Anything but the boring Diligent trait, the staple of SV'ers!
Sure. Diligent is the staple, rather than the dime a dozen ambitious MCs, or even honorable MCs for asoiaf in particular. These are all staples of this type of story, and how entertaining it is depends on how it's used. Given our Romantic trait and the duties of a knight to their lady, I doubt we'll be lacking for entertaining applications of diligent. If nothing else, reading her obsess over getting her latest poem done will prove amusing.
As if overworking yourself doesn't often lead to death. :rofl:
No when we have so little in regards of AP as in this quest...
Sure. Diligent is the staple, rather than the dime a dozen ambitious MCs, or even honorable MCs for asoiaf in particular. These are all staples of this type of story, and how entertaining it is depends on how it's used. Given our Romantic trait and the duties of a knight to their lady, I doubt we'll be lacking for entertaining applications of diligent. If nothing else, reading her obsess over getting her latest poem done will prove amusing.
Don't forget how well Diligent synergizes with Studious...
@Teen Spirit what is Rhaenyra's opinion of Jaehaerys I? He wss the king that made it so a woman couldn't inherit the Iron Throne, but if we're going to be studying law we're probably going to be reading Jaehaerys' opinion on just about everything, since even if Barth did the lion's share of the work in crafting Westeros' legal code it was almost certainly Jaehaerys' who produced the vast majority of Westeros' case law, so our legal studies are probably going to involve reading verdict after verdict of his from the times he sat as judge.
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[X] [Celebrate] Celebrate Your Success with Ser Tarly
[X] [Trait] The Hard Work That Brought You Here
[X] [Trait] All That You Could Achieve
[X] [Celebrate] Visit Your Father
[X] [Trait] The Hard Work That Brought You Here
[X] [Celebrate] Speak to Rhaenys The Queen Who Never Was (GM Discretion)
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[X] [Trait] The Honor You have Been Given
[X] [Celebrate] Celebrate Your Success with Ser Tarly

Don't just be a knight, be the greatest of knights.
@Teen Spirit what is Rhaenyra's opinion of Jaehaerys I? He wss the king that made it so a woman couldn't inherit the Iron Throne, but if we're going to be studying law we're probably going to be reading Jaehaerys' opinion on just about everything, since even if Barth did the lion's share of the work in crafting Westeros' legal code it was almost certainly Jaehaerys' who produced the vast majority of Westeros' case law, so our legal studies are probably going to involve reading verdict after verdict of his from the times he sat as judge.
Keep in mind Rhaenyra was born well after most of Jaehaerys daughters died and only knew him when she was a young girl and he was an old man. So her preception is skewed. She did not see the worst things he had done. So she's aware of the irony of her being heir after Rhaenys had been passed over twice, but to an extent she believes her father was chosen because people believed he would be a better monarch.

So has a fairly high opinion because Jaehaerys at the time is considered the man who made the Iron Throne what it is. Under his rule, Targaryens reached the height of their power.
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I've been swayed towards Diligent. It's not like Rhaenyra ever takes breaks anyway...

[X] [Trait] The Hard Work That Brought You Here
[X] [Trait] All That You Could Achieve
[X] [Celebrate] Celebrate Your Success with Ser Tarly
He also lead a bloody conquest of Dorne that lead to the deaths of tens of thousands of people at ruinous cost to his own kingdom, and he's the guy that Tarly would apparently think was too peaceful with Dorne.
Daeron is inhuman but not hateful. He is Stalin creating Holodomor to extract one more sack of grain from Ukrainian. Dornish is just Tuesday to him. If it is the North that is left, he will still butcher them. Another gold and bloods spilled to color his shiny feather. The Marcher in contrast probably lead a merry round of rape and pillage because they are hateful of the victim, dehumanize them into monster not number like Daeron. Marcher though probably won't rape through the North like if it is Dornish. It will be The pious Knights of Vale, leading the vanguard, cleansing Heathen, and raping peasant to birth a true Andal into them. Daeron will be butcher because there is his ambition that need to be swum through lake of blood no matter whose blood it were.

Tarly in my view can be appeased in Qoren marriage because his fundamental ideology is not the hatred of Dornish but his believe in Warrior-King. His warlikeness more from his Warrior obssesion meeting general Marcherness. I am pro peaceful unification, pro Qoren because I hate the spectre of Dragon-fueled rape and pillage that Rhaenyra-era Conquest of Dorne herald that will still end in negotiated political concession because our political reality is still the same with Daeron I except our increased ability for an extermination campaign through Dragon. I am Qoren man ultimately because I think canon conquest of Dorne is not just plot-holish desert-Vietnam expy but a brilliant depiction of spirit of insurgency as righteous force against oppresion like WW1 Arab uprising, Easter rising, and 1991 Iraqi uprising. That I believe we will not be able to run a "smarter conquest that is more resistant to insurgency." because we will still doing the same political misstep as our ancestor if we choose conquest. Because if we still choose to run a "smarter conquest that is more resistant to insurgency." it will only recreate the same concession that Daeron II achieve as that is the only concession that stopped the insurgency.
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[X] [Trait] The Honor You have Been Given
[X] [Celebrate] Celebrate Your Success with Ser Tarly

If we're going to be a knight, then we're going to be the knight who's deed inspires generations to come. Being honorable is difficult in the world of ASOIAF, but we might manage it. I'm still not sure on whether to go with this or ambitious though.
[X] [Trait] The Honor You have Been Given.

While diligence is not a bad thing, SV can really easily give up halfway through, pursuing the next shiny option.

[X] [Celebrate] Visit Your Father.

I don't want to ruin my relationship with Rhaenyra's father.

As for the other results of the worsening relationship...well, it's not all bad. I foresee there being plenty of opportunities for us to improve our relationship with Otto Hightower by doing our job well, and that should also appease the Lannisters. The Baratheon reaction is disappointing, but it doesn't seem like anything that can't be fixed. And I don't think we expected to get along with Unwin Peake of all people anyway.
[X] [Trait] The Honor You have Been Given
[X] [Celebrate] Spend Some Time With Alicent

I can't believe we have more people wanting to spend our celebration time with Rhaenys of all people over Alicent. Geez. Tarly I get since he got us here but still.
I can't believe we have more people wanting to spend our celebration time with Rhaenys of all people over Alicent
As the originator of the vote option to speak to Rhaenys - Alicent is here everyday. I know that in a quest actions are weird, but like we see her daily. We live with her.

To see Rhaenys in person either requires her to come to us (like now!) or us to visit. We were going to visit at the end of our tour, but that's on pause for now. So as she's here I'm in favour of saying hi and scouting her out as an ally.
[X] [Trait] The Hard Work That Brought You Here
[X] [Celebrate] Celebrate Your Success with Ser Tarly
[X] [Celebrate] Visit Your Father.
[X] [Trait] The Hard Work That Brought You Here
[X] [Trait] All That You Could Achieve
[X] [Celebrate] Visit Your Father
[X] [Trait] The Hard Work That Brought You Here

[X] [Celebrate] Celebrate Your Success with Ser Tarly

As much as we should celebrate the knighthood ourselves, we should not forget to let the person probably most responsible for this moment get his enjoyment as well. Kind of hope once our poetry gets good enough to be disseminated we write one about Ser Raylon so he'll be remembered and known by all after us as one of the great Knight Masters.
[X] [Trait] The Hard Work That Brought You Here
[X] [Celebrate] Visit Your Father

Lets try and keep this nice father daughter relationship going strong with some quality family time