The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Well, it's not exactly clear which bits Ves is keeping in the combination. As I wrote it...then as she smashes her axe gets smashier and she'll have crystal armor encasing whatever she's wearing making her that much tankier, which can be converted back into force for bursts of movement. She asked for an axe, it's an axe with a function that should be useful.

If we're being honest the axes are really just "as she hits, she debuffs/buffs/charges offense/charges defense" so they all fulfill her request without issue.

Right. In addition, my own half of the proposal honestly focuses more on versatility, potentially even including crowd control abilities like making steel chains etc.

Ultimatelly, it depends on where Ves takes it (and its final BT, I imagine...)
Streaming by HousePet
And now for something completely different...
A random Omake.


The room is white. The room is empty.

In fact, unless you look carefully, you won't even notice the walls. However, an incongruent wooden door appears to float in the middle of a vast white void.

The door opens…

Xiong Eryu enters the meditation chamber deep within the Warrens and carefully locks the door behind her. She sits, as an ornate chair materialises underneath her. A small copper teapot is placed upon a floating disk of light. Shortly later it wafts fragrant steam.

She pours herself a cup, and taking a small moment for herself, she takes a long sip of tea.

Wild mountain tea from the Thunderhead Hills brewed in water taken from a Spring of Tranquillity. The conflicting natures of the components make for an invigorating refreshment, with a pleasing aftertaste of citrus.

Xiong Eryu allows herself a small smile. Her job does have a few positives.

A flourish of anam, and a tangled knot of something that could be sticks, or perhaps spiderwebs appears in front of her. Two dots appear. One bright silver, the other, a rather loud shade of green.

Two panels appear on either side of diagram. One shows an image of Kong Zhi, wearing an atypical-for-him armband. The other shows a view that seems to move though the tunnels of the Delving Heart, as though it was looking for something…

"Hey Kumi, want some popped corn?"

Xiong Eryu's small smile evaporates into a small sigh. Her job also has a few negatives. And here they are now.

To her right, Sima Tun is standing next to a tall stool and offering a huge bowl of popped corn to Kumi. Kumi is flopped inelegantly on a beanbag next to him.

To her left, Wugui and Sun Yijun are sitting on short stools. Wugui is peering intently at the display in front of her. Sun Yijun is looking bored at the display, while sneaking peaks at Kumi's beanbag.

She could look around and check, but she knows that she will inevitably discover that the door is still locked. This is the problem with training people to solve impossible problems. They go and do the impossible.

"Thank you Senior Sima, but I can't. I'm too nervous to eat!" Kumi tries to wave Sima Tun away while her gaze remains fixed to the images.

Sima Tun smirks slightly, "I guess I'll just enjoy this bowl of agave caramel coated popped corn by myself then…" Kumi snatches the bowl from his hands and pours half of it into a fold in her robes.

Kumi hands the bowl back and glares at Sima Tun, "You are trying to ruin my figure. And possibly distract me. Why is Junior Kong Zhi attempting this task early? This reckless behaviour seems unlike him. Did Jetei put him up to this?"

"No!" The shout seems to come from both panels.

Wugui blinks, "The system is not supposed to function both ways. Interesting."

He turns to Sun Yijun, "Now Junior, do not be concerned for your privacy! The monitoring system only functions when you are on assignment, and only when you are close enough to the Delving Heart. Not that Senior Xiong would ever dream of monitoring your personal time."

Sun Yijun just nods and yawns, "When's somethin' going to happen?"

"Kong Zhi appears to be keeping quiet on that. That is a wise plan. Letting Jetei know his plan would be a bad idea."

"Why didn't you tell me that earlier?!" cries Sun Yijun.

A pale orange dot appears on the map of tunnels, and the other two dots slowly move towards it. The panel showing the tunnel walls soon shows another disciple, sitting amongst a pile of empty pill chutes.

Hours pass as they watch the figure slowly empty more pill chutes. Sima Tun and Kumi slowly work on emptying their bowls of popped corn.

Sima Tun disturbs the silence with a loud laugh, "This guy is a total idiot. Kumi, I thought you were joking when you said he does this for training."

Kumi snorts indignantly, "Joke on an official report? Never. It is pitiable though. This behaviour is what makes Panyao Fei the perfect victim for the Phantom Point. Speaking of…"

A blood red dot appears on the tunnels map. It moves confidently towards the orange one.

Sun Yijun yawns again, "Finally. The bloody deer's here. Is Kong Zhi going to kill it now?"

The red and yellow dots on the map display blur together.

"I think not. It appears that Kong Zhi intends to let the Phantom Point expend some energy first." Wugui replies.

"But it will still be too dangerous. My cute little Junior isn't much of a fighter. He is going to get himself hurt, all because Jetei is a reckless brute!" Kumi wails.

Wugui tries to calm her down, "Now now Kumi, Jetei may be a bit of a psychopath, but.."

"Hey!" Wugui is interrupted by a harsh whisper from the Kong Zhi watching panel, which is now showing very rude gestures.

"But Kong Zhi has some supplies from the storehouse, and he has many tricks of his own. He has a sound head, so I'm sure he knows what he is doing!" Wugui continues.

"Well, he sort of has a sound head. Occasionally has a sound head? Perhaps I'll just retract that statement…" Wugui trails off.

They watch as the Phantom Point leaves Panyao Fei's chamber. One panel now shows Kong Zhi sneaking along, while the other panel trails after the Phantom Point.

This appears to lighten Kumi's mood, "Oh, so he was paying attention to my lessons. I hope he doesn't get too distracted by what he finds."

Shortly later the panel following the Phantom Point stops to gaze around at a mysterious underground forest of metallic trees. The other panel shows a Kong Zhi forgetting his stealthy stance and staring, mouth agape.

"Hah, he got distracted." Sima Tun laughs while Kumi's hand hits her forehead.

Sima Tun spots something, "Hey Kumi, can you show me where this place is?"

Kumi shakes her head, "No way. If you want to make ferrouscherry jam, you can work it out for yourself."

"So mean Kumi, making me search all those tunnels by myself. You are trying to ruin my figure." Sima Tun and Kumi have a 'sticking out your tongue' competition. Xiong Eryu doesn't bother noting who wins.

The panels creep slowly through the Thicket as the Phantom Point munches on fallen fruit. Somehow the Phantom Point doesn't look up.

"Err, is Kong Zhi some sort of sneakin' prodigy? How come it don't notice him?" Sun Yijun wonders aloud.

"I dispensed some Highwayman's Oil for Kong Zhi." answers Wugui. "It shrouds him from the Phantom Point's Sixth Sense."

"And Junior Kong Zhi had my excellent stealth lessons!" Kumi chimes in.

"That, and this Phantom Point appears to be particularly unobservant." Continues Wugui.

Shortly later, both panels are a confused mess of images. Sometimes the Phantom Point is visible. Sometimes there is a shadowy four armed feline. Sometimes there is Kong Zhi. But mostly there is just too much Kong Zhi.

Sima Tun whistles, "Gee that sure is a good trick. How is he making those duplicates?"

"Hmm… I suspect that is a Time technique." Wugui ponders.

"Wait, what. So fightin' Kong Zhi would be a one against three battle?" Sun Yijun is now wide awake.

Wugui nods encouragingly, "Yes, it would be an excellent way to train your reflexes!"

Sun Yijun looks unconvinced.

"He ain't doing too badly, maybe Jetei doesn't need to teach him anything at all." Sima Tun teases.

"Hah!" comes back in stereo from both panels.

The Phantom Point tries to escape, but it gets stopped quickly, and then beheaded. With that, the close up view of the fight suddenly turns to look up at the canopy.

Xiong Eryu finally speaks, "Jetei, check his condition and give a report on his abilities."

Both panels change. One now shows Kong Zhi's face, the other shows Jetei's.

"Eh," he grunts out. "I've seen better. Your ideas were sound but your execution leaves much to be desired. Were I to be grading your performance, I would award it a mediocre rating."

"Still," Jetei continues. "I have seen worse. Take tomorrow for yourself."

"He's seen worse? Now who around here could have got a lower rating than 'Mediocre'?" Sima Tun looks sideways at Kumi and ducks to avoid a volley of popped corn.

"I happen to be more talented at other important things." Kumi glares back at Sima Tun.

"Curious. 'Mediocre' is a rather high rating from Jetei. Perhaps Jetei approves of our new brother?" Wugui poses.

The Jetei in the panel rolls its eyes before the view changes to that of a tunnel leaving the thicket.

Xiong Eryu snaps her fingers, and the displays vanish. "All of you, OUT. I have a report to write."

Within a few seconds, all the extra people and furnishing have vanished. Xiong Eryu pours herself another cup of tea, and considers all that she had observed that day. Then she raises one finger, and a new report files itself in her office.

After taking another moment to enjoy the rest of her tea, she rises and walks to the door.

The door is still locked.
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[X] The Rose of Battle
[X] The Warlord's Companion of Steel Delight
[X] The Frozen Forge
This is something that we can DD easy enough to make pretty strong with Chui Dao, in addition to something that doesn't rely quite as much on her anam supply. And then on a different note-

I've been thinking a lot about Fractal View and the eventual transformation scene. So I did art!
Hopefully this encourages everyone toget it finished. It's going to be so so rad.

HOLY SHIT WIST, I'm absolutely blown away by this piece, The colors and reflection and distortion are so beautiful oh my god.
Sun Yijun just nods and yawns, "When's somethin' going to happen?"

"Kong Zhi appears to be keeping quiet on that. That is a wise plan. Letting Jetei know his plan would be a bad idea."

"Why didn't you tell me that earlier?!" cries Sun Yijun.
This seems disconnected.

[X] The Warlord's Companion of Steel Delight
[X] The Frozen Forge
[X] Sing the Second Verse