The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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[X]Plan A Better Legacy.
-[X] Spitting the Blood God: Some 'Inquisitors' have been toying with the idea of a Space Marine chapter specifically built to be as unfulfilling force the forces of Khorne to fight as possible. You may as well take them up on it.
-[X] Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish you could gain access to the gene-seed of the traitor legions, each will have its ups and downs but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.
--[X]Iron Warriors
-[X] More Equipment: You've managed to secure extra equipment for a chapter. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to add an extra equipment slot for the chapter.
-[X] More Equipment: You've managed to secure extra equipment for a chapter. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to add an extra equipment slot for the chapter.
-[X] Extra Dreadnaughts: The Chapter has more Dreadnought hulls than normal letting it field more of the ancients… if it has enough wounded veterans of course. 5 Points.
-[X] Extra Predators: The Chapter has access to more Predator Tanks. 5 Points.
-[X] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a chapter's gene-seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion.
-[X] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait.


Logic for this plan: Lean in to the Iron Warrior Legacy of giving the absolute middle finger to Khorne with lots of equipment to shoot the khornates down with and denying them the close combat they crave, dreadnaughts to ensure that the legacy remains strong and vital tactics kept alive (as well as more dakka, tanks for big boom and mobile arty, potent geene seed to ensure that they get as much good traits as possible, and the adaptive gene seed to make sure the planet suits them as we're not doing a fleet based.

Another fun point about Pert and the Iron Warriors, Nurgle originally wanted them first but the Nurglite word bearers sent to convert them got the bolter enema with contempt treatment and Mortarion was the second string option. Be interesting in that legacy of 'fuck yo couch' to more than one chaos god remains with this batch.
I actually kinda think white scars might be the best for the anti khorne chapter, I imagine that hit and run tactics where the deamons never even actually get to fight anything would be extremely annoying for them.
I just read that there may be plans for chimeric gene-seeds , and if it's allowed, then my first vote for which ones would be both iron warriors and Imperial Fists.

Edit: [X] Plan: Gatekeepers
[X] Plan R&DICAL Marines
-[X] Testing, testing: The Forge World of Murphius is one of the primary producers of bolter weapons and rounds outside of Mars itself. They are also constantly adjusting switching between the many different patterns of bolters that they have 'discovered'. They want a chapter to test some of their…. Newer rediscovery.
-[X] Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish you could gain access to the gene-seed of the traitor legions, each will have its ups and downs but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.
--[X] Iron Warriors
-[X] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a chapter's gene-seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion.
-[X] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait.
-[X] More Equipment: You've managed to secure extra equipment for a chapter. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to add an extra equipment slot for the chapter.

[X] Plan: Gatekeepers

I like the R&D Bolter Chapter idea but Gatekeepers could be fun too.
I think Chimeric gene-seed mixes both gene-seeds but if both are not stable enough, they would give at best weak affects of both Legions while at worst it will mutate an aspirant into Chaos Spawn. So gene-seeds like from Magnus and Leman will reject themselves and more stable ones like Gulliman and Dorn would work. You can see that as type of blood we have.
One of ideas that I had (or in-universe, some Genetor during Cursed Founding), is splicing Iron Warriors & Blood Angels's Geneseed, to get a Chapter that can replenish losses increcibly quickly (Iron Warriors were said to be able to replenishsh losses faster than other Legions, while Blood Angels's Geneseed is able to "repair DNA" of their aspirants)
Yeah, I heard that Blood Angels gene-seed could make a mutant into beautiful Astartes. I remember I had idea of TransAbhuman Character who became Blood Angel.
Decided to post a lil preview of the currents worlds list (Not counting the ones I'll add if Gate wins).... oh and I'll say that the old (Near Terra) tag also doubles as a Segmentum Solar tag for all practical purposes.

[ ] Fleet Based: The Chapter is fleet based and will be constantly on the move but will lack a proper home unless it decides to claim a world for its own.

[ ] Dualis: A planet that is half Forge World on one side and half Death World on the other. The Forge World half of the planet often uses the Death World half to acquire unique chemical mixtures from the wildlife and puts great pains into maintaining the health of the tribal humans that lurk within its jungles.

[ ] Equartaz: A planet populated by nomads that have tamed horses large enough to hold a space marine, and fierce enough to kill the Orks that infest the planet on a regular bases. Oddly enough the local Forge World of Beyath-Ezda has discovered an STC that actually contains blueprints of powered armor for these strange horses of all things.

[ ] Extrema: A cataclysm of a planet on Extrema, the only places not covered entirely in ice and those that are located right next to the many rivers of lava that crisscross Extrema's surface. The people of this planet have long adapted to both of these environments and are remarkably able to travel between them as circumstances demand.

[ ] Yuruld II: An unfortunate planet stuck in between the feuding Forge Worlds of Yuruld I and Yurulkd III the world itself is a blasted wasteland full of wrecks from the constant skirmishing and occasional major war between it's two Forge World neighbors. This in turn has made the locals experts in both basic survival and making sure that neither of the two nearby Forge Worlds decide to crush them.

[ ] Pertana IV: The most unusual aspect of this planet are its human inhabitants who have displayed what can only be described as shocking levels of pain resistance, being by all accounts completely unbothered by even the absolute maximum amount of pain a human can survive without dying. The planet itself is mostly unremarkable beyond the strange fog that seems to cover the entire thing.

[ ] Akasha II: In all regards Akasha is for the most part your standard jungle Death World with it's main standout 'trait' being the fact that the Imperial Truth seems to have been adopted very quickly and become very strongly entrenched in the short amount of time since it's adoption.

[ ] Skaltland: A large planet of lush green forests its inhabitants are though and belligerent…. Being extremely prone to excessive swearing and picking fights at the drop of the hat. And this is without the horrid shrieking caused by the 'bagpipes' they are known to use. (Fenris Reigion).

[ ] Kornan II: A World that has the unfortunate fate of being at a 'gathering spot' of Knight Houses… especially because the Knight Houses hunt the locals of this jungle moon for sport at these gatherings.

[ ] Ciclus: A temperate life supporting planet in a solar system surrounded by strange gravitational anomalies that tear apart any ship that gets near them, the sole safe route through these anomalies makes for a great checkpoint, Even more importantly it is impossible to bypass these anomalies via warp jump. (Near Terra).

[ ] Shassad: A jungle infamous for the wide variety of snakes that live on it… as well as a particularly persistent feral Ork occupation kept in check by a combination of said snakes and the military action of the planet's human tribals. (Near Terra).

[ ] Coloder: A part ice part ocean planet the local tribes of Coloder mainly survive by living atop icebergs large enough to hold entire cities. These cities are often besieged by predators from the sea, air, and 'land' alike. (Near Terra).

[ ] Ikkite: A forest planet notable for being covered in spiky, nearly indestructible planet life, the humans of this planet have learned to keep aware of their surroundings even when in the fiercest of combat if only to keep from being impaled. (Near Terra).

[ ] Oropt: A desert world near one of the major warp routes into Terra. It's inhabitants are tribal that engaged a fierce war with large ant-like insects. (Near Terra).

[ ] Rhodes 77: A planet in the Ultramar region, Rhodes is a hub world due to it's location along several of the most stable warp routes known to Ultramar. This makes the regions near the world a den of piracy both of the human and xenos variety. (Ultramar Region).

[ ] MizzurI: A swamp planet populated by an extensive variety of crocodile resembling xenos species. The locals have taken to wrestling with them and are expert marksmen… though they do have strange accents.

[ ] Weeest 2: A jungle planet populated by earth descended tailed primates enhanced during the dark age of technology. The local Forge World is generator dominated considers the local primates to be gifts from the Machine God. Rumors even persist of a 'king' primate that was able to fight multiple greater daemons during the heresy.
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[ ] Coloder: A part ice part ocean planet the local tribes of Coloder mainly survive by living atop icebergs large enough to hold entire cities. These cities are often besieged by predators from the sea, air, and 'land' alive. (Near Terra).

I feel this would be good planet for our "Anti-Xeno" Chapter
[ ] Ciclus: A temperate life supporting planet in a solar system surrounded by strange gravitational anomalies that tear apart any ship that gets near them, the sole safe route through these anomalies makes for a great checkpoint, Even more importantly it is impossible to bypass these anomalies via warp jump. (Near Terra).
[ ] Coloder: A part ice part ocean planet the local tribes of Coloder mainly survive by living atop icebergs large enough to hold entire cities. These cities are often besieged by predators from the sea, air, and 'land' alike. (Near Terra).
[ ] Oropt: A desert world near one of the major warp routes into Terra. It's inhabitants are tribal that engaged a fierce war with large ant-like insects. (Near Terra).
Those above are good for chapter we will be making.
[ ] MizzurI: A swamp planet populated by an extensive variety of crocodile resembling xenos species. The locals have taken to wrestling with them and are expert marksmen… though they do have strange accents.
They are Florida men!

[ ] Weeest 2: A jungle planet populated by earth descended tailed primates enhanced during the dark age of technology. The local Forge World is generator dominated considers the local primates to be gifts from the Machine God. Rumors even persist of a 'king' primate that was able to fight multiple greater daemons during the heresy.
King Kong...neat.
[ ] Weeest 2: A jungle planet populated by earth descended tailed primates enhanced during the dark age of technology. The local Forge World is generator dominated considers the local primates to be gifts from the Machine God. Rumors even persist of a 'king' primate that was able to fight multiple greater daemons during the heresy.
hi sun wukong what you doin here
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