The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Current tally.

Adhoc vote count started by Enjou on Jul 4, 2021 at 4:51 PM, finished with 125 posts and 46 votes.
Just one random thought, we know that arts can evolve and already we got an insight into BSA while using Mughi to hit some metal, instead of looking for a new hammer art that we would need to integrate (and we are already full of techniques we should integrate ASAP and never do because of all the other shinier options we have every week), why don't we attempt to get another insight in BSA + Mughi? Maybe we could try to get our inspiration from the nature of the plants in the Steel Thicket to (hopefully) move the art from Wood/Earth to Wood/Steel. Should we succeed we would make the technique cheaper and more in line with our build and it would be a possible bonding moment with Mughi as well. We got our first insight just thanks to them, it would be poetic to do the same for a second insight
Just one random thought, we know that arts can evolve and already we got an insight into BSA while using Mughi to hit some metal, instead of looking for a new hammer art that we would need to integrate (and we are already full of techniques we should integrate ASAP and never do because of all the other shinier options we have every week), why don't we attempt to get another insight in BSA + Mughi? Maybe we could try to get our inspiration from the nature of the plants in the Steel Thicket to (hopefully) move the art from Wood/Earth to Wood/Steel. Should we succeed we would make the technique cheaper and more in line with our build and it would be a possible bonding moment with Mughi as well. We got our first insight just thanks to them, it would be poetic to do the same for a second insight

I don't think we can rely on obtaining insights in some reliable way. And we definitely can't predict what insight we would get.
If we want to swing hammer around, Zhi needs to learn how to swing hammer.
[] Plan Indiana Kong and the Regalia of Kings, Fractal Edition

Need to sleep on this a bit more.
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I don't think we can rely on obtaining insights in some reliable way. And we definitely can't predict what insight we would get.
If we want to swing hammer around, Zhi needs to learn how to swing hammer.
I completely agree, however, I think that devoting an action to experiment with mughi and BSA in an offensive manner or to studythe Thicket in full and how wood and steel anam interacts in its foliage using SEG is much more likely to grant us an insight that what we would get should we just swing a hammer around with neither rime nor reason. And I do not believe that at the moment at least, starting the integration of a completely new technique would be advisable. Consider that once we have finished integrating all the 3 techs with our core anam types we will probably start to carve some channels for the Farmer step. So yeah we can't force insights or game the system, I agree, but we should try to, at least, experiment as both Ves and Ct suggested multiple times rather than playing it safe and always archive diving IMHO
I completely agree, however, I think that devoting an action to experiment with mughi and BSA in an offensive manner or to studythe Thicket in full and how wood and steel anam interacts in its foliage using SEG is much more likely to grant us an insight that what we would get should we just swing a hammer around with neither rime nor reason. And I do not believe that at the moment at least, starting the integration of a completely new technique would be advisable. Consider that once we have finished integrating all the 3 techs with our core anam types we will probably start to carve some channels for the Farmer step. So yeah we can't force insights or game the system, I agree, but we should try to, at least, experiment as both Ves and Ct suggested multiple times rather than playing it safe and always archive diving IMHO
That's not the point of going to the archive in the plan. It's to find a martial art, like Hummingbirds Dance, pertaining to Warhammers that we can use Chui Dao with than see how he responds to being practiced with as a weapon instead of a tool.
I completely agree, however, I think that devoting an action to experiment with mughi and BSA in an offensive manner or to studythe Thicket in full and how wood and steel anam interacts in its foliage using SEG is much more likely to grant us an insight that what we would get should we just swing a hammer around with neither rime nor reason.
Its not swinging hammer for no reason, its learning how to use hammer. That in itself is pretty useful.

Consider that once we have finished integrating all the 3 techs with our core anam types we will probably start to carve some channels for the Farmer step.
Maybe, for some reason, I thought that the more integrated techniques we have the better, but I can't really find it, so I'm probably mistaken about that. In any case, I think that we should definitely find out more about the Farmer step, Kumi told us that every Farmer is different and that the process can greatly vary between different people.

So yeah we can't force insights or game the system, I agree, but we should try to, at least, experiment as both Ves and Ct suggested multiple times rather than playing it safe and always archive diving IMHO
I think that learning how to use our hammer-shaped kukuni companion counts as experimenting rather than playing it safe.
That's not the point of going to the archive in the plan. It's to find a martial art, like Hummingbirds Dance, pertaining to Warhammers that we can use Chui Dao with than see how he responds to being practiced with as a weapon instead of a tool.
That's a solid idea, I just fear that getting another martial art would mean obtaining another possible AP drain, something like raptor foot or talon of remembrance that despite good potential will never be completed or always put on the backlog. I'm just saying that before doing that attempting some more "creative" solution may be an option (and cost only 1AP in total).

I think that learning how to use our hammer-shaped kukuni companion counts as experimenting rather than playing it safe.
I agree, and I also think that learning how to use the kukuni we got as the result of a multi-week mission with a great backstory is a type of experimentation, my critique is only at thinking that to learn how to use Mughi we must look for another martial art from the get-go, I think it could be potentially more interesting and faster to attempt other strategies involving a great mechanic of the quest (insights) we have not deliberately attempted to explore more, we may fail catastrophically but I think that either way it will be entertaining, and that in itself should ultimately be one of the goals of this quest.
That's a solid idea, I just fear that getting another martial art would mean obtaining another possible AP drain, something like raptor foot or talon of remembrance that despite good potential will never be completed or always put on the backlog. I'm just saying that before doing that attempting some more "creative" solution may be an option (and cost only 1AP in total).

I agree, and I also think that learning how to use the kukuni we got as the result of a multi-week mission with a great backstory is a type of experimentation, my critique is only at thinking that to learn how to use Mughi we must look for another martial art from the get-go, I think it could be potentially more interesting and faster to attempt other strategies involving a great mechanic of the quest (insights) we have not deliberately attempted to explore more, we may fail catastrophically but I think that either way it will be entertaining, and that in itself should ultimately be one of the goals of this quest.
Raptor Foot and Talon only got the minimum because of what they were, being the physical techs of the Taioyue Limbs. Once Fractal is finished we will probably never use them and thus why we only put as much effort into them as was practical at the time so they wouldn't hinder us or like the case with the latest time we trained them, so we could get rid of them all the faster.

Chui Dao is another beast entirely. I have no doubt that he can hit harder than the limbs could ever hope to and we actually like him unlike the shitty limbs.

Edit: Also what do you mean "creative solution". If we want to use Chui Dao as a weapon we need to, you know, learn how to use a weapon first.
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Chui Dao is another beast entirely. I have no doubt that he can hit harder than the limbs could ever hope to and we actually like him unlike the shitty limbs.

I don't "like" the limbs per se, but I do like the notion of beating up Tiaoyue with the very limbs that they "gifted" to Kong Zhi AND there are stat boosts to be gained from fully mastering and integrating the limbs, so I would still be in favour of training the limbs even after AFV is completed.
I don't "like" the limbs per se, but I do like the notion of beating up Tiaoyue with the very limbs that they "gifted" to Kong Zhi AND there are stat boosts to be gained from fully mastering and integrating the limbs, so I would still be in favour of training the limbs even after AFV is completed.
Seeing as its now Zhi's goal to reshape the limbs "into his own image" using a body shaping tech eventually I would say that that would probably just end up being wasted effort better spent doing something else.
With regard to pills, we are a couple of phases away from CB not really supplying enough Wind to need them. (Although that will depend on whether you think that each cycling success from CB counts as double due to the matching aspects.)
Shouxi's super pill will likely do something mysterious, but beneficial if used to cycle for Plume, such as possibly bypass the overflow rules. So I wouldn't rule that one out.
Which means I'm not convinced that we need any pills for training Plume at the moment.

However, we should be carrying a stock of pills for combat use, and for our eventual out of Sect assignments. So it is still worth getting some. But they should really be Grade 2 pills.
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Finally, caught up. Used to follow this quest long ago, but I kinda dropped it during the... contentious vote, back near the beginning. Gotta say, it was a mistake, this quest is beautifully written and the QM did an amazing job turning the voted betrayal into a good story.

[X] Plan Indiana Kong and the Regalia of Kings, Fractal Edition
[X] Plan Indiana Kong and the Regalia of Kings, Fractal Edition

I have, on reflection, soured on a few different aspects of the write-in for CD. I do want to experiment with him but buying a tech about hammer use from the archive is probably the lamest way of doing so I can think of, on top of being a random potentially high cost when we've finally put together a decent backlog of points. Hell, for all we know using him in battle will unlock his own War-based tech. Doubt it, but I still think straight up buying some martial art and learning it is premature compared to just trying to practice with him or take him into battle, etc etc.

I really wanted the chance to finish the transformation right before the contest for maximum style points, but I guess the week before will have to do.