A movie where whalers are the bad guys?
Oh lord, we're gonna make the
other Titanic animated musical for kids, aren't we?
I was more thinking about a pr campaign that may include movie,bok,misic,comic and other we have already used a comiewood action to create a musical style (comiepop) and another to launch superhero comics in guangchou (I'm curious if there are manga in guangchou) so why not use it for a campaign PR of "save the whales".
Althought ther are other idea that sound just as fun or even more,for exemple this:
The Japan Guangchou war.
Not a film but a documentary (or a series of) on the relationship between japan and guangchou before, during and after the war and all the events that happened during all that (including their refusal to acknowledge anything they weren't obligated to and their refusal to send more reparations than the absolute minimum), we must not hide the eventual bad thing that we could have done, to the goal is to be of absolute historical rigor, so there is not a single fact not mentioned/missing/hidden,no approximation or theatricalization so ther is nothing for the Japanese to point the finger and say "it's propaganda and lies", given their behavior during the war no lie is necessary to make them pass for the monsters of history.
Funded some archeology, research and excavation work could help with the final result of the film, as well as sent spies to Japan to find out if our suspicions about the fate of the 135,000 (If i remember well) citizens of Guangchou at the hand of the unit 731 are true could add spice to the slap in the face of japan what would this(these) documentaries be.
Added to this:
-[] Social Espionage in Japan: the disappearance of the 135,000 citizens of guangchou at the hand of the japan during the war has always been like a wound in the mind of the country unable to mourn without certainty of their fate since the japan refuse to say anithing about them, it being worsened by suspicion when the involvement of unit 735 when at their end, it's time to try to put an end to this, find out exactly what happened to them and according to the result, grieve, file a complaint for a crime of war / against the humanity on the Japanese and if you are very lucky bring home any survivors.
cost :-7 Rep for all the costs involved, takes 2 turns (still one Action), and may not yield anything. (by herocooky word)
Could allow us to realy realy mess with japan wile being very good for us and on the top of that be extremely fun.