ancient Moloth people. If anything will have become a Natural Treasure of Royalty in the last several thousand years, it will be that. You have the location of the Jade Lord's Echo, a hall it was frequently used in. Perhaps you will find more clues there.
--[] Try to bribe the ascended spirit pig with food and some low-level matts (Ifeagrass (Blood 3), Wool of a Verdant Ewe (Beast 2)) for his help in tracking down the regalia on the Jade room.
-[] On your belt hangs a small hammer inhabited by a Kukuni of Steel you have dubbed Chui Dao. It seems to be an affable spirit with a passion for beating metal, but there may be more. You will experiment with Chui Dao and see what other secrets hide within his metal.
--[] You will seek out Chao Yun to find forth a location of weak spirit beasts or kukuni to test your Mughi against.
---[] Invite Nokai to this action
-[ ] Commission 1x Grade 2 Wind Pill from Shouxi
I don't understand the objection to flailing with the hammer. Seems like the best way to test it out is to hit something with it, not read a manual with detailed instructions on hitting things with hammers. If people are scared we'd lose, we're bringing backup and have techniques that work and we can just drop it like Fa dropped her axe.

Also, yeah. We use our other tools and techniques when we hunt, why not try hitting it with a hammer?
There are two major issue with this proposed action.

Firstly, that you are suggesting that Kong Zhi try to use Chui Dao as a weapon in live combat with no real idea of how to do so. It's Flail Wildly Hammer edition, and appears to bank on Nokai jumping in to Save Zhi when he fucks up. We lucked out when we tried to Fight Mei without a real technique, but banking on another miracle roll like that is just silly. No offense intended.

Secondly, you are double dipping. It's one thing if you write in an action to try learning how to use the hammer as a weapon and put a subvote in to invite Nokai. We've done similar things in the past, like when we Invited Fa to explore the Tunnels with us. But trying to squeeze in an extra objective in a social is trying to do two things at once, it's different. Ves has expressed his displeasure with these kind of votes in the past. The goal of doing a social action is to hang out, you can't just tack on an extra task. Plus, think of how it looks in character- "Hey Nokai, hunting beasts? PERFECT, I needed to do something and this is close enough, let me just highjack your plans to fit my needs!"

I would highly advise you to change this to a write in and invite Nokai if you think she's needed, not try to squeeze two things into one action.
i broadly agree with your points, but thinking you're being perhaps a bit overly negative in your analysis RE: 'Wild flailing with a Hammer'.

KZ is incredibly different, indistinguishable to the never thrown a punch wild flailer of the early quest.

Hell, KZ even has A Knack For Combat which while doesn't explicitly impact training rates or spontaneous technique generation, should count for something when it comes to experimenting.

TBH I think one of the strongest arguments against any particular Chui Dao actions right now is that KZ is literally about to (probably) drastically alter his physical form. Maybe all the live-fire experimenting against a Spirit Beast should happen, y'know, after that? (and the subsequent stat buffs)
Gotta say, I find this confusing. Isn't Raydom's proposal "hunt, but use our hammer during it?" It seems weird that that's something we just... Can't do.
Not really? The first is 'Do a social action and then stipulate some additional things' in a kind of way to stretch 1AP into like 1.5.

The second is 'Do a hunt/training action and then try your dice-luck to bring a friend/safety net, but you'll do the training option anyway'.

Pretty different IMO.
Gotta say, I find this confusing. Isn't Raydom's proposal "hunt, but use our hammer during it?" It seems weird that that's something we just... Can't do.
The inherrent idea of hunting beasts with a hammer alongside Noaki isn't the issue.

It's trying to do the social action, hanging out with Nokai, but also squeezing in a free training session because her planned activity is hunting that is an issue. Trying to game the system, getting 1.5-2 AP worth of actions for one action, that isn't cool with Ves.

It's why Ray writing in "I want to hunt spirit beasts to test my hammer, and I'll invite Nokai if she's free" is fine. Because the action is us training, and we are just inviting a friend to join us.

We can either improve our Social Link, or Train. We can't do both for 1 action.
The inherrent idea of hunting beasts with a hammer alongside Noaki isn't the issue.

It's trying to do the social action, hanging out with Nokai, but also squeezing in a free training session because her planned activity is hunting that is an issue. Trying to game the system, getting 1.5-2 AP worth of actions for one action, that isn't cool with Ves.

It's why Ray writing in "I want to hunt spirit beasts to test my hammer, and I'll invite Nokai if she's free" is fine. Because the action is us training, and we are just inviting a friend to join us.

We can either improve our Social Link, or Train. We can't do both for 1 action.

The social link can still be built, but the context differs a lot. In the default action...

[] Nokai is on the prowl for beasts to hunt to strengthen her pack. Everything she hunts will be going down the gullets of her hounds, but she would still welcome your presence.

...we would be helping Nokai hunt down beasts to get meat for her pack to eat. Hammering the hell out of the beasts might be counter to that since we could turn them into paste the dogs can't easily eat or something. We dunno what the hammer will do. Further, as her pack is getting stronger she's going to want to hunt down stronger beasts.

Us inviting her to go find a beast to test our hammer on is her helping us by providing a safety net, and just hanging out. But since we'd be hunting down a test subject for something we're not familiar with using as a weapon, we're probably not going to go after something very strong - needs to be something we can hit with Chui Dao easily enough that our inexperience won't turn the battle against us. So it wouldn't be ideal for her feeding her pack.
Not sure about bothering Brother Scale for that. We could try the Assignment Hall for some weak targets.
Although, I'm not convinced that we need something to kill in order to test this. Training dummies or sparring partners should also be fine.