You are Rhaenyra Targaryen, eldest child of King Viserys Targaryen, the first of his name. After the tragic death of your mother and newborn brother, and the disgrace of your uncle Daemon, your father has seen fit to name you Princess of Dragonstone and Heir to the Iron Throne. Declaring to the whole Realm that one day you will be it's ruling queen, a first for the Seven Kingdoms. Even now you can see many lords are skeptical and may oppose you rule in time. Can you navigate the treacherous path that lay before you, avoid your canonical fate and become the first true Dragon Queen of Westeros.
You stand in the throne room, the many blades of the Iron throne flanking you as you stare into a hall filled with almost every lord of note in the Seven Kingdoms, from Hightowers to Starks, Greyjoys to Royces. A cascade of various colors and banners stretches out before before your eyes. All gathered to swear fealty to the King's new heir, to swear feality to you, Rhaenyra Targaryen. A few months ago this would have seemed impossible, you were your father's only living child yes and a skill dragon rider in your own right but you were a girl and to many the pervious king, the one had made your father, Viserys, his heir and successor, had made it clear a woman was not allowed to sit the Iron Throne in her own right. And your father had never shown much interest in having you as his heir, keeping his brother Daemon as heir as he tried desperately to have a son. But a great many things had changed in those months.
Your mother was dead, along with the brother you could have had. Your uncle disgraced himself in the night following their passing, leading to Daemon storming out of the city on dragonback in a dark fury as your father revealed to you the secrets of your family line. Before then you had another title, a nickname really, one given to you by your father. You were-
Nickname (Origins)
[] The Realm's Delight (Canon)
Before today you were viewed largely as King Visery's beautiful daughter, one of the fairest princesses the Realm had known in some time, but of course you were so much more than that. You were charming, when you wanted to be, quick witted, and a skilled dragon rider. For the past few years you have wanted nothing more than to ride your Dragon Syrax and eat cakes with your best friend Alicent Hightower. Had your parents given you a brother that lived you likely would have ended up as his consort, but that was not to be. Despite the nickname and naming you heir, your relationship with your father has been awkward and tense for a few years now. He had always so wanted a son and you were little more than his cupbearer much of the time. You were much closer with your uncle, Daemon often giving you gifts when he returned from his many adventures. Though with you taking Daemon's place as heir to the Iron Throne, both relationships may soon change drastically. As you look out at the lords before you see some uncertainty among the crowd but nothing of particular note. You sense that there are more than a few objections to the idea of a woman being heir but none particularly focused on you personally for the moment
Your Relationship with your Father is: Complicated
Your Relationship with Alicent is: Strong
Your Relationship with Daemon is: Decent
Your Dragon is: Typical for its age, well behaved by dragon standards.
Gain Traits: Beautiful, Kind
[] The Scholar
You have been buried in books since probably before you could walk. Were you man you probably would have already forged a few links at the Citadel. You've met more than one Maester who you outmatched in smarts and knowledge, that much was for sure. You loved reading the histories of Nymeria's ten thousand ships and your ancestor's conquest with Alicent Hightower but your real passions lay in exploring the mysteries of old Valyria with your father. The two of you had spent many a moon pouring over the ancient texts, translating them and making the plans for the stonemasons. You can say with fair confidence that a solid third of your father's grand model of Valyria's capital city exists thanks to your efforts. You are well learned many subjects, froms the histories of the great houses of westeros, to the many facets of stewardship, and the kingdom's complicated trade relationship with the various cities of Westeros. Your father believes you are well prepared for the burden he has placed on you, he has in fact expressed his deepest regrets over not realizing he had a suitable heir already. But as you look around you see doubts in the faces of the lords swearing fealty to you. You are a bookish girl, little known to the Realm at large, barely ever seen at court. They see you as weak, perhaps even weaker than the average woman would be in your position. You know your uncle Daemon will not react well to be replaced by you. He once called you "Vaegon with tits"' after the Old King's barely remembered youngest son, and has remarked on more than one occasion how boring he finds you. Despite this, you are not without support, many in court understand that you are a bright young woman who's brilliant mind is full of wonderful and quite ambitious ideas.
Your Relationship with your Father is: Excellent
Your Relationship with Alicent is: Strong
Your Relationship with Daemon is: Poor
Your Dragon is: Small for it's Age and Timid
Gain Traits: Scholar, Reserved.
[] Visenya Reborn
You came out of the womb fighting, it is said, a fitting start for what you have become. You are strong and tall, not just for a woman your age but even compared to men of your age as well. More than one person has compared you to Visenya Targaryen, one of Aegon the Conqueror's sister-wives and fierce warrior in her own right. All your life you've wanted to be like her, a warrior, perhaps even a knight. Naturally such things were considered impossible for women and any chance at being trained was refused to you. So you started getting into fights with boys your age. After being found by the Kingsguard with blooded knuckles or a broken nose on far too many occasions, your father gave in and hired a Master-at-arms to train you, declaring that if you were going to keep getting into fights you should at least learn to do it properly. You took quite well to training, quickly developing skill with the sword and with a lance, much to the frustration of your father, and your friend Alicent. The exceptional treatment you have gotten clearly does not sit well with the more proper Hightower lady and the two of you don't speak that much these days, though you have noticed that when you train in the yards she is almost always watching you, often quite intently. At first your uncle encouraged your interests but as you grew older, and more brash and bold, he grew distant, you sense he feels threatened by you to some extent. As you stand before the gathered lords, dressed in armor instead of silks, you see a wide variety of expressions staring back at you. From the Starks, Strongs and Baratheons you see curiosity, perhaps even approval. A respect for strength despite its origins. From others you see confusion, revulsion, contempt, even scorn. They hide it as best they can but you see it all the same, to many of these lords you're a freak, a misbegotten thing your father has given too much indulgence. You will prove them wrong in time, of that you are certain.
Your Relationship with your Father is: Complicated
Your Relationship with Alicent is: Very Complicated
Your Relationship with Daemon is: Wary
Your Dragon is: Large for it's age and eager for battle.
Gain Traits: Strong, Defiant
As you look at the crowd, at the men who would one day be your bannermen and call you Queen. You think to future and your dreams and plans for it. You would be queen, that was certain, no matter who challenged you, are there would be challengers of that you had little doubt, but there was more to your goals then just being Queen.
Goals (up to three. Not counting the mandatory one). These are your goals for the years to come, what you seek to accomplish now that you are heir to the Iron Throne, these goals will shape much of the actions you may take on an average turn. Success with a goal brings with it many rewards, while failures and setbacks may have consequences for you, mentally as well as physically.
[X] To become Queen (Mandatory)
While you may have hesitation about your role as heir, as you see the crowd standing before know you know you will never waiver, your father made you heir and one day you will sit the Iron Throne, no matter who gets in your way.
[] To become a Knight (Visenya Reborn only)
While you maybe a warrior now, you seek to be something more, something no woman has ever become, a knight. You want to be annointed by a septon and swear your vows as another warrior puts his sword upon your shoulder, you want to knock men off their horses with your lance. To be a knight would be the ultimate validation of your training, proof that you are not simply tough for a women as so many claim, but you are a warrior in your own right who should be respected and feared.
[] To build a New Valyria (The Scholar only)
The more you studied the ancient texts the more you realized how much was lost with the doom. The Freehold was monstrous, that you cannot deny, but the magics and sciences they had were almost beyond belief. Much of that is lost, but perhaps not quite as much as people think. You have uncovered much in you studies of the ancient texts, more than just records of what was. Fragmented passages provide hints at how they constructed their cities, how they were able to use magic so easily. Westeros will never be Valyria but you're convinced you can use some of the Freehold's secrets to make the Seven Kingdoms so much more than they are.
[] To convince Alicent to ride on Syrax (The Realm's Delight only)
Alicent has been your friend for as long as you can remember and you have been passionate about dragon riding since your dragon, Syrax, was large enough to carry you. Syrax is nearly big enough to carry two people without discomfort for any involved. And yet Alicent refuses to even consider going for a ride. Not of fear of Syrax, rather she fears she will look improper. That absurdity is preventing your friend from sharring in one of your greatest passions. You can fix this, you know you can. With some work you're certain you can convince Alicent to take at least one ride with you.
[] To have an Adventure
You are Ten and Four years of age, your father is in his prime. It will in all likelyhood be many decades before you sit the Iron Throne. Time enough for you to live, to do something you've never done before, something drastic and bold, something unsuited for a common princess but something not entirely unreasonable for an to the throne to do. You aren't sure what yet, fight pirates in the Stepstones, explore Essos, fly Syrax east as far as you dare, but it will come to you in time.
[] To find Love
Your parents loved each other deeply, the void left by your mother's death was proof enough of that. While the end result terrifies you, you cannot deny you want something similar to what your parents had. You want to love someone so deeply that leaves a mark on your very soul and for them love you as much in turn. It doesn't have to be your husband, it need not even be a man. You're not really sure what you're looking for, perhaps it is someone you already know, or a complete stranger. All you know is they must be out there somewhere.
[] To sit on the Small Council
You are heir to the Iron Throne, and your father's cup bearer. While the latter gives you a great position to listen in on the dealings of the small council it provides little in the way of power, or even respect. If you are going to one day sit the Iron Throne, you need to be more than just a cupbearer, you need a seat on this council, to have a voice in the Iron Throne's affairs. This will give you the practice you need to prepare for your own rule and it will help establish your presence in politics to the lords of Westeros.
[] To Conquer
Aegon built a lot in a short time but you can't help but feel the work is unfinished. Dorne stands defiant of your family's dragons, their knees still unbent. And what of the Stepstones, for how long has such vital shipping lanes been allowed to remain a haven for pirates? The realm has known peace for decades but to what end? The Iron Throne belongs to the last dragon riders left in the known world, it's high time your family put them to use again.
[] To be the Greatest
Aegon forged the Realm and Jaehaerys brought it stablilty but you could be be better than either of them. You will show the lords of the Realm that not only can a woman rule in her own right, they could rise to greatness if given the chance. The road to glory will not be easy or safe, but you are confident you can master it if given time. By the time you're gone they won't speak of any of the kings who came before, they will only speak of you.
[] Write-in (Subject to QM approval)
QM's Note: So a couple of notes, this will generally follow the canon of House of the Dragon save for maybe a few changes. Generally assume that everything save Rhaenyra herself, followed show canon up to the end of episode 1. Also this quest is going to have some mechanics, which I will get into soon, but some of it is background stuff, but the focus here is much more on narrative, I want the readers to be more focused on creating an interesting story then turning Rhaenyra into some canal-building Goblin. Also if anyone would be willing to collabrate with me on this quest or beta read at least I would greatly appericate it. While I have a solid idea of what I want from this quest, it's been a very long time since I've even tried to do a quest so I am nervous.
[X] Plan Hopeless Romantic
-[X] Visenya Reborn
-[X] To become Queen (Mandatory) -[X] To become a Knight (Visenya Reborn only)
-[X] To find Love
-[X] To sit on the Small Council
Turn 1: A New Day
Gain Trait: Strong
If you were a man you would probably be a knight already. You cut a striking figure, tall, solidly built, with muscles like a maiden's dream as they like to say. Though in your experince you have more than a fair few boys and men starring at you along with the women when you train, some just to gawk and mock you of course, but your strength has won you your share of admirers. Your strength is remarkable for your age, practically unheard of for a woman. With proper training you could become one of the deadliest fighters in the Seven Kingdoms. While luck or the gods made this strength relatively easy for you to acquire, it is something that needs constant work to maintain. If you don't train enough your skills with the sword may start to fade, and your hard earned muscles will begin to disappear.
Gain Trait: Defiant
Many men call you stubborn, but that's not true. You can be quite agreeable when you want to be, it's just when the men in your life try to confine you to a life of pretty dresses and act as a broodmare for some lord you were forced to marry to better your family's position. You are a Targaryen, you can command dragons and their blood flows through your viens, why should you be expected to behave like some common noble woman? You do not take kindly to being told you can't do something because of your gender and you make it known, sometimes loudly. More often then not you do what you see as best no matter what anyone says, even if it may cost you politically.
Gain Trait: Romantic
Your grandfather and grandmother loved each other deeply and passionately, as did your mother and father. While both relationships ended tragically, that love has left an impression on you. Whatever your feelings on having children, you believe love is a vital part of life. You want more than a husband who does his duty, or a night of passion with someone you care little for, you want love, you want romance. You want men to compete for your hand, you want women to offer you the favors as you compete in a tourney. While you're aware the romances in the stories, are just that, stories. You want some of that in your life. The person you fall in love with doesn't need to be the person you marry, but the thought of being trapped in a loveless marriage without anyone to find solace in leaves you terrified. And you know if you ever do fall in love, you would be hard pressed to even consider putting them aside, no matter the complications that may arise.
Gain Dream: To become Queen
Gain Dream: To become a Knight
Gain Dream: To find Love
Gain Dream: To sit on the Small Council
Gain 10 Stress
+10: Your Mother, Aemma Targaryen née Arryn has just died in a horrible manner, along with your newborn baby brother.
Your father may call you Visenya Reborn but you have come to believe you more take after your late grandfather Baelon than anyone else. Baelon the Brave they called him, who once smacked the Black Dread on the nose as a child, rode the mighty Vhagar, and once competed in a tourney at Old Oaks as a mystery knight called the Silver Fool. He was loud and bold, he loved deeply and lived fearless. Your had barely celebrated your fourth nameday when Baelon died. Your memories of him are few and dim, but the stories you've heard about the man have shaped much of your life.
Like many girls you dreamed of knights in your youth, but while most dreamed of future husbands and lovers, you wanted to become one. Your dreams were filled with visions of you as a knight, fighting in tourneys, saving fair maidens from dangerous brigands or Dornish raiders, covering yourself in glory and honors.
Of course when you told people of your dreams they smiled and laughed and told you that was impossible for a woman, even a Targaryen Princess. Your own father admired your boldness but refused to allow you to train at arms, but you were not one to take no for an answer. You took matters into your own hand, training in secret with a wooden sword, getting into fights with stablehands and other boys around the Red Keep. The Kingsguard and your father all tried to get you to stop but you proved too stubborn and clever for their efforts. After the Maesters complained to the King about having to set your nose again, and pressure from your late mother, the King finally gave and agreed to let you train with proper training swords and lances under a Master-at-arms. The first day you trained openly caused quite the scandal, but you didn't care.
The training and your ambitions fustrated your father to no end. Having a daughter cross swords with men was something of a scandal among the lords in King's Landing. Once your father remarked that you would be the prefect heir, were you a boy, but as it was, you were simply a massive unending headache for him. His words were rather amusing in retrospect.
At the age of four and ten you are probably less trained then most boys trying to become a knight at your age but what you lack in experince you make up for in strength. Perhaps that strength is part of the reason your father decided to make you heir. Rhaenys is a skilled dragonrider and fierce woman but she has never been a warrior in her own right, not like you. Perhaps the Iron Throne needs a warrior to sit upon it. And you will be that warrior.
As you look at the lords gathered in the throne room, their faces a sea of curiosty, revlusion, respect, indifference and dismay, you think back to one of your dreams, perhaps one of your biggest ones, to become a Knight. Even when your father agreed to let you train he told you this dream was impossible. No knight of any merit would agree to it and no Septon would ever bless you. It simply was not the way of things for a woman But how many had said the same thing about a woman being heir to the Iron Throne? If you can do one thing men said was impossible for those of the fairer sex, surely you could do two? And a knighthood would go a long way towards proving you were worthy for the throne.
The Lords swore their vows to you and your father, promising to be faithful to king Viserys and his heir, the Princess Rhaenyra. Pleading fealty towards the two of you and to defend you in your times of need. You believe the more honorable among them took those oaths seriously, though you hope they will not be tested for a long time.
After the ceremony, most of the lords left and returned to their own lands, with things slowly returning to normal within King's Landing. Almost. Grief still clung to your father tighter than any cloak, the loss of your mother weighing at him during small council meetings. Much of his passion and joy are gone, and you're unsure if they will ever return.
Your uncle Daemon it turns out did not just leave the city. He took the city guard with him as well. All 2,000 Goldcloaks marched out of their barracks the day he left and onto awaiting ships. From what you understand Daemon and his small army are currently squatting on Dragonstone, your rightful seat as heir. Some have pushed your father to remove him, by force if needs must, but most have agreed that would cause more problems then it would solve. For now it has been decided the best course of action is to simply let him be. Let Daemon get over his childish fustrations in his own time. Various soldiers from nearby lords such as Stokeworth have been brought in to fill the hole left by the Goldcloaks for the time being.
For you, fustratingly little has changed since becoming heir. Your day to day life is largely the same and you are still just your father's cupbearer in the Small Council. You may be present when decisions are made, but you have no voice. Sometimes you catch yourself looking at Daemon's empty spot in the council and wondering if you could one day replace him and take over as commander of the City Watch. It could be a good use of your talents, it would give you an actual voice on the small council and it could be a good way of showing you are prepared for being a ruling queen. Claiming that seat, or any other seat on the Small Council for that matter, is no simple task however, and you know asking now would just be pointless. However you can't help but find yourself wondering what could be.
Third Season, 112 AC
Each turn is 3 months, though this may change as the quest goes on. You can pick either from the options below for your tasks or use write-in actions after QM approval. Please use plan voting for turn votes.
Conversations (Pick Two)
Conservations can establish relationships, change existing ones for better or worse, unlock new Actions, reduce stress, or gain allies, among other things. As heir to the throne, all of these things can be very important to use so it is important for us to avoid isolating ourselves through silence. Note that this does not mean these will be the only two people we will be talking with this turn but assume that most of those off screen conversations have little effect on the story.
[] Speak with Viserys
Since your conversation in the crypts and the ceremony, you and your father had no spoken much in truth, as if there was a wall of grief between the two of you. You both lost the most important woman in your lives that day, perhaps you can bond together over your shared grief. Build a new relationship, as father and daughter, king and heir.
[] Speak with Alicent
While you and Alicent haven't spoken much recently, you know there is no one else in the Red Keep who would understand the pain you are going through right now better than her. Perhaps Alicent can help you deal with the grief of losing your mother. Maybe you could even begin to repair your strained friendship.
[] Speak with Otto Hightower
You've heard, third hand admittedly, that it was Otto who first pushed for you to be named heir. The night your mother died in fact, before Daemon had disgraced himself even. You can't help but find this rather curious. Maybe you should talk with him, figure out what motivated him and why he thinks you are worthy to be heir.
[] Speak with Gwayne Hightower
Alicent's brother was in the city for the tourney that was suppose to mark the day your brother was born. Daemon ended up giving him quite the hit in the tilts. You don't know much about Gwayne. In truth, you don't think she knows much about him either. He will return to Hightower shortly. Perhaps you should use this time to get to know him. He is a knight after all and perhaps he has some advice that could help you.
[] Ser Harrold Westerling
Harrold has been by your side since you were a child. He has been a friend and your stalwart shield for years. He has never been supportive of your efforts to learn how to fight and even less so of your desire to become a knight. Mayhaps his thoughts have changed now that you are heir to the throne.
[] Lord Corlys Velyarion
From what little you know, it seems like the Sea Snake was one of the least supportive voices on the Small Council for your father's decision to name you heir, perhaps still bitter over his wife being overlooked by the Great Council of 101. If you could try and begin to win him over, that would go a long ways to shoring up your support. On the Small Council at least. He may also have advice on your own aspirations for a seat on the council as well.
[] Rhaenys Targaryen
The Queen who never was. Had her father outlived the old King, it is highly likely that she would be the ruling Queen by now. In many ways you have everything that has been denied to her, twice over. No doubt there is tension, perhaps you could smooth things over.
[] Lord Lyonel Strong
The Master of Laws and lord of Harrenhal. A Stalwart voice on the council and man you know generally strives to do what is best for the Kingdom. He may be able to give you some good advice on how to earn a seat on the council, and if nothing else his support would be useful.
[] Write-in
Subject to QM approval, has to have a reasonable chance of being in King's Landing.
Actions (Pick Two)
[] Relax
A lot has happened recently. Your mother has died and you have been suddenly thrust into a position that will one day make you the most powerful person in Westeros. That's a lot for one person to handle in a short period of time. Perhaps you should take some time to yourself, read in the godswood, fly around with Syrax for fun, and just enjoy yourself for a while.
[] Study the history of the Small Council
King Jaehaerys ruled for over five decades. His small council, particularly during the years Septon Barth served as Hand, keep decently detailed records of it's decisions and some of the activities of it's members. Perhaps if you understood better how the Small Council functioned it could help you in your efforts to attain a seat one day.
[] Study Visenya Targaryen
In truth you know little about the woman your father likes to compare you to so often. You know she was a warrior, a dragonrider, and that she helped conquer Westeros alongside Aegon. She was also the mother of the tyrant Meagor the Cruel. Beyond that most of what you heard seems to be rumor. Some say she was a sorceress who used dark magics to kill King Aenys, some even claim that Meagor was conceived through such magic, but that can't be true, can it? Perhaps if you knew more about Visenya you might be better prepared for the struggles that you face as a woman and a warrior.
[] Train
The Death of your mother and the ceremony where you were named heir have kept you out of the training yard for over a week, and it's been nearly a month since last practiced with your horse and lance. Your strength and skills are like the very weapons you wield. If neglected, they can grow weak and dull. Just as a sword needs whetstone, so too do you need training to keep yourself sharp
[] Train with Syrax
Syrax has grown bigger in recent years. Part of you suspects it has something to do with your own growth but with dragons you can never be certain. While Syrax is more powerful you've noticed he's not turning as sharply as you expect. A few flights with Syrax will help the both of you adjust to his size and increase your bond.
[] Sneak out and explore the city
When your father and uncle were your age, they regularly went out of the King's Landing at night for all kinds of things. Naturally such things were forbidden to you as they were "unbefiting a princess" but as heir to the throne, shouldn't you have a chance let loose and explore the city you'll one day rule? And if nothing else it will be great practice if you ever to need to sneak for more adventerous pursuits.
[] Try and gather info on Daemon's activities
The Small Council seems content to just let Daemon brood for the time being, but Dragonstone is your castle, you would like to know what he's doing with it. Perhaps some of the fishermen and merchants at the docks might have a hint of what your uncle is up to.
[] Write-in
Subject to QM approval QM's Note: Thanks to @Azel for agreeing to beta this. I'll have a character sheet up this weekend. For this turn I'll have voting open right away though please try not to all jump on the first plan posted.
[X] Plan: Solidify our Position -[X] Speak with Viserys -[X] Speak with Alicent -[X] Study the history of the Small Council -[X] Try and gather info on Daemon's activies
For a time the worries of the world seem to melt away as Syrax banks through the clouds, a cool mist washing over your face. The troubles that plagued you, your father and even the realm seemed so small from up here. Why did it matter if a few lords disapproved of you being named heir when the mere sight of you flying through the air would be enough to make even the most defiant bend the knee? Who cared if the Triarchy was gaining ground in the Stepstones if you could turn their fleet into so much burning timber in a single night? Did any of the burdens of court really matter if you could just fly away at anytime and go anywhere you wanted. The only ones who could stop you would be your fellow dragon riders.
Of course even now, in the back of your mind you knew these thoughts were absurd, but up in the air, so high that even King's Landing seemed small, absurd and foolish thoughts had a way of seeming just a bit less absurd.
Riding a dragon was a singularly unique experience. Nothing in your life really compared to it. Even beyond the simple fact you were flying atop something far larger than any beast known to man, when you rode a horse you are always aware that you and the animal are just rider and mount. With Syrax it's not always so simple. While commands are needed, she often knows where you're going before you even give the order. And sometimes, when you're in a dive or pulling off some dangerous stunt, you feel less like rider and mount and more like one being in two bodies. Your will is her will. Her pain is your pain. The feeling always seems absurd when you're on the ground, but not right now.
The two of you pulled up from your latest dive, well above the waves of Blackwater Bay. Syrax letting out a short, sharp growl of approval. For months the two of you had been turning and pulling up either too sharply or not hard enough. Dragons never stopped growing. The dragonpit may slow the growth of some but they never completely stopped growing. It's why the wings of Vhagar could plunge an entire town into shadows as she passed. Though Syrax's growth had been different than normal. While she was still smaller than the likes of Dreamfyre or Meleys, she was approaching the latter's size sooner than the Dragonkeepers expected. Sooner than even Syrax herself had expected, judging by your recent issues. The dragonkeepers claimed it was a reflection of your changes in the past few years. As you had become more of a warrior, so too had Syrax.
It made a certain kind of sense. Syrax was young. While you had not hatched her, she was barely larger than a horse when you found her and you had been the one to give Syrax her name. The two of you grew up together to an extent. It would make sense for the dragon to reflect it's partner.
Whatever the reason for the changes, a few weeks of training and flying had allowed the two of you to finally adjust to Syrax's increased weight and size. Giving the both of you quite the workout in the process.
Bond With Syrax Improved
Dragon Riding Improved
Curiosity more than anything else drove you to the tower of the Hand.
You knew Otto Hightower for almost as long as you can remember. He was your Father's hand after all, arguably the second most powerful person in the Seven Kingdoms, and his daughter Alicent was your closest friend even if that friendship had become rather complicated these past two years. But you and Otto hardly ever talked and only on very rare occasions did that amount to more than a few words being exchanged. And judging by Alicent's reaction to your fights and sword training, he didn't seem like they kind of man who would approve of you.
So why did he push to make you heir?
"Good Afternoon, Princess," Otto greeted as Rhaenyra stepped into his apartment within the Tower, Ser Westerling closing the door behind her, "to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"
Otto Hightower was standing by his writing desk, the room lit up by a soft orange glow from the late day sun.
"Many of the lords in the Red Keep are whispering that you were the first to push for me to be named heir," you remarked, "On the same day my mother died in fact. While I am not ungrateful, I am curious as to why."
"Princess, I would advise against listening to gossip of the court," Otto replied, his face and tone unreadable, "Rumors in the Red Keep spread and change faster than they would among fish mongers. Besides, it was your father's decision alone that made you heir after your uncle disgraced himself."
"And you were the one who told my father about Daemon's 'heir for a day' comment," you retort. "You told the entire small council about it."
"I was simply doing my duty as Hand of the King." Otto's voice gaining the slightest defensive edge to it.
You switch tactics, your posture becoming less stiff.
"I simply wish to know what it is I have done to earn such a vote of confidence from you, Lord Hand," you say with a smile.
You don't know what larger game Otto had in mind here or if indeed there was a larger game here at all. Otto's hatred of Daemon and vice versa was well known. But you were still curious why he pushed so quickly after your mother died.
Otto relaxed slightly as he met your gaze.
"It was simple matter really, Alicent and others have always spoken highly of your character, and while you may have caused your father fustration more times then I care to recall, you have never given anyone cause to think you disloyal to him," Otto explained. "The same could not be said of your uncle. Daemon's actions with the city watch confirmed many of my worst fears about the man and with your mother's tragic passing, it did not seem safe to leave only one life standing between Daemon and the Iron Throne."
You admittedly only half paid attention to most what Otto said after the first sentence.
"Alicent speaks of me still?" You said in open surprised, "But we've hardly talked for nearly two years."
Alicent's disagreements with your desire to prove yourself a warrior and eventually a knight had caused a massive breakdown in your once strong friendship. To hear she still spoke of you to her father, and positively at that, was quite the surprise.
"Alicent thinks the way you live your life is entirely unbecoming for a woman of your status," Otto admitted. "As do many people at court. Most fathers would not allow their daughters to get away with a tenth of what you do."
"Most daughters don't have my strength," you countered, resisting the urge to flex a well muscled arm to demonstrate.
"Nor are they raised to ride dragons. So perhaps it is not my place to judge," Otto admitted dismissively as he looked out the window. "The point is there is a clear difference in character between you and your uncle."
"Most of your fights involve you protecting servant girls from randy stable hands or squaring off against a young squire who thinks he knows better," Otto explained. "Whereas Daemon's fights lead to hundreds of people losing their limbs or their heads in a brutal slaughter of our own citizens. It is not hard to see which would make a better heir for our king."
There was almost always venom in Otto's voice when he talked to or about your uncle but now it seemed even more pronounced then before.
"You're saying Daemon is a threat to my father? They're brothers. They've always been close, Daemon would never dare."
"Does it not disturb you that when Daemon left, the city watch followed him to Dragonstone without question?" Otto asked in a low voice. "Almost every single man in a gold cloak abandoned this city and their king without a second thought."
That had been troubling you. Seeing two thousand Gold Cloaks leaving the city was quite the sight, even from the Red Keep. A few highborn officers tried to get them to stay, but they were all ignored. The men loved their Rogue Prince and were willing to follow him wherever he went.
"Viserys gave Daemon command of those men to protect the city," Otto went on, "and instead he builds his own personal army. With every action he takes, he seeks to undermine your father's authority."
If there was one thing you thought you were certain about with your uncle, it was how much he loved your father. Whatever their disagreements, which were often many, the two loved each other and were loyal to one another.
But how loyal could Daemon be if he was building his own army right under your father's nose? How much could he truly love your father if he was willing to mock his dead son in a brothel?
"Do you think Daemon is plotting rebellion?" you questioned. The Small Council had largely viewed Daemon's occupation of Dragonstone, your island, as little more than a nuisance. If Otto was right, then that approach seemed wildly misguided.
"No," Otto assured you. "Even your uncle would not be so foolhardy as to wage a war with only two thousand men and a dragon. This is a farce designed to emberass your father and make him look weak. Nothing more. But I am confident he would have done something drastic, had he remained in the city and remained heir. And in truth, I'm not sure how safe either you or your father will be should he return to King's landing."
"That is quite the accusation, my lord hand. To suggest my uncle would slaughter his own family for the crown!" You were aghast.
You and your uncle had an increasingly rocky relationship but the suggestion he would kill both of you felt absurd.
"He would not be the first of your line to do so" Otto replied wearily, the two of you staring at each other for a long tense moment. "The fact we are even having to debate this with any degree of seriousness is proof enough that Daemon is too dangerous to be let back into the city, wouldn't you agree?"
The question gave you pause. Otto was hardly unbiased here, the hatred between him and Daemon had been clear for years. He had always wanted Daemon off the Small Council. But it was hard to overlook the fact that Daemon was currently occupying a seat that rightfully belonged to you, using an army he had made loyal to himself first and foremost.
"So you're saying we should ask my father to exile Daemon?" You asked skeptically.
You could never see your father going for that, even now after everything that has happened.
"Nothing so drastic, princess," the Hand of the King assured you. "But when Daemon eventually grows bored of Dragonstone, the King must be firm that Daemon is to return to Runestone and his wife"
It could just be Otto taking advantage of the more unsavory aspects of Daemon's character to paint him as a monster. It could be more that Daemon was impulsive and selfish. The Gold Cloaks were loyal to him because he liked having an army of thugs at his beck and call rather than due to any sinister plan. Or Otto could be right, and Daemon had designs on the Iron Throne and he'd been building an army that answered to him alone.
How do you reply to Otto Hightower?
[] Agree. Daemon was plotting something and he cannot be allowed to return to the city.
[] Agree in part. Daemon wouldn't betray your father but he is dangerous and should not be allowed to return, lest he create more problems.
[] Say something non-commital.
[] Disagree. Whatever Daemon's faults, he is family and he cannot be treated like that.
[] Write-In (Subject to QM approval)
Many wrote about Visenya Targaryen but frustratingly they all seemed to lack for details. They talked of how Visenya was Aegon's elder sister-wife. A warrior who wielded Dark Sister and with Vhagar she helped burn down most of the castles in Dorne after the death of her sister. Mentions of her after the Conquest are frustratingly sparse until after Aegon's death, where the records accuse her of poisoning her nephew, King Aenys and ensuring her son Meagor took power. With many records painting her as a cunning sorceress who aided much of her son's early cruelties, a few even suggesting that Maegor himself was not Aegon the Conqueror's true born son but instead had been created by Visenya using some kind of vile blood magic.
Which, honestly was so absurd it somehow became downright amusing.
For a while you feared this would be the limits of your research and that all that was left of Visenya's record were tales of her being a witch and kin-slayer, until you realized who was writing most of the books you had been using for your research. Septon Barth, Grand Maester Allar, Archmaester Crey. All men who's works were respected across the Seven Kingdoms. All men who had served during the reign of King Jaehaerys.
Meagor was a usurper who had killed two of your great-grandfather's brothers and forcibly married one of his sisters. The old king had more reason than most to hate his uncle, but that also meant those who served him and Maesters of the citadel of the time had motivation to exaggerate the worst cruelties of Meagor's reign and slander anyone who had been loyal to him. Such as Meagor's mother, Visenya.
So, you dug deeper into the Red Keep's libraries, looking for records and tomes written during the reign of King Aenys or even the Conqueror himself. Your search took the better part of a week and annoyed several Maesters who insisted you were interrupting important studies, but eventually you came across some rather interesting finds. Records from the Small Council of King Aenys and the writings of Grand Maester Gawen.
These works painted a far more complex picture of Queen Visenya. She had been the founder of the Kingsguard, creating it after having to defend Aegon from Dornish assassins. Aegon had resisted at first, until Visenya forced the issue. Visenya had often held court while Aegon was on Dragonstone or taking part in a royal progress, and she didn't just rule in Aegon's name either. There is more than one record of her passing some law or making a decree by her own right, in her own name. Indeed, it seemed during the later years of his reign, Aegon had given over both building the Red Keep and actual ruling over to Visenya while he basically retired to Dragonstone.
Visenya was much more than a consort. She had basically been Aegon's equal and she had defined many aspects of what it meant to rule the Seven Kingdoms. This would be a great argument for your own rule. Women had written many of the laws of this kingdom and founded the order that guards the king. If they could do all that, why not have one sit the Iron Throne in her own right? Visenya had basically done that already.
There was one issue though. None of the sources you've found yet could dispute the claims that Visenya had murdered Aenys to allow her own son to take over. If that was true then any lord could just point to Visenya's sorcery and kin slaying as proof that women weren't fit to rule.
Of course, it was entirely possible that Visenya hadn't poisoned her nephew after all. The record were clearly willing to forget and distort her memory as they saw fit. If Visenya's better deeds were all but forgotten, who's to say she was truly to blame for the worst deeds the histories had ascribed to her?
But that would require even further research.
Learning Increased
Action Unlock: Investigate the Death of King Aenys
"Princess Rhaenyra, your grace" Lord Commander Ryam introduced as you stepped in the room.
Your father was sitting alone in your parent's-in his room, stripped of almost all refinery and dressed in a simple white shirt and dark pants. He was in the middle of carving out another building for his grand model of the Freehold's capital city.
Working on this model always brought him joy and a sense of meaning but as your father looked at you this evening, eyes looked hollow, grief etched into his face.
"Greetings, father," you said as Redwyne left and closed the door behind you, "I have been doing some research into Queen Visenya and I thought you might be interested in what I've learned."
If there was one thing your father had true passion for that was left in this world, it was uncovering the secrets of history.
"Really?" Your father stared at you with unmasked surprised. "I am glad to hear it, but what sparked this sudden interest in history?"
"You compared me to her so often, I figured it best I learn more about this woman I apparently have so much in common with," you reply with a small smile.
Your father lets out a half chuckle. "For the record, I was only referring to your martial interests. I was not accusing you of being a sorcerer, Rhaenyra."
"That is good to hear," you replied.
There is a shadow of a smile across your father's face but it does nothing to light up his eyes.
There is an awkward, painful silence for a moment before you go on.
"Did you know Visenya founded the Kingsguard?" you asked.
"No," Viserys admitted with a small amount of surprise, "I was not aware of that, that is remarkable."
"Apparently King Aegon believed his guards from Dragonstone would be enough. Visenya disagreed and thought he needed proper knights protecting him," you explained. "To prove her point she drew her blade on her husband one day, drawing blood from his cheek before any of his guards could react."
"Fascinating, she sounds like a remarkable woman," your father replied with a tired voice.
The room feel silent again, Viserys looking caught halfway between working on his model and talking with you, seemingly too weary to do either.
"I'm sorry, I make for a poor conversationalist right now," your father admitted wearily.
"It's fine, you have every right to grieve, father," you reply warmly. "I know how much you loved her, and how much she loved you."
Viserys put down his tools and turned towards you, sorrow filling his eyes.
"I do not think I will ever be the same man I once was," he confessed, "Your mother's death is like a wound that won't heal."
"Everything feels colder now, doesn't it?" You asked, dragging up your own grief.
Your father looked at you with wide, sad eyes.
"Doesn't matter the room, or the time of day, or how many people are in it, this whole castle has felt colder and emptier since she passed," you admit.
Your relationship with your father had been troubled for some time. There was screaming. Shouting. Threats of punishment. You constantly lashing out against an unfair order of things, fighting him tooth and nail just for a chance to be yourself. But your mother? Your mother was always kind. Always warm to you. Even when she didn't approve of your choices. She loved you both with all her heart.
"Yes, I know exactly how you feel," your father admitted, his expression seeming less hollow as he nodded. "The first week after she passed, this entire place felt like a tomb."
"That pleases me to hear," you wipe away tears as you speak, "To know someone else understands my grief."
"I feel the same," your father confessed. "Thank you for reaching out to me, Rhaenyra. I do not think I would have had the courage to talk to you first."
"If you need someone to talk to, I am here for you, father," your voice full of sympathy as you spoke.
"That is good to hear," your father replied.
He still looked miserable and depressed. that was unlikely to change anytime soon, but there was a light in his eyes now that wasn't there when you arrived.
"Your mother would have been so proud of you. You know that." Your father said unprompted. "You handled yourself excellently during the ceremony."
"Even with my armor?" You said with a smirk.
You could see your father wince for just a split second.
"You were honest to yourself, even in front of dozens of lords. That is to be commended," Viserys acknowledged.
"Thank you," you replied.
"How do you feel about the ceremony?" your father asked. "I had not thought to ask before. I imagine it was a lot for you."
"I think it went great," you replied evenly, unsure of what to say.
"Even with the cold looks some of those lords gave you?" your father asked.
You looked at your father in surprise. You had not thought he saw that.
"People think that just because I do not lash out at every insult or bit of tongue wagging that I am blind to them," your father replied, seemingly reading your thoughts before you could put them into words. "I saw how some of them looked at you. They should be thankful none of them were stupid enough to say anything."
"Should I be worried?" You asked.
If there were lords openly holding you in contempt, how many were insulting you behind you back?
"No," your father replied dismissively. "They will come to accept you in time. Besides. Their opinions matter far less than their oaths. But I can understand if you feel upset about how some of them behaved."
The thought had been bugging you on and off since the ceremony. Lannisters, Fossoways, Tarbecks, and others all starring at you with contempt as you stood before them in your armor. Barely hiding their disdain as they swore their oaths.
You've grown used to men holding you in contempt these past few years, but this was something else. Something that might be dangerous in time. Who knows how many lords holding their Queen Regnant to be in all but naked contempt? You weren't sure how to feel about this, a dozen different thoughts striking you at once.
How do you feel about their contempt for you?
[] [Defiant] The disdain of men has never held you back before, you will not let it bother you now.
[] Father is right. They will come to accept you in time.
[] You will prove them wrong and that you are worthy of the throne.
[] You can't help but worry. Could they rebel against you? Might they already be plotting to do so?
[] Write-In (Subject to QM approval)
Relationship with King Viserys Improved. New Status: Warm
QM's Note: How much an action or a skill improves a relationship and or Rhaenyra herself is situational, depending on both the circumstances and Rhaenyra's traits. Comforting her father now is going to have more an impact than the two basically waiting six months to have a real conversation like they did in canon. Also no plan voting this time, not needed.
Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Jul 30, 2024 at 2:21 PM, finished with 88 posts and 36 votes.
[X] About the Lords: [Defiant] If you were a man, they would praise you for the very same things that they now wag their tongues about and you will not settle for their mere acceptance just to have your memory tainted by their slander like Visenya. The bards will sing of a warrior queen and your name will live long after your detractors have been forgotten. You will make sure of that.
[X] Write-In: Responsibility has not worked, nor can he truly be trusted to govern, so too will a distant posting be considered tantamount to exile. Perhaps a military campaign to settle his humors and allow him to excise his ardor. Recommend that Daemon be sent to subjugate the Valean Mountain Tribes or the Stepstones.
[X] To Otto: Agree that something should be done, but not that exile is the right option. Daemon can plot and gather power in Runestone just as well as in Kings Landing. Maybe even easier.
[X] Agree in part, but disagree with his solution. Daemon wouldn't betray your father despite how much of an immature troublemaker and a pain in the side for anyone on the court, BUT you would rather keep him at arm's length in King's Landing, where we can use a measure of control over him to minimize the trouble that his sheneigans will inevitably cause.
[X] [non-commital Write-In] You can appreciate Daemon as dangerous abstractly, in general, but not deliberately harming you, or his brother. You cannot truly imagine it, even as you increasingly cannot decide which of Daemon's audacity, his cruelty, or his fierce passion for his family rules over him, and see the potential dangers to the crown, if not the king.
[X] To Viserys: Some lieges will never be loved, but are still followed because they are respected. Request challenges that will allow Rhaenyra to prove herself, the same way male heirs might be put to the test.
You couldn't quite put it into words for your Father. You knew, no matter how sympathetic he was, he would not be able to fully grasp why you were so frustrated with the lords. If he had been this inclined with the sword and lance at your age, the lords of the realm would have loved him, praised him. The Great Council might have been even more of an overwhelming victory for him than it had already been. If you had been born Baelon Targaryen, the lords of the realm would be singing of your glory, encouraging their daughters to give you their favors at any tourney you entered, and perhaps even naming their own sons after you.
But since you had been born Rhaenyra, the same skills that would have won you praise now earn you scorn and mockery.
Visenya proved that a Targaryen woman could become a warrior, but she also proved that once they were gone the men of the realm would work to diminish and tarnish their legacy.
You needed to be more than a warrior. You needed to be a knight. The kind of knight bards would sing about for generations. A figure of legend like Symeon Star-Eyes, that girls would look up to long after the lords mocking you behind your back were dead and forgotten.
For that to happen, you needed to do more than just train. You needed to prove yourself to the kingdoms. Show that you were a warrior and that you demanded their respect.
New Actions Unlocked
"Responsibility has not worked, nor can Daemon truly be trusted to govern, and exile would only make him worse, even if we somehow convinced my father to go along with such a thing," you declared. "But perhaps there is a way to make use of his aggression."
Otto Hightower stared at you with a skeptical expression.
"Few can deny Daemon's skills as a warrior. I think they would be better put to work fighting against the enemies of the Throne," you explained. "Send Daemon and those loyal to him on a military campaign in the mountains of the Vale, or against the pirates in the Stepstones. A few years of bloodshed might exhaust my uncle of his worst impulses."
Otto let out a humorless chuckle. "If you think giving a man command of his own war will cool his blood, Princess, you are very much-"
He trailed off for a moment, a thoughtful look in his eyes.
"Then again, Lord Corlys has been pushing more and more for the Crown to take action against the Triarchy," Otto remarked. "If we sent Daemon and his men against the Stepstones, that will keep Daemon out of our hair for several years and appease the Master of Ships with minimal cost to the Crown."
Otto looked at you, his gaze growing more intent for a moment, as though he were appraising you somehow. For what and why you could not say.
"I think this idea of yours is rather clever, Princess," Otto replied. There was a tiny smile on his face though he almost seemed to be hiding it as he turned his head away.
"Of course there is little we could until Daemon grows bored of brooding on Dragonstone," Otto went on. "And if he's successful, if, then when he returns, his victories might give him even more sway at court and with his Grace. Still, I can't deny the utility of sending Daemon to fight the Sea Snake's wars. I will keep this in mind the next time Lord Corlys brings up the issue."
"I am glad to hear it, Lord Hand," you replied politely.
You weren't sure if much or anything were come of this conversation, but you did notice a small change in Otto's gaze as you left. It was small, barely more than a hint, but you could swear you could almost see approval in his eyes.
Relationship with Otto Hightower Improved
Lord Commander Ryam Redwyne of the Kingsguard was dead. His death was about as far removed from your mothers as you could get. He was an older man, had been sick for a while, and he had been able to pass away peacefully in his sleep. It was strange. A man who had dedicated himself to the life of a warrior and knight was able to live a long and peaceful life, whereas a woman who had never once held a sword died when she was far too young, blood staining much of her bed.
The choice for new Lord Commander was obvious to everyone at court. Your sworn shield, Ser Harrold Westerling. He had served both your father and Jaehaerys faithful and you knew he had the right temperament to be a leader. You still couldn't help but feel sad. He had been protecting you for over a decade now, he was a kind man and your friend. He would still be around of course, but things wouldn't be the same. He had a duty to your father and the whole Kingsguard now.
Of course, with the Kingsguard down to six , it was time to select someone new to wear the white cloak. Someone new to be your sworn shield. To protect you against assassins and other threats. Fittingly, Lord Commander Westerling and Ser Otto Hightower have seen fit to have you make the final decision on who should be your new shield.
You look down at them now, seven knights standing before you. Six with banners from various notable houses across the seven kingdoms and one with barely more than his armor.
Westerling stood at your side as you assessed the men. Otto pacing behind you as your cousin Rhaenys chose to watch everything from a balcony above you for reasons you could only guess at.
"Ser Desmond Caryon has shown great valor and skill in various tourneys across the realm," Ser Westerling explained as you gazed down at the knight in yellow. "On his way here through the Kingswood he was able to bring a would be poacher to justice."
"Fine work," You say with a hint of warmth in your voice. "A true knight should always strive to serve the realm, no matter their current task."
Westerling nodded in approval at your sentiment.
The Knight Commander had already put all of the candidates through trials, so the man must be a skilled knight, but it seemed he seen little action beyond tourneys. Though bringing the would be poacher to justice does speak to some sense of duty.
You could feel Rhaenys gaze upon you as the next knight stepped forward.
"Ser Rymun Mallister, son of Lymond Mallister of Seaguard," Ser Westerling introduced a knight in blue. "Winner of the Melee at Cidar Hall. Ser Rymun was knighted at the age of eight and ten."
Again, their experince was little more than tourneys, but you've seen your share of melees. They were fairly brutal knock down affairs, arguably more dangerous than a joust. Winning a melee proved this man was decent with a sword at least. And being knighted so young means the man must have shown a decent amount of talent.
"It's important to remember these men come from powerful houses," Otto advised. "Important allies of the crown, allies who would be greatly honored by one of their own joining the Kingsguard."
It was clear that the actual skills of the men before you mattered little to Otto Hightower. He was more concerned about the political gain for the crown.
Next was the only one without any heraldry behind him. His armor was dented and scratched in many places, a few pieces looking rather mismatched. Everything about this man said he was a man of meager mans, barely a noble if that. And yet this man, Ser Criston Cole, had defeated your uncle at the tourney.
"Ser Criston Cole, son of the steward of the Lord of Blackhaven," the Knight Commander said. "Knighted for his efforts against the Dornish incursions."
"You fought in the Dornish marches?" You asked with a disarming smile.
This was an interesting surprise. Someone with actual experince in combat. Ser Criston cut quite the striking figure as well. Younger than the other knights, and a mostly shaven face with striking dornish features. And his smile alone was proof the man had more charm then the others before her.
"I fought for two years as foot soldier," Cole explained. "Ser Arlan Dondarrion knighted me after we razed two watchtowers along the Boneway."
Next up was a Tarly knight dressed in Green.
"Ser Raylon Tarly, cousin to Lord Donald Tarly. He has served his house valiantly for many years," Ser Westerling explained. "And has won great honor in several tourneys."
Another with no actual experience in combat and he looked older than the rest, silver coloring much of his hair. But Tarlys were Marcher lords, proud ones at that. If nothing else this man was trained by people who knew how to fight.
The others would do little to grab your attention, few tourney wins among them and none had combat experience like Ser Criston. This narrowed it down to four options for you. Tarly, Cole, Mallister, or Caryon. Cole was the only one with actual experince in combat, but his low birth meant you would not be winning any allies by choosing him. The Mallister and Tarly knights may not have had combat experince but their training and tourney showings were something to be considered. And Caryon did seem to have a sense of duty to the crown.
A fifth option struck you suddenly. Instead of simply choosing one of these knights you could challenge each of these men to one on one fights, making whoever defeated you the fastest your new sworn shield. You didn't think you had much chance of beating any of these knights, and if you did they really had no business protecting you in the first place, but a duel would give you a chance to figure out what kind of men these knights truly were. And perhaps more importantly, it might show you if these men would be more premissive with your pursuits then most. After all, if they're willing to fight you, that surely must mean they're at least willing to consider taking you seriously as warrior. Mayhaps even agreeing to train you.
Doing this would naturally upset Otto of course, maybe even Ser Westerling as well, but when has that stopped you?
Who will you appoint to the Kingsguard?
[] Ser Desmond Caryon
[] Ser Rymun Mallister
[] Ser Criston Cole
[] Ser Raylon Tarly
[] [Strong] Demand a duel with each man, declaring whoever does best will be your new Sworn Shield (Dice Rolls Involved)
QM's Note: While I generally try to keep to show canon, I will be changing the timing of various events early on to better fit the turn format, otherwise we'd have a quite a bit happening all during Turn 2. Also, the Tarly is an OC. I just felt like it would be remiss to not have the Tarly knight as an option considering their general lore reputation as strong warriors.
For you, the choice was obvious. You had to test these men for yourself.
"Knight Commander," you say with respect as you turn towards your former sworn shield. "Would you say that one of the most important duties of a member of a Kingsguard day to day is guarding the King and the Targaryen family from would-be assassins and bandits along the road?"
Ser Westerling looked contemplative for a second before nodding in agreement.
"While I would not say those are problems we deal with most days," he explained, "save for times of war, assassins and brigands would be our order's main concern. Yes."
"Excellent," you reply as you turn towards one of the nearby servants. "Mira, have the armorer fetch my training gear and some wooden swords."
The servant nodded and hurried away as you turned your attention towards the knights below, Otto and Westerling both staring at you in naked confusion.
"Good sers, I ask you for a moment of patience," you say warmly to the gathered knights. "I will be down there shortly."
"Princess, what are you doing?" Otto's voice was filled with bewilderment as you began to walk away.
"I wish to test these men myself," you explain as you walk. "See how their skills compare to mine."
"What would this accomplish?" Westerling asked, looking completely befuddled. "These men have already been put through the proper trials. Each of them would be more than your match, Princess."
"I am ten and four years of age. I would very much hope so," you reply with a sly smirk, "And I am certain these men could kill any bandit or would be assassin. The question is a matter of speed. The longer a bandit or murderer lives, the longer they pose a threat to my father or myself. I want to see how quickly they can beat me."
Westerling paused, an uncertain expression etched across his face for a moment.
"Princess I must protest this in the strongest terms," Otto argued as he followed after you. "These knights and their families will see this as a grave insult."
You ignored him as you walked on.
By the time you reached the knights, now fitted with training armor and wooden blade in hand, Ser Caron and many of the knights you already gave up on had vanished, apparently storming off in a fury at the idea of having to fight a girl. That suited you just fine. If they were that disapproving now, they would only be a hindrance to you going forward.
Three knights remained. Mallister, Cole, and Tarly. Cole's expression had changed considerably since he first approached you. Gone was the smooth charm of his that almost filled the room when he smiled, replaced with a clear sharp tension in his stance, and a gaze that was at once vacant and staring into her very soul. It was unsettling to behold.
"I have no doubt all of you are fine knights," you say as you hold your training sword. "But I need to see your skills in action. I want to see how quickly each of you could disarm me or knock me off my feet. Whoever does it the quickest and or with the most skill shall be my new sworn shield. Is that agreeable?"
Two knights nodded and gave affirmations, and Ser Cole saying nothing and only giving the smallest of nods.
As Otto Hightower looked on with an expression of intense frustration, you raised your sword as servants prepared training swords for each of the three knights.
"Who shall go first?" You asked.
Ser Rymun Mallister stepped forward.
"Don't expect me to go easy on you, Princess," Ser Mallister declared, "I've seen boys smaller than you knock grown men twice their size because the men were overconfident. I will not make such a mistake."
"It gladdens me to hear that, ser knight," you reply warmly. "Shall we begin?"
In truth, you expected to only last a short time, maybe get a few hits in to prove you had talent but you had little expectation of lasting very long. You suspected everyone gathered thought much the same.
What happened next took everyone by surprise. Ser Mallister had lived up to his promise and attacked you without hesitation, only for you to turn aside his wooden blade. You pressed the attack quickly, using your own strength to nearly force the blade out of his hand.
The two of you clashed for several minutes. While you were never able to truly gain the upper hand save for that brief moment in the beginning, you held your own quite well. Your own blade remaining firmly in your hand, while also keeping his away from your body.
Watching the man's expression change over the fight had been interesting. From calm self-confidence to shock and anger over your early moves, gradually shifting to a look of approval.
"You fight well, Princess," Rymun remarked in between blows. "I've known boys with four namedays on you who fight with half as much skill."
"You honor me, Ser," you remark as you turn away his blade.
Fighting for any sustained length of time is hard on the body, even for someone as young as you. Eventually exhaustion got the better of you and one of Ser Rymun's blows forced the blade out of your hand.
The two of you stood there for a moment, the room filled with the sound of your labored breaths as sweat poured down your face.
"Well fought, Ser Rymun," you said as you picked up your training sword. "Victory is yours."
"My thanks, Princess," the knight replied as he dropped his own wooden blade. "But that was no victory. It's clear I am not worthy of the white cloak. It was a good fight though. You should be proud."
Though he did his best to hide it, it was clear the knight's pride was wounded. This was not the fight either of you, or anyone gathered, had expected.
By the time you recovered enough to fight Ser Criston, a small crowd of onlookers had gathered, Alicent among them. Apparently news had spread through the Red Keep that the princess had held off a seasoned knight for some time and nearly forced a draw.
"Do not go easily on me, Ser Criston," you smiled as you talked. "I will not make the same mistakes my uncle made."
"I will not underestimate you, Princess," he replied, still staring at you with that unnerving, almost blank, look in his eyes.
Ser Criston attacked you with furious energy. His attacks less the attacks of a seasoned knight and more the efforts of a half mad reaver. The crowd gasped in shock as he all but wailed on you. You held your ground, each blow hitting your blade a thundering hammer strike.
Thankfully, Criston's attacks were so full of anger and strength that they became downright sloppy, allowing you to hold your own, for a time at least. Eventually one of his blows knocked the sword out of your hand and pointed the rounded edge of his own training blade at your neck.
"Well met, Ser Criston," you said, a nervous edge creeping into your voice until he lowered the blade. It was clear he was something beyond furious at having to fight you at all and the fact you had been able to stand against him even if only for a short while had only made that fury grow deeper.
The man said nothing as he lowered his blade and stepped back, Knight-Commander Westerling staring at him in disapproval.
The charm the man had shown at the tourney was a mask it seemed. The real Ser Criston was a far more simple and uglier figure.
Finally, after taking a break, Ser Raylon Tarly stepped forward.
"My father told me he fought women numerous times while he was repelling Dornish raids," the Tarly knight explained. "He said all of them fought twice as hard as any man."
"I hope one day I will match such skill and ferocity," you replied as you readied your training sword.
To your surprise, the older man motioned for you to make the first move. You stared at him curiously for a moment then made your strike, only for him to turn your blade aside almost casually. Earning a number of gasps from the crowd.
"You're strong, quite strong," Ser Raylon praised, "but whoever trains you is much too cautious, probably scared of hurting a princess. You're not taking proper advantage of that strength."
The man's comment catches you off guard, nearly allowing him to knock the sword out of your hand right then and there. You just barely managed to hang on.
With the Mallister, there had been the ghost of a chance, and even against Cole you had been able to hold your own. Not so in this case. The older knight may have lacked Ser Criston's strength, but his skill more than made up for it. It was quite apparent you were outmatched.
Within a matter of moments your sword was on the ground.
"Well fought, Princess," he said with a bow.
"You flatter me, Ser," you reply through heavy breathes. "Knight-Commander? Please find Ser Raylon a white Cloak. I believe he's more than earned it."
At that, a broad smile appeared across the face of your new Sworn Shield.
New Relationship Gained: Ser Raylon Tarly
Relationship with Otto Hightower Degraded
Relationship with Ser Harrold Westerling Degraded
Your duel with the various kingsguard candidates sparked quite the conversation in the Red Keep, particularly as tale spread you fought a knight to what was effectively a stand still. Otto Hightower had been quite angry about it at the next small council meeting, saying you had made a mockery of the whole event and insulted Houses Mallister and Caron. However, your father had been more amused than frustrated by the whole affair, arguing that as it was your sworn shield you had the right to test them as you saw fit.
The passing of months were mostly calm save for two bits of dark news. First was news from the Stepstones. The Triarchy has stepped up its attacks in the region, particularly against ships bound for Driftmark. Apparently an admiral called 'Crabfeeder' is capturing Westerosi crews and having them impaled on the beaches and left for his namesake. While none of House Velyarion's ships had been attacked yet, Lord Corlys has made clear that if and when that happens he will expect action from the King.
The second, and more personally concerning, bit of news was your father's illness. Your father had cut himself on his throne during his argument with your uncle and the wounds had not healed since. The news was not common knowledge at all in the Red Keep, the damaged finger being hidden by gloves. You yourself only learned about it by chance. Your father and Grand Maester Mellos insist it will be fine, that experts were coming from the Citadel to take care of it. You had your doubts but you knew little about afflictions and illnesses.
You've heard whispers among the lords of a desire to see your father remarry. Even those who accept you as heir are worried. You are an only child and if something were to happen to you, Daemon would be heir again. Thankfully, no one is bold enough to bring up such suggestions to your grieving father yet.
Beyond that, not much has changed these last few months. Your uncle remains brooding on Dragonstone and the topic has all but vanished from conversation in the small council, with almost all convinced he will grow bored in time. Your father has given you frustratingly little to do as heir, mainly just still acting as his cupbearer at the Small Council.
Fourth Season, 112 AC
Each turn is 3 months, though this may change as the quest goes on. You can pick either from the options below for your tasks or use write-in actions after QM approval. Please use plan voting for turn votes.
Conversations (Pick Two)
[] Speak with Viserys
There is little more you can do to help with his grief and you have no desire to even approach the subject of him remarrying yet, but you are worried about his illness. He insists it's fine but perhaps a more in depth conversation might assure your fears.
[] Speak with Alicent
While you and Alicent haven't spoken much recently, you know there is no one else in the Red Keep who would understand the pain you are going through right now better than her. Perhaps Alicent can help you deal with the grief of losing your mother. Maybe you could even begin to repair your strained friendship.
[] Speak with Otto Hightower
The Hand of the King has little interest in speaking with you at this moment.
[] Speak with Gwayne Hightower
Alicent's brother has left King's Landing.
[] Speak with Knight Commander Harrold Westerling
Harrold has been by your side since you were a child. He has been a friend and your stalwart shield for years. He has never been supportive of your efforts to learn how to fight and even less so of your desire to become a knight. Mayhaps his thoughts have changed now that you are heir to the throne and he is the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.
[] Speak with Ser Raylon Tarly
You know little about your new Sworn Shield and it would do well to get to know him better. The man is a proven knight and some of his remarks seemed promising. Perhaps he might be willing to do what Westerling never was and help in your training.
[] Speak with Lord Corlys Velyarion
From what little you know, it seems like the Sea Snake was one of the least supportive voices on the Small Council for your father's decision to name you heir, perhaps still bitter over his wife being overlooked by the Great Council of 101. If you could try and begin to win him over, that would go a long ways to shoring up your support on the Small Council. He may also have advice on your own aspirations for a seat on the council as well. And if there is anyone who would be willing to listen to your thoughts on the Triarchy and their actions in the Stepstones, it would be the Master of Ships.
[] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
The Queen who never was. Had her father outlived the old King, it is highly likely that she would be the ruling Queen by now. In many ways you have everything that has been denied to her, twice over. No doubt there is tension, perhaps you could smooth things over.
[] Speak with Lord Lyonel Strong
The Master of Laws and Lord of Harrenhal. A Stalwart voice on the council and man you know generally strives to do what is best for the Kingdom. He may be able to give you some good advice on how to earn a seat on the council, and if nothing else his support would be useful.
[] Write-in
Subject to QM approval, has to have a reasonable chance of being in King's Landing.
Actions (Pick Two)
[] Relax
A lot has happened recently. Your mother has died and you have been suddenly thrust into a position that will one day make you the most powerful person in Westeros. That's a lot for one person to handle in a short period of time. Perhaps you should take some time to yourself, read in the godswood, fly around with Syrax for fun, and just enjoy yourself for a while.
[] Study the history of the Small Council
King Jaehaerys ruled for over five decades. His Small Council, particularly during the years Septon Barth served as Hand, kept decently detailed records of its decisions and some of the activities of its members. Perhaps if you understood better how the Small Council functioned it could help you in your efforts to attain a seat one day.
[] Investigate the Death of King Aenys
Most Maesters and other writers agree that Queen Visenya had poisoned her nephew, King Aenys, to allow her own son to take the throne. But you have already seen how much those same authors were willing to ignore Visenya's contributions and slander her already. Perhaps this is simply another case of slander. If you could prove that, it could improve Queen Visenya's reputation considerably and make a stronger argument for your own eventual rule.
[] Train
While training with your dragon has helped to keep up your strength, it has been some time since you had proper time in the yard, and your recent experience has shown you that while you have talent and skill for fighting, you are still a long ways from becoming a knight.
[] Train with Syrax
While you have both adjusted to Syrax's new size, more training could only help the both of you.
[] Sneak out and Explore the City
When your father and uncle were your age, they regularly went out of the King's Landing at night for all kinds of things. Naturally such things were forbidden to you as they were "unbefitting a princess" but as heir to the throne, shouldn't you have a chance to let loose and explore the city you'll one day rule? And if nothing else it will be great practice if you ever need to sneak for more adventurous pursuits.
[] Try and gather info on Daemon's Activities
The Small Council seems content to just let Daemon brood for the time being, but Dragonstone is your castle, you would like to know what he's doing with it. Perhaps some of the fishermen and merchants at the docks might have a hint of what your uncle is up to.
[] Push for Action in the Stepstones
Piracy in the Stepstones might be the perfect chance for you to begin to prove yourself as a warrior. If you could just get your father to agree to send you and the other Dragon Riders against the pirates, the court would soon be filled with tales of your heroic deeds, and of the many ships you reduced to ash. But that was a very big if. Your father has little interest in the affairs of the Stepstones and would likely have even less at the idea of sending you into combat. At the very least you would need some support for the notion to be taken seriously by the Small Council.
[] Scout out Tourneys
There are few better ways to test one's skill in combat than a tourney. While you are quite aware that no tourney, however small, would allow you to openly compete, there was always the option of entering as a mystery knight. Your own grandfather was knighted after he entered a tourney as a mystery knight. While it was unlikely there would be a tourney as big as the one King's Landing had the day your mother died for quite some time, there was always some lord getting married or some heir having an important nameday. If you could find one close enough you might be able to sneak off and enter as a mystery knight. Of course, entering one and winning are two different things, and a quick defeat may hamper your efforts to become a knight.
[] Write-in
Subject to QM approval QM's Note: I will probably let voting on this one go for a few days so don't feel rushed this turn.
After spending long hours every day for the better part of a month looking through the Red Keep's archives, you can say this about the history of women on the Small Council: It did not exist.
Of course, that wasn't entirely accurate. Queen Rhaenys and Visenya sat on Aegon's small council, the latter basically leading it by the end of Aegon's reign, but they had been acting as consorts of their husband. Same with Queen Alysanne during the reign of Jaehaerys. Alyssa Velaryon had served as regent during the early parts of the Old King's reign as well, but that was only because she was his mother. It was always wives and the occasional mother, and never a specific position like master of coin or laws. Lord Beesbury's predecessor as master of coin, Martyn Tyrell, had, judging by the numerous thinly veiled references in the accounts you saw, effectively been little more than a mouth piece for his wife, Florence Fossoway. But Fossoway had never held the post in her own right, and didn't actually sit upon the small council. Something which occasionally frustrated many of Tyrell's peers.
Now of course, no woman had ever sat the Iron Throne purely in her own right before, so breaking tradition here was simply another challenge to be overcome. Gender was honestly less of a problem for you then the second issue you discovered in your research. None of the normal seats, save for hand, suited you.
You were talented with a blade, had an easy charm with most people and possessed a decent mind for tactics. Matters of Coins and Laws were part of your education of course, but not something you had particular affinity for. You simply didn't have a mind for numbers like Lord Beesbury. You did have a good sense of justice, but even you found yourself doubting if you could handle the complexities of the law better than Lord Strong. With training you could see yourself as Master of Ships, but the seat had only ever been held once by someone other than a Velaryon since the days of Aegon the Conqueror and you knew there was no way you could take the position without deeply offending one of the most powerful men in the realm. Perhaps if he left the position.
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard was closest the Small Council had to a full time martial position and that was obiviously out of the question.
Hand of the King would be ideal. The second most powerful person in the realm, outside of the king himself, and a clear sign you had the skills needed to be Queen. Your grandfather Baelon had held the badge for a tragically brief moment when he was heir. But that was something for when you were in your thirties and already had some kind of experince. You were looking for position you could claim in the next few years.
As you poured over the records, through the various meetings and temporary positions pervious kings had added and removed from the Small Council, only one position held any promise for you. Commander of the City Watch. Your Uncle's position until his recent disgrace. It wasn't always a position on the Small Council, but your uncle was not the first commander to have a seat.
Were you a few years older, now would be the perfect time to push for his position. There would protests of course. You could just see your father now, his face red at the suggestion.
"The City Watch is no place for a woman. You'd be surrounded by rapists and murderers. No matter how skilled you are, I cannot let you put yourself in danger," you quietly mocked, earning you a confused glance from a nearby Maester.
But even you couldn't deny you were too young, too untrained to take command of the City Watch. But perhaps you could take some kind of position. Overseeing the training or something like that. Your uncle had proven it was easy to subvert the watch for one's own designs. Your father needed someone to keep the new City Watch honest. Perhaps that could be you. It wasn't a Small Council seat, but it could be a start.
Action Unlocked: Request a Role in the City Watch
Raylon Tarly looked different in a white cloak. Less like a prancing Marcher lord out to prove something and more like the seasoned knight he had shown himself to be.
"Ser Raylon? May I speak with you in private," you say one day as the two of you are returning from a long day.
"Of course, Princess." The man replies with a nod.
He follows you into your quarters, one of the few men who could do so without setting off countless rumors.
You stood near a suit of armor you had displayed. Black with a blue trim to honor your Arryn parentage. Your mother had instructed the royal blacksmiths to make the armor to your specifications on your last name day. The sight of it brought a smile to your face.
"What did you wish to discuss, Princess?" Tarly asked.
"During our bout, you said whoever trained me is too cautious," you remarked. "What did you mean by that?"
"May I speak openly?" the knight asked.
"I would not ask if you if I did not want honesty," you replied.
"Very well," Raylon nodded. "Your preformance that day suggested your master-at-arms is training you to be competent, but little more. Now granted, competent with a sword at your age is quite impressive, certainly caught that Mallister off guard, but you clearly are capable of more."
That was upsetting to hear. How would you ever become a knight if you never rose above competent? You wonder if the Master-at-Arms was holding you back because he believed that was the most a girl could handle or because that was what your father ordered him to do.
"Could you train me?" You asked bluntly.
He was clearly skilled and had little issue with fighting you. Exactly what you needed in an instructor.
"To what end?" The man questioned.
"Pardon?" His reply caught you off guard.
"To what end do you seek to improve your swordplay?" The man's expression grew serious. "Is this a passing fancy? Do you simply seek to defend yourself from whoever dares threaten you? Or do you seek something more?"
You knew you had to be honest. You needed to know if his training was something worth pursuing and the best way to figure that out was the truth.
"I wish to become a knight, and all that entails," you said earnestly. "For some years now, I have wished to be a warrior and a knight of great renown. I want my enemies to fear me for my sword arm as much as my dragon. This is no passing fancy but a dream I take as seriously as a my status as my father's heir."
The man starred at you intently, smoothing his salt and pepper mustache as he did.
"Your passions are bold, but fitting for your title."
"The Iron Throne needs a warrior to sit it. Why else would it be made out of blades?" Ser Raylon asked rhetorically. "Most women, even dragon riders, are not fit to bare the burden of leadership, but you are clearly not most women."
You found yourself starring at him in confusion. Seeing a man hold typical views of your gender, and yet distinctly making an exception for you, was a unique experince to say the least. Normally you had to work four times harder than any man to prove you weren't some delicate wallflower.
"The gods clearly decided to bless you with the strength of the Warrior," he gestured to your well-honed arms, "and the will to actually use it. Princess, I cannot make you a knight, only your father can do that, but I can give you the means to become as skilled as any of them. If you wish, I will train you, on one condition."
"Name it," You say instantly. Eager for the chance to train with someone who actually wants to see you get better, become a knight.
"I need to be able to train you as I see fit, which means sometimes training for hours. Sometimes you'll walk away with bruises from a lance strike or a blow you didn't properly defend against," Raylon explained. "I need to know I can do that without the risk of your father sending me to the wall or putting my head on a spike."
You saw no reason to refuse his request.
"Of course," you nod. "I will explain to my father that you are replacing my current trainer and any bruises or injuries are my fault and my fault alone. You have my word."
The knight relaxed his shoulders a tiny but notable amount.
"Very good," he nodded. "We begin training tomorrow. I expect you in the yard at dawn, in armor, ready to go. Understood?"
You nodded respectfully, "Understood."
Relationship with Ser Raylon Tarly Improved
Ser Raylon Tarly will now Train You
You never realized how easy you had it before until you walked out into the training yard, grabbed a training sword and Ser Raylon's first blow nearly knocked the sword right out of your hand. Tarly was right. At the rate your pervious training was going, you'd be able to defeat bandits and common thugs with ease, but against a knight, particularly a well trained one with experince, your skills would fall short, your style too defensive for your own good.
The next few weeks were long and exhausting. Ser Raylon was a strict teacher with high demands, though never cruel or brutal. Something you had to make clear to your father after a training blade to the hand had left you visibly bruised.
Raylon teaches you to fight with much more aggression while still keeping control. To use and increase your strength while not depending on it. Swinging a sword harder, putting more force behind a lance. He also teaches you how to take hits better, how to take a hit from a lance and recover without falling off your horse, and how to turn aside a blade with your own. There's also training in horse riding, and hours spent in armor. Occasionally you'd spend days reading manuals and old tomes on techinques and combat tactics Tarly had brought up from Horn Hill. Tarlys prided themselves a great deal on their skills in combat and were smart enough to write some of it down so future generations didn't have to relearn how to fight against Dornish raiders.
Sometimes you wish he focused more on sword work and didn't bother with the less physical stuff, but Ser Raylon makes it clear that everyone has their limits, even Targaryens, and pushing too hard carried risks that simply weren't worth it.
After a few months, your training begins to show siginficant progress. You begin to hold your own against your sworn shield, even winning a few of your sparring matches. You can tell Raylon is proud of your progress, but cautions you against becoming overconfident. Remarking that you have the potiental to be one of the deadliest blades of this generation, but it's going to take several years of training to get there. And he makes it clear he expects you to keep up this training if you're serious about your dream of becoming a knight.
Your Prowess has Significantly Improved
It had been another long day of training. Your arms ached a great deal and your back was uncomfortably slick with sweat. You were putting your away your equipment when you spotted her, Alicent Hightower, staring at you from the walls of the Red Keep. She was there most days in truth. You may not talk much, but you saw each other nearly daily, largely because she always seemed to come watch you train.
You put your sword away, doubt filling your mind as you wonder if you should confront her. For weeks now, you've been trying to force yourself to talk to her but everytime you get called away or you lose your nerve, too afraid of what she might actually say to actually speak to her. For a moment you found yourself overcome by the same old worries but they vanished as quickly as they came.
'No, I am not going to let this go another day,' you told yourself.
She was your best friend, perhaps your only true friend when it came down to it. The two had known each other since you could barely walk. It was absurd that the two of you were like this.
You quickly finished up putting your equipment and made your way towards where Alicent was standing. Only by the time you got there, she was gone. Thankfully she had not gotten far and you were able to find her walking the halls of the Red Keep.
"Alicent, could you hold for a moment," you called out.
Strangely she did not stop or even acknowledge your call, if anything she seemed to be going faster.
"Alicent, wait up," you said as you began to follow her.
Okay now she was definitely walking faster now. You picked up the pace to catch up with her, which only made Alicent move even faster, by now drawing the attention of onlookers as you two all but raced down the hall.
"Why are you running?" You exclaimed, "you know I can run faster than you."
Those words brought Alicent to a stop, you halting behind her. For a moment you could feel the eyes of various servants and minor lords upon you both before they grew bored and moved on.
"Yes, Princess, did you say something?" Alicent's voice had a feigned air of calm, contrasting sharply with her flush face abd her eyes that were trying to look anywhere but at you.
"I was hoping we could talk," you said, ignoring Alicent's odd behavior.
"I would love to but I am quite busy at the moment. I do apologize, Rhaenyra," Alicent replied quickly.
"How can you be busy if you have time to watch me train for hours," you said bluntly.
Alicent's face became even more red.
"I have no idea what you speak of," Alicent proclaimed, despite how absurd a statement it was.
You stared at her in naked disbelief.
"You cannot possibly expect me to believe that," tou say with an amused expression. "We both know you've been watching me almost every time I train, sometimes for a few minutes sometimes for hou-"
"You said you wanted to talk, yes?" Alicent interrupted sharply. "What is it you wish to talk about?"
"For starters," you began with a sigh, "how about the fact my mother died and you're the only person in this entire city that I can talk to that understands what I'm going through. Or how about the fact my best friend has barely said more than a few sentences to me in nearly two years."
Embrassment gave way to shame across Alicent's face.
"Yes, perhaps it has been too long since we last spoke."
"But not here," She added quickly "Meet me in the Godswood. And change. Please. I cannot stand your smell."
Alicent made a pointed effort to put her sleeve to her nose, her face still a quite vivid red.
"Very well. I will see you there."
You arrived in the Godswoods a short time later, changed into a simple but refined black outfit. You were surprised to find yourself the first one there and took a seat among the roots of the heart tree that dominated the center of the Godswoods.
The two of you had spent many a days here when things were better.
For a brief moment you worried she lied to you and no intent on coming, but after a short while, Alicent arrived, dressed in light blue.
"I do apologize for not talking to you earlier," she said regretfully. "I know better than most what it's like to mourn your mother and have no one actually speak to."
"Thank you," you said in a soft, sad, voice.
"It's awful isn't?" Alicent said warmly. "How everyone talks to you in riddles about what happens? No one ever wants to just say I'm sorry for what happened to you."
You nodded, outside of your conversation with your father you could not recall a meaningful conversation about it. Sure many expressed vague sympathies or talked about what a wonderful person she was, even if they barely knew her, but those had all felt hollow. Like they only said it because it was their obligation.
"I am very sorry, for the awful thing you have been forced to endure," Alicent said, her eyes wet with tears. "I should not have let my fustrations prevent me from being there when you needed me, Rhaenyra."
"Fustrations?" The word escapes your lips before you can stop yourself.
"Don't play the fool," Alicent replies as she stares at you in fustration. "You know what you do is unbecoming for a woman."
"There have been plenty of women throughout history who took up arms," you countered. "Queen Alysanne's sworn shield was a woman."
"Those have all been bastards or third daughters," Alicent argued, "not women of your station. You degrade yourself everytime you go out there in armor."
'Then why do you watch me so?' You wanted to say.
"Visenya Targaryen was-"
"Was a sorceress," Alicent interrupted snappishly. "Hardly a role model you should take after."
You thought back to your earlier conversations with Otto.
"Why do you act so angry with me and yet sing my praises to your father?" You questioned.
"He talked about that?" Alicent questioned, suddenly turning red again.
"He even said your praise was part of the reason he pushed for me to be named heir," you observed.
"Ooh," Alicent mumbled in embrassment before regaining her composure.
"While I disagree with your behavior," she said purposefully, "I cannot deny there is some amount of honor in your efforts to protect some of the maids."
"Then what is the issue here?" you dared.
Alicent glared at you this time, her eyes feeling like burn through your head like dragonfire.
"Do you have any understanding of how fustrating it is to see you flaunt ever norm and tradition expected of us and get away with it?" she asked pointedly. "My father would never let me do one-tenth of what you've done."
"Have you any desire to pick up a sword?" You asked, legitmately curious.
The mental image of Alicent as a warrior was interesting, if nothing else.
"Well, no," Alicent admitted sheepishly.
"And am I not flaunting every norm expected of a woman by being heir to the Iron Throne?" You observed. "Do you take issue with that as well?"
"No, of course not!" Alicent said, suddenly defensive, "But that was done for good reason. What reason did you have for picking up a sword and declaring you want to be a knight?"
Alicent's gaze felt sharp and intense. You knew you had to give an honest answer. If you lied, she might never forgive you.
Why did you want to become a knight?
[] "I believe the Gods blessed me with this strength and becoming a knight and protecting people seemed the best use of their blessing."
[] "I wanted to protect my family. I knew if my mother ever gave me a brother he would have been a lot younger than me, perhaps even come to throne young, and I wanted to make sure he had someone to protect him."
[] "I had a clear talent for the blade and it seemed wasteful not to use it."
[] "I was tired of watching men take advantage of the women around us and I knew I had to be stronger to stop them."
[] "I wanted to impress people."
[] "I wanted to impress you."
[] Write-in (Subject to QM approval)
QM's Note: So couple of things. I want to make clear I didn't tailor Tarly to suit us. My idea was always that Tarly was generally sexist but had a clear respect for women of strength. Sort of like an inversion of Randyll Tarly in the books. We got lucky here. Also, again, that kind of gain in a stat or relationship is situational. And I should note that Alicent will not like all of these reponses so do think carefully.
Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Aug 5, 2024 at 3:34 AM, finished with 99 posts and 39 votes.
[X] "I could not bear to stand idly by as others suffered when I had the strength to aid them. They told me that it was not a princesses place to do so, but that of a knight. There was no choice. It is who I truly am. And I could not bear to fight my own heart for every day of my life."
[X] "I just always knew in my heart that this is what I wanted to be. No. That this is who I truly am. Maybe it is selfish of me, but is it not worth fighting for what you know to be the truth?"
[X] "I wanted to protect my family. I knew if my mother ever gave me a brother he would have been a lot younger than me, perhaps even come to throne young, and I wanted to make sure he had someone to protect him."
[X] Write in: "I will not shirk what is needed of me as a royal, least of all now as heir. What would have been of the Rhoynar but dust and ash had Nymeria simply garbed herself in silks and trusted in prince Garin, and later in her husband prince Mors Martell to lead them alone through battle and adversity? What would have been of house Targaryen itself had Rhaenys not brought herself to battle with no less courage then her siblings during conquest time and time again, even at the cost of eventually dying in battle? As a Targaryen and as a dragonrider I have a duty to my house and to the realm to be no less comfortable in armor then in silk and if need be to feel no less at home at a hastily set up barracks then at a palace.
"I could not bear to stand idly by as others suffered when I had the strength to aid them," you explained. "They told me that it was not a princesses place to do so, but that of a knight. There was no choice. It is who I truly am. And I could not bear to fight my own heart for every day of my life."
"Why must it be you who aids them?" Alicent questioned. "The realm has thousands of men trained with the sword, many of them annointed knights in their own right. What makes you better suited than any of them?"
"How many knights are in this castle?" You turned the questions back on her. "How many of them have done anything to protect the maids when they are forced to bear indignities?"
Alicent was silent. She knew as well as you did that many who proclaimed themselves to be a knight often failed to live up to the virtues they were supposed to embody. And that even many of the good men around you had trouble sparing a second thought for the working women the Red Keep.
"Knighthood is more than just a title I seek to attain, more than just validation of my skills," you explained sincerely. "It is the embodiment of the virtues I hold dear to my heart. Virtues I have the strength to uphold and cannot in good conscience ignore."
How many men had strength comparable to yours and did little with it. You wanted the pagaentry as well, the jousts, the duels, and all that. But to you, it was an entire package. Duty. Honor. Glory. A knight needed all of them to be a knight.
Alicent's expression softens as she stares at you with uncertain eyes.
"When you first started this obession of yours I thought it was just some passing fancy," Alicent admitted. "Later I thought you kept at it because you enjoy upsetting your parents. But I've seen how dedicated you are to training, and you sound as though you speak true. You are quite serious about this."
"I am," you said firmly.
"I find what you do strange, Rhaenyra," Alicent admitted. "You have disregarded duty only so you could place more duty and burdens upon yourself, with any prospect of being rewarded distant at best."
"If I didn't do what I do, I would be regretting every waking moment of my life," you replied.
"Part of me still feels as though you are abusing your station," Alicent said, "but I do not envy the burdens you have put upon yourself."
"They have their drawbacks and their benefits." You flexed one of your arms to make your point, causing Alicent to turn away, her cheeks gaining a now familar red shade to them.
"I-I apologize, again for not being there for you when your mother died," Alicent said as she reassert herself. "It was poor of me to do that. Let me make it up to you. We haven't studied together for the Septa's lessons in years, why don't we start again?"
"I would like that," you replied with a smile.
"Good, meet me here after your training," Alicent said, her words sounding like a command despite the friendly tone. "And be prepared, I've heard you've been slacking on most everything save the histories. That simply won't do for a future queen."
Relationship with Alicent Hightower Improved. New Status: Complicated
"It occured during the blackness of night my lords, during the Hour of the Bat," the aged dragonkeeper explained in Valyrian, "the thief eluded our pursuit."
Any theft against the Crown was a grave insult and a scandal waiting to happen. The theft of a Dragon Egg though? That was a crisis by itself. A direct threat to the Targaryen dynasty and the power that defined it.
The mood in the Small Council was tense and awkward. You could do little more than stare as the dragonkeeper gave his testimony.
"How is it that a single thief was able to evade 50 dragonkeepers?" your father questioned.
Valyrian was more than a second language to you. You learned it at the same time you learned the common tongue, but it was rare to hear your father use it these days. He said it made those outside the family uncomfortable, too aware that their ruling family was not from Westeros originally. Even now you could see what he meant, the older men that surrounded you growing tense. The Dragonkeepers spoke nothing but the tongue of the fallen motherland, and normally they never bothered to set foot in the Red Keep, the affairs of the realm mattering little to their order, but theft of a dragon egg was something that would impact both worlds.
"The thief was Prince Daemon, your grace," the keeper explained, "we could not strike a prince of the blood."
"Daemon?" the King said with surprise.
So not a thief looking for gold then. This was a deliberate insult. Your uncle was on Dragonstone. Wild and unclaimed dragons filled the island. Whatever he needed an egg for, he could have claimed one there and no one would be wiser.
"Daemon left a letter that I think explains his actions," Otto said as Mellos unroled a note.
"It is the pleasure of Daemon Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone, and rightful heir to the Iron Throne, to announce that he is to take a second wife in the custom of Old Valyria," the Grand Maester read out, each line feeling like a direct slap to the face. "She is to assume the title Lady Mysaria of Dragonstone. She is with child and is to have an egg placed in the babe's cradle."
You found yourself in disbelief, to hear your uncle not only try to usurp your title and positon but to do something so absurd as to claim a second wife as well. The Septs tolerated Targaryen incest, but it had been very clear that taking more than one spouse was a luxury only Aegon had been allowed. Meagor's barbarity had seen to that.
"The prince has invited you to his wedding, your grace," Mellos went on. "It is to be held in two days time."
The invitation sent mutterings of dismay and disbelief throughout the council.
"Who is this Lady Mysaria?" Lord Corlys questioned.
"Daemon's whore," Otto answered bluntly.
The voices of the small council grew distant as your mind focused on Daemon's insult. Did he truly hate you this much? This seemed more than just an effort to take back his status as heir, he seemed intent humilating you and making sure everyone in the Red Keep knew about it. You could barely even imagine a worse insult your uncle could heap upon you at this moment-
Your chest tightened as a horrible thought filled your mind.
"Which egg was it?" You asked, almost choking on your words.
The conversation in the council dies down as all eyes were upon you.
"Which egg did Daemon take?" You demanded in harsh Valyrian.
"It was Dreamfyre's, Princess," the dragonkeeper explained. "The same one you set aside for Baelon."
There was indeed no worse insult your uncle could inflict upon your family. Not content to just mock your dead baby brother as "heir for the day", he was now stealing from him as well.
The king stood up from his chair and began marching.
"Assemble a detachment, Otto," he commanded, his tone filled a cold clear rage. "I will go to Dragonstone myself and drag him back, in chains if need be."
"Your grace," Otto said suddenly as he about jumped out of his chair, "I apologize but I cannot allow it. Daemon's actions are borderline sedition and he is without limit. If you went there, you could be putting yourself in great danger. Let me lead a detachment to Dragonstone instead."
Your father hesistated for a moment before giving into Otto's request.
As the Hand of the King departed, you considered your next steps. You knew your father and the Small Council would forbid you from doing anything, but that wasn't going to stop you.
Your uncle has stolen your castle, laid claim to your titles, made a mockery of your house and insulted your late brother. Part of you wanted to fly off to Dragonstone full of fire and anger, scream at your uncle and make it clear just how much he had disgraced himself and how furious you were at his insults and threats. Make it clear you would not meekly tolerate threats to your position. Another part of you wants to just end this nonsense and get the egg back. Though you going at all could make things even worse than they were already. Things between you and Daemon had been tense as of late, and you were beyond furious with the man. Another dragon added to the mix could lead to violence. Or worse, Daemon getting exactly what he wanted.
You could just ignore Daemon's horrible little grasp for atttention entirely, stay home and just let Otto handle it. The two of you had something of an agreement. It was more than likely that if Otto got Daemon to back down, your uncle would be off to the Stepstones, and out of your hair for years to come. Assuming Otto Hightower could resolve things somewhat peacefully.
How do you Respond to Daemon's Actions?
[] Fly to Dragonstone. Furious. Your uncle had threatened your position and insulted you and your late brother. You are not going to take this quietly. You are going there and you are going to let your pathetic excuse for an uncle know exactly how you felt.
[] Fly to Dragonstone. Calm. You just want Baelon's egg back and to put an end to this nonsense. You had been insulted, but you weren't going to indulge Daemon by letting him see you upset.
[] Stay in the Red Keep. There is no need for you to take part in Daemon's farce. QM's Note: So I do not want to make gaining traits a quick thing since otherwise we run the risk of Rhaenyra having too many traits to fast but a few more like this and I can easily see Rhaenyra gaining some Knightly traits. Also to be clear, this is what Daemon did in the show, up to declaring himself the rightful heir, there's a reason the early trailers tried to imply the conflict was more between Rhaenyra and Daemon.
The fire raging within you cools and gutters out as you fly across Blackwater Bay. What Daemon did was nothing short of outrageous. Yes. Absurdly so even. But you know your uncle well enough to know that the man loves goading people. This Mummer's farce of his is a clear attempt to enrage someone. Maybe you. Maybe your father. Maybe both. Regardless of who it was aimed at, you couldn't allow yourself to give your uncle what he wanted. It would only embolden him and encourage him to keep up his occupation of your island, with your brother's egg as a quasi-hostage. Despite the insults inflicted upon you, you managed to gain control of your rage by the time Dragonstone was in sight.
A fog surrounded the island, masking Syrax as the two of you approached. The dragon flew low, her feet almost touching water as you cut through the fog, nearly blind and yet certain of where you were going.
The two of you burst out of the fog above a winding path that connects the castle itself to the island's main docks. As Syrax circled, you gazed down at the figures below you. On one side, you could the distinct white armor of a member of a Kingsguard, the grey robes of the Dragonkeepers, the red armor of the Red Keep's guards, and a figure in green that must have been Otto Hightower. He was crouched, clearly surprised by your sudden, close arrival.
On the other side, closer to the castle itself, was a small army of armored figures. Garbed in bright, golden cloaks, with a woman in white and a man that could only be your uncle standing in front of them. That's not what caught your attention though. Instead, your eyes focus on the massive figure some distance behind your uncle. Perched on a higher part of the main path loomed his dragon, Caraxes.
No two dragons looked exactly alike. Each had differences in color, the amount of horns and boney growths, the shape of their skull, along with a myraid of other, more minor, features. Caraxes though? Caraxes was unique even by the standards of Dragons. It's body long and serpentine, more neck than torso, it's hind legs almost a second set of wings. Even its roars were unique. At once breathless and high pitched, but nevertheless as terrifying as any adult dragon.
Syrax and and Caraxes snarled and barked at each other like two old fish wives passing each other in the market as you fly behind Otto and his group. Your dragon landed upon the stone bridge with a proud grunt while you quickly undid the chains around your feet and slid forward and off Syrax.
The guards and Dragonkeepers bowed towards you as your marched past them. Otto however stared at you in bewilderment.
"Princess, what are you doing here?" He asked, his voice low and seemingly full of worry.
"Stopping bloodshed," you declared calmly.
Most of the men had swords in their hands and Caraxes had an eager, hungry look about him. Had she not arrived, had she arrived a few minutes later even, there would have been a battle. And battles where one side had dragons and the other didn't tended to only end one way.
"Lord Commander Westerling, escort the Princess to safety," Otto ordered.
Syrax gave a low growl in annoyance, keeping your former sworn shield in his place.
"I would advise against startling Syrax, my lords," you said evenly. "She is quite protective of me."
As you walk towards him, your attention shifts to your uncle. The man stares at you. Curious. Bemused. Perhaps annoyed. While his expression remains confident and wide eyed you notice how he clutches the the egg, Baelon's egg, a bit more securely under his arm at your approach.
"Still playing the man, I see," he snarks, referring to your black armor.
The insult is easily ignored. You have important business here.
"This is my castle your standing in, uncle," you declare in Valyrian. "You are not welcome here."
Caraxes lets out a high pitched growl, causing Syrax to let out a snarl in return.
"It is not yours yet," Daemon responded in kind. "Not until you come of age."
"What are you doing here?" You ask in exaggerated frustration. "You have angered our king and embarrassed our family."
"My brother has no cause for anger," the man replies defensively, hand on the pommel of his sword while the other still cradled the egg. "This is a day of celebration. I am too be wed."
You glance at the woman to his side. Mysaria, presumably. She was starring at the two of you intently, her lips pressed tight with unease.
"You already have a wife," you retort.
"Not one of my choosing," comes the reply.
Your uncle's relationship with his wife, Rhea Royce, was about as far removed from your idea of romance as one could get without murder. The two hated each other. Your father once mentioning that Daemon and Rhea had already shouted at each other during the wedding feast. The two had been effectively estranged for years now as Rhea remained on Runestone, wanting as little to do with Daemon as Daemon did with her.
"I would find your situation more sympathetic if your prospective bride did not look so uncertain about this," you say, nodding slightly towards Mysaria. "And had you not seen fit to steal my brother's egg."
"I simply wanted what was best for my child," Daemon spoke as he leaned forward.
"Why did it have to be Baelon's?!" The words come out as a furious hiss.
He smirked at your reaction. That was the kind of reaction he had been hoping for. The rage leaves you as fast as it came. You can't let him win like this.
You glance back at Mysaria again, her gaze more focused on Daemon now. The woman was clearly from Essos, probably had barely reached her twentith nameday, and looked fairly thin. If she was with child, she must not have been far along, which made you wonder how your uncle even knew she was pregnant.
"When is your child expected?"
Daemon's expression turned almost sheepish. "One day," he said simply.
The caused Mysaria to shake her head in disbelief and march off, past the Goldcloaks and towards the castle. Apparently she had understood more of that conversation then you realized.
Now it was your turn to goad.
"You know I'm right here, Uncle." You switch back to Common as you place your hand on the pommel of your sword. "The one who stole this castle and your spot as heir from you. If you really want either of those back, you're going to have to kill me."
Most would consider a taunt like that towards your uncle nothing short of madness. The man was more than willing to kill to get what he wanted.
"Either kill me or put an end to this farce."
For a moment he at least seems to contemplate the heinous idea, starring at you coldly as he did.
"He would never forgive you if you did," you added with a cold smirk of your own.
You weren't sure how much Daemon trully wanted to be heir again, and how much he even cared about you these days was debatable, but you knew the idea of Viserys hating him for the rest of his life would sit poorly with your uncle.
He relented, turning away and heading back towards his dragon and the castle, but not before tossing the dragon egg almost contemptuously towards you. The unexpected weight makes you stumble backwards as you catch it, though you hold on tightly.
The egg, Baelon's egg, is heavy and quite warm to the touch.
The Goldcloaks quietly follow their commander. Whatever it is your uncle was trying to accomplish today, it was over.
Relationship with Otto Hightower Degraded
Relationship with Daemon Heavily Degraded New Status: Animosity
Your return to King's Landing wasn't a hero's welcome. Your father was furious at you for risking your life, but thankfully that fury dies almost instantly after you pointed out you returned the egg without any bloodshed, something Otto was unlikely to accomplish on his own.
The Hand of the King showed little appreciation for your efforts. In fact, he seems downright annoyed with you for a few days afterwards, but it matters little. Your uncle quickly left Dragonstone after your confrontation. To where, no one could say yet. Some of his men returned to the City Watch, but many did not.
Overall Daemon's stunt had been something of a victory for you. Your uncle no longer held your island, and you had proven yourself capable in a time of crisis. Finally, you felt secure in your position as heir.
A feeling that lasted little more than a fortnight, when servants informed you that Corlys Velaryon and Princess Rhaenys were taking advantage of Daemon's behavior and the growing Triarchy presence in the Stepstones to try and pressure your father into marrying their daughter, Laena Velaryon.
Apparently six months was all the mourning a king was allowed.
One the one hand, a marriage with the Velaryons made a great deal of sense. There had been something of a growing rift between your two families since the Great Council. This would not only heal things, but show the realm and those in Essos that the Crown had strong alliances at a moment it might appear weak.
On the other hand, Laena was a girl two years your junior. The thought of your father marrying her was enough to make one physically ill.
Personally you wished it was possible for your father to avoid remarrying altogether, even if you knew it simply wasn't feasible. Not only did you consider the idea of your father remarrying to be offensive to your mother's memory, you knew the moment your father's second wife produced a son there would be those in the realm pushing for his claim over yours.
The Sea Snake was an ambitious man. You very much doubted he would be content to let things be as they are if he had a grandson with the Targaryen name.
Maybe you could convince your father to delay making a decision, but you knew it would only be delaying the inevitable. Once word spread that someone was pushing your father to get married, every house of note in the Realm with a daughter of remotely marrying age would be sending offers to your father.
To make matters worse, your father's health had changed little these past few months. He didn't seem to be getting worse, but he wasn't getting better either.
The situation you find yourself in is more than a bit scary. Whoever your father marries could drastically alter your political situation. Perhaps you might be able to convince your father to marry someone else or even delay for a time, or perhaps you could persuade your father to agree to the already offered marriage. Despite your own distaste for the match, Corlys and your cousin might view you more favorably if you support their ambitions.
First Season, 113 AC
Each turn is 3 months, though this may change as the quest goes on. You can pick either from the options below for your tasks or use write-in actions after QM approval. Please use plan voting for turn votes.
Conversations (Pick Two)
Speak with Viserys - Automatic Free Action
You will speak with your father, in time, once you've spoken with a few other people and figured out where you stand on the idea of him marrying, to Leana Velayron or any other woman for that matter
(Will be covered in Interlude)
[] Speak with Alicent Hightower
While things between you and Alicent have not fully healed she might be able to provide some comfort and advice for how you should handle your Father's possible engagement.
[] Speak with Otto Hightower
While the two are far more civil than Otto and Daemon were with each other, you've spent enough in the Small Council to notice the rivalry between Otto and the Sea Snake as well. When Corlys pushed for action, Otto urged caution. When Corlys wanted to spend coin, Otto pushed to keep the crown's purse shut tight. It stands to reason he would be against your father marrying the Sea Snake's daughter.
[] Speak with Knight Commander Harrold Westerling
Harrold has been by your side since you were a child. He has been a friend and your stalwart shield for years. He also has never been supportive of your efforts to learn how to fight and even less so of your desire to become a knight. Mayhaps his thoughts have changed now that you are heir to the throne and he is the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.
[] Speak with Ser Raylon Tarly
The two of you have been training a lot in recent months, and while the results have been quite effective, there's always room for improvement. perhaps a good conversation would allow you to refine and improve your training even further.
[] Speak with Lord Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys
With the Sea Snake and his wife pushing your father to marry their daughter, Laena, they are arguably setting themselves up to be your rivals. If your father agrees to marry Laena, she is more than likely to have kids eventually and one of those maybe a son. And naturally, the moment that son is born, the Sea Snake will push your father to make that Laena's son heir. If you talk to them beforehand you might be able to work something out to ensure peace, perhaps even make an alternative arrangement.
[] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen alone.
Corlys has to be the main force pushing for your father to marry Laena Velaryon. You could not imagine a mother like Rhaenys pushing their young daughter into a prospective marriage like that. Perhaps, if you spoke to Rhaenys alone, you could convince her such a marriage is a bad idea and she needs to talk her husband out of it. If nothing else she might be able to provide you with some reassurances.
[] Speak with Lord Lyonel Strong
The Master of Laws and Lord of Harrenhal. A stalwart voice on the council and man you know generally strives to do what is best for the Kingdom. He could offer some keen insight into your father's marriage prospects and what benefits they could have for the Realm and your family.
[] Lord Lyman Beesbury
The Master of Coin. Beesbury is loyal, perhaps not as sharp as Lord Strong, but he is quiet loyal to your father. If could convince him to support you on the matter of your father's possible marriage, it lend wait to your arguements if nothing else
[] Write-in
Subject to QM approval, has to have a reasonable chance of being in King's Landing.
Actions (Pick Two)
[] Relax
A lot has happened recently. Your mother has died and you have been suddenly thrust into a position that will one day make you the most powerful person in Westeros. That's a lot for one person to handle in a short period of time. Perhaps you should take some time to yourself, read in the godswood, fly around with Syrax for fun, and just enjoy yourself for a while.
[] Investigate the Death of King Aenys
Most Maesters and other writers agree that Queen Visenya had poisoned her nephew, King Aenys, to allow her own son to take the throne. But you have already seen how much those same authors were willing to ignore Visenya's contributions and slander her already. Perhaps this is simply another case of slander. If you could prove that, it could improve Queen Visenya's reputation considerably and make a stronger argument for your own eventual rule.
[] Look into Alternative Marriage Options for Viserys
As much as you don't want your father to remarry ever, you cannot deny a second marriage is needed for the good of the family and realm. But there has to be better options then a girl of ten and two. You know of a few and other members of the Small Council might know more, but it couldn't hurt to do some research and figure out if there are any more unmarried women around who might prove suitable for your father. Even if the idea disturbs you greatly.
[] Train
You're grown stronger but as your sworn shield has reminded you constantly, such strength and skill requires a lot of work just to maintain, let alone improve upon.
[] Train with Syrax
While you have both adjusted to Syrax's new size, more training could only help the both of you.
[] Sneak out and Explore the City
When your father and uncle were your age, they regularly went out of the King's Landing at night for all kinds of things. Naturally such things were forbidden to you as they were "unbefitting a princess" but as heir to the throne, shouldn't you have a chance to let loose and explore the city you'll one day rule? And if nothing else it will be great practice if you ever need to sneak for more adventurous pursuits.
[] Push for Action in the Stepstones
Piracy in the Stepstones might be the perfect chance for you to begin to prove yourself as a warrior. If you could just get your father to agree to send you and the other Dragon Riders against the pirates, the court would soon be filled with tales of your heroic deeds, and of the many ships you reduced to ash. But that was a very big if. Your father has little interest in the affairs of the Stepstones and would likely have even less at the idea of sending you into combat. At the very least you would need some support for the notion to be taken seriously by the Small Council.
[] Request a Role in the City Watch
You know you are years away from your father even entertaining the idea of you leading the City Watch, but Daemon's recent actions have shown the who order to have dangerous flaws. Perhaps you could request some sort of role in it's rebuilding, overseeing the training or something like that as a way to ensure the next Goldcloaks are loyal. The role would probably be small and it wouldn't get you a seat on the Small Council but it could be a good first step on the way towards one.
[] Study
With your friendship with Alicent Hightower somewhat mended, she has reminded you that you have been neglecting your studies as of late. Besides the blade and the lance you have been all but ignoring every subject from history to matters of court. Perhaps it's time to change that.
[] Scout out Tourneys
There are few better ways to test one's skill in combat than a tourney. While you are quite aware that no tourney, however small, would allow you to openly compete, there was always the option of entering as a mystery knight. Your own grandfather was knighted after he entered a tourney as a mystery knight. While it was unlikely there would be a tourney as big as the one King's Landing had the day your mother died for quite some time, there was always some lord getting married or some heir having an important nameday. If you could find one close enough you might be able to sneak off and enter as a mystery knight. Of course, entering one and winning are two different things, and a quick defeat may hamper your efforts to become a knight.
[] Write-in
Subject to QM approval
QM's Note: Yeah this is gonna be a big one. I removed Viserys as an option cause I figured most plans would involve Viserys and I kind of wanted to give you guys more options then "Viserys and one other person". You'll talk with Viserys in time. Also, yeah. Child marriage. Very gross but unavoidable topic considering the source material.
Despite spending most of the past year half buried in books and tomes, you had very little in the way of formal teaching since you were named heir. It had honestly entirely slipped your mind as of late. With you and Alicent back on speaking terms, at least she was quick to remind you and your father about this error. While you were nearly an adult and heir to the Iron Throne, your education was not finished and that needed to be fixed.
For the last few months, most days saw you spending a few hours in lessons, taught by Septas and Maesters, on all matter of subjects. There was a change to these lessons. Subtle at first, but you soon noticed no one was pressuring you to pick up needlework, and there were few lessons anymore on how to run your household for example. Those were the tasks of consorts, not rulers. Your hours were spent being taught all kinds of more important things. From lessons in matters of coin; to Maester having you pour over lists of various minor vassals, learning their symbols and their history; along with overly serious Septas teaching you how once should behave in a royal court and the importance of it all.
Some lessons proved quite interesting, while others had you fantasizing about stabbing the person lecturing you and unleashing Syrax on the Citadel just out of spite.
All subjects were given some amount of attention over the weeks, but one subject in particular drew your attention
What Subject Did You Focus On?
[] The Histories of the Houses of Westeros, both Great and Minor
You were all but assaulted by the Maesters with the names of every house of any note in the Seven Kingdoms, along with their symbols, the phrases and their history. There were just so many of them. You studied how the Tyrells started as simple stewards and rose to become one of the greatest lords in the Seven Kingdoms, you memorized the names of every lordship in the Westerlands, and read about the complex history of the feud between the Brackens and the Blackwoods and their many, many battles. (Improves Strategy)
[] Matters of Law and Coin
Your days are spend studying the laws written by Queen Rhaenys and Visenya and later refined by King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne. Going over everything, from the abolishment of First Night to various legal disputes, such as the ever present challenges over the exact border between House Bracken and House Blackwood. You also covered matters of coin, which led you to realize just how shockingly expensive feeding a dragon can be. (Improves Stewardship)
[] Diplomacy and Etiquette
You are taught the art of persuasion, how to convince people to do what you once without having to remind them of their oaths or fill their pockets with coin. You are also taught far more drab lessons on proper Etiquette, things like what spoon goes where at dinner and how to arrange a feast and other trivial stuff like that. (Improves Diplomacy)
[] The Seven Pointed Star
You are not a person of strong faith. You are Targaryen, more Dragon than mortal man. The Old Gods and New alike mean little to you. But somehow Alicent convinced you to come with her to the sept for a few days in a row, which somehow led to the two of you studying the Faith of the Seven and it's most holy text under the tutelage of a particularly dour Septa. You know a lot more about the Seven-in-One God of the Andals then you did before, tough you don't know if that changes anything. But Alicent seemed quite happy to have you there and many have remarked positively on your seemingly new found piety. (Improves Relationship with Alicent)
[] Music
Growing up, your tutors always encouraged you to take an interest in music, saying it was a "proper" interest for a Princess of your standing. Normally, you ignore them, but recently you've found yourself drawn to the harp and decided to take a few lessons. A few lessons turned into weeks of study and practice and you found the experience quite relaxing, if nothing else. (Decreases Stress, Unlocks new option for Relaxing)
You realized quickly you couldn't just send Ravens asking which houses had women available for marriage. That would just give leave for every noble house in the Seven Kingdoms to throw their daughters at your father and the rookery would drown in parchment. Instead, you spend weeks laboriously looking through archives looking for various messages about births and weddings, asking Alicent and others about the latest rumors surrounding various nobles, and ever so careful questions to various visiting nobles. After a few months of this, you had something of a good idea for various alternative prospects for your father besides Laena, even if the idea of him marrying again at all did poor things to your stomach.
Finding a woman close to your father's age who was unmarried proved to be nearly impossible, which meant, regretfully, most of the prospects you found were close to your age. Which was disturbing enough already, but a good deal less so than an actual child like Laena.
Your cousin Jeyne seemed a great prospect at first brush. As a female ruler in her own right, she understood the situation you found yourself in better than most, with her male relatives trying to remove her on more than one occasion. Any children she had could just be heirs to the Vale instead of the Iron Throne. It would never work though. Jeyne was an Arryn, same as your late mother. You couldn't imagine your father bringing himself to marry one of your mother's family. Lady Arryn had also shown a distinct disinterest in ever getting married.
The first actual viable prospect you found was a lady named Johanna Westerling, cousin to the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. You could find out little about the woman herself, but her father Roland was a well respected figure within the Westerlands and the Westerlings themselves were generally held in high regard. Though apparently this didn't translate into material strength. Their castle, the Crag was starting to fall apart from lack of funds. The Westerlings wouldn't be strong allies, but they wouldn't be strong enemies either.
Another prospect that caught your attention was a woman your age named Sabitha Vypren. Her, you could get a decent understanding of as various lords in the Riverlands had remarked on her behavior, such as showing up at a wedding in riding attire, later getting into a fight at said wedding that lead to her emerging unscathed, but three squires ended up with broken noses. She sounded fun. The issue was that Vypren was a fairly minor house in the Riverlands. They were lords still, but their power and influence was minimal. Perhaps too minimal for your father to consider such a match.
The Tyrells had a lady by the name of Victaria, distant cousin of the Lord of Highgarden. From what you could tell she was loud, friendly, and liked to party. Quite a bit from what her cousin writes. The Tyrells hold over the Reach had never been strong and Victaria's only a cousin several times removed, but the thought of your father marrying into the family of a Lord Paramount terrified you.
Looking outside of the Seven Kingdoms, Dorne of all places presented a possibility. The current ruler of Dorne was an aging Princess in poor health and her heir was a man of your age, but the ruling princess did have an umarried sister named Deria. The Martells and Dorne in general had a long tradition of women having equal inheritance with men. Deria Martell could give your father a dozen sons and it would be unlikely their family would dare press those claims over yours. And while you were certain a marriage to a younger sister would not bring Dorne into the fold at long last, you were also certain your father could work out a deal with Dorne to use the marriage as foundation for a pact against the Tirarchy. With Dornish support, the Stepstones would fall to your father quickly. Of course Dorne was far from popular in the Seven Kingdoms. Marrying someone from the defiant Princedom would not go over smoothly with many lords. The Reach and the Stormlands would be outraged at the King's actions and many others would likely join them. A Dornish queen might be great for your own succession, but it would not do wonders for the stability of the Realm.
You suppose your father could marry a woman from Braavos or Pentos or another city in Essos, though that carried many of the same complications as marrying a Martell.
Horrifyingly, you realized in studying that Alicent would make an ideal choice for your father. Young but not a child and the daughter of a powerful figure. Would Otto be ambitious enough to try? Surely your father would realize what him marrying your best friend would do to you, right? It was an admittedly an entirely baseless fear. You had no evidence your father was considering such an engagement and no evidence Otto was even pushing for such a thing, but the thought disturbed you greatly still.
Despite that one particularly unsettling thought, you found yourself quite enjoying your latest dig through the Red Keep's archives. While the subject matter itself may have been so distasteful for you that at times you tasted bile in your mouth, you couldn't deny you had come to enjoy your studies in and of themselves. Indeed, after nearly a year of having your head buried in books, particularly these last few months where most of your time had been divided between your lessons or digging through old letters, you've found your views changing. Whereas once the libraries of this castle were an all but foreign place to you, they have now all but become a second home for you, with you often striking up casual conversations with the various Maesters who frequented the archives. You were beginning to understand just why your father was so passionate about studying Valyrian history and uncovering the past.
Not only were you enjoying your studies, you were also developing a talent for them. Finding obscure texts, being able to figure out where an author's bias laid, figuring out what was true and what was just an author presenting smut as history, just to name a few examples.
New Actions Unlocked
Gain Trait: Studious
While not a natural scholar you have developed both a talent and passion for your studies. What some would dismiss as the tedious work of maesters, you have come to find quite enjoyable and even relaxing at times. Hours spent by candlelight almost buried by various texts and ancient tomes is a fine way to send an evening in your opinion. You have a kind of diligence in your studies, able to carefully sift through piles of seemingly useless or half ruined texts to find the information you need. What would take the average lord, those who can read at least, months to uncover you can uncover in greater detail in a matter of weeks.
Your meeting with Otto Hightower happened by luck this time. You were taking a brief rest one day in the Godswood when you happened across the man walking by the Heart tree. Quite the unusual place for him, but useful for your purposes.
"Lord Hand, I'm surprised to see you here," you said to catch his attention.
"Ahh, Princess, how good to see you again," Otto nodded in return. "I was just getting some fresh air."
The air around you two was quiet, with no sign of anyone nearby. The Godswood could be wonderfully private most of the time. It as why you and Alicent chose to study there so often.
"Have you heard word of my father's recent conversation with Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys?"
"So you know as well," Otto nodded again as he spoke. "Yes, the King informed me of Lord Corlys' proposal last night."
Good. No need to waste time explaining things to him.
Carefully, you lay out your thoughts. "I must I admit I find myself surprised by the Sea Snake's boldness. And I was hoping you could offer advice on how I should handle this."
Otto raised an eyebrow in response. "You want my advice now?" he said with faint amusement. "I must confess princess, with your actions as of late I did not think you would ask for anyone's advice, let alone mine."
"Are you criticizing my actions on Dragonstone?" The disbelief was thick in your voice.
"Your behavior was extremely reckless. You cannot deny that, Princess," Otto stated simply.
"Considering our recent conversations on my uncle and your own words to my father, do you really think you had things in hand?" You questioned pointedly. "Do you honestly think my uncle is the type of man to threaten someone he hates with a dragon and not make good on it? Have you ever known my uncle to shy from violence?"
For a fleeting moment, you saw Otto's calm break and a look of horror appear on his face.
"I suppose things worked out for the best, regardless of the cirumstances," he answers dismissively. "Now, what do you wish to discuss about Lord Corlys' proposal? I can't imagine you're pleased with the idea of your father marrying again."
"I understand my father has a duty to the realm," your press out strained and weary, "but it's only been six months, and Laena Velaryon is a child."
"The girl is young, I agree. I've seen younger brought to the altar before but it is never the less distasteful," he muses thoughtfully. "And I must confess I could not imagine marrying again so quickly. The pain of my own loss still haunts me to this day."
With a brief nod, you continue. "People expect us to move on so quickly, as if we were the same people we were before. As if a fundamental part of our lives hadn't just been ripped out, never to be made whole again."
Otto seemed taken aback by your words, his eyes wide as he looked at you.
"I understand how you feel, I remember how outraged I was when my brother suggested I remarry, and that was a full year after my own wife's death. How could he just expect me to replace someone I had known for decades?" Surprisingly, his voice was warm with sympathy. "I was allowed to say no. Your father does not have that same luxury."
"I understand that," you replied, "but I am not sure if it is the best choice. For either my father or the realm."
"Marrying Laena would go a long way towards healing the realm," Otto countered.
"And possibly make the Sea Snake the most powerful voice on the Small Council," you stated as a matter of fact. An obvious ploy on your part, but the truth. Part of the reasons Targaryens were so fond of marrying brother to sister was so they could avoid having to deal with the influence of a wife's family.
He made a thoughtful noise in return, his distaste clear in the sound and his frown. The Lord Hightower didn't like the idea of this match one bit, likely mostly for political reasons but that could work for you. If the two of you pushed your father to consider another option, or even delay any decisions on marriage, he would probably listen.
Though if that worked, you found yourself wondering what bride Otto would prefer for your father. He wouldn't dare put Alicent in that position, would he?
Part of your mind wondered if trying to stop your father from marrying Laena was a good idea at all. Perhaps the better solution right now would be to work on building your own power. You had a dragon, but so did Laena's family. Allies could help a lot if the worst happened.
The Hightowers would make good allies. Otto was hand of the king and had been for decades, while House Hightowers as a whole was one of the most powerful vassals in the Reach.
Convincing Otto to be your ally was all but impossible though. There was only thing you could do to truly win his allegiance. A marriage pact. Marry his son Gwayne Hightower and you'd be certain you had a firm ally in the Hand of the King. You hated the idea though. Hated, hated, hated, hated it with every fiber of your being. The very thought of binding yourself in a loveless marriage before you had any chance to live and love was repulsive.
Perhaps you needed not say anything at all. Otto as an ally would be useful but part of you couldn't help but wonder if he could prove just as dangerous as the Sea Snake.
Relationship with Otto Hightower Improved.
What do you say to Otto?
[] Try to convince him to help delay your father's decision on who he should marry.
[] Try to convince him to help convince your father to choose another bride
[] Purpose an alliance with Otto, offering to marry his son Gwayne (Will increase Stress if Otto accepts)
[] Say something non-commital and take your leave
[] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval)
You watched from a distance as your father and Laena Velaryon walked through the castle gardens. On the surface, things seemed fine. Laena was talking about the dragon Vhagar with a level of energy and enthusiasm that would be adorable were she not talking about the most dangerous living thing in the known world.
The longer you watched though, the more issues became clear. Your father was stiff and awkward in how he walked. The brief glances you saw of his face made it look like he was in absolute misery, yet saw no escape. Even Laena did not seem to enjoy this, her expression losing all joy the moment conversation shifted to the topic of marriage. You found yourself twisting the rings on your fingers as you watched, unable to focus on the horror unfolding before you.
Your eyes turned to the two reponsible for this gross scene, Corlys Velaryon and your cousin Rhaenys Targaryen. The Sea Snake's expression was unreadable but his gaze was fixed on your father. Rhaenys seemed less interested, catching sight of you as you approached.
"It's good to see someone who can share in Laena's passion for Vhagar, I must say," Rhaenys voice came out forced and every word sounding insincere.
"Vhagar is the only living being to remember the Conquest," you said evenly. "Father has always been passionate about histories, before and after the Doom."
"Princess Rhaenyra, it is good to see you," Corlys acknowledged you as he forced his gaze away for a moment. "Your father is doing quite well, I must say."
'He looks like he wants to throw himself into the nearest moat,' you quietly thought.
"Your daughter seems to be handling herself well. No doubt you prepared her throughly for this." The words carried more of a bite than you wished, your distaste for the matter seeping through.
"I understand your hesitation," Corlys replied with little emotion, "but this marriage is what's best for both our houses."
"Laena is a child." The words came out as barbs and you could see Rhaenys flinch for a small moment in response.
Corlys appeared unaffected though. "If I could wait five years I would," he spoke evenly, "but we both know your father would be drowning in marriage offers by then."
He wasn't wrong. You wanted to delay any marriage your father might have as long as possible, but you knew the longer he waited, the more people would pressure him like Corlys was now.
"By making you heir, your father has broken over a century of precedent," the Sea Snake began to lecture. "Between that and your uncle's exile, the crown is more vulnerable than it has been in generations. With marriage, your father would not only strengthen the crown's position but would help mend the rift between our two families that has existed since the Great Council."
Rhaenys stiffened at the mention of the Council, biting her lip as if to silence herself.
Few other families would dare say the Crown's position was weak. Fewer still would directly say it to one of your family, but being the only other family in control of dragons came with numerous advantages.
You found yourself unable to bite back your venom. "And your grandson will be my father's firstborn son. You stand to gain a great deal from this marriage."
"Your father has already made clear who his heir is," Corlys smirked at your anger.
"Such things are years away," Rhaenys stepped into the conversation. "Cousin, you have need of allies now to support your claim and you would be hard pressed to find a better one than us."
Would they support you? Rhaenys knew what it was like to be denied her rightful inhertiance, but would sympathy count for anything when it came to ambition or would they forget any promises the moment they had a grandson bearing the Targaryen name? Perhaps, if you supported them. You hated the very idea of this marriage, passionately, but if they had your support they might not see you as a rival, and perhaps you could exchange your support for favors. If Laena was queen, Corlys would be very powerful indeed. He could lend your voice some actual weight, perhaps even help raise you to a seat on the Small Council in time, among other things.
Then again, if it was an alliance they wanted, Lord Corlys did have a son your age. If they were truly just interested in an alliance and strengthening your two houses, surely they would be willing to consider you marrying Laenor instead. You hated the idea as much as you hated the thought of marrying Gwayne Hightower, but the thought of sparing your father from having to marry a child made it almost bearable. Almost.
There was every chance they could just refuse your offer, but at least then you would know where you stood with the Sea Snake.
And, of course, a not so small part of you wanted to scream at them, decry them for using a child as a political pawn and trying to force her to marry a man several times her age. It wouldn't help you, but it would feel so good right now.
What is your offer for Lord Corlys and Rhaenys?
[] [Defiant] None, instead decry both of them for using their daughter in such an abhorrent manner. They are her parents, they should not be selling her like a piece of meat.
[] Make no firm offers but remain civil
[] Agree to support their efforts in exchange for favors (Select as many as you want but they will likely refuse if too much is demanded)
-[] They agree to swear another oath acknowledging you as Viserys' heir.
-[] Lord Corlys agrees to support you on the Small Council
-[] Lord Corlys agrees to support your efforts to attain a seat on the Small Council
-[] They agree to pressure your father to allow you to take part in the fighting in the Stepstones.
-[] They promise to deny your uncle any and all aid while in Exile
-[] Write-in (Subject to QM approval)
[] Try and convince them to drop offer with Laena and have Laenor marry you instead (Will increase Stress if they accept)
[] Write-in (Subject to QM approval)
Please Vote by Plan QM's Note: So, just to be clear, you can absolutely promise both Otto and Corlys to marry their sons. Do not expect it to end well. Part of the reason this has to be a plan vote is I only want that to happen if you guys intentionally do it. Also note that it's entirely possible for one or both to refuse the marriage offer. Also, Sabitha Vypren (and thus Lord Frey as well) are probably one of the few changes I'm making to the show since the woman in her place is like twice Rhaenyra's age but that was one of the few changes the show made compared to Fire and Blood that I think were less interesting.
Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Aug 13, 2024 at 12:52 PM, finished with 203 posts and 49 votes.
[X] Plan: Second Mother to Our Siblings
-[X] Matters of Law and Coin -[X] Try to convince him to support a marriage alliance with the Velaryons, but delayed. We need their dragons as a hedge against Daemon. Considering Laena's age, a betrothal while delaying the actual marriage for four years is reasonable. It will give your father time to grieve, and it will ensure that you will be 19 years older than any siblings, allowing you to marry your children to them if Laena has children, avoiding any future dynastic conflicts.
-[X] Agree to support their efforts in exchange for favors (Select as many as you want but they will likely refuse if too much is demanded) --[X] They agree to delay any marriage for four years. This is far safer for Laena than trying to have children too young. It also allows Viserys time to grieve, making him more likely to agree. --[X] They agree to support your inheritance to the throne, and you agree to wed your heir to a child of either Laena or Laenor's. (If you have no children, of course you will name a sibling heir).
--[X] Lord Corlys agrees to support your efforts to attain a seat on the Small Council
[X] Plan The Conciliator
-[X] Diplomacy and Etiquette
-[X] Try to convince him to help convince your father to choose another bride
-[X] Make no firm offers but remain civil
[X] Plan Not Great, Not Terrible
-[X] Diplomacy and Etiquette
-[X] Try to convince Otto that the match is advantageous, given that Daemon has been all but committing treason already, and that you need to focus on checking the Sea Snakes power more directly. Promise Otto to support his cause, once you sit on the Small Council.
-[X] Agree to support their efforts in exchange for favors (Select as many as you want but they will likely refuse if too much is demanded)
--[X] Set up a treaty concerning the succession, clearly stating that you are the heiress to the Iron Throne ahead of all children from a second marriage, and those in turn are ahead of Daemon and any other claimants.
--[X] Lord Corlys agrees to support your efforts to attain a seat on the Small Council
[X] Plan: Political Marriage is Both our Duties
-[X] Diplomacy and Etiquette
-[X] Try to convince him to help convince your father to choose another bride --[X] If your father is going to marry for the good of the realm, then it should bring the realm something: Propose Deria Martell as a match.
-[x] Try and convince them to drop offer with Laena and have Laenor marry you instead (Will increase Stress if they accept)
--[X] Lord Corlys agrees to support your efforts to attain a seat on the Small Council
[X] Plan Commit To Your Choices
-[X] Matters of Law and Coin
-[X] Otto: Try to convince him to help convince your father to choose another bride.
-[X] Corlys: [Defiant] None, instead decry both of them for using their daughter in such an abhorrent manner. They are her parents, they should not be selling her like a piece of meat.
[X] Plan: The Dragonriders' Compromise
-[X] Diplomacy and Etiquette
-[X] Write-In: Try to convince him to help convince your father to choose Johanna Westerling, Sabitha Vypren, or Deria Martell.
-[x] Try and convince them to drop offer with Laena and have Laenor marry you instead (Will increase Stress if they accept)
[X] Plan: Political Marriage is our Duty
-[X] Diplomacy and Etiquette -[X] Try to convince him to help delay your father's decision on who he should marry.
-[x] Try and convince them to drop offer with Laena and have Laenor marry you instead (Will increase Stress if they accept)
--[X] Lord Corlys agrees to support your efforts to attain a seat on the Small Council
[X] Plan Take Your Time
-[X] Diplomacy and Etiquette -[X] Try to convince him to help delay your father's decision on who he should marry.
-[X] Make no firm offers but remain civil
[X] Plan Continuing To Ruin Alicent's Life
-[X] The Seven Pointed Star (Improves Relationship with Alicent)
-[x] Purpose an alliance with Otto, offering to marry his son Gwayne (Will increase Stress if Otto accepts)
-[X] [Defiant] None, instead decry both of them for using their daughter in such an abhorrent manner. They are her parents, they should not be selling her like a piece of meat.
[X] Plan Chaos is a Ladder
-[X] Diplomacy and Etiquette
-[x] Purpose an alliance with Otto, offering to marry his son Gwayne (Will increase Stress if Otto accepts)
-[x] Try and convince them to drop offer with Laena and have Laenor marry you instead (Will increase Stress if they accept)
You understand now why most Kings generally leave matters of gold to the Master of Coin. The amount of numbers being thrown at you was honestly overwhelming, and worse, boring. These lessons somehow did the impossible by making Dragons boring, or at least the numerous accounts of just how costly the many sheep and goats they fed on were. You quickly come to dread the lessons as if they were the Stranger themselves. By the end, you weren't exactly shaping up to be the next Master of Coin, but you felt somewhat competent. Decent enough to figure out if your Master of Coin was cheating you at least.
The Legal stuff was somewhat more interesting, particularly the histories covering how the old king managed to resolve matters with the Faith after the Uprisings during the reigns of Aenys and Meagor. One of the few moments where Dragons weren't enough to force the rest of the Realm to bow to your family's will. The lessons are long and often tedious, but you feel you have a sharper mind for legal matters then when you started.
Stewardship Improved
"I think we can both agree that Laena is young," you declared to Otto. "Too young for marriage. And my father needs time to grieve. But we need the Sea Snake's support, particularly against Daemon."
Wind rustled through the leaves of the nearby heart tree, the carved face in the old oak seemingly staring at the two of you as you spoke.
"What would you purpose then?" Otto eyed you with bemused curiosity.
"A betrothal," you stated confidently. "My father agrees to marry Laena when she is ten and six years old. Gives him time to grieve my mother and ensure Laena is an adult when she gets married-"
"And ensures that you will likely have children of your own before Laena can give Viserys a son," Otto interrupted. The amusement was gone from his face but the curiosity had only grown deeper.
The though of having kids so soon was frankly terrifying to you, but for the sake of argument, you could at least pretend.
"They would be close in age," you replied. "Another betrothal would resolve any issues of succession with Laena's children. Succession would be secure for generations to come."
Otto turned away, his eyes glancing at the Red Keep behind you and his face unreadable.
"It's a solid plan, princess," he complimented you. "You have a better eye for politics than I realized. Were it any other lord in the Seven Kingdoms, that would probably work. But you fail to understand what kind of man you're dealing with. Lord Corlys will never accept this."
"Why do you say that?"
"You were barely old enough to walk when Jaehaerys called for the Great Council, so you wouldn't remember much of it," Otto said, holding himself like one of your tutors. "It wasn't simply that the succession was in dispute after your grandfather passed. It was how people reacted to this dispute. Many, myself included, were worried there would be a civil war. And how could we not be worried? Daemon was raising an army and Lord Corlys had put his fleet to sail. Both men were ready to wage war against their king to put their family on the Throne. And Corlys has never forgotten the slight he endured when the Realm chose your father over Princess Rhaenys."
"That was over a decade ago," you argued.
"And as Daemon showed, men like that don't change," Otto retorted dismissively. "Lord Corlys may be less of a brute then your uncle, but they are equals in terms of ambition. And with Daemon gone, it's likely Corlys considers himself as powerful as the King, if not more so. He won't see the need to agree any of these terms."
"If I had your support in this he would reconsider," you pressed. The Sea Snake was powerful sure but the heir to the throne and the hand of the king could be a powerful force as well if they worked together.
"If you had my support, it would only make Lord Corlys more inclined to refuse, not less," Otto said as he began to walk out of the Godswood.
You stood there, trying to think of something to say, something that would convince Otto to support you, but the man seemed convinced of the futility of your proposal.
"It is a good plan, Princess," Otto stopped and turned back, looking at you with sympathy, or pity perhaps. "It honestly is a shame it won't work."
Relationship with Otto Hightower Improved.
Despite Otto's words all but taunting you in the back of your head, you pressed forward with the Sea Snake.
"May I speak honestly?" You asked formally.
Rhaenys turned worried and tense in an instant, as if she expected the worst from you.
"This is your home, Princess Rhaenyra," Corlys replied with amusement. "Of course you can speak freely."
You glanced at the distant figure of your father, standing awkwardly as Laena spook to him, looking more like a captive prisoner than a King.
"I think we all can tell that my father is... hesitant about this possible marriage." You did your best to keep your voice neutral. "while renewing our ties with house Velaryon would do well for both houses and the realm, my father's grief and your daughter's age make it very possible the King will refuse the proposal, unless someone convinced him otherwise."
"And would you be willing to convince him?" Corlys asked, a hint of a smile on his face.
You nodded curtly. "Provided you agree to some conditions first."
A wave of relief washed over Rhaenys face, but Corlys next words were cold. "What are these conditions?"
"First you agree to a betrothal first with the understanding we will wait until your daughter is at least ten and six before the wedding takes place," you said, bringing up the plans in your mind. " Second, you agree to support my claim to the throne, and that when I have an heir of my own they will be betrothed to one of Laena or Laenor's children in time. Third, when I come of age, Lord Corlys will agree to give full support to my efforts to attain a seat on the Small Council. Agree to that and I will give my full support to your efforts to marry Laena to my father"
The two look at you with some amount of surprise, before turning towards each other, exchanging curious and uncertain glances.
Rhaenys spoke first, her eyes turning back to you. "This is an unexpected proposition. Would you please give us a moment to consider you offer, Cousin?"
You nod and the two departed, leaving you alone to watch Laena and your father as they made their way through the Gardens. Despite having turned to autumn, things were still fairly warm and you found yourself growing uncomfortable in the sun. You could only imagine how much worse it was for your father, all dressed in Targaryen black.
You tried to imagine what life would be like having Laena as a Step-mother, but struggled to even begin making sense of what that would look like. She was a child now. What kind of person would she be in four years? Would she support your efforts to be queen or work against you for the sake of her own children? And what of Corlys? Otto Hightower did more or less say the man was not dissimilar from your uncle in terms of ambition and boldness. Would he really settle for a grandchild as eventual consort?
Eventually, the Sea Snake returned, alone, no sign of your cousin anywhere. Curious. And worrying.
"Respectfully, princess, we must decline your offer." Corlys was polite but firm in his tone. "A betrothal of that length is simply unacceptable."
"Why?"The question came out bluntly as you were reeling from his reply.
"You said yourself your father has hesitations about this marriage. Four years gives him plenty of time to figure a way out of it," Corlys explained. "For Otto Hightower to whisper in his ear that Laena must be set aside for someone else. For you to decide that my daughter is a threat to your inheritance, and for every lord in the realm to push their own daughters at the king. I cannot, in good mind, agree to that betrothal."
"Betrothals are a scared institution, not easily set aside," you bargained with him.
"And marriages are even harder to set aside," Corys countered sharply. "This marriage needs to happen within the next couple months, not years. What you want can be achieved by your father showing sense and waiting to take the marriage bed. There is no need to wait on the marriage itself."
Part of you really wished you had taken your chance to just scream at the man. Wouldn't have accomplished anything, but then again, neither had your proposal.
While you were fuming internally, the Sea Snake went on. "As for your other terms. If the king is wavering, convince him to see reason and I will be open to considering them again once the wedding takes place."
"That's all you're willing to offer?!" You exclaimed in naked disbelief. "Consideration?"
"When I married Rhaenys," Corlys suddenly changed topics, "her father Aemon told me she would one day rule and I needed to prepare to one day stand at her side as King-Consort, only for her grandfather to make Baelon heir before his ashes were even cold. Experience has taught me that promises made too early with your family rarely work out. So, yes, we can discuss your terms again. After the wedding."
You made your goodbyes and left. There was no point in staying any longer.
You waited until that evening to approach your father. After Otto had refused to support you and Corlys had made clear he would not suffer a long betrothal, you found yourself deeply unsure of what you would even say to him. Eventually you forced yourself to his chambers. You had to say something at least. Whoever your father married would shape the decades to come. Their children could be the greatest threat to your own succession, or perhaps your greatest allies.
The Lord Commander announced your arrival as you opened the door. Your father was by his hearth, the fire crackling as various Maesters attended him. Grand Maester Mellos stood at his kings side, placing bowl full of white writhing things before him.
That's when you noticed your father's hand, one finger black with rot, the nail oozing something foul. The sight caught you off guard, knocking the breath out of you. The king jerked his hand away in a vain effort to hide it.
"My apologies," your father spoke with regret. "I did not intend for you to see that, Rhaenyra."
"I didn't realize it was that bad." Your voice was still numb from shock.
"It is not as bad as you may fear, Princess." The Grand Maester tried to sound reassuring despite what you had seen. "The maggots here are the best chance we have of saving the digit. They should eat away the rot and stop it's spread. Leeching will clear any bad blood from the hand."
Somehow, that indeed sounded reassuring.
"I imagine you came here to talk about Lord Corlys' offer of marriage?" Your father said calmly as he buried his hand under the mass of maggots.
"I also came to check in on you, but yes," you admitted. "I did want to discuss the matter with you."
"You are very kind," his voice was warm if tired. "I assume you don't care much for the match."
"Laena is a child, younger than me." The words come out before you can stop them.
The look of shame and disgust on your father's face is immediately apparent.
"I know," he admits," but a marriage pact would mend the rift that has been growing between us and House Velaryon and show the Realm that the best days of my reign are ahead of us, not behind."
Mellos was glancing intently at the both you as he worked. You father sighed deeply, leaning back in his chair as he did. This was likely far from the first conversation he had had that day on this topic.
"I do not want this marriage," he confessed openly, "but I see no better alternative before me."
For a moment you almost found yourself choking, the weight of the moment almost physically pressing against your chest.
You knew your father was right. Laena would mend wounds that had been open since before the Great Council and strengthen your father's reign. But Otto's words played in your head. Corlys was in many ways just as ambitious as your uncle and you conversation with the Sea Snake did little to calm your fears. The man had rejected your offer and presented little in return. The marriage would have made Lord Corlys the second most powerful man in the realm and he knew it.
Laena could have strengthened your father's reign, but she could also prove to be your reign's downfall.
The other options you had looked into came back to mind. Victaria Tyrell would have brought strength to your father without the risk of dragons, but the Reach was one of the most powerful of the seven kingdoms. The Tyrells could have proven almost as much of a threat to your inheritance.
Johanna Westerling seemed suitable, strong enough to help your father but not so strong as to prove a massive threat to your interests. At least you hoped she wasn't.
Then there was Sabitha Vypren, who would prove little threat to you, but she also brought little to offer for your father. Perhaps too little.
Then of course there was the Martell. Your inheritance would be all but secure but it would anger much of the Realm. Perhaps it was worth the trade though? You did have a dragon after all. Dragons were great with unrest. You could also suggest a bride from Essos. Not as scandalous as a Martell, but it wouldn't offer as much either.
Finally, you couldn't shake the fear out of the back of your mind. You worried unreasonably that your father might pick Alicent out of desperation for an alternative bride. You had no evidence, no reason for this fear, but it lingered in your mind still.
What do you say to your Father?
[] [Romantic] "Forgot about the needs of the Realm. Do what your heart desires."
[] "It's too soon to think of such things, father. Wait a few months more, please."
[] "As much as we find it distasteful, Laena is what's best for your reign and the realm."
[] "I've found an alternative, Victaria Tyrell would prove almost as strong a match as Laena."
[] "The Lord Commander has a cousin, Johanna, she seems a much more suitable match for you."
[] "There is a woman in the Riverlands, Sabitha Vypren. Her house is small but she seems like she would make a fierce and powerful bride."
[] "The Princess of Dorne has a sister. If you marry her, we will gain a powerful ally against the Triarchy."
[] "Perhaps a bride from Essos?"
[] "Do as you see fit, father. Just please do not marry Alicent Hightower. I beg of you."
[] Write-in (Heavily Subject to QM Approval, no options Rhaenyra has no way of knowing about)
QM's Note: So, that largely failed. Few reasons that happened. First. Otto Hightower is never going to agree to a plan that makes one of his rivals the most powerful man in the realm, so that part was never going to work, though the plan being sensible did improve Otto's opinion of us. Corlys refused because he's basically striking while he has his best chance. As he sees it he has a very strong hand right now and anything that delays the marriage is basically asking him to squander that and wait so Viserys has a better chance of refusing. He sees a long engagement as a stalling tactic to keep him appeased without actually going through with the marriage. There were deals he would have accepted, this was not one of them.
So I want to make clear here, there are options above that Viserys will reject, Rhaenyra's relationship with her father is gonna help a lot here but it doesn't mean he will mindlessly go with whatever you suggest. So keep that in mind.