Say, have we trained last turn? Reminder we decided to make Rhaneyra try becoming, the best warrior in the 7K which meant we gotta take a training action every other turn to not incur stress.
TS later amended it to every 4 turns at least. (I agree we should train, and probably more than the minimum amount, but with Rhaenys around, Qoren just arriving, and the promise to study law under Lyonel, we have way too many things vying for our attention. I guess we could do a Train action instead of investigating Harrenhal, but I admit to personally just being too curious about that haunted place and the prophecy to wait another turn)
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[X] Plan: Warcraft: Dragons and Diplomacy
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Qoren Martell
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Laena Velaryon
-[X] [Action] Figure Out How to Improve your Knowledge of Warcraft
-[X] [Action] Train
--[X] [Duel] One of the Dornish Nobles
-[X] [Action] Train with Syrax

Speaking with Martell and the Velaryons are both a must. And showing off to both - combat prowess for the Martells and Dragonflight prowess for the Velaryons is also important as the stick side of diplomacy.

Also while Rhae can fight she has NO idea how to wage war and that would actually be more of what she'd do in an actual war. Fighting prowess without war prowess is just for tourneys and bandits.

[X] Plan: Conversation and Showing Off
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Qoren Martell
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Ser Raylon Tarly
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Laena Velaryon
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
-[X] [Action] Train
--[X] [Duel] One of the Dornish Nobles
-[X] [Action] Train with Syrax
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[X] Plan Flight of Fancy
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Qoren Martell
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Gwayne And Alicent
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Laena Velaryon
-[X] [Action] Train with Syrax
-[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City

As I said before we really very much need to talk to Alicent about our marriage and it seems doing so is tied to also talking with Gwayne. And I find myself wanting to talk with Laena since we have an opportunity to do so here that will likely go away after the visit. Dragon training goes along rather well with showing off to both Laena and Qoren. And finally I would actually rather like to sneak out to the city one of these days and the Dornish visitors makes this a good opportunity to do so.

Delaying speaking with Lyonel Strong another turn does pain me quite a bit, but as pointed out by the action this Dornish visit can excuse another delay.
Oh funny thing I forgot to mention the other update, with Steffon this is the second time we appoint a red haired guy to the position of Captain of City Gates... Will be there a third?
Okay now that a serious Diplomatic action is in front of us. I intend for this to Ensuring A Diplomatic victory under our belt.

This Plan main objective and goal is Winning The Stepstone negotiation by ensuring a united and informed Seven Kingdom front in negotiation and extended Dragonstone Trip to extend Diplomatic negotiation. From the Update we see there are three Main Actor in negotiation beside Viserys. That is Qoren, Otto, and Rhaenys.

Rhaenys is The Player, The Girlboss, that we must bring onside right now! She prep up the negotiation stage with the Biggest Stick of bringing Vhagar into the City.. Ensuring Rhaenys support is key especially likely with the reduced risk her family will be in. Otto is skeptical but he is a wily bastard may have trick under his sleeve to help the negotiation Forward. And how to bring him in? Ensuring that we cover all our base. We need to know our enemy, know ourself, and have big stick and speak softly.

Speaking with Lord Commander is important part that tie the Seven Kingdoms front together that is picking up the small nut and bolt that may be favorable to our negotiation. The actions are intended to steer the Qoren into the suitable condition for our negotiation. Duel the Dornish is to remind them of our Big Stick while our father Speak Softly. Preparing the Trip for Dragonstone is to extend Qoren & Dornish delegation visit and prolong the negotiation for a diplomatic victory. Ensuring this opportunity is extended can dunk on them more.

This Plan urgency lie in trying to achieve Victory in our first serious Diplomatic foray. Succeding here will cement us as a serious player in the Foreign Stage not only a delusional Girl Heir but the Bane of Triarchy. This plan shed Law and Lyonel because Lyonel is said will accept more extension and also postpone Dream and Queen both to the Next Turn which I plan to be Internal Consolidation turn.

[X] Plan: Winning The Stepstone
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Qoren Martell
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Otto Hightower
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling

-[X] [Action] Prepare for a Trip to Dragonstone
-[X] [Action] Train
--[X] Challenge to a Duel: Raylon has suggested dueling others as a way of sharpening yourself against new blades. Have others find flaws in you that he has missed (Pick One)
---[X] [Duel] One of the Dornish Nobles

Approval Vote
[X] Plan: Lots of important conversations (Diplomatic Sparring)
[X] Plan: Conversation and Showing Off
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Anyway, since I forgot to post any of my reactions to the update in the excitement of the voting...

The man himself cut a slim figure, but not a meek one, his energetic smile making the cloudy day feel just a bit brighter before even spoke.
Awww. Neat reverse-parallel with how Aemma's passing made the keep feel colder. Someone who brightens the mood just by being there is a keeper; what remains to be seen is whether he's only like that when he's putting on his best diplomatic face, or if the spark is a part of him.
After that Qoren did a lot to win favor with you by asking if you preferred to go by Ser Rhaenyra or Princess Rhaenyra. Protocol and status demanded you ask him to call you princess, but you couldn't help but smile at his charm.
You went to bed sweating and unable to feel your tongue, but you were pretty sure the prince was impressed by your determination.
I can very much see why he's a romance option!
Okay, this are all the most imporant conversations to have right now. Or at least the ones that are time sensitive.

We can talk with Alicent and Gwayne at any moment we want later. But we should solve the Harrenhall matter as soon as possible, and speak with Maester Orwyle as fast as possible to help King Dad get better.

Talking with Lord Strong and investigating Harrenhall in the same turn is good synergy.

And the opportunity of fighting Dornish warriors might not happen again for a long while, so it will help a lot with Rhaenyra getting more expirience fighting.

Also, we need to take a training action as soon as possible.

[X] Plan: Important Conversations and Duels
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Qoren Martell
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Ser Raylon Tarly
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Lyonel Strong
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Maester Orwyle
-[X] [Action] Train
--[X] [Duel] One of the Dornish Nobles
-[X] [Action] Investigate Your Harrenhal Dream
After that, you spent the night feasting with Dornish and discovered their food was even spicier than the rumors warned you. Beesbury looked like he was on the verge of death and Lyonel quietly pushed aside his food, but you kept going. The spice was a challenge, and you were not one to shy away from the challenge. You went to bed sweating and unable to feel your tongue, but you were pretty sure the prince was impressed by your determination.

Heh, I'm guessing no-one told the Westorsi that keeping some milk might be helpful. Well, assuming its chillies that are the cause of the heat.

[X] Plan: Lots of important conversations (Concerned Sister Version)
[X] Plan: Lots of important conversations (Concerned Sister Version)

In light of info about how our Prowess commitment works, gonna vote for this plan for now
[X] Plan: Lots of important conversations (Concerned Sister Version)
[X] Plan: Lots of important conversations (Concerned Daughter Version)
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Actually, on second thought, we've been ignoring Johanna for a while now. Although it would give Stress, we have quite a buffer before we really need to dial it down, and now is an important time to make some connection at least. Made a variant plan that switches Maester Orwyle for Johanna, keeping the vote for the main plan because it does most things that have been heavily talked about.
Can I interest you to swap Law for Duel? As the opportunity will be fleeting and Law already covered by Lyonel mentoring.
Voting for every Rhaenys plan, as usual. I will not vote for a plan without Rhaenys. If you propose a Rhaenys plan and discover I am not voting for it feel free to ping me.
Snake oil sales voice You have a refined taste. May i interest you in my current plan that focused in Rhaenys Girlboss move in bringing Vhagar to a peace negotiation?
Anyway, since I forgot to post any of my reactions to the update in the excitement of the voting...

Awww. Neat reverse-parallel with how Aemma's passing made the keep feel colder. Someone who brightens the mood just by being there is a keeper; what remains to be seen is whether he's only like that when he's putting on his best diplomatic face, or if the spark is a part of him.

I can very much see why he's a romance option!
Wich makes him a big fat NO! To me as any romance marriage will hurt alicent. Eich is a death sentence worthy crime.
Wich makes him a big fat NO! To me as any romance marriage will hurt alicent. Eich is a death sentence worthy crime.
Hey, maybe Rhaenyra can make this work anyway, you never know :V

Jokes aside, we do have a while to figure this out. With both Alicent and Qoren. We haven't asked Alicent anything about our marriage yet, and we barely just met Qoren, give it time.
[X] Plan: Lots of important conversations (Concerned Daughter Version)

Also approval voting for
[X] Plan: Lots of important conversations (Diplomatic Sparring)
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] Challenge to a Duel: Raylon has suggested dueling others as a way of sharpening yourself against new blades. Have others find flaws in you that he has missed (Pick One)
--[] [Duel] Ser Steffon Darklyn
--[] [Duel] Steffon Redfort
--[] [Duel] Gwayne Hightower
--[] [Duel] One of the Dornish Nobles
Aw, we can't fight Qoren Martell himself.

That would have been a fun duel with absolutely no politocal implications.