The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Eternal Guard New
[X] Plan: Eternal Guard
-[X] Chapter Name: Eternal Guard.
-[X] Chapter Colours: Dark Orange with Bronze trim, helmets and fists.
-[X] Chapter Symbol: Bronze sword, pointing downwards with two hands holding it, the left blue hand (Roboute Guilliman) and the right bronze hand (Rogal Dorn).
-[X] Chapter Creed: "We are the unbreakable shield against the dark!"
--[X] When fighting with Ultramarines: "As Dorn commanded, we guard against the dark as one!"
-[X] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.
-[X] Entrenchment: The Chapter is better at erecting and maintaining fortifications than average.
-[X] Boarding Specialists: The Chapter's Marines are truly masters at boarding voidcraft - even by Space Marine standards.
-[X] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power.
-[X] Extra Terminator Armor

Name: Eternal Guard
Chapter Colors: Dark Orange with Bronze trim, helmets and fists.
Chapter Symbol: Bronze sword, pointing downwards with two hands holding it, the left blue hand representing Roboute Guilliman, and the right, bronze hand that of Rogal Dorn.
Chapter Creed: "We are the unbreakable shield against the dark!"
-When fighting alongside Ultramarines: "As Dorn commanded, we guard against the dark as one!"

Homeworld: The homeworld of the Eternal Guard is not a singular planet, but instead a massive network of connected space stations known as YT868. The long causeways that connect each of these space stations are of such size that entire Imperator Titans could walk down them and still have room to maneuver, leading to the facility as a whole being considered a true wonder of the Dark Age of Technology.

The Central Spirit: The station of YT868 is controlled by an ancient Machine Spirit of immense power, one that was only identified due to the Crusade Fleet that first contacted the station following a specific set of instructions laid forth in advance by the Emperor Himself. This great Machine Spirit has ever since served as the station's guardian, banishing a rogue Abominable Intelligence, effortlessly stopping several Genestealer infiltration attempts via the usage of built in death traps and loyal imperial automatons, and even outright shrugging off multiple attempts to corrupt the station with Scrap Code. The Eternal Guard themselves hold great respect for this Machine Spirit, and though they are not proper members of the Mechanicus, the respect they show to the equipment they are given is enough that even the most stringent member of the Machine God's faith can not help but feel impressed at the care even a Scout Marine of the Eternal Wardens gives to his tools of war.

Serfs: The Eternal Wardens are unique among Chapters in that they do not have dedicated Chapter Serfs. In fact, the bond the Chapter has with the people of YT868 is so close that the station's PDF directly crew the Eternal Guard's ships, and its laborers often volunteer for service within Eternal Guard facilities. In return, the Eternal Guard themselves are often seen aiding in the station's maintenance and many of their Apothecaries can be seen working alongside genetors and mortal medics to ensure the health of the people of the station.

Mechanicum Exis: A large conclave of the Adeptus Mechanicus lives on board YT868, and has control over one of its largest space stations. These Tech Priests are charged with the health of YT868's vast Machine Spirit and their holy duty means they are extremely secretive even by the Mechanicus's standards. However they are also notable in one other area - almost all of the priests within the Mechanicus Exis, regardless of specialisation, are also trained Genetors, and the vast majority of them display a care for the lay people of the station far beyond what anyone would expect of any Tech Priest. This is often justified as being a result of the importance of YT868's crew to the health of the station itself, and by extension it's Spirit, but many among the Ecclesiarchy push the idea that it is some sinister plot to test out a way of converting the people of the Imperium to the Mechanicus's faith over their own. The Mechanicus takes great offense to these assertions, and any Sister of Battle covenant even remotely associated with a priest that dares to imply that these accusations could be even partially true finds itself drastically under equipped in very short order.

The Feast of Blades: Like all Imperial Fists Chapters, the Eternal Guard frequently participate in the legendary Feast of Blades, where the Sons of Dorn gather once every century to compete in the art of swordplay. Due to the Chapter's famous extreme capability with the blade, they often have some of the strongest showings of the Chapters that partake in the Feast, with only the Black Templars coming close to matching the Eternal Guardian's swordsmanship.

Chapter Layout and Combat: The Eternal Guard are a mostly Codex Compliant Chapter, with a strong focus on close-ranged combat in tight, enclosed spaces - such as underhives, Space Hulks, or even starships. When forced into open combat, the Eternal Guard often resort to the traditional tactics of Imperial Fist Chapters and immediately begin constructing fortifications.

However the methodology of the Eternal Guard fortifications tends to be very different from the kind expected of Imperial Fist successors. Instead of being general purpose defensive structures, Eternal Guard fortresses are built in such a way that the 'path of least resistance' for any given enemy will lead them into tight, close quarters combat, conditions under which a mere handful of Eternal Wardens can hold off several times their numbers in enemies. The other defenses of an Eternal Guard defensive position are often focused around disabling or mitigating a given enemies other ranged capabilities, allowing the Eternal Guard more room to focus on the enemies directly before them and not those providing ranged support.

Notable Events of the Eternal Guard
-Early on in their history, the Eternal Guard play a vital role in securing the Realm of Ultramar against a vast piracy epidemic, which had sprung up as a result of the Ultramarines and their successor Chapters being forced to commit vast numbers to several critical regions at once. This short lived age of piracy would come to an end when the Eternal Guard would raid the pirate 'city' located on the Space Hulk the Sinister Embrace, killing many pirate leaders and capturing the ships that had been docked at the time.
-A battle with the World Bearers sees the Eternal Guard boarding one of the Traitor Legion's vessels, and crashing it into the Chaos held world below.
-The Eternal Guard were among the many Imperial Fist Successor Chapters who formed the Last Wall in the War of the Beast, where they committed themselves to the void war, managing to board and destroy many of the Ork Overlord's supporting elements. Tragically, 4 entire companies of Eternal Guard were lost in the battle, slaughtered to the last. In the aftermath, the Wardens would be among the many Chapters who donated their finest battle brothers to rebuilding the Imperial Fists themselves.
-The Eternal Guard would defeat WAAAAAGH Kneecappa by boarding the Ork's Space Hulk flagship, using the superheated ship-cutters attached to their terminator armor to carve a path directly to the command center of the Hulk, and then swapping the ship cutters into Flamer mode in order to efficiently roast the entirety of the Hulk's bridge crew alive, killing the Warboss and the rest of the Ork leadership in short order.
-A short but bloody conflict with the Word Bearers sees the latter bogged down in fierce space battle that costs the fallen Marines the element of surprise, altering the Ultramarines to the danger and forcing the traitors into retreat.
-Multiple expeditions into a number of Space Hulks leads to the Eternal Guard recovering the STC's for the 'Bullseye Sniper Implant', 'Payback Counter Artillery Vehicle', and the 'Adamantium Wall Mobile Shield Generator' all of which are returned to the Mechanicus. In gratitude for the return of these holy artifacts, the Priests of Mars unilaterally give the Eternal Wardens priority access to the regained vehicle and implant designs, which would become crucial tools for the Chapter.
-Early encounters with the Tau end supremely badly for the young alien species whenever the Eternal Guard get involved, as the latter's shockingly skilled tactics to board Tau ships, and the commensurate utter slaughter of the occupants, lead to 13 of the most bloody battles in the Tau Empire's history - only the last of which had any survivors, the Tau only discovering the results of the first twelves via examining footage from the shattered remains of their fleets. So terrible were these losses, that the Ethereals designated the Chapter with a Flee on Sight order for any ships not acting in defensive capacity. In fact, even in the present time, Imperial Intelligence has learned that the Tau's own intelligence services place keeping track of all Eternal Guard fleet movements as one of their highest priorities, a discovery corroborated both by the Synopticon and the Ordo Xenos.
-A number of attempted Genestealer infestations of YT868 are discovered and instantly foiled by the will of the station's Machine Spirit and its legions of helpful automatons - all of which possess Machine Spirits themselves, rather any form of abominable intelligence like most Dark Age robots. Incensed by the sheer temerity of the very attempt to defile the people of their home, the Eternal Gaurd would engage in a long campaign against Genestealer cults throughout the Realm of Ultramar.
-While the Eternal Wardens are engaged on the Hive World of Aldamo, Hive Fleet Behemoth strikes, the Shadow In The Warp and sheer shock of the original Tyranid invasion preventing the Ultramarines form giving their cousins any warning of what was coming for them. The battle against the first Major Hive Fleet was long and fierce, with near constant close quarters combat against an endless foe - but against all odds, the Eternal Guard survived. By the end of the titanic clash, a full eight of the Eternal Gaurss ten companies had been wiped out, and with them, despite the Warden's desperate efforts, the entire population of Hive World Aldamo.
- After a long period of recovery, the Eternal Wardens begin a long and focused campaign against the entirety of Ultramar's Genestealer population, intending to slow down any future Tyranid fleets by denying them their method of navigation towards suitable worlds to devour. They would be aided in this campaign by the Tyrannic War Veterans, as well as the Deathwatch and many others seeking to destroy the Tyranid menace.

Unique Units
-Wedeln Pattern Dreadnoughts: An ancient Dreadnought design, found within an STC that had been discovered on YT868 itself. The Wedeln, unlike other Dreadnought Patterns, is actually extremely capable of handling human occupants, allowing them to operate constantly with no risk of burnout and maintaining a shockingly good quality of life. Due to this wonderous technology, the Dreadnoughts of the Eternal Gaurd are extremely active compared to the norm, and even use the built in welding equipment on their chassis - seemingly once intended to be used for battlefield repairs - to aid the Mechanicus in repairing YT868's hull when they are not engaging in combat with the Imperium's foes.
-Terminator Champions: Elite Terminators, combining the lethality of the shipcutter blades - modified versions of the humble tools able to switch between a swordlike beam of plasma and a Flamer at will - with an almost supernatural skill in swordsmanship. It is said, and often demonstrated, that the Terminator Champions can outfight the Champions of many other chapters in a contest of blades, even while handicapped by the weight and bulk of their heavy Terminator Armor.
-Exis Techmarines: Techmarines trained by the local Mechanicus enclave of Exis, the Exis Techmarines are experts in maintaining, or dismantling, space ships. To aid in this objective, every Exis Techmarine is armed with several mechadendrite mounted ship cutters, as well as as whatever weapons the Techmarine chooses to wield in either their hands or in their Servo Harness.
-Breacher Squads: A revival of the Breacher Squads from the days of the Legions, brought about due to the Eternal Gaurd's focus on dangerous close quarters combat.
-Overwatch Servitors: Servitors equipped with the 'Bullseye Sniper Implant' and given high powered rifles, the Overwatch Servitor serves to help eliminate priority ranged threats while the bulk of the Chapter fights in melee.
-The Reperator: Based off of the 'Payback Counter Artillery Vehicle', the Reperator is a stealthed vehicle capable of pinpointing an enemy artillery unit, unleashing a furious barrage of enough firepower to destroy all but the most durable of artillery pieces, and than moving back into stealth before the enemy can respond. It seems to have trouble with more 'conventional' bombardment - mostly due to the Pattern's famously flighty Machine-Spirit - but for the artillery light Eternal Gaurd, it is an ideal warmachine.
-The Defiance: Based on the 'Adamantium Wall Mobile Shield Generator', the Defiance is a treaded vehicle that can protect either individual squads or, when overcharged, even entire companies of Eternal Wardens under it's powerful Refractor Fields. However, it requires protection from close in threats, for the Pattern is equipped with nothing more than a pair of heavy bolters as weaponry.

-Ultramarines: Though not the adoptive brotherhood the Steel Champions have with the Sons of Dorn, the Eternal Gaurd have a very close bond with the Ultramarines and their successor Chapters, to the point they have even joined in on the Ultramarine's legendary grudge against the Minotaurs as a result.
-Imperial Fists: The Eternal Wardens keep good relations with the Imperial Fists, as well as most of their fellow successor Chapters. Like all Sons of Dorn, they stand ready to engage the Last Wall Protocol - even if it is the hope of all involved that it will never be invoked again
-Black Templars: The Black Templars and Eternal Gaurd share an intense, albeit vaguely friendly, rivalry with one another, due to their shared mastery of swordsmanship. It is known that at the beginning of every Feast of Blades, the representatives of both Chapters ignore all other challengers to seek each other out, to prove themselves the true exemplars in bladed combat.
-Mechanicus: Outside of the Iron Hands and their successors, it is rare to find a Chapter with better relations with the Mechanicus than the Eternal Guard. Indeed, the local Mechanicus Exis on YT868 actually prefer the Eternal Wardens - as do most Genetors, oddly enough.

Chapter Creations Result
+60 Reputation

Added New Training Options
Terminator Training: The Marines of this Chapter are supremely skilled in using the legendary Tactical Dreadnought Armour, more commonly known as Terminator Armor.
Space Hulk Operations: Through extensive practice, the Marines of this Chapter are masters at fighting in the unique conditions of Space Hulks.
Techmarines: This chapter has more techmarines in its ranks.

OOC: Praise to the beta reader.
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Terminator Training: The Marines of this Chapter are supremely skilled in using the legendary Tactical Dreadnought Armour, more commonly known as Terminator Armor.
Space Hulk Operations: Through extensive practice, the Marines of this Chapter are masters at fighting in the unique conditions of Space Hulks.

Both useful when we will be dealing with Nids.
Anti - Tyranids chapter next?
I mean as far a I know their intergalactic threat so we should be prepare in advanced..

Also question but how do we get access to Titan? Or do we don't know how to get any?

I mean Warhound titan should be doable to get right?
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Black Templars: The Black Templars and Eternal Wardens share an intense, albeit vaguely friendly, rivalry with one another, due to their shared mastery of swordsmanship. It is known that at the beginning of every Feast of Blades, the representatives of both Chapters ignore all other challengers to seek each other out, to prove themselves the true exemplars in bladed combat.

Plasma Sword and Power Sword clashing as the champions of the two power armor clad Demi-Gods test each other's skill with the blade, all other challengers left as but an audience to the spectacle of their duel.

Is very cool.
Look at those STC man if the Imperium wasn't the byzantine nigthmare it is they would make extremaly better than in canon
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For people reading my omakes, I am just going to say it, next chapter is 5I visiting YT868 with Grimm for final check ups, with her using power of neopotism to send her nieces there (because Mars is not a good place to live).
Even thousands of years in the future, Mars ain't the kind of place to raise a kid
They are both like around 180 years old at that point it just, 5I see a shit tone of people still dying to the aftermath of the martian civil war, so she wants to get whats left of her family into the safest place possible, behind the Imperial fist successor chapter in the realm of ultramar with the awaken machine spirit on call.

I cannot stress enough how ridiculously safe it will look to 5I, its only has a chance of being in danger when the tyraninds appear which is 9k years from now, by that time she will be long dead (she won't, I am making use of her as long as this quest is on) and her nieces' genes could easily spread through the entire population of the station complex if they decide to have children
-Early encounters with the Tau end supremely badly for the young alien species whenever the Eternal Wardens get involved, as the latter's shockingly skilled tactics to board Tau ships, and the commensurate utter slaughter of the occupants, lead to 13 of the most bloody battles in the Tau Empire's history - only the last of which had any survivors, the Tau only discovering the results of the first twelves via examining footage from the shattered remains of their fleets. So terrible were these losses, that the Ethereals designated the Chapter with a Flee on Sight order for any ships not acting in defensive capacity. In fact, even in the present time, Imperial Intelligence has learned that the Tau's own intelligence services place keeping track of all Eternal Warden fleet movements as one of their highest priorities, a discovery corroborated both by the Synopticon and the Ordo Xenos.

Im not sure if I should feel bad for the Tau or laughing at their misfortune
For people reading my omakes, I am just going to say it, next chapter is 5I visiting YT868 with Grimm for final check ups, with her using power of neopotism to send her nieces there (because Mars is not a good place to live).
Neat. That's actually a great idea since the Tech-Priests over at YT868 care about the mundanes beyond statistics.

Plus you'll have a Dark Age AI Venerable Machine-Spirit looking over your family members.

It would be really interesting if you have an isolated encounter with the 'Machine-Spirit' and just thank it for looking after your nieces.

Both of you are aware of what it is (in a wink-wink, nudge-nudge kind of way) and the fact that you know about its true nature but aren't acting like the rest of the Mechanicus, should make the AI Machine-Spirits day.
-The Eternal Wardens were among the many Imperial Fist Successor Chapters who formed the Last Wall in the War of the Beast, where they committed themselves to the void war, managing to board and destroy many of the Ork Overlord's supporting elements. Tragically, 4 entire companies of Eternal Wardens were lost in the battle, slaughtered to the last. In the aftermath, the Wardens would be among the many Chapters who donated their finest battle brothers to rebuilding the Imperial Fists themselves.
Eternal Guard: "You will not impede our cousins' logistics."
-Early on in their history, the Eternal Wardens play a vital role in securing the Realm of Ultramar against a vast piracy epidemic, which had sprung up as a result of the Ultramarines and their successor Chapters being forced to commit vast numbers to several critical regions at once. This short lived age of piracy would come to an end when the Eternal Wardens would raid the pirate 'city' located on the Space Hulk the Sinister Embrace, killing many pirate leaders and capturing the ships that had been docked at the time.
Eternal Guard: "I tire of repetition."

So a lot less damage from the War of the Beast on the realm of Ultrimar, that will be very helpful.
-The Eternal Wardens would defeat WAAAAAGH Kneecappa by boarding the Ork's Space Hulk flagship, using the superheated ship-cutters attached to their terminator armor to carve a path directly to the command center of the Hulk, and then swapping the ship cutters into Flamer mode in order to efficiently roast the entirety of the Hulk's bridge crew alive, killing the Warboss and the rest of the Ork leadership in short order.
Eternal Guard: "We shall build a wall saying: "no raiders allowed". Perhaps that will get the point across."

-Early encounters with the Tau end supremely badly for the young alien species whenever the Eternal Wardens get involved, as the latter's shockingly skilled tactics to board Tau ships, and the commensurate utter slaughter of the occupants, lead to 13 of the most bloody battles in the Tau Empire's history - only the last of which had any survivors, the Tau only discovering the results of the first twelves via examining footage from the shattered remains of their fleets. So terrible were these losses, that the Ethereals designated the Chapter with a Flee on Sight order for any ships not acting in defensive capacity.
Melee+tight confines+void warfare. The Tau had no chance.
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