The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

Voting is open
[x] Plan Space Scavangers
- [x] Void Vultures
- [x] Brown (Primary), Indigo (Secondary)
- [x] Raptor/Vultur Talons clenching a Sun (specifically Sol)
- [x] Scout Training:
- [x] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks.
Dark Angels while using space Marine killing horses with power armour and with them being much more...Knight like than OG Dark Angels. World Eaters for irony sake but I think we need more reputation and stuff to be very sure it doesn't back fire on us.
World Eaters for irony sake but I think we need more reputation and stuff to be very sure it doesn't back fire on us.
I do Like the idea, especially because we might be able to get them to form an empathic bond with their mount like an Ultramarine successor chapter did with machines, because of the whole Angron originally being an empath thing

The problem just is that I thought that the cavalary chapter would be perfectly suited to go up against Khorne, because melee is more effective against demons, but we might be tempting the Blood God and Fate a bit to much If went through with it

Or maybe they will reject their violent nature and destiny because the bonds of friendshio they forged with their mounts, that would be awesome, thought we might want to invest in that regionally adoptive gene-seed here to make sure

... And maybe take a slogen like "Two are One, One is more than Two" or something else which emphasises unity and cooperation
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